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The Alpha Vampire’s Proposal: An Mpreg Paranormal Romance

Page 4

by Dunbar, Colbie

  Faced with a bleak choice, the village elders had agreed.

  And while there had been attempts through the years to change the arrangement and put humans in positions of authority, challenging the vampire council was almost impossible. The majority of the population was well off, healthy and safe, and business was booming, so humans got on with their lives.

  On the surface, grievances were welcomed by the council and dealt with openly, and it was easy to ignore the occasional whisper of corporal punishment or ‘disappearances’ as a vicious rumor.

  Outwardly, the vampires lived as the non-vampire alphas and omegas did. They held down jobs, socialized and mated, though usually with each other rather than with mortals. And while they didn’t consume human food, they needed to eat. The group was fairly evenly divided between those who drank animal blood and the rest who preferred the human kind.

  There were strict rules about the consumption of both types of blood. Pets and other domestic animals were off limits, and the vampires could only hunt in designated areas of the forest. The blood from animals lacked the strength of the mortal kind, so vampires who consumed it were weaker than the rest of the coven. They were assigned night shifts or worked from home.

  There was a blood drive every Tuesday and Friday for those who preferred mortal blood. Each vampire family was allowed a certain number of bags with a warning to ration them in case there was a shortage.

  Any human who wanted to be a blood donor had to go through a rigorous background check and was permitted to donate every second month.

  But it was well-known this rule was circumvented and invitations to raucous all-night parties were sought after by non-vampires, especially omegas wanting an alpha to feast on them. Being drained almost to the point of death was a pleasurable—even erotic—experience and some of those offering themselves as live donors hoped to be rewarded with mating, though this was rare.

  The broad reach of social media allowed the wild parties to continue with the locations changing each week, though efforts had been made to stamp them out.

  Killing a non-vampire for whatever purpose was against the law just as any homicide was a crime, though some were accidental. There were three stages when puncturing a human’s flesh: feeding, transformation and death. Each step required careful attention to the length and depth of the bite. Drinking required a gentle nip while the difference between the latter two was minor and an acquired skill.

  The omega shuddered and shifted his bottom on the hard seat as he imagined Alexander’s teeth sinking into his throat. He fumed over the alpha’s appearance in his life, and his aching back had him longing to watch TV at home in his old terry cloth robe.

  “Hey, you! Wanna see something funny?”

  Declan opened one eye. A vampire teen with a shock of blond, wavy hair, a sprinkling of freckles on his cheeks and a sassy grin was staring at him from the defendant’s table. The omega’s eyes flicked left and right but no one else was paying attention. The lawyers were still huddled together before the judge, a guard at the side door yawned and checked his watch, while court reporters scribbled notes or whispered to their colleagues.

  “Should you be talking to me?”

  “Why not? I’m already in trouble.”

  The omega glanced away, not wanting to engage the vampire any further. He wriggled trying to get comfortable, wishing the current case would finish and he could testify and leave. His disturbed sleep and uninvited guest had left him wanting to crawl into bed.


  Declan looked up and couldn’t help an involuntary gasp as a pair of fangs protruded from the kid’s upper jaw. Vampires don’t have fangs—at least not the ones around here. “You’re making a fool of yourself with those ridiculous fakes. Stop it.”

  But as the teenager’s smile widened, droplets of scarlet blood trickled over the phony fangs and dribbled over his lower lip. The omega hoisted himself to his feet as other humans screamed while pushing their way out of the courtroom.

  “I bet your baby’s blood would be delicious, omega. May I have first bite?” The vampire outstretched a blood-stained finger toward the omega’s bump as a fit of giggles came over him.

  “Stay away from me!” Declan threw his briefcase at the vampire while people screamed and pushed past him.

  Guards yelled over the commotion while the judge stared over the bench and banged his gavel. The male lawyer strode toward the defendant, and a familiar scent washed over Declan as he gazed into the green eyes he’d encountered in the dark.

  “We meet again.” The silvery voice sent shivers up and down the omega’s spine as the alpha inclined his head toward him. If Declan hadn’t known better, he would have said blood had drained from the vampire’s face as he eyed his pale cheeks.

  The omega’s panic from the teen’s joke and the pain in his back had him wanting to scream at the alpha, while also needing his protection.

  “Mr. Fletcher, get your client under control. This is a courtroom, not a zoo,” the judge yelled, glowering at Alexander.

  One of the guards seized the defendant and yanked the plastic fangs from his mouth. “You’re a fool, young man,” he said before cuffing the young vampire’s ear.

  “Enough of that,” Alexander growled at the security guard and then at his client. “Both of you.”

  The man dropped his gaze. “Sorry, Mr. Fletcher.”

  The teen vampire was less apologetic. “It was a joke.” He pulled out a small ketchup packet from his mouth.

  “I’ll deal with you later.” The alpha jerked his head toward a side door and the teenager was taken away.

  Alexander’s eyes found Declan’s. “Are you all right?” He handed the omega a glass of water. “I apologize on behalf of my idiotic client.”

  “I’m fine. It was a stupid prank.”

