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The Alpha Vampire’s Proposal: An Mpreg Paranormal Romance

Page 8

by Dunbar, Colbie

  The omega’s chest wheezed as he blurted out, “Save my son from the fire, and he’s yours.”

  Fergal’s hand hovered over Alexander’s throat while he glowered at the injured vampire and then feasted his eyes on Finn. His body shook as his eyes registered the conflict between the desire for revenge and the need for newborn blood.

  But as Fergal wavered, Alexander clobbered him with a mallet. Fergal lurched to one side, a huge dent in his forehead. He sliced at Alexander’s throat with the blade but the younger vampire bent his knees and his feet knocked Fergal into the root cellar wall.

  The baby coughed and wailed, and Declan staggered forward. Pouring pent-up fury into his hands, he slashed the saw’s blade into the smoke.

  Chunks of flesh splattered the omega’s face and body, and he dropped the saw not knowing if it was Fergal or Alexander whose body he’d sliced. He gagged as smoke circled around him, and grabbing the baby, he stumbled under a smoldering door frame and out onto the grass. Finn moaned in his arms and an inky blackness swallowed them both.

  * * *

  A pounding in Declan’s skull had him groan. Something warm and fluffy snuggled around him, and he hugged it. I’m here, Finn. He opened one eye and grimaced when bright light hurt his eyes. A blurred shape hovered in the background as images flashed through his head. Flames, heat, smoke, screams, vampires, broken flesh. “No!”

  He curled into a fetal position and placed his arms over his eyes when another picture of a baby wiggling its legs and sucking on a fist appeared in his thoughts. “Finn!” he screamed and hurled himself upward. The room spun around the omega, and he was overcome with dizziness.

  A pair of strong arms grabbed at him but he pulled away. Where’s that damned gun? He crouched in a defensive position and squinted. Those same arms held his little boy, whose big blue eyes were staring at him. Overcome with joy, Declan ignored Alexander and whisked Finn away from the alpha.

  “My darling.” With his lips pressed against Finn’s scalp, the omega placed the baby against his chest and was comforted by the regular thumping of his heart. His eyes welled up as he inhaled his son’s sweet aroma that combined pudgy baby scent with talcum powder.

  Declan lost track of time until someone coughed. Alexander. He didn’t want to talk to the alpha. The omega was confused about what had happened and who to blame, and he couldn’t piece his thoughts together.

  Cradling his son, he studied the expansive lawn and garden outside. Huge trees lined the property boundary and hid any sign of life on either side.

  But much as he wanted to avoid dealing with the previous night’s events, memories filtered into his thoughts, and his forehead puckered. “D-D-Did I imagine it? Was it a dream?”


  A trembling that began in the omega’s hands moved lower until his body was convulsing. Alexander reached out for the baby, but Declan refused and slumped into an armchair. “Fergal?”

  “Dead—thanks to you.”

  “I killed him?”

  “You separated his legs from his body, which slowed him down. I just finished him off.”

  The omega hugged Finn tighter as he pictured a legless vampire slithering toward him. “And the house?”


  The alpha placed a box on the bed and presented the omega with a toy dinosaur belonging to Finn and a photo of Ian and Declan that had sat on the mantlepiece. “This was all I could find. Sorry.”

  Declan rubbed the toy against his cheek but the cindery smell had him recoil. “There was something else in the house which may have withstood the fire. It was an…



  “It contains Ian’s ashes, and I have it in the car.”

  “I meant to scatter them in the lake, but it’s so final. It was supposed to be our last goodbye, and I was waiting until after the birth.”

  “I’ll take you back and you can do it when you’re feeling better. And that reminds me, you should call your brother. He’s frothing at the mouth because he doesn’t believe you and Finn survived the fire.”

  “Not sure I can take it in either.”

  Alexander reached out to the omega, and their eyes met. Instead of high cheek bones and strong jaw, Declan saw the alpha as he was in the house, protecting and fighting for them. He heaved the baby onto his hip and grimaced as a pain shot up his right arm. That damned chainsaw. The alpha’s penetrating gaze had the omega squirming, and he buried his face in the baby’s neck.

