The Pervade Duet

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The Pervade Duet Page 18

by Fewings, Vanessa

  The table had been tastefully set with fine china plates and crystal glasses for this late-night dining experience. The room’s décor—now that I had a moment to take it in—was regal and elegant. A line of high-back upholstered chairs surrounded a long oak table—the same one I’d been thrust on hours ago.

  Silver domes covered three plates, a glass of red wine placed at each setting.

  After showering, I’d found my clothes—the ones I’d put on this morning for my trip to Buckinghamshire—on the end of the bed and they’d been washed, since my experiences in the holding cell hadn’t been kind. Xavier had been the one to wash them; spoiling his girlfriend was a habit he’d yet to break.

  It was hard to look down the table at James after everything we’d done together. Trying to make sense of these swirling emotions, I looked over at Xavier. He sat at the other end offering me a look of reassurance.

  Turning my attention away from the medieval weaponry on the walls, I admired the massive stone fireplace. Bright red flames crackled in the hearth. Not unlike the fireplace that had warmed our naked bodies as we’d tumbled around in ecstasy.

  Along the walls were paintings of chivalrous-looking knights. One of them actually resembled James.

  He sat at the head of the table, the distance between us an ocean apart. This formal seating plan seemed like a punishment, as though we were returning to the status of what we had once been…enemies.

  With a nod from James, I lifted the silver dome to reveal a meal of roast chicken, assorted vegetables, and the deliciously aromatic scent of rosemary.

  My stomach grumbled with anticipation. “Nice going on the seating plan.”

  James lifted his crystal glass and took a sip.

  “Considering what the three of us just did.”

  “It was…” James bit his lip before continuing. “A detour.”

  Which made me swallow nervously as a recollection of being squished between them raced through my brain, holding me suspended as I replayed the scene.

  “Try your roast chicken, Em,” said Xavier.

  “What? Oh, yes.” I cut into the sumptuous meat and took a bite. My smile revealed how amazing it tasted. “James, you’re a great cook.”

  “He considers himself a chef,” said Xavier.

  “Ah, I see.” I paused, and then reached for my glass. “Are we allowed to talk about the AI?”

  Ignoring James’ glare, I took a sip of wine. Flavors of blackberries and grapes danced on my tongue.

  “I’m sure it’s a more comfortable conversation than what we did to you in the bedroom,” James said, arching a brow.

  My cheeks blushed wildly.

  Thoughts of me going down on them at the same time sent a shiver down my spine; two kneeling men before me, all alpha power and taut muscular bodies. I squeezed my thighs together, trying to ease the pang.

  The way James was staring at me proved he’d enjoyed teasing me. I took another big gulp of the smooth wine.

  He topped up my wine glass.

  “Thank you.”

  “Better be careful,” James said, topping up his own. “We all know what happened last time you had more than one glass.”

  “You mean I played my violin for you?” I threw in a cute smile.

  James picked up his fork. “Yes, of course I meant that.”

  “Any chance of a tour?” I asked.

  “I’m sure we can arrange that.” He looked relaxed for a man who had the weight of the world to consider. The sword on the wall was a reminder of how far he’d go.

  He saw me staring at it. “It was used at Trafalgar Square.”

  Several more swigs of wine and I was still trying to read him. “You get off by threatening women?”

  “Only the ones that need taming.”

  Xavier laughed. “You can be a bastard, sometimes.”

  “Really?” said James. “And you’re the master of unseen moves.”

  I raised my hand in the air. “I had the most incredible time with you both.”

  James grinned and so did Xavier, and I sensed their relief that I’d finally broken the ice.

  “Endear me to you, James,” I said. “I mean, what you did upstairs was enthralling, but I need to know more about you.”

  “He was a naval officer,” said Xavier.

  I turned in my seat to look at him. “Not an attorney?”

  He threw off a salute. “I’m not as fascinating as Xavier.”


  “Don’t talk about me,” ordered Xavier.

  “If we’re going to enlighten Ms. Rampling,” James said, licking his lips, “let’s go all the way.”

  Xavier looked nervous. “You want her to hate me?”

  Sparks flew from the fireplace, making me jump.

  “Did he share the level of his I.Q. with you, Emily?” added James.

  I let out a sigh. “He’s well read and…”

  “Well over 350.”

  “Not sure why that’s relevant,” said Xavier.

  “Considering that, before you, the highest recorded I.Q. was 300,” said James. “To put it into perspective, Emily, Stephen Hawking’s IQ was 160 and Einstein’s 190. William Sidis, an American child prodigy, scored 300.”

  I tried to fathom why Xavier hadn’t shared this with me. “And you’re good with languages.”

  “You could say that.” James looked amused.

  “You’re a linguist, too,” Xavier piped up.

  “A little French,” admitted James. “A little German.”

  “Fluent Russian,” Xavier added.

  “And you have a good memory, too, Xavier,” I offered.

  “That’s an understatement.” James skewered a carrot on the end of his fork and brought it to his mouth. He chewed elegantly as he stared at Xavier. “It’s photographic.”

  My gaze bounced from one man to the other. “I knew you were special.”

