A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5

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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5 Page 24

by Eve Newton

  Lifting my hips high, he pushes into my pussy.

  “Not there,” I whisper over my shoulder.

  I hear him grunt in surprise.

  “Oh, yes,” he pants, “oh, god,” and without hesitation, he positions himself higher and pushes gently, not bothering to lube me up. He knows I can take it. I feel myself give way and gasp. He groans as he pushes further into the tight hole. “Oh, baby,” he says over and over as he moves in and out.

  I’m no stranger to anal sex. I’m no stranger to anything. When you have been around the block as many times as I have, anything goes. It doesn’t do much for me, I’ll admit, but for my lovers it is another story. A rare treat. Tonight, with Cole, is about savage, Vampire sex. His first foray into the world of our darkest desires, where we can truly be ourselves, to feel the primal urges we suppress to fit into the human world. This is where we can rip each other apart and not hold back. The sensualism of the situation, along with his obvious pleasure and gratitude, sends a throbbing to my clit, which I coax into an orgasm with my fingers.

  I growl with pleasure as Cole comes quickly as well, pulling my hips back onto him. The need to feed is clawing at me and I move away, turning towards him, fangs already down. I pounce on him, grabbing a fistful of his hair to yank his head roughly to the side. I bite him viciously as I scrape my claws up his arms to his shoulders. He grunts, caught in the war between pleasure and pain. He rakes claws down my sides, my thighs, all the way to my knees.

  Taking my fill of his blood, I rear back, his blood dripping down my chin from such a barbaric bite to him. The Power that has been building up inside me takes over as I grab him by the throat and slam him back to the bed, forcing him to submit to my strength.

  His eyes flash in protest, but in contrast his hands move to my hips, lifting me up and over him. My claws are digging into the skin of his throat and his blood is flowing freely as I prevent him from healing. He writhes under my cruel touch as I ruthlessly take him to no place he has ever been before. I fuck him violently as he is pinned under me. I come quickly with a flash of black, glowing fog pouring out of my hands and swirling around us in a vortex of pure Power. My eyes are blazing. I can see the fiery depths reflected in his. I get completely lost in him. He howls my name when he comes, the orb of Power engulfing us.


  A blistering pain burns across my back. I let go of my grip on his throat. My eyes return to normal, my fangs and claws retract, as I grab at my back, screaming in agony.

  Coming out of the trance-like state, Cole’s eyes focus as he sees the torment on my face.

  “Liv!” he shouts as he grabs me.

  Breathing sharply, I focus my blurry gaze on his. “My back…”

  He moves to take a look. “Holy crap,” he breathes, just as there’s a pounding on the door followed by Devon bursting in.

  “Lizzie!” Devon shouts. He rushes to my side, reaching me about a second before Constantine pops in out of nowhere.

  “What the fuck just happened?” he demands, his face furious.

  “Fuck’s sake! Do you mind? A bit of privacy, please!” Cole shouts in frustration.

  CK snorts and says, “Please, it’s nothing we haven’t seen before.”

  Devon has the grace to hand me my robe, while Cole pulls the coverlet over us, glaring at CK that he has been so blatant. Although, I’m pretty sure he was trying to cover up his own modesty as opposed to mine, seeing as the coverlet is barely concealing me at all.

  “Tell me what happened,” CK demands again.

  “Before I try to explain, tell me what you felt that brought you here,” I pant breathlessly.

  Devon speaks first, “A tremor went through the house, like an earthquake, but it was followed by that smoky black swirl of yours. Then I heard you screaming.”

  I look expectantly at CK who answers. “I felt your pain. Really felt it this time, not just sensed it, and then I heard you screaming in my head,” he replies uncomfortably.

  Okay, I wasn’t expecting that.

  Taking a deep breath as the fire subsides, I turn to Cole over my shoulder. “And you?”

  He shrugs. “I don’t really know; I was caught up in the moment. I saw the whirlwind, I guess, of black and felt a massive blast of Power course through me. It’s kind of hazy though. I came to when you started screaming.”

