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Stay With Me (Stay With Me Series Book 1)

Page 35

by Nicole Fiorina

  Switching the water on in the stall next to hers, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I couldn’t scare her away. I walked up to the sink beside hers and turned it on. I could have given her space and chosen the next sink over, but my body wouldn’t allow me. My eyes found hers in the mirror. She was my reflection. She was my other half. She was everything I wasn’t. She completed me. She was home.

  Words came out of my mouth, and I was certain my voice shook, but I had to hear her again. I had to keep talking to her because if I didn’t, I might’ve exploded. “Mia, right?” The name sounded so amazing coming from my lips. Poetry. When I said “Mia,” I instantly became a poet. I never wanted to speak another name again. Nothing else would feel right coming from my lips. She looked into my eyes in the mirror, and though I wanted to keep them on me, her presence pulled my body in.

  “Yeah, that’s right,” she said, but an ache crept behind each word.

  Turning to face her, I leaned into the sink because if I didn’t, I would fall. She looked into my eyes. She looked deep into them, and I looked deep into hers. We saw each other. There was so much her eyes said, I couldn’t keep up. She was scared. She was screaming. She wanted me. No. She needed me. I needed her more. She was trapped. I hear you, Mia. I’m right here. I wanted to comfort her. I wanted to hold her, but I couldn’t bloody move.

  What happened to you, love?

  What was happening to me?

  I extended my hand because that was what people did when they met, but I had a need to touch her, to soothe her, and there was a chance she would find comfort in that. “I’m Ollie,” I said, but I wanted say so much more. Usually, I had no filter, but with Mia, I had no words. I wanted to tell her everything. I wanted her to tell me everything.

  Fucking gobsmacked.

  Her hand connected with mine, and I didn’t shake like I usually would; I only held on. I held on to this feeling possessing me. The warmth. Our completeness. My breathing calmed, but my heart pulsated like a drum. Did she see what she was doing to me? Her little hand fit perfectly in mine, and her touch only confirmed all my beliefs. We were meant to be together.

  My stupid smile returned.

  Though I didn’t want to pull away, I did. Fuck. I needed to get ahold of myself. I fidgeted with my toothbrush and razor, scattering things on the sink when I finally got a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Holy hell, I looked like a bloody mess. I frantically ran my fingers through my hair, but nothing tamed. Not my hair. Not my mind. Not my heart.

  “Great first impression, yeah?” I tried to laugh away the fact I was a post-drunken mess with the unruly mop on my head. My gaze slipped to her, but hers was fixated at the sink.

  “How can I get one of those?” she asked, and I loved her voice. I loved her American accent. She was looking at my razor, and I was looking at her—always.

  “You haven’t got a razor?”

  She shook her head a smidge, and I loved the way her hair fell around her face when she did, and I forced myself not to move her hair behind her ear as I had read in so many romance novels. I had never felt the need to do that before, but it was all I wanted to do now. I wanted to feel her hair through my fingertips and tuck it behind her ear—girls in books liked that tosh. But I didn’t do it. Something told me she was not like every other girl. Instead, I slid my razor to her.

  “You can have this one. It’s fresh. I haven’t used it.”

  Take my razor. Take my body. Take my heart.

  You can have it all.

  “Thanks,” she said, and we shared a smile. Damn, her smile. With a smile like that, she should always be wearing it, and I would always be here to appreciate it.

  Nodding, I turned away, so I didn’t seem like a creep. I went into the shower and undressed before stepping under the water. She did the same with only a thin wall separating us—fucking torture. She was beside me naked. Naked! I had to turn my back to the wall, like that would have made a damn difference. I had to shut my eyes, but by closing my eyes only left my mind to its imagination. Her head was probably lifted slightly under the water, soaking her hair. The water was falling down her face, her neck, collarbone, breasts, curves. Fuck. I had to focus on everything aside from Mia naked so my knob wouldn’t get hard.

  I looked down.

  It was too late.

  Dammit, Mia.

  I hurried because if I didn’t, I knew I’d punch a hole through the wall and claim her in every way imaginable. Everything inside me already couldn’t handle being only inches away. The space. The void. I wanted nothing between us—not even air.

  I hurried.

  After turning off the water, I quickly dried off and pulled on my pants. Then I tucked my knob into my waistband, so she wouldn’t notice. I wanted to tell her it was her fault. I wasn’t always like this. Instead, I said, “I would suggest hurrying if you want to avoid rush hour.” But all I wanted was for her to come out here and see me, to talk to me. To allow for me to exist. But, she didn’t say anything. I pulled my shirt over my head and took one last hard look in the mirror at the chap who was forever changed by her. “Only giving you a heads up,” I added. It came out more like a plea.

  I forced myself out of the bathroom, and I couldn’t breathe. We were too far apart, and that’s when I knew I was doomed. I wasn’t sure how to feel about it, but there was a recognition my heart could no longer be without. She was lost, but I would find her.

  I’m right here, Mia. Stay with me.

  To Be Continued…

  According to the RAINN-Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization.

  On average, nearly 934 people are sexually assaulted each day in the United States alone. During one year, this equates to more than 340,991 men, women, and children. These are reported cases.

  Most sexual abuse go unreported.

  If you or a loved one has been sexually abused please call the RAINN Hotline


  or visit

  Thank You

  Thank you to every reader who has given my debut book a chance. Because of you, my words haven’t been left unread. I am forever grateful and hope I’ve touched a place in your heart as you’ve touched mine.

