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Contemptous CEO

Page 4

by Myers, K. L.

  “I’m ready, Xander. I want you.”

  Just remembering how he made me feel dampened my undies. I hadn’t even seen him, and already, I needed a break to pleasure myself before I could talk to him again. I needed a clear mind the next time I spoke with him.

  Chapter 9


  The clock on my desk read seven o’clock. Still, no word from Maddie, and my patience was wearing thin. I wasn’t used to having to wait for an answer from anyone. Let alone wait half a day and not hear a peep. It took everything within me not to pick up the phone and call her back and demand she be on the plane tonight. I had no idea why she couldn’t give me an answer when I asked, and I didn’t like the thought that there was a man in her life she needed to clear her schedule with.

  My fists pounded against my desk at the thought of Maddie with a man. I was letting the thought of someone, who may or may not exist, cause my blood pressure to rise. My jaw was clenched so tightly, I was sure any moment, my teeth would shatter.

  Fuck this.

  My hand reached for the received just as Millicent buzzed in.

  “Maddison is on the line for you, Mr. Livingston.”

  My hand shook as I reached for the receiver.

  Get a grip, man.

  “Maddie?” My tone was cold. There was no way I was letting her know she had any effect on me whatsoever.

  “Okay, Xander, I’ll be there tomorrow. Send your plane. But I can’t leave until after nine my time.”

  What the fuck?

  “Nine? That’s noon my time, Maddie. You won’t even get here till after five.” Was she out of her ever-loving mind? “That doesn’t work for me. We lose a whole day.”

  “Well, you’ll have to make it work. That’s the best I’ve got to offer.”

  “Fine, then you’ll stay an extra day and leave Thursday.”

  Once again, I heard her tapping her pen against her desk. Maddie huffed a few times before she continued. “That won’t work, Xander. I can give you till mid-afternoon Wednesday, but then I need to head back.”

  Whoever this guy was that had her time so constrained was getting on my nerves and messing with my livelihood.

  “If you can’t make it work, then I’ll head to you. I can clear my schedule for several days and give us ample time to talk.”

  Maybe I’ll get an opportunity to meet the asshole and knock his teeth out.

  “Ah, well, uhm. No, I’ll come to you. I’ll make it work.”

  Maddie’s voice quivered when she spoke. Something was wrong. She was hiding something, or someone, I was sure of it. “I’m sure your man can survive a few nights without you in his bed.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “That’s why you’re making this so difficult, isn’t it?” I waited to see if she’d respond, but she didn’t. There was no way I was going to go easy on her, now that she had raised my irritation level to a ten. “That is why you’re making this so difficult, isn’t it? Your boyfriend doesn’t like you being away?”

  “My reasons are none of your concern. I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodbye, Xander.”

  * * *

  I stood on the tarmac as my jet pulled to a stop before me. I could have sent any one of Livingston’s three planes for Maddie, but I chose to send my favorite: the Airbus ACJ 319. This baby was made to fly across continents in style and comfort. Probably not the best of its use, crossing the continental United States, but hey, if I was going to make a statement, why not do it in a big way?

  Once the stairs were in place, I waited for the door to open and Maddie to exit. I watched as she moved past the entrance and stepped out. Her long, toned legs were the first to catch my eyes. It wasn’t because her skirt landed just above her knees. Nope, it was the memory of how those perfectly tanned and tone appendages would wrap around my waist when I would thrust into her. Of course, the red blouse beneath the short leather jacket she wore didn’t hide her fantastic tits either.

  Get a grip, buddy. Don’t do this to yourself. She’s not here for a booty call.

  The next thing I noticed was her long, black mane. Her hair wasn’t quite that lengthy the last time I had seen her. My dick started to harden at the thought of the last time I’d had her tresses wrapped around my wrist as I pulled back on them before claiming her mouth.

  I couldn’t help but focus on the sway of her hips as she made her way to me. One eye raised when she stopped just short of me.

  “Xander, you look well.”

