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The Alpha Vampire’s Proposal: An Mpreg Paranormal Romance

Page 6

by Dunbar, Colbie

  The omega whimpered as the alpha munched on a bulb of garlic.

  “I’m pushing now!”

  Chewing frantically, Alexander spluttered and mumbled, “I can see the head. He has dark hair.”

  “Oh, God. I don’t know if I’m ready to be a father.”

  “You’ll be a great dad. And it’s too late to change your mind.”

  “Don’t remind me. Keep talking.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Do it!”

  “Ambrose gave me an ultimatum. Said I could become a vampire and train to be a lawyer or I’d die a long, slow, miserable death. I didn’t really care at that point. He was a rising star in the coven and I skipped over the interviews and references.

  “I’m dying here.” Declan panted and arched his back. “Any… any regrets?”

  “Plenty. Ambrose saved me but also suckered me. Vampirism isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”

  The omega gripped the alpha’s hand, “T-Tell… me… more… some time.” Those were the last intelligible words from his mouth.

  “Push, Declan. The head is almost out.” The alpha tore out of the room, dunked his head in the lake, and dashed back before the omega discovered he was gone.

  “Now the shoulders. Come on. One more and the little one is here.”

  A primeval scream exploded from the omega’s mouth as the alpha caught the baby in a towel. Declan collapsed onto the mattress while Alexander wiped the newborn and wrapped him in a yellow baby blanket. You have all your fingers and toes, little man.

  A tiny red face, fringed with damp black hair, peered back at him. The alpha poked a finger between one scrunched up fist, and his wizened heart gave a mournful croak. Alexander was in love. The little boy opened his eyes, and he and the alpha shared a glance. “Welcome to the world.”

  Declan’s son screwed up his face and yelled.

  Just like your father.

  “What’s happening? What have you done to him?”

  “He’s here, and he’s perfect.” Alexander placed the baby in Declan’s arms and with a final glance at father and son gazing at one another and bonding, he darted outside. He rapped on the window and held up a handwritten note that read, “Paramedics are almost here.”

  “Come back. I need you.”

  Alexander shook his head. He mouthed, “He’s beautiful.” After a reluctant wave and one last longing look at Declan, who was beaming but had dark smudges under his eyes, the alpha dashed to the car as the paramedics arrived.

  * * *

  Alexander stood on the edge of the lake puffing on a cigarette as the lamp in Declan’s spare bedroom clicked off. He stubbed out the cigarette and inhaled the human aromas, content that the omega and his son were safe. But he couldn’t guard them twenty-four hours a day.

  After being badgered by his brother, Ambrose had agreed to inform all new parents of a nasty virus making the rounds. All newborns must be kept at home until the danger had passed. It wasn’t foolproof, but it was the best Alexander could manage without having the wrath of the vampire council directed at him.

  This was Declan and his son’s first night home. The alpha had followed them as the omega’s alpha brother drove them from the hospital, and afterwards he’d hidden himself in the boat house. Declan’s sibling did not live in the county—Alexander had checked—and he wondered about the brother’s opinion of vampires.

  The alpha stared at clouds floating over the moon and reasoned any danger would come in the wee hours of the morning. The old myths of vampires being afraid of sunlight were partly true. The sun drained their energy, and they needed to feed more regularly when outside during the day.

  But centuries ago, due to their superior eyesight and darkness cloaking their movements, they preferred being outside after dusk. Also, humans were scared of the dark, and their sleeping habits have given vampires the nights to themselves.

  Alexander tensed as the sliding doors onto the balcony opened. He was hit by the omega’s tangy aroma. He planted his feet firmly in the dirt, resisting the urge to fling himself over the railings.

  Declan’s voice drifted through the cool night air. “You may not be in your usual position, but I know you’re there, Alexander.”

  How can he? I’ve made no sound.

  “Stop hiding and show yourself.”

  The alpha strode into the driveway, and the omega leaned over the balcony as the moon slid out from behind a cloud.

