A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5

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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5 Page 23

by Eve Newton

  Having tuned out for the last several minutes, lost in my ruminations, I can hear them arguing about me and I just want out. Too many old and powerful Vampires in one small room together sets everyone on edge and it is getting way too crowded in here. The gods only know how Nico can stand it; it is a mystery to me. Wishing I were anywhere but here, I think of our home in L.A. that Devon and I will share with Cole when we get back. A strange feeling washes over me and suddenly I am standing in my own bedroom.

  What the fuck?

  Spinning around my mouth wide open, I try to understand what just happened. Teleportation! Holy shit. All of the other Vampires who have gained this ability, were well over two thousand years old. I start to panic when I try to get back to the hotel in Monte Carlo but fail. I sink to my knees, placing my hands in front of me on the plush red carpet, draw in a deep breath, and try again. Nothing.

  I stand again, shaking out my hands. Eyes closed; I try again. I open one eye. Shit, still in my bedroom.

  Okay, time to try a different tactic.

  Ignoring my phone buzzing away in my pocket, I think not of the place, but of Cole. I want to be where he is. I want to feel his arms around me, his mouth on mine.

  “Liv!” CK, Cole, and Devon all yell at me. I open my eyes as they descend on me, hugging me to make sure I’m really here.

  “I’m fine,” I grumble, trying to untangle myself from this very arousing group hug.

  “Where the fuck did you go?” CK demands. He does overly concerned, so well.

  “L.A. My bedroom, more specifically,” I say.

  “I couldn’t sense you,” CK says worriedly. “It was like you were just… gone.” He pulls me to him, stroking my hair and whispering to me in Italian to never scare him like that again.

  Pulling away, I try to explain that I wanted out of the room, away from all the arguing and tension. I pictured our house that Cole would share with us when we got home. Both Cole and Devon look quite pleased with that. Cole takes my hand. “The next second, I was there. I Teleported home.”

  CK is shaking his head, as is Gregor and even Eloise. “No,” he says, “you didn’t Teleport, my sweet. It was the same as with the glass. A swirl of black fog.”

  I gape at him. “I displaced myself?” I ask rhetorically. “It was weird. I couldn’t get back right away. It took me several tries to get back here. It was only when I thought of getting back to Cole that I came back.” Cole looks pleased as punch and hugs me. CK’s face tightens briefly at my words, but then resumes its usual features. “Well, my love, it looks like your abilities are surpassing our own. The Power of One, indeed.” He looks at me with pride and I grin back as Devon suddenly pulls me into a hug.

  “Don’t fucking disappear like that again. You fucking freaked me out,” he whispers. I nod reassuringly, telling him that I’m not going anywhere.


  T he flight back to L.A. is uneventful. Things started to move forward quite quickly after my little disappearing act. I haven’t been able to do it since, which is quite annoying for an overachiever such as myself. Devon has taken great delight in telling me that it’s because I don’t want it enough. So ironic, seeing as I keep harping on at him about the Shifting thing. Thank the old gods, I can still Shift. I was quite concerned it might have gotten lost in the new Power Surge. Gregor, Eloise, and most especially James, left us alone soon after that, along with CK and Nico, leaving Nico's two security guys with us. I can’t imagine any reason why they would need to be here, but CK’s resolved face was in place when I protested, so I relented.

  Cole and Devon are getting on like a house on fire now, which warms my heart. I know how hard it must be for Cole. I never had to go through the ‘sibling rivalry’ with CK’s other charges, or at least not so much in that he was sleeping with any of his other charges while we were together…not that I know of at any rate, but I have come across some of them from time to time. The less said about that the better.

  Once back on the ground in L.A., we have to pit stop at the Vampire club, X-tasy. Cole needs to feed and until we find him a regular Feeder, this will have to do.

