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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5

Page 34

by Eve Newton

  “Of course,” I say casually. “But I don’t think Cole would go for it.”

  “Oh? Well, no one said Cole had to join in if Devon were to come to us one night,” he says.

  I sit up suddenly. “What?” I blurt out.

  Enjoying the fact that he caught me off guard, he grins salaciously. “Just a thought for you to ponder, my sweet.” He kisses me gently. “So, what are you doing here? Not that I mind, of course.”

  “I just wanted you to hold me. Ahmed was right yesterday; I do need your strength to get me through this. I need you.”

  “I need you too, my love.”

  I blink at him slowly. “I should get back to Cole before he notices I’m gone.”

  He sighs sadly. “Okay, my sweet. I will see you in a couple of hours.”

  I climb off the bed and prepare to leave but say one last thing for him to think about before I go, “I will make sure I’m here next week, alone, if you take me where I want to go.”

  He nods briefly.

  Cole is still sleeping when I return, as I knew he would be. The man sleeps like the dead. I quickly shower and dress and go in search of my other boy.

  I stand at his door observing him with interest, at the sour look on his face.

  “What do you want from me, Lizzie?” he asks.

  I tilt my head at his surly tone and squint at him. “I think the question is, what do you want from me? Cards on the table, Dev.”

  “You know what I want. I want us together, I want to be in your bed comforting you, when you have had the crappiest day of the year. I want to be able to take you in my arms and love you as you know I can. You said this was sorted and after the other day, I thought it was. I can’t stand being dismissed on nights like last night. It’s not what we do,” he snaps at me.

  “I know,” I say, distressed that he is upset. “Right now, I want some alone time with you. It's been a while.”

  His manner changes instantly and he pulls me to him, kissing me, his hands exploring every inch of me, so much more in need than Constantine’s restraint.

  He pulls me to him even tighter, gripping my hair in his fist. “I’m taking you my way,” he declares forcefully.

  In no mood to argue, I let him take me as he sees fit, bent over the back of the sofa, with my skirt up around my hips. He pounds into my pussy from behind, bringing me to a climax quickly and with great abandon. He finishes soon after me and pulls me up by my hair to feed, his fangs sinking deeply into my neck. A part of me is delighted with his aggressiveness, but my sire-indignation at his boldness makes me turn on him and I force him to submit. With my claws in his throat, I push him to the floor and straddle him, taking him as I now see fit. He doesn’t protest as I ride him fast, making us come at the same time. Pulling him up by the throat, I clamp down on him, sucking deeply. He squirms under me, loving my harsh touch. I release him and push him back down as I rake my claws down his chest slowly and then lean down to swipe my tongue over the wounds as they heal. Whimpering in desire, I bring my mouth up to kiss him and he pushes us over, so he is on top of me, asking me to submit to him again. Loving this game of dominance tag, I let him. He takes me again, pulling my legs up to wrap around him as he buries his cock inside me.

  “Oh, Lizzie, I love you,” he murmurs as he kisses me.

  I get lost in the moment then as he brings us to the edge, and I tumble over with him again.

  F eeling more satisfied than I have in a long while, I go in search of someone to feed from. I don’t particularly care who, I just need blood. Human blood. I know in the back of my head that I need to back up, but I don’t listen. Heading to the reception, I stop and inhale, closing my eyes. Oh, yes, I smell it. AB Neg. I focus on the human it is coming from. A very tall, crazy good-looking man in a black suit and white shirt. Slightly older, in the human sense, of course, maybe early forties. Focusing on him, I lean into the pillar at my side and he turns to me, sensing my intent gaze. He smiles stiffly at me and then turns away from me to my utmost disbelief.

  Oh, now I have to have him. I push off from my leaning post and follow him into the bar. I catch up with him quickly and he pauses as he looks down at me from his impressive height.

  “Do I know you?” he asks in a serious monotone. American, I note.

  I shake my head and reply, “No. Do you want to?”

  He searches my eyes for a long moment and then turns from me again and walks away. Too gobsmacked now to follow, I just stare at his retreating back, trying to calculate how long it has been since anyone, in any form, turned away from me. Huffing in frustration, but still not turning on my recent principle of taking blood by force, I turn on my heel and head back towards the suite. I turn briefly as I sense his eyes on me, but he has already turned back. I narrow my eyes determined to at least find out who he is.

  Thoroughly frustrated with hunger now, I call Nico out of desperation. I feel like a crackhead needing a fix as I wait for him to arrive. He turns up not long after with someone for me. I specified, in confidence, that I needed someone I could drink a lot from, and he delivered it to me no questions asked.

