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My Doctor's Secret Baby (His Secret Baby Book 6)

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by Jamie Knight

  He leaned over and kissed me, his soft, supple lips caressing mine. He was an amazing kisser. He kept pushing his finger in and out of me while he kissed me, making me crave even more of him. My hips circled reflexively, responding to the slow pulsing of his fingers. He started moving his finger faster and faster. He pushed his thick finger in and out of my juicy pussy that was growing wetter by the second. I bit my lip, fighting to hold in the scream that threatened to escape as the walls of my pussy started to shudder, gripping his finger. My whole body seemed to sputter and shake as I felt a powerful wave building from my toes and coursing up my body until it reached the crown of my head.

  What am I doing, I thought. Was being fingered in a doctor’s office really going to give me the life that I had been hoping for: a great relationship and a family? Or would it only lead to more disappointment plus making things weird between my doctor and I? With my luck, I knew what I had to do.

  “I can’t do this,” I said, slowly pushing him away. His finger came out of my pussy, making a small popping noise like a quart.

  Dr. Roberts looked frozen again, but this time, he looked completely embarrassed.

  “I know,” he said. “And you’re right. I’m really not quite sure what came over me. I usually never even think about doing anything like this with a patient, but you are just so incredibly sexy and I got caught up in the moment and I couldn’t resist.”

  “Yeah, it did seem irresistible,” I said, my voice more seductive than I had hoped.

  “Well, if you want, you can make another appointment with the receptionist,” he said, trying to regain his professionalism. “Again, I’m sorry that it didn’t work out.”

  Dr. Roberts walked out of the room without saying another word.

  Chapter Four


  Two weeks had passed and I figured that that would have been enough time to forget about the encounter between Anne and I.

  I was wrong.

  She was all that I could think about. Sometimes, if I closed my eyes tightly and went back to that day, I could almost smell her sweet, womanly aroma wafting up to my nose, making me crave her and think about her even more.

  When no amount of working out or TV watching could successfully distract me, I decided to pick back up with a hobby that was near and dear to my heart: woodworking.

  I had gotten into woodworking on accident. I was visiting a college colleague, Tom, who worked at the hospital. I walked up to the nursing station and asked where Tom was. The on call nurse didn't even look up from her computer screen that she was staring at and pointed toward a room with an open door.

  I walked in and found Tom sitting with a patient.

  "I am so sorry," I said, starting to back out of the room.

  "It's okay," said the little girl. She wore what had to be the curliest, blondest wig that I'd ever seen.

  "Are you Dr. James' friend?" she asked, nodding toward Tom.

  "Yes," I said, taken in by her big, brown eyes and bubbly demeanor.

  "Look a t the cool present that he gave me," she said, opening her hand and showing me a toy soldier on a rocking horse made of wood. I was mesmerized by the detail of the simple toy and asked her if I could hold it.

  Tom later shared with me that the little girl, Sara, was disabled due to being born from IVF. My heart dropped when I learned that there were many other children who shared the same story.

  Ever since then, I dedicated time to learning how to create similar toys. The children said that they loved the toys because they could use their imaginations. They especially loved the wooden wind chimes since they made funny sounds that entertained the children.

  After meeting Sara, whenever I would find out that there was a child with a disability, I would make a wooden toy especially for them.

  It made my heart happy to see them so happy with something that I could create with my own hands.

  I sat working on a new set of wind chimes for another patient of Tom's, hoping that it would help me to keep my mind off of Anne.

  Even that didn't work. Every time I smoothed out an edge with my fingers, I would think of how nice and supple my fingers felt against Anne's soft skin.

  I threw the chimes into a drawer and decided that I would go into the office and get some work done instead. Surely being around my colleagues and patients would help me to keep my mind on something other than Anne.

  I walked into the office and Joe, another doctor that I worked with, looked at me, surprised.

  "What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice going up a few octaves than normal.

  "What? You mean to tell me that you've never seen a doctor work around here?" I asked, jokingly. He chuckled and then walked off in the other direction, looking for something to busy himself with. I didn't like that my colleagues looked at me like a boss and often didn't even like making small talk with me, but I did appreciate the fact that they respected me and our practice enough to make sure that we upheld a high standard of professionalism.

  A standard that threatened to come crumbling down if I kept on thinking about Anne and being inappropriate with her. I wasn't quite sure why I thought that revisiting the scene of the crime was going to be for the best, but there I was, surrounded by the walls of the rooms where I had finger fucked my patient.

  And loved every minute of it.

  I had a feeling that Anne loved it, too. The way that her pussy creamed all over my hand told me that she had to have enjoyed it on some level.

  But, something else told me that she was holding back. I knew that the doctor/patient relationship probably had something to do with it, but I had this burning feeling that it was something else.

  What could it have been?

  I wracked my brain trying to think of what it could have been. Did she find a boyfriend? I had to know.

  I found her file in the computer and jotted down the phone number listed.