  Xavier grinned. “Glad we cleared that up.”

  “How about a demonstration?” said James.

  “Of what?” Xavier acted innocent.

  “Of when you first met her.” James placed his fork down. “Tell her what you remember from that day.”

  “She found me in the Underground.” He shrugged it off.

  I noticed the seductive narrowing of James’ eyes. He was trying to coax Xavier into opening up.

  “He remembers,” I said in his defense. “We often talk about it.”

  James gave him a wry smile. “Show Emily your gift.”

  “Well, she already knows I’m special.” Xavier grinned.

  “You haven’t touched your wine,” James said smoothly.

  “I’m looking forward to a second round with us all in your bed.” Xavier winked at me. “That’s the only party game I’m interested in.”

  I set my glass down. “I’d like to see a demonstration of your talents.”

  Xavier took a sip of his wine. “I don’t want to scare you, Em.”

  “No fire starting, then?” I smirked at him.

  “No, a little more…memorable.”

  “What would be more memorable than—”

  “I remember everything.”

  “But that’s normal, right?” I reasoned.

  “He is able to recall the number of commuters in the Underground that walked by you as you talked with him,” said James. “He’ll be able to tell you what you wore that day, down to your earrings. He has the ability to replay, word for word, your conversation. Each flicker of an eyelid, each reaction you showed during your time with him is remembered in minute detail.”

  I was stunned.“You remember every word from that evening?”

  Silence fell…

  “Traffic’s slow,” Xavier began. “I can catch him.” Xavier’s eyes glazed over as he continued…

  “He got into a taxi.”

  “You saw him? Which way did he go?”

  “It’s too dangerous for you.”

  “Tell me.”

  “I’ll get it back for
you if you promise to buy me a meal.”


  “I was joking. But I am pretty hungry.”

  “Bring me my violin and I’ll treat you to a three-course dinner.”

  Xavier studied me. “It went something like that.”

  “Huh.” I managed.

  He’d replayed our full conversation—the one we’d shared on the pavement outside Piccadilly during those seconds he’d offered to retrieve my violin from a thief.

  “That’s impressive,” I muttered.

  “One hundred and twenty-three people passed us on the street while we were talking,” added Xavier. “And two dogs walked by with their owners. A Lab and a Corgi. Shall I read off the number plates of the cars caught in traffic? It’s a bit boring.”

  I shot to my feet, staring at him.

  “How about dessert?” said James. “Xavier, go grab the key lime pie from the fridge. Bring three plates, please.”

  “I scared you,” whispered Xavier.

  “It’s unnerving,” I admitted.

  “And forks too, please,” added James.

  We both watched Xavier push to his feet and head out. Even with him gone I was still staring at where Xavier had been sitting and replaying what had just happened. Pivoting toward James.

  “That’s another reason he plays chess,” said James. “It soothes his mind from every single second that gets recorded in his brain.”

  “How can he bear it?”

  “It’s what makes him quirky.”

  “You’re using him. His talent. His ability to talk with…AI.” I gave him an accusatory glare.

  “Please sit down, Emily.”

  “I need to check on him.”

  “He left so we can talk. So, let’s talk.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “I told you to sit.”

  I sank back into my seat. “I still know him better than you.”

  “My job is to protect him. Make sure he has everything he wants and needs so he continues to work for us.”

  “You make it sound cold. He’s not a machine.”

  “Work for us, Emily. Not the Russians, not the Chinese, not some billionaire with money to burn. Us.”

  “He would never betray England.”

  “I would hope not.”

  “You’re keeping him prisoner.”

  “He’s free to come and go. Relationships, however, are…”

  “Because he’s the only one who can do what he does.”

  With an elegant hand, James removed his necktie and laid it before him on the table. “Can you continue to love a man so potentially dangerous?”


  “I’m talking about Xavier.”

  How dare you.

  Pushing to my feet, I closed the gap between us. With a shove, I moved his dinner plate aside and squeezed myself between him and the table, lifting myself up to sit on the end with my legs dangling. It was an interesting vantage point that had me looking down at him.

  Bringing my high heels up, I rested them on his thighs, then grazed his groin with one pointed tip, letting him know I could use it like a weapon—like that sword on the wall.

  He grabbed my ankle and moved it away from his cock. The thrum of his firm touch sent a tingle into my calf.

  “Tell me more, Sir Ballad.” I reached forward and lifted his tie, running it through my fingers to tease him.

  James stared up at me. “I’m his guardian. I help ensure that his brilliance soars.”

  “He’s priceless to you.”

  “You can only imagine my concern when I thought you’d impaled him on a jousting pole.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t leave such dangerous weapons hanging around.”

  “Put your hands behind your back.”

  “I’m in control here, James.”

  He pushed to his feet. I caught the tip of my tongue between my teeth in response.

  James was now looking down at me. “You want to feel connected. I can give you that. You want to be cherished, nurtured, spoiled or fucked within an inch of your life. These things I can give you.”

  “But not him?” I fluttered my eyelashes and threw in sarcasm. “Perhaps I can just have you?”

