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Muriel’s Adventures

Page 19

by Barron, Melinda

  “Her Merlin?” Muriel said. She glanced at Vernon Robson-Jones.

  “My daughter has been taken in by a trickster, a confidence man,” Vernon said. “He has convinced her that he is the reincarnation of Merlin the magician and that he knows where to find Excalibur. With her help, he says, they will find the legendary sword and he will overthrow the ruling family and he will become King of England.”

  “Talk like that is treason,” Ewan said.

  “Exactly,” Robson-Jones said. “He has drawn my daughter into his seditious plot, and it will put her life in danger. I beg you to find her before something happens and leads her to the gallows.”

  “Do you have any idea where they might be?” Ewan asked.

  “If I did I would be on the way myself,” Robson-Jones said. “I have no clue whatsoever. That’s why I’ve come to you. Mr. Holmes gave me your name. He comes to our performances quite often.”

  Muriel flinched just a bit at the mention of her boss’ name. Why hadn’t he said anything to her about the situation? She wondered what he could tell her about Phee Robson-Jones and her disappearance.

  “What is Phee’s friend called?” Ewan asked.

  “He is called Raef,” Robson-Jones said. “I have no clue if that is his given name or his surname. Phee never properly introduced us. I only saw him twice, and both of those times he left without saying a word to me. All I know is what Phee told me.”

  “Does Phee live with you and your wife?” Muriel asked.

  “She does,” Robson-Jones said.

  “Did she leave things behind?” Muriel glanced at Ewan, who nodded ever so slightly.

  “A few,” the man said. “Would you like to see her room?”

  “Yes,” Ewan said. “We might be able to glean a few clues from it. Perhaps she left a diary, or books that might give us a clue as to her whereabouts.”

  “Come by tomorrow, around ten, shall we say?” He gave them an address in Chelsea. “I don’t have a lot of money, but please let me know what sort of financial arrangements we need to make. I will go by my bank to get you cash as an advance and give it to you tomorrow.”

  Muriel stood. “I’ll leave you to the business end of things,” she said. “Mr. Robson-Jones, we will see you tomorrow.” She quit the room and went immediately to the study where there was a writing desk. She quickly penned a note to Mr. Holmes, telling him that she would not be at work until one the next afternoon, and she wanted to speak with him about Phee Robson-Jones. After dinner, and before the bout of sex she still had planned, they would find a messenger to take the note to Mr. Holmes.

  Hopefully, they would find something at the Robson-Jones residence that would give them further insight into the case and point them in the right direction. If not, maybe Mr. Holmes would be able to give her a clue as to Phee’s whereabouts, or his relationship with her, for Muriel felt certain he would not have given Mr. Robson-Jones Ewan’s name if he did not have a stake in the matter at hand.

  * * *

  When Muriel came back into the room Mr. Robson-Jones was gone. Ewan sat on the divan, his legs stretched out in front of him. Muriel sat on the other end and turned so she faced her husband. She put her feet on the sofa, landing them on his lap.

  He slipped his hand under her skirts and gently stroked her ankles. “Before we talk about the case, tell me about your idea with the tree?”

  A crack of lightning, followed by a loud peal of thunder, made the floor rumble.

  “Whatever it was would end like that,” Ewan said, “with the world shaking. I loved the look on your face when you saw Robson-Jones—excuse me, Vernon—sitting in here. It was priceless.”

  “Love to see me embarrassed, do you?” she asked. She gently kicked at his thigh. “Maybe I won’t tell you. Maybe I’ll just make it a fantasy to live out in my own mind.”

  “I can wring it out of you,” he said as he wiggled his eyebrows. “You’ll want to tell me everything before it’s all over.”

  “In your dreams,” she said. “Since we’re not going to talk about sex, let’s talk about your new case. Tell me, do you believe Excalibur is out there hiding somewhere? Do you believe in Merlin?”

  “Caliburn,” he said.

  “What?” Muriel frowned.