  It took me a few minutes of talking myself into calling her before I finally dialed the number.

  She picked up after a few rings.

  "Hello?" came her faint voice on the other end of the phone.

  "Uh, hey there. It's Dr. Roberts...Ted..."

  I took a deep breath, almost afraid to go on.

  "Yes?" she said, her voice curious and hesitant.

  "I was calling because...I was looking through your records and...would you like to go on a date with me?"

  There. I'd said it. I waited for what seemed like an eternity for her to answer.

  After a few moments, she finally responded.

  "Actually, I'm really busy at the moment and will be for quite some time, so..."

  "Remember what you were telling me in the office about what you want? This is your chance to see through something that could be incredible. Don't you want to at least give yourself a chance?"

  I could tell that she was thinking about what I was saying. She knew that I was right.

  "Well, okay," she finally agreed.

  "Trust me, I understand your hesitation. But, I also know what it's like to eat every meal alone and wish that you had someone to share it with. I know what it's like to reach incredible heights in your career and be standing all alone. I'm not saying that this is the end all, be all, the answer to your prayers and dreams. What am I saying is that I can promise you a good meal and great company if you're open to it."

  "That sounds like a great start," she said, beginning to sound more confident. "What day works for you?"

  I looked at my calendar. Every evening was available after work, but I didn't want to seem too available and scare her off.

  But, I didn't want to wait another minute to see her.

  "What about right now?" I asked, waiting for her answer.

  Chapter Five


  I had been sitting going through my mail when he called. I was expecting a very important court decision letter to come for a case that I had done a lot of work on and fought hard for. The letter hadn't come.

; What did come, though, was a letter for an Ann McAlister. I always got letters for her because we had the same name. Only hers was spelled differently than mine without the 'e' and she had a completely different last name. I would have thought that people would have paid more attention, but they didn't. So, she spent a lot of time sending back mail in hopes that Ann would start getting the mail that she was expecting. I wrote 'Return to Sender' on the letter and got ready to drop into the mail slot until I realized that it was the same address, just on a different floor. It was starting to making more sense as to why the post office would mix up our mail since it came to the same address. She worked on the twenty-third floor. What were the chances that Ann McAlister - a CPA - worked in the same office building that I did? It really was a small world.

  Just as I was about to walk the letter up to her floor, the phone rang.

  "How about now?" he asked, waiting for my answer. I realized that I had taken more time that I probably should to answer his question.

  “Sure,” I said, putting the letter under my arm.

  “Alright,” he said, sounding satisfied. “I’ll be over in a few.”

  I said okay and hung up the phone. I could feel the nerves starting to build up, making me feel like butterflies were fluttering around in my belly.

  The walk up to the twenty-third floor was going to be a welcomed distraction. I could kill two birds with one stone: help me kill some time and make sure that Ann got her letter sooner rather than later.

  Once I got up to the twenty-third floor, I noticed that it was completely empty. I was hoping to find Ann herself, but I realized that very few people hung around work after hours. Most people had lives and families to get home to. But, I figured that at least I could find her office and stick the letter in the mail slot. It took me a few minutes to find her office, but I did. I quickly deposited the letter and went back downstairs to wait for Dr. Roberts.

  I couldn’t think of the last time that I had stopped in the lobby. I was always so busy breezing through it that I didn’t notice the beautiful Victorian design of the wood and the soft candle sconces along the wall.

  It gave the lobby something of a romantic feel.

  So, when a limo pulled up to the doors, I blinked a few times to make sure that I hadn’t been daydreaming.

  A driver wearing white gloves came over and opened the lobby doors. He peeked around until he saw me standing in the dimly lit hallway with my jaw almost touching the floor.

  “Ms. White?” he asked, extending his gloved hand in my direction.

  “Yes,” I said so quietly that almost I didn’t hear myself.

  “Right this way,” he said, beckoning for me to follow him.

  My legs felt like bricks as I tried walking the short distance from the lobby to the front door.

  There were no other cars on the street except for the limo. The driver opened the door and Dr. Roberts sat inside. He was dressed in a sleek, black suit and had two champagne glasses in his hands.

  "Join me," he said, smiling his charming smile. I slid into the limo, still not able to find my voice. I looked around the limo at the bright lights and remembered the last time that I had ridden in a limo.

  It had been prom night and my date had left me to run off with one of the cheerleaders.

  This already seemed to be a more promising evening.

  "Wow, this is amazing," I finally said after the limo had pulled off and turned the corner. Dr. Roberts just looked at me and smiled again. He looked at me in a way that told me that he was searching every bit of me and liked what he saw.

  "My dear, this is only the beginning," he said, mystically. My mind started reeling, wondering what he could have meant.

  It wasn't very long before I got my answer.

  The limo came to a screeching halt at Central Park. Dr. Roberts got out of the limo, tipped the driver, and then walked around to my door. He opened the door and extended his arm to me like a real life fairytale prince.