  “You look a-maz-ing.” My tongue darted out to run along my bottom lip.

  “Thank you,” she said. But I could see it in her eyes as well, the lust that still burned inside her for me.

  “I’ll take you to grab a bite to eat, then drop you off at your hotel,”

  Her lip twitched. “Dinner and a hotel? I’ll pass. I can grab a cab.”

  So, this was how she wanted to play it after all this time? “You’ll have to call one and wait for it to arrive. You could be standing here for hours. Cabs don’t come to this part of the Teterboro Airport. Most clients have a limo or their own car waiting for them upon arrival.”

  She raised her hand, slapping it against her forehead. “Of course. I wasn’t thinking.”

  Just then, one of the crew approached, rolling her bag. “You forgot this, Miss Hightower. Enjoy your stay.”

  “Thank you.” Maddie turned to face me once more. “I’ll accept the ride, but I don’t want dinner. Just drop me off where I’m staying, and I’ll order room service.”

  I started to speak, but she rose her hand to my face. “Don’t argue with me, Xander. I’m jet-lagged, and frankly, I’ve got some calls to make. Just send a car for me in the morning, and I’ll see you bright and early at your office.”

  Austin climbed out and opened the back door as we approached. A jolt of electricity ran through me as I slid my hand to the small of her back and guided her into the back of my Town Car. The thirty-five-minute drive from New Jersey over the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge to Manhattan passed faster than I had anticipated. Somewhere along the way, I’d gotten lost as I’d envisioned how different my future would be if she’d come with me all those years ago.

  Chapter 10


  My heart raced inside my chest. I couldn’t get to my hotel room fast enough. My hands shook as I handed my credit card to the front desk clerk.

  Fuck! Xander looked good.

  He’d become more handsome than he was back in college. His hair was now a bit darker, more of a sandy blond. The blue of his eyes had only gotten deeper over the years, but what got my attention the most was the crow's feet at the corner of his eyes and the thin lines across his forehead. On any other man, they may not have been as flattering as they were on him. But the light scruff that covered his face in the form of a beard and mustache almost had me climbing him like a Fremont Cottonwood in the middle of summer back home. I wanted him. Craved him. Did I have the willpower to refuse him and his advances if they came?

  “Miss. Excuse me, miss.”

  The deep voice startled me, causing me to jump. “I’m sorry. Yes?”

  A hand extended my way holding my room key. “Your room key.”

  I glanced at the name tag on his chest. “Thank you, David,” I said as I felt my face flush.

  He was beautiful. A perfect set of stunningly white teeth and eyes the color of honey twinkled back at me. His hair was perfectly coiffed, and I imagined what it would look like if we stole a quick moment in a dark corner to do unspoken things.

  Stop it. What has gotten into you?

  Ha, I know what I want in me.

  Xander had me so worked up; I was fantasizing about the damn front desk clerk. Taking the key from David, I requested that a bottle of wine be sent to my room. I needed something to settle my nerves, and hopefully, help me fall asleep.

  * * *

  The alarm on my phone reverberated through the darkened room, startling me awake. I was still clothed in the outfit I’d worn yesterday. The emp
ty wine bottle lay on the bed beside me, and a half-empty glass sat on the night table by my bed. The last thing I remembered, I had been watching PENETRATED on Demand in my hotel and was fantasizing that I was the leading lady and Xander was the leading man, with a few cameos that included David from downstairs. I picked up the empty bottle and placed it on the table beside the wine glass, then reached for my phone.


  I scrolled back through the texts I exchanged with Xander last night and with each message the desire to crawl back under the covers was almost too much to avoid.

  Maddison: I’m envisioning you’re the guy on the T.V., and you’re naked in front of me.

  Xander: What T.V. show? And why imagine, when I can be there in less than twenty minutes?

  Maddison: Penetrated. If you were the fireman, you could quench my burn with your wet hose.

  Xander: Is that so? You want my hose to make you wet?