  “It’s cloudy with a chance of rain.” Declan sniggered.

  “You remembered.”

  “I’ve had days in hospital to do nothing but think about the birth.”

  “How did you know I was here?”

  “Your smell.”

  “I’m impressed.” Not wanting to return to his hiding place or be asked to leave, the alpha tried to prolong the conversation. “How’s the baby?”

  The omega’s voice softened. “Perfect. Hungry. Noisy and hates sleep, but perfectly adorable.”

  A silence stretched between the pair that Alexander didn’t know how to fill.

  “Have you eaten?”

  The alpha nodded.

  “I need to hear you say it.”

  “I have.” Another silence had Alexander twisting the silver ring on his right hand.

  “I-I’d love to invite you in. I owe you a p-punch.”

  The alpha closed one eye, remembering the stake and steak confusion. “Ummm… is that a drink or a jab?”

  Declan spat out a stream of curses which were followed by water spurting toward the alpha.

  Alexander sidestepped the gushing water and folded his arms. “Are we fighting now?”

  “Told you I had a gun.”

  A ghost of a smile flickered over the alpha’s face. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “Oh, right. I mean a whack, a hit, a smack.” The omega glanced over his shoulder. “But it’s awkward as my brother’s here.”

  “I’ll take a raincheck on the punch.”


  The french doors behind Declan crashed open and a tall human alpha with blond hair barged in front of the omega. “Get inside, Declan.”

  Here we go. “I don’t want to cause trouble.” The smirk faded from the alpha’s lips as he backtracked to the road. “I’ll talk to you another time, Declan.”

  “No, Matt.” The omega shoved his way forward and tugged at his brother’s arm. “This is the vampire who tried to save Ian and was at my side during Finn’s birth. I owe him everything.”

  “I don’t care. He probably killed Ian so he could have you for himself. The only good vampire is a dead one.” Matt flung off the omega’s hand and drew a small gun from his pocket. He aimed it at Alexander. “A bullet can’t kill you but it will damn well sting.” He aimed at the vampire’s chest and pulled the trigger.

  Alexander dodged the bullet and it lodged in the pine tree where he’d spent so many hours.

  “Fuck off!” The omega jumped in front of his sibling and wrestled him for the gun.

  “Declan!” Alexander scaled the drainpipe and leapt over the railings, but as he reached for the weapon, it discharged. The pungent scent of fresh blood washed over him, and a thin trail of the red liquid trickled down his arm.

  Fighting the inner demons seducing him to lap every drop and sink his teeth into Matt’s flesh, Alexander dug his fingers into the human alpha’s wrist and pushed him away. The bullet had shaved Matt’s cheek, but it was the omega’s wrenching sobs that clawed at the vampire’s conscience.

  Matt’s face paled, and he sunk to the floor with bloodied fingers probing the wound while Alexander put both hands on either side of Declan’s face. The omega’s wild, unseeing eyes stared into the distance as his chest convulsed and breath came out in ragged gasps.

  “D-D-Dead. I-Is he dead?”

  “He’s fine.”

  “I k-killed Matt.”

  “Declan! It’s a superficial wound.”

  “I killed him. My… my brother.” The o
mega was hyperventilating and wasn’t taking in what Alexander was saying.

  “It’s a scratch. Look at me, Declan. Focus.” The alpha held the omega’s face in a vice-like grip. “Breathe with me. In and out. In and out.”

  Though his eyes were still glazed, the omega’s instinct kicked in and he mirrored Alexander’s breathing. The cries became whimpers and his gray eyes searched the alpha’s face while he clutched at his jacket. “The baby! Oh, my God!”

  “He slept through the whole thing.” Alexander jerked his head at the omega’s brother. “And as for him, he can tell everyone how he took on a vampire and lived to brag about it.”

  Alexander dragged Matt to his feet and examined the wound. “It needs a few stitches, so you should visit the ER.”

  Matt flinched. “Get your filthy hands off me, vampire.”

  “I’ll call the paramedics.” Declan pulled a phone from his pocket.

