Striving for the stars (The Kelras Chronicles Book 1)
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"It's okay, Aristeia. Mr. Altair told me about the implant. I've alerted the medical team on the ship, and I will be taking you directly to med bay. It will be okay. Mr. Altair has disconnected your implant from the network, and we will remove it. The captain is calling your mother to inform her of the issue," PO Lewis said, still rubbing my back.
Taking a shuddering breath, I stood straight and wiped my eyes. Nodding to the woman standing beside me that I was ready to continue, I silently followed her to the transport hub. I couldn't speak, worried I might break down again if I tried.
Walking onto the ship, we were met by the captain and the chief medical officer, who was introduced as CMO Jiang while I was quickly led into the med bay.
"Mr. Altair was correct, Captain, the implant is corrupted,” CMO Jiang said. “We will need to remove it. The data bears similarities to the other corrupted implants reported from the Riv'ari system," he added as he scanned my implant and looked over the data on his pad.
"This is indeed concerning, remove the implant and send your report to me immediately after. I will be reporting to command in an hour regarding this matter." He said before breaking away from our group, moving quickly down another corridor, followed by a small group of officers.
I wasn’t given a chance to ask about the other corrupted implants, or about what was going to happen, before I was led to a bed and told to lay on my stomach. Flinching at the feel of a needle being injected into the back of my hand, I tried to turn my head to ask the medical officer a question, but was overwhelmed by a feeling of dizziness. I could faintly feel them place something on my face and a single thought penetrated my mind, as I faded into unconsciousness.
I want to go home.
Chapter 9
My body felt heavy and my head throbbed painfully as I regained awareness. A blurry form appeared in my line of sight, and I groaned in response to a question asked. I didn't know what they had said, the words a jumbled mess in my mind. There was a sharp prick in my hand, and my vision cleared as the pain in my head dissipated. I fought the urge to vomit and blinked my eyes a few times as a blurred image of the chief medical officer leaning over me swam into focus.
"Miss Kelras, how are you feeling?" CMO Jiang asked.
"Sore," I croaked. My mouth was dry and my head ached fiercely.
The medical officer shifted, then placed a straw against my lips. Sucking down the cool liquid with frantic gulps, I felt the raw feeling in my throat dissipate somewhat.
"Small sips, the sedative is still wearing off. Sleep some more, and I will return later to check on you and test the stability of your implant," he told me, and I reluctantly slowed my sips.
It didn’t take long before I finished the contents of the water pouch, and before I could ask for more, my eyes fell closed as sleep overcame me, and a confusing muddle of dreams filled my mind.
When I next awoke, I felt almost normal, my neck still ached, but I felt better than I had when I first woke up. Sitting up in the bed, I looked around the med bay, only to see I was no longer in the med bay. I was in the room that had been assigned to me on the FSS Scorpia. Had they brought me here after the procedure? Hearing a low humming noise, I realized it was the sound of the ship's engines. We must have departed the station while I was unconscious, I thought with a frown.
Hearing the door to my room open, I looked up to see the chief medical officer enter. He was looking down at a datapad and didn't look up until he reached the bed.
"Miss Kelras, good to see you finally awake. Have you attempted connecting to your implant yet?" he asked, and I shook my head in response, grimacing as my neck twinged in pain.
"The connection site will be sore for a few more days, due to unexpected complications caused by the malfunctioning implant. We were not able to use the implant your mother had arranged be purchased in Xi'anu.Which is why the new implant you have been given is a military-grade implant, and while traditionally it is not implanted until after graduation. However, command was willing to make an exception for you based on the circumstances. You will find the implant a little different from your previous one, and a file has been sent to you regarding the new features, though some functions have been disabled. Once you graduate, the implant will be restored to full functionality. Your wrist display device has also been upgraded.” he indicated my wrist and I glanced at the silver band encircling it.
“Your new wrist display device will hold charge significantly longer than the older device and will need charging monthly, with a three-hour recharge cycle to reach full capacity," he said and went over several more details about my new implant.
The security software was far more advanced than my basic implant and CMO Jiang had me do several tests to ensure my implant was operating correctly before he departed. I sighed, rubbing at my eyes. I had lost all my programs, my data; everything I had on my old implant was gone. Fortunately, there had been nothing important. I could re-download my education modules, and my network account had all my contacts saved, so I still had my parent's contact codes. Mentally reaching out with my implant, I found I was now connected to the ship's network, with limited access.
Hesitating for a moment, I rose and after a moment of dizziness moved to the desk in the corner. There was a vid screen there, and I decided it would be best to call my mother. I needed to thank her for arranging my new implant, even if the one she had ordered was not used, I knew that my getting a military grade replacement would no doubt be due to her influence. It could've taken weeks to arrange a new basic implant via the government offices, as neither my father nor I had the finances to pay for a more advanced model.
PO Lewis had also said she wanted to talk to me when she came to get me from Xavier's workshop, and according to the chief medical officer, I had been unconscious for almost three days recovering from the surgery to replace my implant. So I was days late in making that call. It didn’t take long for the call to connect, and I was soon looking at a holographic image of my mother. Though, I guessed from her expression, I probably should've showered or at least brushed my hair before calling.