  Declan fanned himself with one hand as the kid was being led from the courtroom. The omega peeked at the alpha over the rim of the glass, but Alexander’s gaze had shifted to the judge and both vampires shared an unreadable glance. What’s that about?

  The omega studied the man behind the high bench with glasses pushed half way down his nose. “Are you two related?”

  “Unfortunately. We shared the same father when we were mortal.”

  “Why is he wearing reading glasses? Surely vampires don’t need them.”

  Alexander shrugged. “They make him look more distinguished—or so he thinks.”

  “Ummm… he’s mistaken.”

  The alpha snorted, and Declan put a hand over his mouth when he remembered vampires’ hearing was as sharp as their eyesight. His eyes flicked to the judge glaring at him as the alpha swept out the door with his magnificent cloak flying behind him.


  Alexander smirked. “Don’t worry about it.”

  Declan’s cheeks flamed and a warm sensation rippled through him. He studied the alpha’s broad shoulders and his one arched eyebrow. The omega rubbed the back of his neck and avoided Alexander’s gaze as shame pinned him down and crammed into every corner of his being. He scolded himself for feeling something other than loathing and irritation toward the vampire.

  He welcomed a commotion at the door as the alpha’s client ducked under the guard’s arm and whistled. The young vampire mouthed, “Sorry,” before being dragged through a thick metal door.

  A pang of guilt engulfed the omega. “What’s going to happen to him? He’s just a kid.” But the memory of the young vampire’s cheeky grin had him frowning. “Isn’t there a law that says humans can’t become vampires until they come of age? He’s not twenty-one, is he?”


  Declan put a hand on his belly and collapsed onto the wooden seat. He and Ian had discussed moving to another county where vampires did not wield immense power over humans. But life was simpler here as mortals had fewer responsibilities. The wealthy population was content to have vampires do the dirty work of administering the law, while ignoring a few unexplained disappearances o
f mortals.

  More people chose to live in the county than leave, and there were strict quotas for any non-vampires wanting to move in. Humans led a relatively carefree life, which was ironic considering they were ruled by vampires.

  “Then how…?”

  “I don’t know who turned my client, but I’m sure he or she was dealt with.”

  The omega shuddered. I hate to think what happened. Rumors of how vampires punished their own kind were widespread but the details were never made public. The courthouse was for human defendants, and also vampires accused of minor offenses. It persuaded the general population they dealt with everyone in a fair and compassionate manner.

  Major crimes committed by the undead were discussed in secrecy before the vampire council.

  Declan changed the subject. “I didn’t know you were a lawyer.” He regretted the words as soon as they were out of his mouth. I hate that this guy scared me half to death and now I’m having a polite conversation with him.

  “Are you looking for one? I’d have to check the books but I’m pretty sure whacking someone with a flashlight and pretending to have a gun is a felony.”

  The omega narrowed his eyes. “I can see why you took up law. You’re a smartass.”

  “I didn’t have much choice, but turns out I’m rather good at it.”

  The omega opened his mouth to make a biting remark but decided against it. He was never sure how vampires responded to sarcasm.

  “Let’s get you home.”

  “But I’ve been called as a witness.”

  “Not today.” The alpha pointed to a notice being pinned to the door. “All trials in this court are postponed. You’ll be informed of a new day and time.”


  “I can get you out of testifying. You’re so close to giving birth, it’d be easy to get a continuance.”

  “But I’m here, damn it.” Tears pricked at the omega’s eyes.

  “It’s okay. You’ve had a nasty scare.”

  “Thanks to you.”

  The alpha tugged one ear. “Sorry. I thought you meant my client.”

  “Him, I can deal with. You, not so much.” Declan cocked his head. There was something about the alpha that puzzled him. “Have we met before… before that day with Ian…? Here at the courthouse, perhaps?”

  “I would have remembered seeing you in court.”

  The omega inhaled a sharp breath at the alpha’s words and was unsure if they were menacing or flattering. He rubbed his belly as the little one inside him shifted. Opening his mouth, he snapped it shut before saying anything. I can’t ignore this. He fiddled with his shirt before asking, “You were only outside my house once, right?”

  Alexander stood very still, his fingers gripping a file as Declan zeroed in on the alpha’s unblinking eyes.

  “It was just one night, yeah?”

  The alpha shuffled papers on the desk and made a non-committal noise. Forgetting he was confronting an alpha vampire, Declan poked his chest. “Answer. Me.”

  Alexander cleared his throat. “It may have been more than that.”

  Declan put both hands on his waist and rotated his hips trying to ease the pain in his back. “I’m in no mood for bullshitting. How long?”

  “Since the week after the funeral. Your relatives left and you were alone, and I wanted to be there in case you needed anything.”

  “You intruded into my private sanctum. How dare you?” His lips trembled. “And all the times I defended vampires when my brother and close friends ranted about your kind being untrustworthy.” He pummeled the alpha. “What sort of lawyer are you anyway? You lurk outside my home and observe the most intimate details of my life. I’m going to report you. What’s the punishment for spying? Huh?”

  He poked Alexander again. “Huh?” Another prod, and Declan’s voice became weaker while tears slid over his cheeks. ”Or was I your good deed for the year? Did you see me as your pet project?” Saliva sprayed from his lips as outrage inside him erupted.