  Alexander held out a white handkerchief to the omega’s brother, but instead of accepting it, Matt spat into it. “Don’t bother.” Taking his brother’s arm, he shoved the omega toward the bedroom. “Pack a bag, Declan. I’m taking you and Finn home with me.”

  “No, I…”

  “I’m your older brother, and you’ll do as I say. No one in our family hangs around with vampires.”

  “Take your hands off me. This is my home—and Finn’s—and you don’t get to tell me what to do or who I can be friends with.”

  “Vampires are blood-sucking scum, especially the ones who run your county. Open your eyes, Declan.”

  The omega crossed his arms. “I’m not going.”

  Alexander was torn between two powerful forces. He wanted Declan and the baby safe, and if they left with his brother, they’d be away from the madness unfolding out of sight. But the alpha hated the thought of both father and son leaving. If he followed them, he couldn’t stay away for more than a few days. The pull of the earth where he’d been transformed would drag him back.

  “If you choose to stay, you’re dead to me.”

  Declan gasped. “Please don’t do this, Matt.”

  “Being close to… to that… freak of nature will bring you nothing but misery and hasten your own death. Think of Finn.”

  The omega rubbed his face. “It’s not that simple. My whole life is here. Home, career, colleagues, friends. I can’t just leave.”

  “Yeah, you can.”

  Declan shot a glance at Alexander, and the alpha’s shrunken heart died a second time. He should be with family. “Why don’t you stay with your brother for a few weeks and see how you feel? You’re on paternity leave so it’s the perfect time.”

  The omega stammered and glared at the vampire. His eyes, glistening with unshed tears, pleaded with Alexander, but the alpha looked away.

  “Even the parasite agrees with me.”

  Declan whimpered, “I’d have to make some calls and pack.”

  “You,” Alexander pointed at Matt, “Get your face stitched. By the time you return, everything will be sorted.”

  Matt sneered at the vampire. “I don’t trust you alone with my brother and his son.”

  “Suit yourself. Stay here and bleed to death.” The alpha smirked and leaned toward the mortal. “Or perhaps I can fix it myself. My medical skills are renowned. Ask your brother.” He parted his lips, allowing the man a glimpse of his teeth.

  “Stay away from me.” Matt stumbled against the wall. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. Harm either my brother or nephew and I’ll hunt you down, vampire.” He threw the gun to the omega before storming out of the house.

  Declan held the weapon with two fingers and walked inside, his eyes searching for a place to put it. Alexander took it and dropped it in a hamper, and the omega punched him. “You could have taken my side. I don’t want to go anywhere.”

  I wanted to. Trust me. “I doubt a vampire’s point of view would’ve swayed your brother.”

  “I need to check on Finn.” Declan beckoned Alexander to follow him.

  Pointing to the blood on his arm, the alpha whispered, “I’ll be back.” He dived into the lake fully clothed, eager to get rid of Matt’s nasty-ass blood, and a minute later, he was in the hallway outside the baby’s room, dripping wet.

  Declan made a face, and without speaking, handed him a robe. He turned at the nursery entrance and said, “Don’t ruin this one.”

  Alexander grinned and buried his face in the soft cloth. It smelled of Declan and Finn and held the scent of promise. It was all the things the alpha was missing from his existence, and he wished time would stand still and preserve the moment.

  He tiptoed into the nursery, which was furnished with soft carpet, fluffy toys, a rocking chair and yellow ducklings scampering across the wallpaper. He gazed at the baby he’d held at the moment of birth who was swaddled in a white blanket. Finn’s fingers were curled into tiny fists, and Alexander had the urge to kiss him. But he held back, not knowing how Declan would react.

  Alexander breathed in the delicious baby scent that clashed with the scent of newborn blood. He gulped and swallowed, pushing the primeval urge deep inside him. “Hello, Finn. We meet again.” The overwhelming desire to protect the omega now extended to his son.

  The baby stirred, and Declan put a finger to his lips. The alpha ignored him as he imprinted Finn’s face on his memory, hoping they would meet again.