  He leaned in and his lips brushed mine. “It’s within my power to crush you. Wipe out any evidence of your existence. Scorch the earth bare where you step. One wrong move and your name might as well have been written in water.”

  “You don’t scare me.”

  His jaw clenched. “It seems to me the only way to handle you is to have you.”

  “You don’t want me. You just want to make Xavier happy.”

  There had to be a way to figure out if James felt something for me. If I relented and let him take me again, I might be able to discover his true feelings.

  “Place your wrists behind your back.”

  Raising my chin in defiance, I delivered my response. “My greatest revenge is going to be making you fall in love with me.” I placed my wrists behind me anyway.

  He leaned around my body and secured my wrists together with his tie. “Feel that? This is me taking back the power. Your fate rests in my hands.”

  I felt a twinge of apprehension, but it was too late. I was bound.

  James’ fingers trailed down my chin and then my throat, bringing a tingling as they brushed my shoulder, and then circled a nipple. “You are the greatest treasure.”

  I was coming undone…

  He rubbed his thumb over my lips, making them plump. “This moment with us, here, will change your life forever.”


  “I don’t want to do this.”

  “Do what?”

  James looked over my shoulder. “It’s best if I deliver the poison with some sugar.”

  Turning to follow his gaze, I saw Xavier. He was focused on us as though trying to read what was unraveling.

  James smiled over at him. “I’ll take one of those.”

  Xavier approached and placed a dessert plate near us on the table. Then he walked over to a seat nearby and pulled it out with his foot. He sat down and placed the other two dessert plates in front him, quickly digging into the pie with a silver spoon, his full lips smacking together in delight.

  James reached toward the dessert, lifting the small silver spoon and using it to scoop up some of the creamy pie. He brought it to my lips.

  Opening my mouth, I tasted the sweetness of cream and the tang of lime, both dancing on my tongue. I savored the sensations.

  “Em, when you do that thing with your mouth,” Xavier said softly. “You are so…”

  Ballad turned my attention back on him with a tilt of my chin.

  My pleasure was his to deliver. “I wish I’d stabbed you with that joust,” I taunted.

  Xavier chuckled.

  “She’s certainly beguiling.” James scooped up more of the cream and again brought it to my mouth.

  I pressed my lips together in protest.

  “Open.” The spoon was eased into my mouth.

  “What did you mean, poison?” I said through a bite.

  “What I’m about to share will leave a bitter taste.” James wiped cream off my lip with his thumb and licked it off his finger. “It’s about that night when I came for Xavier at The Biltmore.” He dabbed my mouth with a napkin. “We needed him urgently.”

  A chill slid up my spine.

  “Two computer systems belonging to two opposing countries were talking…with each other. Two foreign entities classed as enemies. The governments had installed AI to monitor and control their weapon systems. Bad idea, as you can imagine.”

  My brain went into overdrive, my wrists tugging on the restraint behind my back.

  “The AI systems were communicating for over a month before anyone noticed. Though no one knew what was being shared between them at that time,” he continued. “Specialists tried to shut them down. They failed. Each respective country went on high-alert. The U.S. and Great Britain went on red alert. We were
called in. I needed my expert. Who was currently hunkered down with a violinist at The Biltmore getting his rocks off.” He flashed an affectionate smile at Xavier.

  “We were hiding,” I threw in.

  “You can’t hide from me, Emily.”

  I ignored that. “You needed Xavier to interpret what the AI were saying to each other?” I cringed at the memory of my temper tantrum at The Biltmore when James had turned up. “What happened?”

  “Xavier has quite the knack for translating AI language.” James broke into a smile. “He talked them back from the ledge.”

  I realized the danger. “Oh, God.”

  “He’s certainly close to that, yes.”

  “Which countries?” I had to ask.

  “As you can see—” James looked over at Xavier. “We need him. With no distractions.”

  My mouth went dry.

  James’ focus returned to me. “How’s the dessert?”


  He tipped up my chin. “There’s good in this world. We’re trying to preserve it.”

  “Thank you for trusting me with that.” The words slipped out quietly as I glanced at Xavier.

  He looked so innocent licking cream off his spoon, so sweet-natured, and the thought he’d potentially saved the world from a disaster was mind-blowing.

  James untied my wrists. “That was to stop you from running.”

  “What happens now?”

  “You go to bed. And you try to sleep.”

  “With you, right?” I said softly. “With both of you.”

  I awoke to the pressure of being squeezed between two men—all firm muscles and heat. Wiping the sleepiness from my eyes, I saw that James and Xavier were still passed out. Them being here brought me the comfort I needed, along with a feeling of trust.

  I’d climbed into James’ bed last night after drinking too much wine. My world had been rocked by revelations that still made my head spin. I’d believed the more booze I drank the clearer things would get and the more I’d understand.

  But it had just made things fuzzier.

  James’ right leg lay over mine and Xavier’s arm was wrapped protectively across my chest. Easing them off, I sat up trying not to wake them.

  I looked over to see if either of them had a glass of water on their side-tables. There was only a small clock announcing we were an hour away from dawn.


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