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The Alpha Vampire’s Proposal: An Mpreg Paranormal Romance

Page 10

by Dunbar, Colbie

  Alexander gripped the steering wheel while pulling into their driveway and taking in Declan’s words. He had an overwhelming desire for the omega to return his affection but the prospect faded as his mate spoke. “Getting back to my brother…”

  “I thought you might. Why don’t you ask him about Victor if it bothers you?” He glanced back at the way they’d come. “If you shout, he might hear you.”

  “I’m good.” The alpha got Finn’s carrier, and they headed inside. “You don’t resent Ambrose, do you?”

  “For what?”

  “Pushing you to make a decision.”

  “It was your idea initially, right?”

  “Yes, but I needed his permission.”

  “Finn’s wellbeing was uppermost in my mind, so I would have agreed even if I’d had more time.”

  After putting the baby in his crib, Alexander stood at the door wishing Declan was sharing his bed and wondering if he should apologize for his arousal. “About the kiss…”

  “You had no choice. Besides, you’re an okay kisser.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  The omega sniggered. “You’re so predictable!”

  I hope not.

  “I lied. It was a good kiss.”

  “I’d say excellent.”

  * * *

  Alexander poked his head in the door and eyed Declan wearing headphones and listening to music as he cut up food in the kitchen. He was dancing and swaying his hips, and the alpha wished he could pull him in for a kiss.

  In the weeks since the mating ceremony, life had settled into a comfortable routine. Alexander had taken on fewer clients and spent a lot of time with Declan and Finn. While the alpha wanted more than friendship with his mate, he was resigned to the omega never returning his feelings. What they had was preferable to being enemies. And he’d turned his frustration into providing father and son with a nurturing environment.

  He joined the omega shopping for food and celebrating Finn’s milestones. The pair argued over reality TV and discussed their favorite music. Most evenings, Alexander helped Declan prepare dinner, and he’d sip wine while his mate ate, and they talked about their day.

  Being with Finn brought the alpha unexpected joy. Lying on a blanket in the garden with the baby beside him while Declan took a nap was Alexander’s new favorite activity. The little boy’s gummy smile melted the alpha’s hard exterior, and the omega was always telling him off for giving in to the baby’s whims.

  Having children was one of the things vampires were denied, and Alexander had never given it much thought. But having the tiny bundle in his life had the alpha looking forward to each day.

  And when Declan started humming in the shower, contentment tiptoed over Alexander’s shrunken heart. We’ve created a family.


  The omega didn’t turn around, and the alpha deliberately slammed his briefcase on the floor, not wanting to creep up on his mate.

  “You’re late. Everything okay?”

  “Mmmm had to sort out a few things. Is Finn asleep?”


  “I’ll kiss him good night but first I need to talk about something.”

  The knife froze in the omega’s hand. “Not…?”

  “No, not that.”


  “You’re aware, vampires can’t reproduce?”

  “I guess.” Declan closed one eye and peered at Alexander.

  “In order to ensure the continuation of the community, volunteers for transformation are sought from the human population.”

  “I’m starving. Can we wait until I eat before you deliver a lecture about vampire traits?”

  “Not really.”

  Declan sighed and stuck a carrot in his mouth.

  “Sometimes humans are turned before they come of age. We’re not proud of it, but it happens.”

  “Like your young client.”

  “I’m glad you mentioned him.”

  “Why? You don’t have a packet of ketchup in your mouth, do you? Fake teeth in your pocket?”

  The alpha pressed his lips together, and Declan frowned. “Did something happen to him?”

  “Not in the way you mean.”

  “What’s this about?”

  “Keep an open mind and don’t get angry.”

  “This can’t be good.” Declan crossed his arms.

  “Come in, Pierce.”

  The young vampire who played the nasty trick on the omega in the courtroom sauntered through the door. “Hello.”

  Declan held the knife in front of him. “Have you come to apologize?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Why aren’t you in jail?”

  “That’s where I come in.” Alexander pushed in front of the teenager. “I managed to get him out on a good behavior bond.”

  “And he’s in our house why?”

  “Well,…” How do I put this? “It was only on condition a family would foster him.”

  The omega glanced from his mate to Pierce, and the alpha studied his face as recognition dawned.

  “No fucking way!”

  “Language!” Pierce smirked at Declan.

  Not helping, Pierce. “I’ve read him the riot act and told him he’ll go back to jail if he misbehaves.”

  “Killing me or the baby is not what I’d call misbehaving.”

  “It’s so cool you have a son. Can I meet him?”

  “Over my dead body.”

  Alexander furrowed his brow. Way to make it worse, Declan.

  Pierce peered around the alpha. “You’re right, Alexander. He’s scary.”

  “I told you.” The alpha bit his lips to stifle a grin.

  “Hey, I may be human but I’m not deaf.”


  Pierce peered into the kitchen and sniffed. “What are you cooking?”

  Declan ignored him. “May I talk to you, Alexander?” He jerked his head toward the bedroom.

  “Sure, but he’ll be able to hear every word.”

  The omega threw the teenager his headphones. “Put those on.” And he stomped out of the room.

  “Don’t go anywhere, Pierce.”