  The omega jerked his head toward the door, but the alpha stayed put, and Declan took his hand. His fingers entwined with the vampire’s as Alexander’s gaze shifted from the baby to the omega. He studied the omega’s enlarged pupils and the flecks of dark gray in the iris. He wanted to be part of Declan and Finn’s life and not just a crazed vampire sitting in a tree looking in. And though he didn’t want to interrupt the haunting stillness stretching between them, he needed to speak his truth.

  The alpha pressed his fingers on the omega’s palm. Declan’s eyes grew wide, and he pulled away. Too soon. Will it ever be the right time?

  * * *

  Declan sat at the kitchen table while Alexander busied himself making tea. While waiting for the water to boil, he eyed bottles of jam, pickles and relish with handwritten labels. “Who’s the cook?”

  “Ian.” The omega scratched a speck of dirt on the table’s wooden surface. “I should be packing.”

  “It’s Saturday night. The ER will be busy. Matt won’t be back for hours.”

  “I’m scared.”

  Has he heard rumors? “It won’t be forever.”

  “He’s very persuasive. I’m worried once we’re settled at his place, he’ll never let us leave. He’ll guilt me about Finn’s safety.” The omega stood up and peered out the window at the lake. “And I forgot about that virus. I ignored the notice this morning ‘cause we had to get home. But driving to my brother’s will take hours and I don’t want Finn to catch anything.”

  “I’ll make sure you get out of the county safely.”

  “But Matt…”

  “Don’t worry about him and his little gun.”

  The omega snorted. “It is very small.”

  The alpha frowned. “We’re talking about his weapon, right?”

  “Of course.”

  The light-hearted banter had Alexander grinning. He examined the omega’s short nails and a misshapen thumb knuckle that suggested a past injury. He longed to cover the hand with his own.

  “Can I be honest with you, Alexander?”

  “Certainly.” The alpha gritted his teeth, hoping the omega wasn’t going to deliver him a crushing blow.

  Declan plonked himself on the chair opposite Alexander. “This may sound silly, so promise you won’t laugh.”

  The alpha put a hand over his chest.

  “You were present for the two biggest moments of my life. One shattered it and the other made it whole. We shared something must humans never experience, let alone a human and a vampire. We… we have some sort of weird connection now.”

  Alexander could not come up with the right word
s, so he said nothing.

  “Am I crazy?”

  No. But that’s a first step toward something new.

  “Say something.”

  “That’s why I sat outside the house.”

  The omega exhaled. “But you scare me sometimes.”

  “That’s not a bad thing. Trust your instincts.”

  “Why does that not reassure me?” The omega furrowed his brow while sipping his tea. “I should get moving.”

  “I meant what I said. I’ll escort you to the county boundary.”

  But as the omega rose from the table, the hairs on the back of Alexander’s neck stood up. He closed his eyes and allowed his senses to crawl out under the door and into the surrounding forest. Something—or someone—was headed toward the house. And it wasn’t human.

  He stuck his head outside. There were three pairs of feet. Running in the forest late at night instead of driving was a clue they were avoiding humans. He sniffed. Two were young, recently turned vampires. Their strength wasn’t fully formed so he could probably dispose of them. But the third was older. More powerful than Alexander.

  “You look as though you’ve seen a ghost!”

  “Worse. Get Finn!”

  “Okay, that scary part of you I was talking about…”

  “Do it!”

  The omega yelped and blood drained from his face as the alpha’s screech had him scuttling to the nursery.

  “And bring the gun.”

  The three uninvited guests would reach the house in two minutes. Alexander scanned the room as Declan hurtled back with Finn clasped to his chest and the gun dangling in one hand. With the phone tucked under his chin, Alexander trashed the kitchen, searching for something he could use as a weapon.

  Ambrose finally answered the call and complained about being disturbed before his sibling issued rapid-fire instructions. “And hurry. There are three of them.”

  “Where are your tools, Declan?”


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