  “And my back?” I ask.

  “You need to see it for yourself,” he says.

  I get up, letting the robe drop to the floor. As I walk past CK and Devon, I see their mouths drop open. I take in a breath and turn around in front of the mirror. Looking back over my shoulder, ignoring what a fright I look in my just-fucked state and covered in blood, I see the marking. It now stretches across the expanse of my narrow back in four, bloody, jagged slashes that appear to be made by some sort of large claw or talon even.

  “Hm,” I say distractedly. “Why is it not healing?” I ask. I turn back to face the three Vampires standing in front of me, all staring at me in various shades of horror. Cole, who has now pulled his pants on, crosses over to me, my robe in his hand. My back screams in protest as I shuffle into it, but I know he needs me to be covered up now in front of the other two, which is fair enough under the serious circumstances.

  CK clears his throat and croaks, “Well, certainly, we don’t need to ask what you were doing to cause this, but why such a significant change?”

  Cole shrugs partly embarrassed at everyone knowing our business.

  They all turn to me as if I know the answer, but it’s my turn to shrug and then I wince. “We set our wedding date for tomorrow, at City Hall,” I say, starting at the beginning. “This is going to sound crazy, but it’s almost like the Power approved. It’s like it is a separate entity and I am just the vessel. It wants this union to be…” I trail off, not able to find the right word.

  There’s silence.

  I glance up from my musings to find CK and Devon looking pained.

  “Tomorrow?” Devon asks.

  I nod. “Will you be our witness?” I ask as if it’s the most important thing right now.

  Looking taken aback, he eventually nods. “Err, sure. Yes, of course.”

  I nod, relieved that is cleared up.

  CK looks murderous, until I catch his eye and he adjusts his features. Too distracted to be intrigued by his reaction, I try to find my trail of thought.

  He helps by prompting, “This union to be…?”

  “Whole?” I struggle to explain. “So it can be whole. A proper part of me. It has a mission.”

  “A mission?” They all question in unison and then glare at each other.

  “I don’t know what. All I got was flashes and feelings. Fire. Lots and lots of fire.” My thoughts are all jumbled, but I ramble on, “The Power didn’t take hold right away. It took control after it accepted Cole, accepted us, after he embraced his true nature.”

  “What do you mean?” Devon asks.

  Cole looks perplexed, but when I take his hand, he remembers what we shared, and he understands. He had embraced and accepted his Vampire self, truly accepted me as his sire and his subordinate role as my charge, but also the leeway I gifted him as my husband-to-be.

  “Ah, Vamp sex,” Devon says in his usual glib way.

  CK grimaces. “Back to this mission!” he snaps.

  “I told you, I don’t know!” I snap back. He sighs at me as though I am some frustrating child, as he runs his hand through his short hair in a very un-CK like gesture.

  “Can you tell me more about it being separate from you?” he asks.

  “It’s hard to explain,” I whine.

  “Try, my sweet, it’s important that we understand as much as we can,” he says, now kindly.

  “It took me over. I was still there, but the Power wasn’t coming from me. All these feelings: approval of Cole and me; anger at someone or something; triumph or relief. And the fire. And the pain,” I add. “That’s all I can tell you.”

do you know about the mission?” he coaxes.

  “Again, it was a projection of…” I click my fingers repeatedly scrambling for the right word. “…not feeling…knowledge!” I say triumphantly, pointing at him.

  “If you say it approves of your marriage to Cole, maybe you will find out more tomorrow, afterwards,” Devon muses out loud, ever a step ahead.

  “Agreed,” CK says and shifts uncomfortably, not unnoticed by me.

  “Do you still feel it?” I ask.

  “Don’t worry about me, my sweet. I am concerned only for you, that it is not healing,” he replies softly.

  “I’ll live. I hope,” I say jokingly.

  They all glare at me not amused.