  Alexander stood awkwardly with his hand in mid-air. “You must be hungry.”

  The omega shook his head but realized he was ravenous. “Yes. And I’m surprised Finn isn’t complaining. He hasn’t had a feed since… before…”

  “I gave him formula.”

  Imaginary hackles rose on the back of the omega’s neck. “I feed him myself!”

  “I understand, Declan. I tried to wake you.”

  “Try harder next time.” He muttered under his breath, “You’re always interfering.” The omega peered around the room. “Where are we?”

  “My place.” Alexander led Declan into a huge open kitchen and living room. Eggs, toast, fruit, yogurt and coffee were laid out on the kitchen island. “I wasn’t sure what you ate for breakfast.”

  With Finn over one shoulder, the omega’s eyes darted around.

  “We’re alone,” said Alexander.

  “I thought vampires couldn’t read minds.”

  “We can’t. But you remind me of a cornered animal.”

  “Right before you drain its blood.”

  Alexander had his head in the fridge when he answered, “I drink the human kind.”

  “Jesus! Do you ever think before you speak?”

  “Of course. I’m a lawyer, Declan.”

  “Remind me never to hire you.”

  “Would you prefer me to lie?”

  “Isn’t that what lawyers do?

  The alpha’s hand clenched around a milk jar, and Declan winced, expecting it to shatter. “I take great pride in my work.”

  Pride comes before a fall! Declan was tempted to run out, but he had no money or phone, and didn’t know where he was. But his mouth watered as the enticing aroma of the cooked breakfast had his stomach rumbling.

  “I don’t want to argue, Declan. You’ve been traumatized and need to look after yourself and Finn. Now eat.” He waved a hand at the food.

  “I suppose it won’t hurt.” The omega shoved eggs into his mouth and drained the coffee cup. Alexander refilled it without a word. His hand had deep scratches gouged into the skin, and Declan recalled the crippling wounds from last night.

  “You’ve healed.” The alpha’s hair had grown back, and his shoulder was no longer dislocated, but there were dark smudges under each eye, and he walked with a limp.

  “I’m getting there. Everything’ll be back to normal within 24 hours.”

  Declan dropped his fork and it clattered onto the wooden floor. “Seriously?” He nuzzled Finn for comfort. “Easy for you to say. Vampires tried to steal the baby, he and I almost died, and my house has been destroyed. My son and I have nothing except each other and you’re acting as though it’s just another day at the office.”

  “Sorry, that was insensitive of me.”

  “Typical vampire,” he huffed. “I’d like to phone my brother and have him collect us.”

  “You can’t leave.”

  “Okay, the creepy, stalkerish thing stops now.” He slammed a hand on the island and closed his eyes as pain rippled up his arm. “Sure, you helped with his birth and I’m grateful, but that’s where our so-called friendship ends. If it weren’t for you, I’d be at home on the balcony sipping coffee.”

  The alpha leaned against the island and crossed his arms. “I understand you’re frustrated.”

  “No, you freaking well don’t. How could you? We’re from two different worlds and as much as my brother pisses me off, he was right about vampires. If I’d gone to his place, none of this wou
ld have happened.”

  Declan channeled all his fear and frustration toward the alpha, using him as an emotional punching bag. But instead of getting rid of his negativity, the more he shouted and hurled abuse, the emptier he became. He wanted someone to tell him it would be okay.

  But he couldn’t stop vomiting insults. “You’re bad luck, Alexander Fletcher. You scared me to death that first night, your client played a sick joke and your old friend Fergal tried to kill me and the baby.”

  “He wouldn’t have killed Finn. And he wasn’t my friend.”

  “That’s just fucking perfect.” Declan slapped his thigh. “It was just me he wanted dead. And Finn would become what… a vampire plaything?”

  Alexander cleared his throat, which had the omega rolling his eyes. “No. A vessel.”