  “Not at all. I would never. I’m so sorry.”

  “That’s the best you’ve got? I sensed something, you big fucking ass.”

  “It wasn’t my intention to scare you. I hope you can forgive me.”

  The fight went out of Declan and his legs went limp as he collapsed onto the seat. “I thought… I wondered if… it was Ian’s… my mate’s… spirit.”

  “Oh shit!” The alpha slumped onto the wooden bench beside the omega.

  “I-I assumed he was staying until the baby was born.” Declan covered his eyes with his hands. “But I was worried he was stuck between here and whatever comes next.”

  The pair sat in silence as the omega worked through his disappointment and anger, and he grimaced as a dull ache in his lower back waxed and waned. “I’m going home.” He pointed to his briefcase. “Pick that up.” Fishing out his keys, he growled at Alexander when the alpha offered his hand. “You’ve done enough.”

  “I’m not allowing you to get behind a wheel. I’ll arrange for my clerk to drive your car home.”

  “Fine. I’ll call a cab.”

  The alpha’s eyes darted to a clock on the back wall. “At this time of day, it’ll take ages. My car is much more comfortable than any taxi.”

  The omega nibbled his bottom lip. Growing up, his family had avoided vampires, and the alpha’s behavior hadn’t done his kind any favors. And now, Alexander wanted to share a car with him. The same vampire who had snuck up on him in the dark. The one who had been sitting outside his house eavesdropping.

  He gripped the keys as a horrified expression crossed his face. He pictured his bedroom and the pine tree outside and recalled how he’d dance around the room after a shower. “Have you seen me… without… with no… n-n-naked?”

  Though the courtroom was almost empty, there were a few stragglers remaining. A clerk gathering papers paused and eyed the omega while guards on either side of the main double doors sniggered.

  The alpha gave the vampires a sidelong glance, wiping smiles from their faces.

  “It just occurred to me…. I… I…” The omega cringed. “You fucking Peeping Tom.”

  More giggles from the back of the court had Alexander snarl, and the room went quiet. “I never… I’ve been watching over you not perving.” The alpha leaned forward, his head between his knees and raked a hand over his scalp. “Is that creepy?”

  A chorus of “Yes,” Yep,” and “Definitely,” echoed around the room.

  The alpha’s nostrils flared. “I’ll make sure you’re brought before council if you don’t get out. Now!”

  Ignoring their belongings, the onlookers raced outside.

  They’re scared of him, and I don’t blame them.

  “Declan, I promise I never peeked.”

  It was the first time the alpha had used his name. The word on Alexander’s lips made the omega think of warm caramel spiraling and dripping from a spoon. He didn’t know where to look and clenched his jaw until his teeth ached. He needed an outlet for his confusion and slapped Alexander on the cheek. Once. Twice. Three times.


  “Stop pretending you feel anything.” A hint of a smile crossed the omega’s lips. “But I feel better.” Apart from my sore back.

  Alexander got on his knees.

  “What in the hell are you doing? Get up. You’re embarrassing me.” The omega peered over his bump at the alpha’s shame-faced expression.

  “I solemnly swear I did not peep into your bedroom.”

  “You should get on your knees more often.”

  Both alpha and omega gasped and stared at one another with wide eyes. Why did I say that?

  Flinging off his lawyer’s robe, Alexander extended his hand toward the door. “Your chariot awaits.”

  Declan flicked his eyes over the expensive, dark gray suit that hugged the alpha’s body. Nice. To cover up the awkwardness, he replied, “I didn’t agree to anything.”

  “Sunshine will get you home safely.”
/>   “Is that some weird alpha-speak?”


  “You win. I’m intrigued.” But as Alexander made to escort Declan outside, the omega seized his arm. “You promise me… we…” and he put a hand on his huge belly, “… are safe with you.”

  “Always.” The pair gazed into one another’s eyes until Declan broke the trance, and they entered a courtyard where a snazzy, yellow sports car was tucked between two black SUVs. “Ta da.”


  “You don’t like it? She’s my pride and joy.” The alpha lovingly caressed the bright yellow paint on the hood.

  Declan choked back a giggle. “Is this compensation for something?”

  “You’ve lost me.”

  “Men who show off their sports car are supposedly making up for their small… ”

  Alexander stood up straight, and Declan reckoned he was well over six feet.

  “I assure you I am not in any way…

  “Stop.” The omega stuck his fingers in his ears. I shouldn’t have gone there. “Take me home.”

  * * *

  Declan closed his eyes as he nestled in Sunshine’s luxurious leather seats. The hood was down and the smell of money and privilege enveloped him as he enjoyed the wind on his face. But the baby was restless, and the omega wriggled his butt and kicked off his shoes trying to get comfortable.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m eight months pregnant, so no. And please keep your eyes on the road.”

  With one hand on the wheel, the alpha saluted his companion and grinned.

  Despite the comfortable setting, something had been bothering the omega since the day of Ian’s death. He had assumed he’d never find out, and while part of him wanted to remain ignorant, he had to ask. “Alexander.” His name. He took a deep breath. “Could you have saved my mate?”


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