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The Pervade Duet

Page 53

by Fewings, Vanessa

  I sat up. “Orphanage? I thought it was a school?”

  “It’s a school, too. Taking care of the children is Louis’ passion. He’s the one who set up the manor alongside James. He helps him fund it.”

  “The children…” My brain processed his words. “That’s wonderful.”

  What better place to hide a child than amongst other children? It was genius really, though devastating to think of a child living without parents. Surely James hadn’t tucked his boy away in such a place? My mind rejected the thought.

  Xavier narrowed his eyes on me. “What’s going on in that noggin?”

  “Do you think I could help deliver the toys?” I sucked on my bottom lip as my plan came together. Being around James when he interacted with the kids would enable me to watch him, see if he connected with a specific child…his child.

  I pushed to my feet. “I’d love to help.”

  “Don’t see why not. James would love to have you there. I’ll arrange a car to drive you down.”


  “Come on,” he said. “I’ll make us breakfast.”

  I gestured for him to stay seated. “I’ll make it. It’s important you keep working. Do you want some more coffee?”

  “I’d love some.”

  Outside the window I saw a flash of lightning and heard a crack of thunder.

  “Oh, no,” I said. “What about the toys?”

  “These storms blow over quickly. Let me save this.” He clicked the mouse. “In case there’s a power outage.”

  “Can I ask you something?”


  “It’s about James.” I swallowed my trepidation about broaching the subject of him having a secret child.

  “Em.” He pulled his hands back from the keyboard. “Let’s just be grateful that James is exploring a relationship with us. You don’t need to know how he got there. Let’s put all our focus on us, okay?”


  Somehow, he’d reached James and the how wasn’t important. Just seeing James happy was enough.

  Xavier and I had been so damn serious for such a long time. I wanted the old us back, the playful us, the cute couple—the two people who loved unconditionally and deserved their happily ever after.

  I headed out of the room, deep in thought.

  “Hey, you okay?” he asked.

  I spun back around to face him and yanked open my shirt to flash my boobs. “Can I interest you in something a lot less boring?”

  He pushed himself up out of the chair and grabbed for me.

  I squealed and leaped back, turning and bolting out of the room.

  His footsteps were close behind. I ran into the sitting room and flung myself onto the luxurious couch. Xavier flung himself on top of me and pinned my arms above my head, leaning in to kiss my neck, his soft lips tracing along my throat and gliding over my jaw. I wrapped my legs around his waist and held him to me.

  The shirt had ridden up over my waist and the bulge of his jeans pressed my sex, causing a tingling between my thighs as desire rushed over me.

  “Xavier, tell me this is real.”

  “You’re my girl, Em.” He let go of my wrists and worked his way down my body. “Never forget that.”

  My shirt was hoisted above my breasts and he pinched my nipples, his head between my thighs. He ran his tongue along my clit and there came a rush of pleasure.

  He planted kisses on my sex, each time repeating “I love you.”

  “Oh, yes.”

  “You’re supposed to say I love you back.”

  “I love you back.” It made me giggle.

  “The word ‘back’ is redundant.”

  “Stop it.” I laughed.

  He tickled me. “You’re a miracle, Emily.”

  A bolt of lightning lit up the sky.

  Xavier pulled back and beamed at me. “See, even God concurs.”

  I laughed with joy, and then arched my back as he went down on me again, the pleasure edging me closer to release as his tongue teased me, his hands kneading my swollen breasts.

  An orgasm snatched away my voice and I let out a thready cry, quivering as my body thrummed like an instrument played to perfection, my fingernails digging into his shoulders as I exhaled shakily.

  Xavier sat up and reached for his zipper.

  The sound of a ringtone reached our ears, and he squeezed his eyes shut in frustration.

  “Ignore it,” I said.

  He raised a finger as he pushed himself up. “Hold that thought.”

  Xavier hurried out to answer the phone.

  When he didn’t come back after a few minutes, I pushed myself up and padded through the house to find him.

  Xavier was leaning against the central island in the kitchen, texting.

  “Who was it?”

  He looked up at me, shaking his head. “A message from Louis’ butler. That journalist is back at his place.”


  “Luckily Louis is at the orphanage.” He pinned his stare on me. “That fucker won’t give up.”

  Fear slithered beneath my skin. “Why?”

  Xavier snapped his phone to his ear. “Ballad? Can you talk? That journalist is at Louis’ place. You might want to stay where you are for a little longer. Yeah, that’s my advice. Make the call.”

  Xavier hurried out of the kitchen and returned to the office. I heard him close the door behind him.

  My heart thundered in my chest as I replayed Xavier’s words. What the hell were they going to do to that journalist?


  My chest tightened when I read the brass sign on the gate of the orphanage: Victoria Manor.

  The red brick architecture and arching windows leant a grand British air to the private school. The campus looked vast from the front.

  The chauffeur who’d driven me here gave a wave that he was ready to leave. I waved back with thanks, then turned to look at the truck parked outside. It was stacked high with boxes. A small number of staff were retrieving them out of the back and carrying them in through the arched stone doorway.