  Shortly thereafter, CK leaves with reassurances that we will call if anything happens. Cole and Devon agree to take shifts to watch me as I sleep. I’m unusually tired and settling on my front to sleep is uncomfortable, but I drift off anyway, while Cole sleeps and Devon stays with us and works.

  I vaguely remember the boys swapping shifts and I’m joined by Devon on the bed. I hear him snicker and say, “Just to sleep,” to Cole. I feel myself drifting back off when he adds, “She isn’t up to much in the fun department right now anyway,” and howls with laughter before Cole tells him to shut it and the room goes silent again.

  The dreams keep pulling me under. I am standing in a massive canyon, which must have been a mile across and just as high. The sky is dark orange with black clouds. I can see shadows, huge shadows, overhead, but I’m not afraid. Every now and again I hear a loud shriek and a whooshing sound as I just stand there. I can’t be clear on what it is. I see fire, but don’t feel the heat or the burn and there is a massive sword buried deep into a wall that no one can reach. I feel content here and powerful, beyond anything I have felt before. Invincible even.

  A gravelly deep voice says my name, “Aefre.”

  As I turn towards the voice, I wake up with a start.

  Cole is immediately by my side. “You okay?” he asks.

  A bit groggy, I say, “Fine. Thirsty.” My mouth feels like I have eaten dust that was on fire, it is so dry. Gulping back the bottle water he hands me, I feel better.

  “Thank you,” I mutter. I look over, but Devon has left me. I feel a bit annoyed by that.

  “How is your back?” Cole asks.

  I flex my shoulders and feel no pain. Frowning, I say, “Okay, I think. Check it?”

  He peels away the robe carefully and says, “Huh. It’s healed. It’s like it was before, size wise.” He traces his finger gently over the lines so I can feel what he sees. “Sore?”

  I shake my head. “No. What time is it?”

  “Good. 6 AM.” It’s my usual wake-up time, but I realize I've slept for about eight hours.

  “I was dreaming. It was… intense,” I say.

  “Oh, what about?” he asks, concerned.

  “Go get Devon and I’ll call CK. I don’t want to have to go through it more than once,” I say, reaching for my phone.

  I message him, knowing he will pick it up right away: “News. Come now.”

  He’s there before I have even put the phone back down. “How do you feel?” he asks, sitting next to me on the bed.

  “Okay, a bit groggy,” I tell him.

  He pulls me to him and kisses me on the mouth, pushing his tongue through my lips. I cling to him, crawling into his lap as he wraps his arms around me, holding me close. I rub myself over his stiffening cock, but he pulls away with a sigh. “I have wanted to kiss you that way since Sunday.” I lean my forehead against his, touching his lips with my fingers. I don’t move when Cole returns with Devon.

  “Cole says you had some weird dreams,” Devon says, picking me up off my sire’s lap and placing me lightly on the edge of the bed. He flops down next to me as Cole sits on my other side and takes my hand. CK sighs again. I feel massively disappointed. I have wicked thoughts of us all in bed together. I want these three men I love so much, yet so differently, pleasing me, touching me, kissing me all over, making love to me. It’s pushing at my will.

  Shaking my head to clear it, I recount what I could remember of the dreams.

  They are all pensive as I finish up.

  “Whatever this Power is, it’s definitely trying to tell you something,” Devon says, stating the obvious.

  “No kidding,” I grumble.

  Ignoring me, he continues, “Maybe about where the magick is coming from. Sounds Otherworldly to me.”

  I look at CK, who is deep in thought. “Well? Any clue?” I ask.

  His gaze flicks to me and he says, “Not yet. A male voice, yes?”

  “Yes. I think so.”

  “Is that all you remember?”


  “Okay, call me if you have any more dreams. I need to go and research what other plane this might be. I am not going to tell the other two. I think it best to keep this amongst ourselves for now.” And with that he’s gone.

  “For fuck's sake! That man drives me insane!” I yell and throw a cushion at where he was standing.

  Cole chuckles at me and says, “Happy Wedding Day!” and kisses me.