  The light disappeared from the young vampire’s eyes. “He doesn’t want me here.”

  “Stop jumping to conclusions.” He’s right, though.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Declan hissed at his mate.

  Where do I start?

  “It’s taken a while, but the three of us are bonding.”

  And I want more than what you’re willing to give.

  “It’s not been easy. We’re an oddity. Humans think I’ve lowered my standards and vampires shake their heads at you, tying yourself to a mortal. I can’t ignore the pitying looks whenever we go out. To say nothing of being around people who, if the law was changed, would pounce on me and Finn and drink our blood. And now you want to bring an underage kid to stay with us. How can I protect my son?”

  “Pierce will come with me every day, and I’ll put him to work. You’ll never be alone with him.”

  “And at night?”

  “I can tie him up. Chain him to the fence.”

  “What? No.”

  “It was a joke.”

  “It was a lousy one.” Declan slumped onto the bed. “Can’t he go somewhere else?”

  “Not really. No one wants a teen vampire, because they never grow up.”

  The omega’s gaze dipped to his clenched fists. “I wouldn’t have wanted to be around me as a teenager.”

  “I was a terror.”

  Declan scratched his head. “This is an awkward question… but is he… alpha or omega?”

  “He was transformed before his sixteenth birthday so we’ll never know.”

  “The poor kid. I can almost forgive him for the courtroom incident.”

  Hope flickered inside the alpha and he sat beside Declan, wanting to hold his hand but being wary of his reaction.

  “I have a suggestion. Let’s have a trial period. You an
d Finn sleep in my room.” The alpha held up his hand as Declan made to get up. “And I’ll work at the desk.”

  “Not sure I want you watching me sleep. I might drool.”

  “You and Finn both.”

  The omega shot Alexander a withering glance but accompanied it with a smile. “You love getting into bed and reading even though you no longer sleep.”

  “True. But so much has been forced on you, and this is yet another change. I’m willing to do the heavy lifting.”

  “You’re a good person, Alexander Fletcher.”

  Declan covered the alpha’s hand with his own, and Alexander’s dick stirred in his pants. Not now.

  “And when the perps who’ve been kidnapping babies are caught, what then? We’ll separate and what happens to Pierce?”

  Dread pooled in Alexander’s stomach. While he was aware of what would happen if he and Declan split up, but he hadn’t thought about the consequences of fostering Pierce. “He’ll stay with… me or if he’s not happy here, I’ll move him to another family.” Shit! I’ve set things in motion that’ll have a huge impact on so many people.

  “I don’t like the sound of that. He’s a kid.” The omega chewed his lip. “It’s going to be harder than I thought when we part.”

  “Let’s not think about that now. We have a teenager who needs guidance and affection.”

  The omega cocked his head. “If Pierce is listening, we’ve just given away our secret about being mated but not together.”

  Slapping a smile on his face, the alpha replied, “I have ways of keeping him quiet.” Enjoy this while it lasts, Alexander.

  “Don’t kill him.”

  “Doubt he’s scared of me. You, on the other hand…”

  The omega burst out laughing and slapped his mate’s shoulder. “I hate you.”

  Alexander strolled out of the room. “I hope not.”



  Pierce wasn’t in the kitchen or living room but the alpha was staring at the table as Declan came up behind him. Flowers were in the center and wine was chilling in an ice bucket. A platter of stir-fried chicken and vegetables along with a bowl of rice sat on the kitchen bench.

  “What the…?” Declan popped a piece of chicken in his mouth. “It’s delicious.”

  “He always wanted to be a chef.”

  “Has he gone?”

  The alpha jerked his head toward the patio.

  “Let me do the talking.”

  Alexander leaned against a wooden post as his mate sat beside the teenager, who was hunched over a cushion.

  “I thought you’d run off, Pierce.”

  “I was going to but wanted to say goodbye.”

  Declan glanced at his mate, who nodded encouragement. “I want you to stay.”

  “We both know that’s a lie.”

  “I admit I’m worried, and I’m hoping I can overcome that. But I’ll need your help.”

  “Why would you take a chance on me?”

  “I understand what it’s like to be alone and scared.”

  Pierce scuffed his feet on the floor. “Come on. You have a home, a mate and a son.”

  “It wasn’t always that way. My life fell apart—not in the same way yours did—and I couldn’t see a way out.”

  “My parents disowned me after I was turned, and I’ll be a teen for eternity. You can’t fix that.”

  “You can be part of our family.”

  The alpha interrupted and added, “You can work with me.”

  But the look on Pierce’s face told the omega he wasn’t keen on the suggestion. “You have to go with Alexander each day—at least at first. But at night you can perfect your cooking skills with me.”

  Pierce’s eyes widened. “Maybe I can become the county’s first vampire chef.”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. But yeah, there are possibilities as long as you behave. Come on. I’ll show you to your room.”

  “I’ve never had a room of my own.”

  “You’ll have to keep it tidy.”

  The teenager made a face. The alpha winked at Declan as the omega put an arm around the younger vampire’s shoulders. Pierce pulled out plastic fangs and grinned.

  “Give me those.”