  It’s a bit of a dungeon. I’m not a massive fan of the place, although Devon and I have visited here before. It is more of a place for the lower-class Vampires. The weak ones stuck to the shadows. Master Vampires are not too common in here. There are a few Greater Immortals, aside from Devon and Cole, and yet more Lesser Immortals knocking about, along with a handful of human employees. All eyes turn to us as we walk in. As it is early evening, the place is not busy as the majority of their clientele will only be here after dark. I send Devon off to find a Feeder. I keep Cole close, even though he is a Greater Immortal, he is still brand new and despite the lower levels in the Vampire hierarchy, all of them here are older and stronger and jealousy is rife that he has been turned by me. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I am old, and I belong to CK. Quite the prize in our world.

  Devon returns shortly with a man. He shrugs and says, “Only one willing for a newbie.”

  I exhale in frustration. Cole has more control in two days than all of these creatures would have had over two years. He’s looking less than comfortable with feeding from a man. I understand that he still associates biting as being an intimate act and not a form of survival, but he still agrees. He’s hungry and that’s too strong of a feeling to deny.

  “It feels a little weird,” he whispers as we head to a back room, and Devon disappears. “Biting is so intimate.”

  “It’s only intimate when you do it during sex. This is just food,” I say to the alarm of the man. I shoot him an apologetic look and shrug. “Sometimes you just have to do it.”

  Cole nods steadfastly. “Okay. Don’t stop me unless I need stopping. I want to try and do this on my own,” he whispers quietly so as not to alarm the man any further.

  “Are you sure?” I murmur.

  “Yes. I think I can do it,” he replies.

  To my surprise, he does do it on his own. He went over by a second or two, but he pulls back. Snapping his fangs back into place, he pulls me to him, and I kiss him.

  “Good boy,” I murmur against his lips, and he glows with pride.

  We exit the back room and go in search of Devon. The club has filled up some which means it must be dark out now.

  “Stay close,” I mutter, gripping his hand hard.

  “What is this place?” he asks. “You know, apart from…” He waves at the room we just left.

  “It’s a Vampire BDSM club,” I say. His mouth drops open, as he looks around.

  “Have you been here before?” he asks curiously.

  “Yes. Devon and I have been here a couple of times, when we first came to town,” I say with a wicked smile.

  His eyes bug out. “You’re into all that? I knew you were adventurous but…”

  My smile widens. “Oh, my love, you have only seen the tip of the iceberg,” I say with a wink. I’m only teasing him, but his blush is adorable.

  His eyes narrow and he says darkly, “Oh, really? Tell me more.”

  But by this time, we have found Devon and I flash him a cheeky ‘Sorry we are out of time’ smile and he huffs at me.

  “Ready?” Devon asks.

  I nod. “Yes, I need to get out of here,” I say.

  “Me too,” he says, flexing his shoulders.

  “Why, what’s wrong?” Cole asks, looking around with a worried frown.

  “Too much sexual energy. It’s driving us crazy,” Devon replies.

  I pull Cole along behind me and we make a hasty exit. Devon and I both take deep breaths when we get outside, clearing the headiness of the club from our senses.

  Cole watches with interest. “It affects you? Sexual energy?”

  “Yes. It sets off your primal instincts. It’s why orgies are so common with our kind,” Devon says, just full of unnecessary information as usual.

  “Orgies?” Cole croaks.

  “Devon! Enough,” I snap.
br />   Grayson is waiting with the car and we all pile into the back seat, me sandwiched in between the two.

  Oh, the gods. This seating arrangement combined with the club’s atmosphere is affecting me, big time. Clearing my throat, I let go of Cole and clamber onto the bench seat running down the side of the car. Cole looks surprised, but Devon just snickers.

  “Turned on, Kitten?” he asks with glee. I glare at him, now is not the time to push this.

  “Err, Liv?” Cole asks hesitantly. “Are you…”

  “I’m fine!” I snap before he can finish his sentence. He accepts my answer, but probably just because he is relieved that I didn’t start an orgy of our own right there on the back seat.

  T hankfully, we arrive back home with no incidents.