  “That’s the original name of the sword,” Ewan said. “Arthur broke the first one, Caliburn, and the Lady of the Lake gave him the second one, she called Excalibur. I would think a well-read person such as yourself would know that.”

  Again, she gently prodded at his thigh.

  “That hurts, you know.” He grabbed her foot and pulled off her shoe, then the other. “If you don’t know it’s Caliburn, what do you know about our history?”

  “I know Arthur is a myth,” she said. “There is no king called Arthur in our history.

  “Arthur was a well-known knight, who fought against the Saxons,” Ewan said. “I believe he was real. Whether he was king or not, and if there was a round table I don’t know.”

  “Do you think we’ll find Excalibur?” Muriel asked. Before he answered, she continued, “It would be exciting, wouldn’t it? The sword is the most famous mythological item in all of Britain. Do you think it’s magical?” She paused for a breath. “Of course, it’s not Merlin who wields the sword, but Arthur. If this so-called confidence man was trying to pull one over on Phee, why wouldn’t he claim to be a descendent of Arthur?”

  Muriel paused once again, but before Ewan could say anything she continued, “Of course, they are both romantic figures, but I wonder which would appeal most to women. I like the idea of being Arthur’s lover. He, of course, was the king, and that would make you envious of women and sought after by men. Of course, if you wanted to learn magic, Merlin would be the perfect lover. But do you think he would teach his lovers his tricks?”

  She sighed, turned and glanced at her husband who was chuckling.

  “What are you laughing about?”

  “You, deciding whether you should have Arthur or Merlin.” He tickled the bottom of her foot and she laughed. “My question is what sort of rope did you want me to use on you tonight?”

  Another clap of thunder boomed through the early night.

  “Hemp? Or something sturdier, and harsher.”

  He ran his hand up Muriel’s stocking clad calf, and she moaned softly. She loved his touch, loved the tone of his voice when he was suggesting something naughty, and the idea she’d had was very naughty. But she wasn’t sure she wanted to tell him about it just now. Maybe Robson-Jones being here was a good thing. It would draw out their fun, for she wasn’t about to forget about the plan.

  “Rope? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You’ve never been able to tell a lie and keep a straight face,” he said with a laugh. “Nod if I’m close, but I’m guessing my wife, who loves to be tied while she’s fucked, has come up with an idea of being tied to the tree. What happens after?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she repeated.

  “Naughty, naughty,” he said. “Even if you told me now I wouldn’t do it.”

  “Now, who is lying?” she asked. “Besides, how did we get on this subject and off the subject of the magical Merlin and the missing Phee Robson-Jones? I think this might involve some traveling. By the way, I sent a message to Mr. Holmes to let him know I would be late to work tomorrow. That means I can help you search Phee’s room for potential clues.”

  “Let us hope your tardiness does not upset Mr. Holmes,” Ewan said.

  “He’s the one who gave our names to Mr. Robson-Jones.” She wiggled her foot, edging it closer to his crotch. “I wonder if he has an attraction to Phee Robson-Jones. After all, his wife left him after our last adventure. I feel somewhat responsible for it. He took it hard at first. I’ve often wondered if Mr. Holmes had a social life, or if he crawls into a coffin after hours since he goes home to an empty house now.”

  “Once again, I’m wondering about your knowledge of literature,” he said. �
��If you’re referring to Dracula, you know the character sleeps in a coffin during the day.”

  Muriel fought back a smile.

  “You’re trying to bait me,” he said. “You’re trying to work your way into a spanking, and it won’t happen. Tit for tat, my sweet wife. If you won’t tell me about the tree, I won’t redden your perfect little bottom, or pull on your hard nipples, or twist your tight clit until explosions go off inside you.”

  Thunder rumbled again, and the noise broke Muriel out of the trance she’d gone into the moment he’d talked about spanking her.

  “You said you wouldn’t redden my bottom, but what about my pussy?” She wiggled her hips. The thunder sounded again. “Maybe we could go outside and do it in the rain.”

  “You’re excited about being outdoors, aren’t you?” he asked. “But we have an early morning. I think we should retire.”