"Aristeia, I see you have recovered. Has the medical officer advised of any remaining ill effects from the previous implant’s corruption?" my mother asked in her usual stern tone.
"No, he did not advise me of anything." For a moment, I could almost believe she cared.
"I have been in contact with the Altairin corp and they have offered compensation for what has happened."
"But they weren't responsible for the drone or my implant being corrupted. The—" my mother cut off my protests.
"Aristeia, while it is true they are not being held responsible, you have helped them by bringing this matter to their attention. Mr. Altair has informed me your drone has been repaired with a new power core, and he has also offered you an AI chip for it. I saw no reason to refuse this, and I was informed he delivered the items to the FSS Scorpia before it departed."
I glanced around the room and saw four silver cases of varying size off to one side. I hadn't noticed them before, so I guessed they had to be the items she was talking about.
"Has Captain Mua spoken to you about making a formal report about the drone and your time on the Stargazer II?" my mother asked, drawing my attention back to her.
"No, I only woke up an hour ago. I spoke with Chief Medical Officer Jiang when I woke and called you as soon as he left."
"I will send you a guide on writing formal reports. You will report on everything that happened from the moment you first received the drone. In particular, I wish for any details you may have noted when aboard the Stargazer II. You need not rush to complete it, rest some more first and send it to me in the morning. Oh and Aristeia,"
"Happy birthday," she said then ended the connection in the manner I had become accustomed to.
I stared at the blank screen in shock for several moments, glancing down at my wrist display, I saw she was correct and today was indeed my birthday. I was officia
lly eighteen, and considered an adult by the Federations laws. After a moment of silent contemplation of my new found adult status. I got up from the desk and made my way over to the small pile of cases. Time to see what Mr. Altair had sent me.
I sat on the floor and reached for the case at the top of the small pile. Inside, I found my drone, though it looked a little different than it had in the workshop. Looking it over, I saw that Xavier had finished putting the last of the outer plating on and had polished it to a high shine. There had also been an AI chip in the case that said ‘AI Sierra PIX.’ I had never heard of the PIX model AI chip before, so I would have to research it before I had it activated at the academy. Though as it came from the Altairin corp, I had no doubt it would be a good one.
The second case contained a fluffy Fizmo skin. The strands of its fur were clear and lifting it from the case, I could feel that it was heavier than the one I held in Xavier's lab. After looking the skin over, and indulging in several minutes of cuddling, I placed it back into the case. Xavier must have changed the base metal to make it stronger, I mused as I folded the tail into place before closing the lid. I would have to wait until I installed the drone skin to find out what programming had been included.
The next two cases contained the black and silver hoverboard Xavier had showed me and a matching bodysuit. The suit was called the Cloud Conqueror. Taking into consideration Xavier had named the board the Cloud Surfer, I could only guess it had been designed alongside the board. The bodysuit was similar to my older model, the Celestial bodysuit. It was a suit that was suited for lower atmosphere as well as high altitudes. It had a small pair of thrusters that sat flush with the suit's back, which would engage during free fall. The suit was clearly made for high-speed hoverboard racing and I could barely contain my excitement as I pulled the suit on, checking the fit. It was perfect. My father had likely given him my sizing when arranging for the hoverboard. Eyeing the board, I was very tempted to pull it out and boot it up.
Sighing, I pulled the bodysuit off and placed it into the case. It would be foolish if I messed around with the hoverboard in such a small room, even more so after surgery. Damn it, when did I start acting so responsibly? I itched to play with my new toys but knew I couldn't. The academy didn’t allow pre-awakened AI, and they also checked the AI code, adding security protocols before allowing its usage. This prevented any security breaches within the fleet. Opening the case containing my drone, I gave into temptation and fitted it into the Fizmo skin.
Hugging the now fluffy drone while feeling a little childish. I decided to trust in my implant’s new security features and installed the drone’s compatibility software to my implant. Looking at the instruction files on my wrist display, I saw one that said my name and opened it with interest. It read:
I am sure you have already seen I have sent your drone. There were some issues with the modified power core which I have fixed for you. Normally, modification of our drones in such a manner would not be permitted, however in this case I have allowed you to keep it out of respect for your ingenuity. You will find a new charging dock in the case as well, as your drone was no longer compatible with the Begleiter version due to its higher power output.
‘I have also included the prototype Fizmo skin you helped create. Your words have also inspired me to redesign many of our skins. While my father is less than pleased that we have to push back the release and re-manufacture the skins, he agrees the newer design is far better, even if it means the several thousand original Fizmo we have already manufactured are now not suitable. Though to solve this we are reaching out to a partner company who manufactures toys for children that are designed to help them learn to interact with their implants.
‘Along with the Fizmo skin, I am sending you an AI chip for your drone. The Sierra PIX was designed for pilots and has several functions you will find useful as the AI develops. Your father told me you wish to enlist in the pilot training program, so I felt this AI would best suit you.