  “Okay, Dad.”

  * * *

  The omega tossed and turned. He’d had dreams of vampires standing outside the house calling for Finn. Pierce and Alexander were between the baby and the rest of the coven who were baying for his son’s blood. The sheets and pillow cases were damp with sweat, and he kicked off the covers.

  The vampires faded and Alexander stood with his hand outstretched. Declan struggled to grasp it but it was just out of reach. Don’t leave me.

  A loud beeping wakened him, and he opened one eye. Dawn was peeking through a crack in the curtains. A delicious smell wafted in from the kitchen.

  Pierce had gotten into the habit of surprising Declan with a different breakfast each morning. While the omega ate, they chatted and the teenager fed Finn his soft food.

  Though the omega and his son still slept in Alexander’s room at night, and Pierce was not allowed at home alone with the baby, Declan allowed the teenager to help with Finn. Pierce had had younger human siblings, and the baby warmed to him.

  Declan shifted his head toward the crib. Alexander stood beside it hunched over his phone.

  “Everything okay?”

  The alpha turned and the light from the desk lamp shone on one side of his face. His hair was sticking up at all ends as though he’d been raking his hands through it. The usual confidence had drained from his face, and his gorgeous green eyes shifted restlessly from Declan to Finn. The buttons on his shirt were undone, and the omega had never seen Alexander so disheveled.

  “What’s wrong?” The omega’s heart beat furiously as he raced to the alpha’s side. Finn was awake and playing with a toy, and Declan put a hand to his chest. “I thought something had happened to the baby.”

  The alpha held up the phone. “Ambrose texted me. They’ve rounded up the last of the renegades.”

  “The kidnappers?”

  Alexander nodded.

  Declan slumped onto the bed. He wanted to celebrate. There’d be no more babies drained of blood. That’s a good thing.

  And yet his heart was heavy. There was no reason for he and the alpha to stay together. He and Finn would have to leave their new home, and they’d probably never see Pierce and Alexander again. Each person in the household would lose something, and their unconventional family would be ripped apart.

  The omega’s eyes filled with tears. He gone from dreading the arrangement to embracing it. And yet he couldn’t expect Alexander to continue the relationship. They were friends and co-parents, and it was comfortable, reminding him of an old sweater. But he couldn’t ask him to give up a chance at finding his true soul mate.

  He refused to consider that he wanted more from the alpha. During the long nights after Pierce came to stay, and Alexander sat in the bedroom watching over the two humans, Declan puzzled over a tenderness that grabbed him whenever the alpha was nearby or when he thought about him. He put it down to Alexander’s protectiveness and his being a good father and role model to Pierce and Finn. But now he would never know if there could have been something more.

  Sniffing and avoiding the alpha’s gaze, Declan picked up the baby. “I’m so happy. Now I won’t have to look over my shoulder wondering if someone’s going to pounce on Finn.”

  “It’s good news.”

  The omega’s tears trickled onto the baby’s head, and he kissed them away.

  “So, I suppose you want to…”

  Here it comes. “…Separate? Yes.” No!

  “We’ll have to talk to…”

  “…Pierce.” Declan gulped. “But he’ll stay with you.”

  Alexander hesitated. “That may not be possible.”

  “You promised.”

  “I said…”

  Declan swiveled around to face his mate.
“You brought him here, gave him hope and we fell in love with him. Do not throw him away.” The omega allowed the tears to fall and he scrunched his eyes shut, not wanting to look at Alexander. “If you abandon him, I will never forgive you.”

  “I may go away, Declan, and it wouldn’t be possible for Pierce to come with me.”

  The omega gathered his courage. “He will stay with me. I don’t know how we’d manage it. Two humans and a teenaged vampire. Perhaps I could rebuild on my former house site, and the three of us can be together.”

  “As a family.” Alexander’s wistful voice had Declan glance up.


  The alpha’s phone lit up with another message. “Ambrose wants to see me.” He kissed Finn’s head and swept out of the room.

  Declan wandered into the kitchen and put the baby in his highchair. Pierce placed pancakes, syrup and fresh fruit on the island as the omega wiped his cheeks with a sleeve.

  “Did you and the Old Man fight?” While he called Declan Dad, he never used the term with Alexander.


  “Was it about me?”

  “No. Your father’s being a dick.”

  Pierce giggled. “I’ve never heard you call him that before.”

  “Well, things change.” Declan pushed the food around on his plate. “Speaking of change, what do you think about living by the lake?”

  “Where you used to live? That’d be cool, I guess. But being outside the vampire community would be weird. But if the Old Man is okay with it, I’m in.”

  The omega stabbed at the pancake.

  “You did tell him, Dad?”

  Declan reached out and took Pierce’s hands. “It would be just the three of us. Your father plans to go off and find himself or travel or stare at his navel.”

  The teenager’s brows knitted in a frown. “But you’re mated, and you can’t live apart. And the vampires in our coven can leave the county, but they can’t stay away long.”

  “We’re separating, but you’ll live with Finn and me.”

  “Vampires don’t split up, Dad. And I want the four of us to be together. I love you, my little bro and the Old Man. I don’t want to lose my family a second time.”


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