  Muriel’s gaze traveled to his crotch. “Would that be before, or after, we take care of the hard cock beneath your trousers?”

  “Pleasure for me but none for you,” he said in the hard tone that made her pussy wet. “Get on your knees.”

  “Why should I?” Muriel gently rubbed her heel against his hard cock. “What’s my motivation? If I won’t have an orgasm, why should I give you one?”

  “Get. On. Your. Knees.”

  Muriel waited a beat, and then another. The thunder and lightning continued, lighting the room and providing reverberating sounds for her next words.

  “Make me.” Those words alone made her feel as if she would explode. She knew the challenge would throw Ewan into his domination role, which meant he would not be easy on her, and that’s what she wanted.

  His face darkened. “Are you refusing to obey?”

  “It seems you are having trouble with words, my darling,” Muriel said. “Make me infers I will not do as I’m told. Perhaps I should give you an explanation of my sentences when I say them. Or are you capable of discerning what I meant by the words I used?”

  That should get him, she thought. She smiled, and to add insult to injury she winked at him.

  A clap of thunder made the room shake at the same time he put his hands on her thigh and pushed her off the sofa. She landed hard, but she held back a giggle. She wanted the roughness, needed it.

  He was on top of her in seconds. She felt as if she might have an orgasm at this very moment. “If you think you are going to goad me into spanking you, you are sorely mistaken.” He pressed her into the floor. “Now, I’m going to get up and you are going to get onto your knees.”

  “Doubtful,” she said, and then she laughed. That was all it took. Ewan was off her in a second, yanking on her dress to pull her up. Muriel groaned and put her hands behind her, clawing to find purchase to try and loosen his grip on her. She wasn’t trying as hard as she could, though.

  He was moving behind her, twisting and turning, and when she felt material wrap around her waist she knew that somehow, he’d gotten his necktie loose. He wrapped it around her wrists, making it impossible for her to continue fighting.

  Without saying another word, he pulled her up by the shoulders. She was on her knees now, with her shoulders against the floor.

  “Now, are you doing to behave?”

  “Not likely,” she said, working hard to sound like she was angry when, in actuality, she was excited at this turn of events.

  “It won’t work,” he whispered into her ear.

  It already is, she thought as she struggled against him.

  “If you behave, I might let you suck my cock,” he said.

  “Why should I?” She gasped as a particularly loud clap of thunder rent through the air. “If you’re not going to give me what I want, I shouldn’t do the same for you.”

  “Shouldn’t or won’t?” he asked. He breathed into her ear and Muriel shivered. He pressed his hard cock against her bottom and Muriel groaned. She wanted to beg, but she wanted to make him ask her to beg first. She loved to hear him ask, loved to do as he demanded, but it had to be at exactly the right time for the two of them to get the most out of it. If she gave in too early, it hurt the buildup. If she waited too long they would both be disappointed.

  It was hard to judge the timing, at least for her. For Ewan it seemed to come naturally.

  “Shall I take you outside and tie you to the tree?” He pulled away from her bottom, and then thrust forward, almost making her lose her balance.

  “No,” she said, well, really whimpered. “That moment has passed.”

  “Shall I blame Robson-Jones? I should tell him in the morning that he ruined the moment for you. I shall challenge him to a duel. The motive? He silenced my lovely wife’s desire to be fucked while tied to a tree.”

  He pulled back and thrust against her again. “Or is it that he killed her desire to be whipped while she was tied to a tree? Both sound wonderfully delicious.”

  “But it’s raining now, pouring actually.”

  The mood was slowly dissolving, and she could tell Ewan knew it, too. He tumbled down beside her and carried her with him. Her bound wrists pressed into his stomach as he pulled her close.

  “I’m not going to let the tree idea go, you know,” he said with a laugh. “It will come back at some point and we will have a good time with it.” He kissed her neck and started to inch her skirt up her leg.

  “What are you doing?” she asked with a laugh.

  “If you have to ask I’m not doing it right,” he said. “I’m going to fuck you, but only after you beg me to.”

  “I thought I was going to suck your cock,” she said.