  Maddison: I’ve missed you, Xander. I’ve never gotten over you.

  I palmed my face. Why did I say these things? I considered not reading the remaining stream, but I had to know what other incriminating information I’d provided him with.

  Xander: I’ve thought about you quite a bit over the years, as well.

  Maddison: I pleasure myself to our old photos after we talk every time. Well, when I’m home, that is.

  Xander: Let me come there and remind you what it feels like for real.

  Maddison: I’ve got a secret. Want to know what it is?

  Xander: Yes, I’m coming over there now. You can tell me then.

  Xander: Maddie?

  Xander: Are you still there, Maddie?

  The texts stopped, but my phone indicated I had seven missed calls from Xander. Leaning forward on the bed, I dropped my head to the mattress. Obviously, I must have passed out.

  Dear God, what have I done?

  He can’t know my secret.

  What was I thinking?

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  Chapter 11


  The bright red numbers told me it was seven-thirty on the clock.

  Fuck, it’s going to be a long day.

  Maddie’s lack of response around three a.m. let me know she’d passed out during our text session. I was certain she was intoxicated because she would have never admitted aloud half of what she said to me.

  Ha,ha,ha. My little minx was going to be so pissed when she woke up and saw what she’d admitted to.

  Damn her for putting ideas in my head. I lay in bed till four a.m., fantasizing about being a fireman, standing before her, wearing only my fire hat, and watching her pleasure herself. By the time I closed my eyes, I was so hard, sleep evaded me. I finally had to close my eyes and rub one out to my fantasy of her touching her pussy over and over again.

  When my alarm went off thirty minutes ago, I struggled to get out of bed, and now I’m wondering how I’m going to make it through a day with her without bending her over my desk, even though my conscience keeps trying to remind me that she is my employee, and anything inappropriate would certainly land me in a middle of a lawsuit of epic proportion. Still, that didn’t stop me from thinking.

  How do I want to play this one? I could ignore it and pretend it didn’t happen. But what fun would that be? No, I think I’m going to use it to my advantage.

  I needed the upper hand right now, and there was no better way to have it than to tiptoe around our sexting. She’d be constantly waiting for me to call her on what she admitted. The more I procrastinated about doing so, the longer she’d be at unease. That was what I wanted right now, to see the sheen of her sweat as she anxiously awaited the other shoe to drop. Her pulse would be racing from the pounding of her heart beneath her succulent breast. I want to smell her arousal when I stand next to her, and if I’m lucky, I might just get to feel her lips against mine.

  I picked up my phone to send her a message, it is time my plan my attack.

  Chapter 12


  My phone pinged in my hands.

  Xander: My car will pick you up at 9:00 a.m. curbside. Austin will ensure you get to my office.

  Every ounce of me wanted to cringe with the thought of having to see Xander this morning. What was I going to say to him?

  Hi, Xander. About last night, I was just joking with you.

  Hi, Xander. Can we ignore what happened?

  I knew coming out here was a bad idea for so many reasons. With three thousand miles between us, it was easy not to be attached. I could pretend he’d become fat and bald over the years, but damn it, seeing him brought all my girly parts to life again. Ones I thought were dead. Hell, I hadn’t used them in years. Between work and my daughter, who had time to date? All I needed was toys. My Sona, my Soraya, and several various rabbits kept me happy and satisfied. I didn’t need the fifteen-thousand-dollar Inez, though I wondered who would purchase one. For fifteen grand that gold plated vibrator better come with a lifetime of dinner coupons, is all I’m saying.

  I stood in front of the mirror, my skin still pink from the steaming shower I used to relax. Yet, here I am working myself up again, vacillating between looking professional or looking sexy. Is it wrong that I want him to crave me as much as I crave him? Sure, we exchanged flirtatious texts, but a part of me wants to know I affect him the way he affects me.

  In the end, my practical side won out, and I went with a black sheath dress and a pair of heals. However, the inner vixen in me decided to wear my red, silk thong. Outside, I was all business, but inside, I felt sexy as hell, and it showed in the way I moved.