  The omega slipped off the stool and it toppled over. Finn whimpered at the loud noise as his father stomped over to Alexander and stood an inch away from him. Declan’s eyes flicked to the alpha’s face, but he lowered his gaze, fearing those hypnotizing, green eyes.

  Instead, he studied the black T-shirt straining over the alpha’s rippling abs and pictured the smooth chest underneath—the one he’d witnessed when Alexander flung off the robe the night before. Then he’d been focused on his and Finn’s safety.

  Now he was furious. Angry for the danger the alpha had brought with him and even more enraged that he couldn’t stop thinking about what lay under his shirt.

  He inspected Alexander’s bulging biceps in his strong, trustworthy arms. They’re trouble, like the rest of him. But he couldn’t avoid the heady aroma that held a promise of something. It’s a lie, Declan. The omega blinked and his rage returned. “What does that mean? A vessel?”

  “Sit down and I’ll explain.”

  “I’ll stand, thanks. And do not confuse me with vampire mumbo jumbo.”

  The alpha narrowed his eyes. “Now I’m baffled.”

  “Tell me.”

  “It’s not safe for you to leave.”

  “You’re obsessed with my safety and look where it got me! You’re crap at this bodyguard thing, so guess what? You’re fired.”

  “Are you finished?”

  “Nope. I’m just getting started.” Anger rippled through the omega, and he took a deep breath trying to calm his shattered nerves. But the alpha’s composure infuriated Declan more, and his cheeks burned after spewing bitterness at his companion.

  The alpha summarized what Ambrose had told him about newborn humans being kidnapped for their blood.

  Declan rested his chin on the baby’s head. “That’s… that’s… I can’t put into words how horrendous that is. But we stopped it, right? Fergal and the other vampire are dead.”

  “There was a third one who got away, but that’s not the point. Fergal was not their boss.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  Alexander stiffened and a rustle outside had Declan picking up a butter knife. Not again! He jumped as the front door flung open and an older vampire whose dark hair was streaked with gray strode inside. I’ve seen him before. But where?

  “Ambrose, this is Declan and his son, Finn. Declan, my… brother and head of our coven.”

  The visitor inclined his head. “We have met.”

  God, I insulted him in the courtroom.

  Ambrose peered at the knife. “Are you planning on killing me or buttering me up?” He sniffed at Finn. “That child’s face is covered in drool.”

  And hello to you too!

  “Have you explained everything to the human, Alexander?”

  “Declan is still in shock, Ambrose.”

  “Told me what?” The omega turned to Alexander.

  “I’ve come up with a plan.”

  The omega shook his head. “No more plans.”


  “Quiet, Alexander.” The omega turned on his heel. “This is what’s going to happen. My brother will collect us and we won’t see one another again. We’ll be in another county where vampires don’t roam free and rule us as they do here.” But as attractive as being away from rampaging vampires sounded, a nagging sensation urged him to reconsider.

  Ambrose narrowed his dark eyes at the omega, and Declan’s courage faltered.

  “It’s too late for that.”

  “You bet it is. Finn and I are traumatized but with some TLC, we’ll be okay.” I hope.

  “Declan, we’re trying to help.”

  “You’re not.”

  “Stop it!” Ambrose’s hiss sent shivers up the omega’s spine. “Alexander, where is your dignity? This human is steamrolling you.”

  I am? Declan stood up straight. Go me!

  “And as for you,” the older vampire waggled a finger at the omega, “My brother is making a huge sacrifice for you and your child.”

  “Pfft! Such as?”

  “Ambrose, may I have a moment alone with Declan?”

  “Perhaps you’d like to hold Finn?” the omega blurted out.

  The look of horror on Ambrose’s face gave Declan the giggles. That was so worth it.

  “You two are well-matched,” the older vampire snapped before striding into the garden.

  Don’t be ridiculous.

  “You shouldn’t taunt him, Declan. He’s a powerful vampire.”

  “You’re smirking.”

  “That’s my usual expression.”

  “You’re such a liar.”