  “Showering,” I say briefly, and I’ve never been so grateful for a gift before, as I swirl off in my smoky black glow and end up in my bathroom. Undressing quickly, I turn the shower on and step in just as the door bursts open and in race Cole and Devon with concern on their faces.

  “What the fuck?” I snap.

  “You disappeared, again. We were worried,” Cole says as Devon just stares at me.

  “I’m fine,” I say again, although my shoulder is burning. More bonding I suppose, over their concern for me. “So, unless you’re going to join me… get out!” I practically yell.

  Exchanging glances, Devon looks amenable until Cole glares him out of the bathroom and they both exit.

  Finally, alone to deal with this overwhelming urge to take both of my boys to bed, I stand with my head under the running water. It’s calming and soothing and I get myself under control. Stepping out, I grab for a towel, but pause in front of the mirror. Turning, I look back over to see the one-inch diameter has increased now to nearly five inches.

  Huh. It’s currently dormant. No flames of pain. I guess Cole and Devon are no longer bonding. Grabbing my comb, I pull it through my hair while pondering this bizarre chain of events. Not bothering to dry it, I just clip it off my face as I move to the bedroom to get dressed. I close my eyes. I reach out and sense Devon in the bar. Concentrating harder, I sense Cole with him.

  Dressing quickly, I concentrate on Cole and swirl out of existence and down to them in the bar, making them both jump a mile.

  “Seem to be getting the hang of that. Everything okay with you two?” I ask and they nod in unison.

  “Everything okay with you?” Cole asks pointedly.

  “I’m good,” I say, sitting next to him and take his hand. “This Power Surge is exaggerating a lot of my feelings, especially in regard to the two of you.” I look over at Devon. “Every time the mark grows, it gets worse. I just need to get it under control.”

  Cole nods, wondering if I’m going to add more.

  My phone buzzing interrupts the growing silence. It’s CK.

  “You’re home safe?” he asks before I can even say hello.

  “Yes, it’s all fine,” I say, irrationally irritated by his concern.

  “Good. The ceremony has been arranged for a week on Wednesday. Be in Milan on Tuesday so I can go over some things with you,” he orders.

  “Yes, sir!” I snap as he, in usual fashion, hasn’t bothered to ask.

  He growls at my tone. “Aefre,” he warns.

  I falter in my anger suddenly. “I’m sorry. I’m all over the place. This Power Surge is driving me crazy!” To my absolute mortification, I start crying.

  Two seconds later, CK has blinked to my side and is holding me tenderly, crooning to me in Italian, much to Cole and Devon’s annoyance, which I can sense rather than see as my face is buried against CK’s chest. Sniffling like an idiot, I pull away, wiping at my eyes. CK hands me a monogrammed hanky, which just sets me off even more.

  “Aefre, my sweet. Talk to me. Tell me what you are feeling,” he says, still in Italian.

  Having the presence of mind to at least switch to English before Cole blows a gasket, I shrug and say, “I don’t know. Everything just feels ‘more’. I don’t really know how else to describe it.” I sigh as both Cole and CK take my hands, while Devon just looks at me at a loss. The last time he saw me cry was in 1746 and that was for an exceptionally good reason. He kneels in front of me and places his hands on my knees. I smile weakly at him. He smiles in return, reassuring me.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, suddenly feeling more idiotic than I have ever felt. “This is ridiculous.” I pull away from them all and stand up. I take a step towards the bar, but then realize I don’t have to. I might as well use this Power that is making me a sniveling mess. Thinking of a glass of Scotch, it appears in my hand and I thankfully take a big sip, feeling the peaty heat slide down my throat. Turning to face my sire and my boys, I force a smile on my face. “I’m fine now.”

  Cole doesn’t believe me though. “Liv, you’ve been saying that for days now. Clearly, you aren’t fine,” he snaps then shrugs apologetically when I glare at him.

  “I have to agree,” CK says. “Come to Milan with me now, where I can look after you.”

  Cole glares at him and clears his throat. “If she goes, I go,” he states.