  Like all things related to James, this was an impressive example of his influence. This sprawling place was perfect for keeping a child hidden. The building looked like it had been plucked out of Oxford University and placed here. Perhaps the fact his child was growing up within such a grand estate lessened his guilt. Still, that boy needed to be near his father.

  But I supposed ensuring his safety was more important.

  James strolled out from beneath the archway at the entrance and walked toward the truck. Seeing him volunteer pulled at my heartstrings—even though his unshaven appearance and dark looks intensified his dangerous edge.

  I felt partly responsible for keeping him up all night. That memory sent a shudder through me. Seeing him in those sexy ripped jeans and tight black shirt was doing things to my body. He moved with a regal elegance as he lifted a box and handed it to another volunteer.

  Then he saw me…

  I hurried toward him. “Did Xavier tell you I was coming?”

  “Hey, Emily,” Louis called over, having just walked out of the building. “Thank you for being here. Grab a box.”

  James seemed to shake himself out of a daze.

  “It’s okay, right?” I asked him.

  “Of course.”

  I tried to read his expression, to see if there was caution in his demeanor…the kind a protective father might have.

  We both waited for Louis to carry his box back through the doorway before speaking again.

  “I want to make myself useful,” I explained.

  James cupped my face. “You see the problem.” He pulled his hands away. “When I’m this close not touching you is impossible.”

  His words made my body thrum.

  “Last night,” I began.

  “Not here.”

  “I was only going to say it was amazing.”

  He smiled. “You have very kissable lips. And other parts of
you are as well.”

  A few more volunteers hurried toward us and we stepped back.

  I threw off a salute. “Just tell me what to do, Commander.”

  It made his grin widen. “Careful calling me that, or I’ll be sending you over an assault course. Though instead of obstacles like walls and trenches it’ll be my body you have to climb over.”

  “Sign me up.” I winked.

  I set to work, helping carry in the boxes.

  Soon, the truck was empty and all the boxes had been placed along the wooden tables in the great hall. Inside, the architecture was just as impressive. The place had a Harry Potter theme going with its Hogwarts-style dark wood, cathedral-like arches and portraits hanging on the walls. The large window at the end stretched from floor to ceiling.

  Standing back, we watched the children being led into the hall in an orderly fashion. Their ages ranged from five-year-olds to kids in their teens. A multicultural mix of sweet faces, all eager to see what gifts had been delivered.

  “We’ve unleashed mayhem,” said Louis. “My favorite day of the year.”

  “I never get tired of this.” James beamed at the children.

  A collective roar of joy echoed around us as boxes were opened and toys were handed out. The kids ran around with their gifts, some showing them off to their teachers, others scurrying into corners to play with them. It was a controlled chaos of the happiest kind.

  I watched James to see if there was any recognition in his eyes or if he showed any affection towards a specific child. James’ gaze found mine, his look of curiosity lingering.

  Was he onto me?

  Louis joined me at the back of the hall. “They’re adorable, aren’t they?”

  “They are. You do such great work.”

  “I don’t do it alone. We have an awesome team.”

  “I assume the manor is named after James’ late wife?”

  “Victoria, yes. This place only exists because of James.”

  “You two must have known each other a long time.”

  “Yes, his father introduced us.” He pointed to a young girl who was showing James her ballerina doll. “Now that’s cute.”

  James had knelt so he could chat with her eye-to-eye about her new doll dressed in pink. My chest tightened at the sight of his gentleness. The way his eyebrows were raised inquisitively as she spoke to him, the way he made her feel safe.

  It made my ovaries explode.

  It also stirred my intrigue.

  Louis nudged my arm. “If you stay in Montego Bay you could teach violin here.”

  “I could?” I asked, turning to look at him.

  “Why not?”

  “I would love that,” I said. “Do you teach music here?”

  He gave a nod. “We want them to have the best education and the greatest chance of success in life.”

  “You’re a hero, Louis.”

  “If you’re looking for a hero, Emily, look to James. He’s made all of this possible.”

  “Where do all of the children come from?”

  “I’m afraid many are abandoned by their parents due to poverty, or illness, or even death.”

  Their brave faces were full of hope. It wrenched my heart to know they’d suffered the loss of their families. I wanted to wrap my arms around all of them and give them the love they deserved.

  “I need to lock the back of the truck.” Louis started to walk away.

  “I’ll do it.” I held out my hand. “Stay here. Enjoy this.”

  He handed me the keys to the truck and I made my way back to the building’s entrance. When I reached the truck, I carefully closed its back door and then pulled the padlock through the catch to lock it.

  I returned inside, and jolted to a stop when I saw Trevor walking toward the great hall. When he heard the door close, he glanced back and saw me.

  “Hey,” he said, scurrying over. “You were at Louis’ party?”

  I tried to get by him, but he blocked my way. “Excuse me.”

  “Can I tell you something?” He smirked. “You might want to hear this.”

  There was too much at stake for me to risk interacting with this man. Drawing attention could lead to him digging around in James’ private business. That could lead to him sniffing around Pervade.