  Passing through the lobby of the St. Regis, I turned my fair share of heads. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t put a little extra wiggle in my walk, but it gave me confidence, knowing the guy in the Versace suite had his green eyes glued to my ass when I swayed past. The confidence I knew I needed as I exited the revolving door and saw Austin standing next to the Lincoln.

  “Good Morning, Miss Hightower.”

  Austin was good at his job, the car door was open, and his hand splayed for me to grab onto as I climbed into the back seat. I stared out the window at the mass of people strolling down Fifth Avenue and wondered if I could live like this. Where the sunlight was only visible by looking up above the tall buildings and the streets below were forever shadowed by their immense size? When the car rolled to a stop, we weren’t in front of an office building. Instead, we had stopped in front of a concrete and windowed building. It was impressive, and the floors seemed never-ending. I was about to ask why we’d stopped when I noticed Xander holding the door to the building open for a beautiful platinum blonde, who exited holding the hand of a young girl about Brookie’s age. I felt the bile rise in my throat at the thought that they were all together. He hadn’t mentioned a daughter, let alone a wife in any of our conversations. I just assumed he was still single. As they got closer, the woman strode to another black Town Car. One I hadn’t even noticed was waiting.

  Austin had exited the car and was standing with the door open for Xander. I slid over behind the driver's seat to make room for Xander. He wore a charcoal grey three-piece suit with a black tie and strode toward the car with an air of confidence. The closer he got, I noticed his hair was still damp from his shower, causing all kinds of thoughts to go through my head as to why he wasn’t already in the office, and the one I didn’t like was the vision I concocted of him and blondie. Her legs wrapped around his waist and him pressing her back against the wall in the shower as they writhed in ecstasy. I didn't like it one bit. Just the thought caused my emotions to do a complete three-sixty. I was no longer lusting for this sexy god but wanting to kill him.

  “Good morning, Maddie. Did you rest well?” His tone was lighthearted, but I was anything but cheerful now.

  “I rested fine.” Intertwining my hands, I rested them on my lap and sat a bit taller in my seat.

  “Wow, I expected either embarrassment or a little sex kitten, but I hadn’t expected bitc
hy this morning.”

  “Excuse me. What the hell are you talking about? Better yet, what gives you the right to talk to me like that at all?”

  My blood boiled hotter with the egotistical glare Xander gave me. “I believe my right came when you sent me a text telling me you wanted to engage in illicit acts with me. Your boss.” His voice grew condescending as he said the last words.

  “I did no such thing.” Maybe if I denied it ever happened, it would make what I did all go away.

  “I see. That’s the story you’re going with? Deniability will erase all the evidence to the contrary.”

  I was angry at myself for getting into this situation. So much so, I could feel the tears building, and the last thing I wanted was to cry. But I couldn’t stop arguing.

  “As if you didn’t offer to drive right on over and show me what I’ve been missing. I think your wife and daughter might not have appreciated you showing me anything.”

  Xander's eyes narrowed, and his head leaned to the side for a moment. “My wife – daughter? Oh, I see. You’re jealous.”

  “I most certainly am not jealous. I don’t care that Miss Platinum Bimbo is yours.”

  I wanted to slap the grin off his face. He thought it was funny, and had I not been so angry at myself for putting us in this situation, I may have laughed, as well. But why couldn’t I just let this go? Why did I feel the need to continue to open my mouth?

  “Stop that grinning, or I swear I’ll slap it right off that perfectly chiseled face of yours.”

  Xander moved so fast, the next thing I knew, his hands were in my hair, cupping my face, and his lips pressed hard against mine. I tried not to give in. My mouth opened just enough for my teeth to latch on to his lip, but that didn’t stop him. It just made him demand more of me. His right hand lowered from my face, only to reach around my waist and tug me onto his lap. Feeling his hardness pressed against me was all it took for me to surrender my mouth to him completely.


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