‘I have also sent you the hoverboard and its accompanying bodysuit. Please contact me if there are any issues or if you have any ideas to improve the design further. My son Zander is also attending the academy as a second-year cadet, and will be able to assist you with the hoverboard should you find any issues. If you are interested in a race, I'm sure he would be delighted. He is the only other person with a Cloud Surfer, and has been complaining endlessly about lacking competition. If you should beat him and knock down his ego, then all the better.
‘Kind regards, Xavier Altair.’
I read over the message twice before I closed it. I was a little shocked that he was going to rebuild all the Fizmo skins, would it not have been better to just sell them as is, and then run a limited edition model? Sitting on the floor patting my motionless Fizmo drone, I decided to write a response to Xavier, to thank him for allowing me to keep my drone, and the other items he had given me.
‘Mr. Altair
‘Thank you for the gifts. It wasn't necessary, but I appreciate them. I would also like to thank you for allowing me to keep the drone I worked on.
I'm looking forward to testing out the new hoverboard.
‘Kind regards, Aristeia Kelras.’
After sending the message to Xavier, I also decided to write to my father, informing him of what had happened with my implant. I reassured him I was okay, and that I was traveling to Velante on the FSS Scorpia. I didn't call as it was likely he was at work.
I made my way to the bed and placed the drone next to me as I stroked the soft fur of the Fizmo skin. Patting the soft fur of my drone, I was suddenly struck with a worrying thought. Would I be allowed to use a skin on my AI drone? The fleet and academy had strict dress codes, but was there anything about AI appearance?
Reading over the cadet handbook my mother had sent me, it seemed I could use an animal-based skin within the dormitories and common areas, but during classes or in the main areas of campus, it had to be a standard utility skin or base form. I would need to set a process for my AI to remove the skin when departing the dorms. The drone’s cosmetic skin split in half, with the top lifting back on a hinge and drone would also be able to control the skin's mechanics with its internal processors, so my AI would be able to open and close the skin without me needing to take it off each time.
Reading a little more of the handbook, I found I would also be able to use my hoverboard on the academy grounds, though I was not allowed to exceed fifteen kilometers per hour speed or two thousand meters altitude unless I was using it on one of the designated recreational hoverboard tracks. The idea of a proper hoverboard track excited me, I couldn't wait to have the chance to test out the Cloud Surfer.
I spent the remainder of the day resting in bed and reading over the specifications of the hoverboard. When it came time for dinner, I was surprised when PO Lewis arrived at my door carrying a tray. Of particular interest was the thick slice of what she called a chocolate mud cake. While the RMPs did have some desserts, and even had cakes, those packs were more expensive than standard meals, so my father only ordered them on rare occasions. Though, they could in no way compare to the delicious treat I had just eaten.
Chapter 10
In comparison to my trip and time on the Xi’anu station, my trip to the Sovari system was uneventful, and I was on the FSS Scorpia for just over eleven days. Every morning I would eat breakfast in the officers’ dining hall, and then I would go with PO Lewis, who I got to know more familiarly as Jenna, to the recreational room.
They had various work out equipment there, and Jenna had suggested daily workouts to help prepare me for the academy. We would have daily fitness training, as I needed to pass a physical exam for entry to the pilot training course. Jenna had been a little surprised that I had been able to keep up with her on the first day. She assumed I had already been training to prepare for the academy. I hadn't, but salvaging in the scrap yard had helped me build strength, and it was a long trek to reach the newer piles
. I didn't tell her that, however, as I wasn't interested in sharing my life story with a woman I barely knew. After training with Jenna, I would have lunch and return to my room to study the new training modules my mother had added to my account.
I suspected that they were academy modules from the content, but I wouldn't complain. The modules she sent were called Federation Fleet Protocol and Diplomacy Basics. She had also sent me several books, all filled with similar content, such as The Art of Leadership, The Commanders code, and An Officers guide to being a better leader. It was clear she wanted me to be fully prepared for the academy, and I was feeling a little conflicted about my mother's recent actions. I had always assumed my mother didn't care about me at all, after that day on the Gretna, but maybe she did care, a little at least. Joining the academy gave us common ground, and perhaps we could use it to build a better relationship.
Most nights, I would eat dinner in the officers’ dining hall, but I had also joined the captain twice for dinner with his higher-ranked officers. Counterfeit drones had been found in several systems, with just over fifty located so far. Luckily Altairin Corp had put out announcements warning the public about counterfeit drones, and no one had been injured by one exploding yet.
One good thing that came from my dinners with the captain was being invited to the bridge for piloting lessons with Lieutenant Commander Logan, who was the chief pilot of the FSS Scorpia. My time spent learning under the guidance of the Scorpia's lead pilot, would be something I would never forget. The highlight being when Lt Logan called me to the bridge as we approached the Sovari system's secondary orbital station, which was designated for only fleet use and invited me to help him with the docking procedures. Sitting beside him in the copilot seat, I was beyond nervous as Lt Brookes, the actual copilot, murmured instructions to me from behind the chair.