  “Sit, please.” The alpha pushed Declan onto a stool. “That fair-haired vampire has Finn’s scent, and he will lead whoever remains in the renegade group to you and the baby. They got into the county somehow, and I’m sure he and any others have escaped. But they will find you.”

  “What about the rest of the human babies? Are they being stalked too?”

  “Yes, but along with the fake virus warning, the council has agreed to place vampires at every newborn’s house. Secretly. They don’t want to cause a riot.”

  “We can’t have that!”

  “But Finn is the renegades’ priority—especially as he escaped.”

  Declan pounded his forehead with a fist. “This is your fault. You’ve put a death sentence on my baby’s head.”

  “I’m trying to protect you and your son.”


  “By mating with you!”

  Now he loses the calm exterior! The alpha’s voice ricocheted in Declan’s head and oxygen whooshed out of his lungs as he sagged against the island and onto the floor. Alexander grabbed Finn and sat beside him.

  “Say that again.”

  “The best way to protect you is to keep you close and if we mate, it sends a powerful signal to every vampire that you are under my and, ultimately, Ambrose’s protection.”

  “There is no universe in which I would bond with you. I don’t even like you.”

  Finn gurgled as Alexander wiped the baby’s chin, and the omega was tempted to snatch his son away from the alpha.

  “It’s a sham, Declan.”

  The omega put his head in his hands. “Huh?”

  “We go through with a mating ritual, which cements our relationship and your position in my family.”

  “So, to protect me from vampires, I have to mate with one? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard.”

  “It’s not foolproof, but it’s better than you staying with Matt.”

  “Where would we live?”


  The omega glanced around the large airy room with its white walls and modern furniture. It was a huge contrast to his turn-of-the-century home, now a pile of blackened rubble.

  “Finn and I would be in a gated community surrounded by vampires.”

  “Everyone here has been taught to control their blood lust.”

  Declan snapped, “I have no intention of becoming a vampire. And if you think I’m going to have sex with you, that is just…”

  “We’ll be mates in name only, though we’ll have to share a home. You’ll remain human, and we’ll have separate bedrooms.
In public, we’ll have to pretend we’re bound to one another. If anyone on the vampire council suspects it’s a ruse, I’ll be in trouble. And Ambrose will deny any knowledge of the scheme.”

  “He’s a real peach.”

  “I can hear you,” yelled a voice from the garden.

  “Is nothing private?”

  “No!” both vampires replied in unison.

  “Which is why we have to keep up the pretense. But you can keep your job, friends and hobbies.”

  “Great. I’ll invite them for tea and throw in a spot of blood sucking!”

  “That’s not funny.”

  “What happens when you catch these vampires? Can we reverse the mating process?”

  Alexander gathered up the dirty plates. “Yes. And it requires nothing from you. Our being together is a temporary solution.”

  The alpha’s brittle voice had the omega glance sideways, but Alexander had his back to him. Declan wanted to ask how he would sever the relationship, but there was so much to take in. “Okay. Can I think about it?”

  Ambrose burst into the room. “Stop dithering. You have until tomorrow to make up your mind.”

  “Why the rush?”

  “I can’t wait any longer.”

  Declan’s eyes darted to Alexander, but the younger alpha shrugged.

  “You don’t frighten me, Ambrose.”

  “I should.”

  “Actually, that’s a lie.” The omega gulped. “You have physical abilities I can only dream about, and you’re immortal, but I have a power you’ll never possess.”

  A muscle twitched in the corner of Ambrose’s mouth. “Which is?”

  “I gave birth. You change, transform and kill, but you can’t create.”

  The older vampire raised a brow and swept out of the room. “Until tomorrow.”

  “He’s odd.”

  “There are a lot of other words I’d use to describe him.”

  Declan scrambled to his feet. “I need a shower, and I have to change Finn. Stay away from me while I think, unless it’s to bring me food.” As he strode toward the bedroom, he yelled over his shoulder, “You owe me a new robe. No, make that two.”

  * * *


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