  After that it's all systems go. Devon calls in a favor from a ‘friend’, who even at this ungodly hour jumps to help when he calls her to start the ball rolling for a marriage license. All we will have to do is pitch up with identification and we’re good to go.


  A fter a leisurely soak in the tub, grateful that my back has now healed, I set about sorting my hair out and finding something to wear. I find it ridiculously hypocritical to wear white, but Cole insists, so I go into my closet in search of the very few white clothes I own. I find a beautiful lacy, strapless mini dress by Jovani that I don’t remember buying that would be perfect. It is still very “me”, but also in white which will please Cole.

  Deciding to wear my hair in loose curls, I plug in the curling iron after drying my hair and work it through bit by bit. Checking the time, I see it’s now 8 AM. After finishing my makeup, I pull the dress on and step into my shoes, nude Louboutins of course. Cole chooses that moment to walk back into the room. He stops dead when he sees me. I turn nervously in a circle for him and his eyes burn with desire. “You’re beautiful,” he says, kissing me softly. “I’m the luckiest man on Earth.”

  “I’ll say,” Devon says from the doorway. “Check you out, Kitten. Who knew white was your color?” He embraces me tightly.

  “Tiffany’s is opening early for us, so we should go,” he says then, all business-like.

  “Wait. There’s just one more thing,” I say and disappear into my closet. Facing right, I press my hand to the biometric scanner and punch in the key code. The hidden door slides open. This is my safe room. Every article that I have deemed precious enough to keep over the last thousand years is locked away in here. The low-level lights flicker on and I head straight for the drawers on the right-hand side. Pulling open the top one, I find what I am looking for: a beautiful Celtic silver, perfectly untarnished, intricately smithed, full circlet tiara, given to me on our wedding day by Fraser.

  Somehow it seems fitting that I wear it today. I finger it carefully and Devon asks softly, “Are you sure about that?”

  I turn with a sad smile and nod. “Yes.” I lift it out carefully. He takes it from me and artfully arranges it on my head.

  “Perfect,” he says.

  Cole is watching quietly. I see his eyes dart around the room, taking it all in. A museum’s worth of antiquities adorns the walls and fills the cupboards and drawers. His eyes land on the portrait of me that CK had commissioned in 1503 by Leonardo da Vinci, only three short years before I met Devon.

  “Wow!” he says.

  I smile at his wonder. “I’ll take you through everything in here soon, there are some things I would like you to see,” I tell him.

  “I’d like that,” he replies with a smile.

  “But right now, we have rings to buy,” I say smiling brightly.
  He beams at me. “Do you know what you want?”

  I know exactly what I want. “Yes. Do you?”

  He looks at me shyly. “It depends on what yours looks like,” he says.

  I giggle with glee at his sentimentality.

  “Then let’s go.”

  We arrive at Tiffany’s around 8:45 AM and are ushered in straight away.

  I whisper to the manager exactly what I am looking for and he goes off to find it for me.

  He returns shortly while we are admiring some fabulous pieces. He holds out the box with aplomb. It’s perfect. In an eternity-band style, it has circular, alternate clear and black diamonds all the way around. I love it. Grinning at Cole, I nod, and he asks for something to match in men’s rings.

  Sometime later, we leave the shop with our purchases. Cole has finally chosen a platinum band with three ¼ carat black diamonds across the top. It’s perfect.

  A t City Hall, Devon’s friend is waiting for us to sort out the license and then we wait to be called. I go to freshen up and adjust the circlet, remembering my last wedding day all those years ago. I kept my hair similar when I moved onto a previous life in Scotland and Shifted to Emily. In fact, my whole guise was remarkably similar to my natural form, as I was keen to stay away from anything that looked remotely like Elizabeth, still mad with Devon for leaving me. I felt I was somehow punishing him by not looking like his true sire. I became Emily and was taller by four inches, a darker blonde with blue eyes. Tears spring to my eyes as I remember, but I shake the thoughts away. It is still too painful after all this time.


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