  Then I remembered what Xavier had said about getting rid of him. That thought sent a shudder of uncertainty through me. How exactly were they going to do that?

  “Your friend Louis doesn’t have a birth certificate,” said Trevor. “Don’t you find that strange?”

  I shrugged, wondering if maybe Louis was an orphan, too. Then I remembered him talking about a family he had little contact with—but I wasn’t going to tell Trevor that. Maybe that was why he was here, to investigate whether or not Louis had ever been a resident of this place.

  Trevor pulled out a piece of paper. “I saw you slip past the guards in his house during the party. Can I ask you something? Did you happen to see anything like this amongst his things or in any photos?” The sheet of paper had at least twenty family crests printed on it.

  And one of them was the same crest I’d seen engraved on the back of Louis’ watch.

  “What are you showing me?” I said.

  “Recognize any of these?”

  James appeared at the end of the hallway and stormed toward us. “This is private property.”

  Trevor visibly shook at the sight of him. “I was hoping to report on the good work that gets done here.”

  James caught up with us. “You need to contact the administrator of the school before you enter these premises.”

  “I just need to chat with Louis for a second.”

  James rested his hand on the man’s shoulder. “Let’s take a walk.”

  They headed back down the hallway, and I watched them disappear out the front door. Following them, I stopped just outside the entrance and waited by the archway. They were both out of earshot.

  James escorted Trevor to his Ford Escort. Whatever words were exchanged between them, it made Trevor nervous. I could see it from the frantic way he was trying to get his key in the ignition.

  James strode quickly away from him and gestured to me. “Go back inside.”

  We walked side by side down the hallway.

  “Where the hell is our security?” He shook his head, annoyed.

  I hurried to keep up with him. “I didn’t say anything.”

  “What did he say to you?”

  “He wanted to talk with Louis.”

  James pivoted and grabbed my arm. “This way.”

  He nudged a door open and we stepped inside an empty classroom. James turned the key and locked us in. He led me over to the teacher’s desk and lifted me up onto the edge.

  “Emily, what was he showing you?”

  I turned my face away.

  “I asked you not to talk with him.”

  “He blocked my way.”

  “He’ll pay for that.”

  “James, he looked scared…”

  “Trevor has every reason to be.”

  “What are you going to do to him?”

  “None of your concern.” James traced my lips with his thumb. “Your addiction to danger is inspiring, Emily.” His thumb entered my mouth and he slid it in and out seductively. “But there are rules. Please keep to them.”

  “I tried not to talk with him—”

  His lips curled into a devilish smile. “If you ever disobey me again…”

  “You promised transparency, but there are still secrets between us.”

  “On your knees.”

  I slid off the table and defied James by staring at him. But his sensual disapproval was too strong to ignore. Being close to him was making me quiver.

  Kneeling before him, I bit my lip in anticipation and stared up at him. His chestnut eyes shimmered with dominance.

  James unzipped his trousers to reveal his hefty erection—veins lined his shaft and pre-cum tainted the tip. “This is how you affect me.”

  “Oh, God.”

  “If you are a good girl and obey me…you get to have me.”

  I dragged my gaze away from all that potential pleasure, my eyes meeting his.

  “Would you like to take my cock in your mouth?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Shall I show you how I punish disobedience?”

  Licking my lips, I focused on his cock again. “Show me.”

  He grabbed my face with an ironclad hold and shoved himself inside my mouth, sliding in and gagging me, pumping my throat fiercely. He knew how much I craved this…an erotic edge that only he could deliver. Saliva trickled down my chin and I wiped it away.

  With my eyes wide and full of wonder, my expression showed how much I wanted this to last forever. I’d craved it. I’d been starved of his brand of darkness. James was luring me beneath his wing where I wanted to stay. His passionate dominance made me feel safe. Xavier would always be the light in my world, but James was my darkness and I never felt more balanced than when he was fucking me.

  Suckling his balls now, my hand wrapped around James’ shaft as I pumped him fast to retaliate at his domination—even though I hungered for it.

  His jaw went slack from the pleasure and I felt a rush of triumph when his cock became even more rigid in my grasp.

  I moaned as James growled through his arousal. “Are you sure you can love a man like me forever, Emily?”

  “Yes.” I leaned in and suckled his tip.

  He pulled me up, spinning me around and leaning me over the desk.

  My palms splayed to balance myself, my cheek flush against it, feeling James’ hands sliding up my dress.

  He snapped off my thong. “Tell me what you want.”

  “Fuck me,” I pleaded.

  “But first…”

  I felt a whack to my butt, and it made me jolt forward. Looking over my shoulder, I saw the ruler he was holding.


  Yet the sting burned lusciously.

  “Face me,” he demanded.

  I turned and faced him.

  He lifted me up and sat me on the edge of the desk. My thighs spread for him, my sex on show.

  James lifted my legs up and helped me wrap them around his waist. With a shocking swiftness, his cock sunk deep, completely impaling me. My moans were silenced when his palm crashed against my mouth.


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