  "Your chariot awaits," he said, pointing to a horse-drawn carriage a few yards away from where we stood. He snapped his fingers and a stringed quartet started playing soft, romantic music as he guided me the short distance to the carriage. He helped me inside and got in himself.

  "I've never been in a carriage before," I admitted, more thinking aloud than anything. It was all very romantic and sweet. Tears started to well up in my eyes as I took in everything that was happening. Dr. Roberts touched my cheek, looking like he was going to cry himself.

  “We’ve got one more stop to make,” he said, pulling his cell phone out of his jacket pocket. The clicking of the heels of the horse accented the air as the smooth music of the strings faded into the distance. I would have been happy riding around in the park in the carriage. I had never experienced something so thoughtful and romantic. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect next.

  “Yes, hello. This is Dr. Roberts. Is everything set? We will be pulling up shortly. I just want to make sure that no one else will be at the restaurant except for my guest and I.”

  I leaned in closer to see what I could hear, now curious about his plan. I could hear someone talking fast on the other end of the phone, but I couldn’t quite make out what they were saying.

  “Well, sure, the wait staff I expect will be there,” he said, laughing. “I’ll see you all soon.”

  He hung up the phone, slid it back into his jacket pocket, and turned towards me.

  “I hope that you like Italian food,” he said.

  “What’s not to like?” I asked, incredulously. “It’s actually my absolute favorite kind of food. There’s a really awesome restaurant around the corner with some of the best pasta that you will ever eat.”

  “Oh?” he asked, casually. “We’ll have to go there sometime.” I leaned back, becoming more impressed with this thoughtful, attentive man who was showing me a wonderful time.

  The carriage coasted to a stop and I almost completely fell out of my chair. We were at the very restaurant that I had been talking about. I told him as much.

  “Well, good,” he said, stepping out of the carriage. “At least I know you will enjoy the food. Hopefully, you will enjoy the company at least half as much.”

  “I already am,” I said, catching his hand as I eased out of the carriage. He held my hand as we walked through the front door of the almost-empty restaurant.

  Wow, this is the life, I thought to myself. This is usually one of the busiest restaurants in town. It must have taken a considerable amount of money for them to agree to shut down for just us.

  We sat down to dinner and the waiter brought out the finest red wine in the restaurant, the perfect pairing for the saucy pasta that promised to follow. Our food came out quickly, with a line of waiters rushing in to make sure that we had silverware, dressings, condiments, napkins, and anything else that we could have thought of.

  I had to admit that I was impressed. It wasn’t like I didn’t have my own money or had visited my share of fine dining restaurants like this one. I didn’t quite have THIS kind of money, the shut-down-fancy-restaurants kind of money.

  It felt nice to be wined and dined and treated so nicely. The fact that someone would do so much and go so far was refreshing and excited.

  If this was the first date, I thought, what would other dates look like? I figured I’d better make sure my Passport was up-to-date in case I ever needed to find out.

  I looked down at the beautifully-prepared plate of pasta and over at Dr. Roberts and smiled brightly.

  A girl could get used to this.

  Chapter Six


  “I am stuffed,” said Anne, wiping the corners of her mouth daintily with the napkin.

  “Are you ready for dessert? At my house?” I asked, hoping that she didn’t find my offer too forward. She sat up attentively and swallowed hard. She leaned towards me.

  “Yes,” she said, pushing her plate away from her. We left the table and walked outside to where the limo had pulled back up and wa
s waiting for us. We drove in silence to my house holding hands. I couldn’t tell if she was happy from all of the food in her belly or if she was enjoying the date. I wanted to think that maybe it was a happy mix of both. Either way, it made my heart happy seeing her lit up like a Christmas tree.

  “Here we are,” I said as we pulled into my long driveway. She gasped.

  “Oh my goodness,” she exclaimed, clapping her hand over her mouth. “You live here? It looks like a mansion!”

  “Yes, this is what I call home sweet home,” I said. “But, in all honesty, it’s too big. I mean, I’m the only person living here, so it’s much too big of a house for just one person.”

  Anne stared at the house in shock.

  This was my moment while she stood frozen in place. I swept her off of her feet, catching her off guard. She almost fell out of my arms as she jumped, startled. She was so dainty and light. She fit easily into my arms.

  I was going to make sweet love to her. I kissed her lips gently, taking care to taste every inch of her sweet lips.

  She giggled. It wasn’t exactly the response that I had expected.

  “Everything okay?” I asked, thinking that maybe I had tickled her when I freed my hand to unlock and open the front door.

  “Um, yeah,” she said, starting to look around nervously. “I, uh, just have never done anything like this before.”

  “You mean come home on the first date with a handsome stranger?” I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Well, yeah, that, too…” she said, starting to fidget even more. She was moving so much that she was starting to make my arms tired, so I put her down.

  What could it be that is bothering her so much? I wracked my brain trying to think of what it could have been. I didn’t think that she was a prude. If that were the case, she never would have gone out on a date with me, especially after our encounter in my office.


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