  “Quiet, woman.” He gently nibbled on her ear lobe. When the skirt was up he did the same with her petticoat, his fingers caressing her bare thighs as he moved it up over her hips.

  “You’re a mixture of naughty and nice.” He moved his fingers to the slit between her thighs. “Wonderfully wet and ready for me.” She wiggled against him, loving the feel of her bound hands pressing into his stomach.

  Muriel leaned her head onto his shoulder as he awkwardly tried to undo his trousers. When his prick was finally free, he grasped her leg and lifted it over his hip. That forced the upper part of her body forward, but it gave him access.

  He pushed inside her, taking her fully as she cried out.

  “You’re mine, Muriel,” he said as he pumped. “I will do with you as I please, whether it’s tying you to the tree or bending you over the sofa, your body is mine to do with as I choose.”

  Muriel gasped as he pumped his cock in and out, hitting her in just the right places, making her tingle with pleasure.

  “What did I have you do last week, Muriel?”

  She tried to pull away as the memories flooded through her.

  “Answer me.” He’d stopped moving, but she could feel his prick pulsing inside her.

  Last week had taken her totally by surprise. She didn’t want to think about it, think about what would have happened if someone had seen them.

  She moved her hips in an effort to encourage him to pump her again. “Please,” she begged. “You said you wanted to hear me beg. Please, Ewan, please fuck me.”

  “I am fucking you,” he said. His voice was soft yet demanding. “Tell me, Muriel, tell me the naughty thing you did last week.”

  “Ewan,” she whimpered. “Please.” The incident had proven the control he had over her, and it was something they’d never done before. She’d been excited, but nervous at the same time.

  “I’m not moving anymore until you tell me,” he said.

  “I sucked you in the park.” She said the words as quickly as she could. It had been exciting, but oh so dangerous. She shivered as she remembered the look on his face as he sat on the bench buried deep in the trees. She ached inside as she remembered his words.

  “Take me in our mouth, Muriel. Do it now as I command. Do as you’re told.”

  He stared to move, ever so slightly. “Tell me how it felt.”

  “I was scared,” she admitted. But sh
e’d done it, taken his hardness into her mouth, making it look as if she were just lying there, with her back to where someone might walk up on them. She’d sucked him slowly, and when he’d filled her mouth she almost felt as if she would explode, too.

  “It was just the start, Muriel,” he said as he pumped her harder. His fingers found her clit and she moaned in need as he stroked her. “I’m going to think of more things like that, more places where we can do things where we might get caught. The danger of it is exciting. I know you agree with me, or else you wouldn’t have thought of the tree, wouldn’t have fantasized about being naked in our garden.”

  He was right, she knew, and as he pumped her harder and fingered her tight bud she wondered what he would come up with. It would be, she was sure, things that bring them both pleasure.

  But for now, he pinched her hard bud and she came, clasping his cock inside her as she thought about him tying her to the tree, whipping her, fucking her in front of people.

  She felt him flood her and when they were both sated she settled into his arms. Her hands were still bound behind her, and she knew it represented more. She was bound to Ewan in ways she never thought were possible. And she wanted to stay that way, forever.

  Chapter 16

  Phee Robson-Jones’ room was exactly what Muriel had expected—messy and full of romantic items. Poetry books littered many of the available surfaces, and shawls of silk decorated with flowers hung from the chairs and the bedframe. Three feather boas were draped over the wardrobe, and all the hats were decorated with feathers. There were at least six candles on her bedside table.

  “She’s a romantic at heart,” Muriel said as she fingered one of the shawls. “It’s not hard to see why the Magical Merlin picked her out for his scheme. But to what end? Is he truly thinking he will take over the crown? Does he really want to oust the Queen?”

  “We won’t know that until we dig further,” Ewan said. He fingered a dress which Muriel could see was part of a stack of several that had been casually thrown over a chair. “Do you not think it’s unusual that none of her clothing seems to be missing? Who disappears with a lover and does not take clothing? The shawls obviously meant something to her, and that’s why she displayed them.”


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