  CK just looks at him mildly.

  “Same here,” Devon says.

  “I’m not going anywhere!” I blurt out in frustration. “At least not yet. I, no we, will be in Milan on Tuesday next week as ordered.”

  CK glares at my defiance, but I really don’t care about offending him right now.

  “Look, Cole needs stability, not to be dragged halfway across the world and back again. I am fine. I will deal with this,” I insist. Not to mention, I’m less than enthusiastic to spend any more time with Gregor and Eloise. Who knows what other Powers might reveal themselves, and the last thing I want is those two beasts seeing me go into a further meltdown.

  “Fine,” CK grudgingly concedes to my surprise. He turns to Cole and Devon, and adds menacingly, “If anything happens to her between now and then, I will blame you. Both of you.”

  Devon just sneers at him, while Cole nods quickly.

  CK stands and comes to me. He takes me into his arms, and I relax. He pulls back slightly to kiss me chastely and whispers, “Take care, my sweet. I will see you soon.” Then he Teleports out.

  “Liv, are you sure you’re going to be okay?” Devon asks. With a quick glance at Cole, he continues, “I think you need to be with him.” He understands better than most, a charge’s need for their sire.

  “I will be fine,” I say through gritted teeth. “Cole needs to be with me. End of story. You of all people should be aware of that,” I state pointedly, as he also knows this is the case.

  He grimaces at my reprimand, but nods.

  I turn to Cole and ask, “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m fine,” he says, then scowls. “I’m great,” he amends. “A bit tired though. Can we go to bed?”

  I nod, a bit weary myself even though it is hours off my normal bedtime.

  Wishing Devon good night with a quick kiss, we head up to the bedroom, the old-fashioned way, using the stairs. I’m not yet willing to take a passenger on my travels through space. Who knows if I even can?

  “You need to move in here right away,” I order him.

  He looks at me, as one would assume, I look at CK when he orders me to do something.

  “I’m sorry, my love. That came out all wrong. Will you move in here with me?” I ask sweetly and he grins.

  “Of course. I would love to. Um, we should also set a date,” he says shyly, lifting my left hand.

  I grin back in delight. “How about when we get back from Milan? We can have it here, in the garden,” I say excitedly.

  “Whatever you want, my love. I will be happy as long as you are happy,” he says.

  On impulse, I say, “Tomorrow then. We can go to City Hall.”

  “What?” he asks, laughing. “No big affair?”

  I shake my head, “I only need you. Well, and Devon as a witness.”

  “Wouldn’t you want Constantine to w
alk you down the aisle?” he asks slyly.

  I start in surprise. “Why would I ask him to do that?” I ask, puzzled.

  “Because he is your sire,” Cole replies.

  I shake my head, completely confident that he wouldn’t do it even if I did ask him. Cole shrugs and drops it. “Okay, tomorrow it is then,” he says happily. “What about rings?”

  “We can go shopping en route,” I say.

  He laughs as we push open the door to our bedroom.

  Our bedroom.

  I haven’t shared a bedroom with anyone in over two hundred years. At least not officially anyway.

  Pulling him to me, I kiss him, desperately needing him again. He responds to my urgency with his own need and soon we are falling naked onto the bed ready to take each other to the edge of oblivion and back. Spreading my legs wide, he plunges into me again and again, bringing me to the brink and I fall over, clawing at him. Snarling with the pain as I slice into him, he clamps down on my neck, tearing at me with his teeth, drawing blood. I squeal in delight at his savagery as his fangs descend and he bites down on the healing wound. Drinking deeply, he pulls back and kisses me, nipping sharply on my lips. I’m in ecstasy. Cole has turned into Vamp Cole and I love it. I push on his chest to get him to lift off of me. I crawl onto my hands and knees and he follows and kneels behind me. He gives me a sharp slap to my rear, which makes me wiggle in rapture even at the same time as I suppress my sire self’s indignation in favor of my husband-to-be’s pleasure.


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