  Jumping into the intimidating sea of independent authors, and the talent that surrounds me, I’m honored and blessed to have met lifelong friends of bloggers, designers, editors, bookstagrammers, authors, readers, etc. this early on in my journey. Between taking the time to read my books, answer questions, receiving feedback, promoting my work, and so much more, words cannot express how much I appreciate you and the time you have given. You all hold a special place in my heart and I adore each and every one of you.

  There are three people who’ve made sacrifices while helping my dream come true. A huge thank you to my husband, Michael, for being patient while I spent hours in front of my laptop and phone, supporting me, answering every one of my “Michael, what’s the word for….” For working eight hours to only come home to pick up my slack, and allowing me vent and also celebrate with me. I love you forever! Thank you to my daughter, Gracie, who is my biggest cheerleader, also checks in on how my writing is coming along, helps around the house without me asking, and says she can’t wait to read my book, and me always replying “not until I’m dead!” Thank you to my son, Christian, who has been so patient and has learned to do everything himself. I love all three of you!

  Tina (Mom), thank you for your constant reminder that I need to get out of the house and feel some fresh air. You know me more than anyone, whether I’d like to admit it or not. Thank you for believing in me, dragging me places, and always asking if there is anything you can do to help. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you!

  A huge thank you to my three rocks, Amanda, Kaylee, and Danielle. Amanda, my other half, you have been the first one to
ever read a word I’ve written. Thank you for always pushing me and supporting me. I’d seriously be lost without you. You’ve listened to every idea, struggle, and success. Thank you, Kaylee, for always celebrating even the smallest of victories and rooting me on. You are my biggest inspiration. Thank you, Danielle, for being the second person to read my work (lol), though you don’t like to read. The fact that you took time out to support me, going to events, and showing interest means the world. I have the best sisters anyone can ask for, and I love all three of you with everything I have!

  A Florida-sized thank you to Kassandra Dosal McLendon aka Kassy aka my angel! Words haven’t been invented yet for how much you mean to me. You always find a way to bring me back to solid ground when I find myself getting wrapped up in the negatives or doubting myself, and I love you for it. I never thought in a million years when I messaged you, our relationship would turn out the way it did, and now I don’t know what I’d do without you. Thank you for spending endless hours on the phone with me, most times ‘til four o’clock in the morning (my time, lol), calling me every time you know something is bothering me, working out all my kinks, smothering my insecurities, and lifting me up. You’ve made this experience that more enjoyable, and to be sharing this journey with you is a dream come true! (I promised myself I’d make your “thank you” shorter than my husband so he wouldn’t get jealous, but I failed) I love you!

  Thank you, thank you, thank you, Allison Dublin with Wasted Life Books for being my everything—my PA, my confidant, my bright side … I could go on. It was fate for us to meet, but you’re the reason I’m here today. A year ago, you read my very first project, and believed in me. Thank you for taking a chance on me, for listening to all my crazy ideas in the Stay With Me series, bouncing ideas around, getting me off the ground, and everything in between. You are my knight in shining armor and I honestly don’t know how you do it all. My gratitude to you is endless, and I’m so incredibly lucky to have you in my life. I can’t wait to ride this rollercoaster, but with you by myside, at least I know I won’t fall off of it!

  A huge thank you to my betas aka my lifelines, Faith Flores, Mia Kun (my Mia!), Junior, Lym Cruz, Magali, Amy Terry, Shanna, and Jennifer. You guys are freaking amazing! You feedback is invaluable, and your unwavering support is priceless. Thank you for making Stay With Me what it is today. I’m so happy I met each and every one of you and couldn’t have done this book without you.

  A never-ending thank you to my best friend Diana Wallwork. No matter how many miles we are apart, you always make sure you are there when I need you. Thank you for always checking in, asking about progress, offering to help with anything, and for just being you. I love you!

  A big thank you to Stephanie Anderson, for putting this book together on such short notice and for making even the smallest details come to life. You are amazing!

  Thank you, Murphy Rae for your creativity, researching items I failed to look up, and edits I so desperately needed. I have come to the conclusion I’m addicted to commas, em dashes, and ellipses …

  With all my heart, thank you to my readers, my LOVELIES! You took a shot reading a book by a new indie author, and I am forever grateful for each and every one of you. I cannot wait to show you what I have in store.

  A special thank you to my amazing family and dear friends spread all over the world. Without your support, I know I wouldn’t have been able to get this far.

  About the Author

  Nicole Fiorina is an independent author, debuting her first book, Stay With Me, the first novel in a series. She lives in Florida with her loving husband, Michael, two children, Christian and Grace, and Great Dane, Winston. She doesn’t write because she likes to, she writes because she needs to, but it wasn’t until a car accident she suffered from (and recovered from), when she received that push to follow her dreams. Her writing style is unapologetic and emotional, striving to push buttons, hearts, and limits. Nicole’s books fall under New Adult, Contemporary Romance, as well as fantasy in the near future. A lover of music, especially classic rock, she can rap most Eminem songs, dance, dabbles on the piano, and likes to use power tools and a paint brush. She’s addicted to coconut berry Red bull, coffee, and root beer, and makes sure to force down water to appease her mother. When she’s not writing, she’s probably chauffeuring her kids around, at family gatherings, or sleeping.

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