  “Please don’t tell CK,” I ask him as he pulls me into the vacant room he called me to. He looks pained as I ask him to betray his boss. “Please, Nico. He will only worry, and I have enough to deal with right now,” I plead.

  He reluctantly agrees and on impulse, I hug him. I think it’s the first time I have ever touched him. He stands still, not returning my embrace, so I pull away and ask him, “Are you okay to stay?”

  He nods stiffly. I have no more room for hesitation as I grab the man by the throat and viciously clamp down on him. He squirms as I hurt him in my need, but then he relaxes as the pleasure bit takes over. Trying to concentrate on his heartbeat as I drink and drink – trying not to kill him – I finally pull away sated and he slumps to the floor, alive, but just barely. I sink to the floor next to him and breathe in deeply, stamping out the desire to kill him.

  “Get me out of here,” I snarl as the feeling gets overwhelming.

  Nico, undisturbed by the fact I might bite and kill him, grabs me by the arm, hauls me up and shoves me out of the door unceremoniously. Feeling better now that I’m away from the human blood, I lean against the wall and try to gain control of my wayward self. Christ, what is going on with me? I shake myself and feel loads better now that the human blood is flowing through me. I go back to find Cole, after having abandoned him two and a half hours ago, to my own disgust.

  He is still sleeping, much to my relief. Yesterday’s events must have really wiped him out. I watch him sleeping for a few moments before my phone buzzes and I grab it quickly before it wakes him.

  It’s CK.

  “What?” I snap.

  “Hm, are you okay?” he asks briskly after my awful greeting.

  “Yes, I’m fine, why?” I ask suspiciously, hoping Nico hasn’t spilled the blood beans.

  “I feel your anxiety. I don’t like it. I’m worried,” he says.

  Relieved, I sigh. “I’m okay, just tense about what’s coming next.”

  “Yes, so am I,” he says dryly. “Have I told you how much I hate this plan?”

  I chuckle. “Yes, numerous times. You know I won’t get close enough to him to attempt this any other way,” I state.

  “I do, unfortunately. Aefre?”


  “How far will you let him go?” he asks, almost terrified of my answer.

  I slide down the wall I’m leaning against and say, “Not that far.”

  “What is that far?”

  “I don’t know!” I snap suddenly. “I will play it by ear. Close enough that I can summon G.I. and take his life,” I snarl in loathing. “Just don’t be close enough yourself to get caught in the crossfire, so to speak,” I add, concerned.

  “How close can I get?” he asks.

  Perplexed by the question, I hesitate. “Err, I don’t know. I know I am immune to its effects, but…I don’t know.”

“Then we need to find out.”

  “What? No way. I’m not risking you.”

  “I want to know so I know I can still protect you if things go wrong,” he says, being all practical.

  “They won’t, trust me. This thing was built to kill,” I say.

  “Yes, built to kill me and my peers,” he states matter-of-factly.

  My stomach sinks in dread. He really wants to test this thing.

  I remain silent as Cole comes out to the sitting room with just a towel slung around his hips. I breathe in deeply at the sight of him and he looks at me quizzically sitting on the floor with the phone to my ear not speaking.

  “Aefre? Are you still there?” CK asks impatiently.

  “Yes, I’m here,” I say as Cole comes to sit in front of me, knees bent.

  “I will send Nico to pick you up in an hour. We will test this thing out here,” he says.

  “No, CK, I don’t like it…” But once again, I realize I’m talking to the dial tone as he has hung up, leaving no room for argument, the infuriating beast. I start longing for the days of the old flip phone when it was so much more dramatic and satisfying to end an annoying conversation by slamming it shut instead of gently pushing the ‘End’ button on a touch screen.

  “What was that about?” Cole asks as he helps me stand up.

  “CK wants to see how close he can get to G.I. before it kills him,” I state unhappily. Cole’s eyes widen. “So he knows where not to be when I end Gregor,” I elaborate.

  He nods in understanding. I go to him, pulling him close by his towel and tilt my head up to kiss him. He drops his head to oblige, but then inhales sharply and stiffens, his mouth millimeters from mine. I gaze up at him in confusion. He gives me a quizzical look, but the realization dawns and he steps back.

  “Devon?” he asks.

  I nod, only slightly creeped out by the fact that he knows Devon’s scent already. Although, it probably isn’t a massive reach.

  “Why didn’t you say something?” he asks, looking distressed. “I didn’t even think…”

  I give him a curious look now. “What are you talking about?” I venture quietly.

  “Last night. Everything you went through. You should have told me you wanted him to stay. I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know…” He runs his hand through his hair, looking so concerned, I start to smile.

  “It’s okay,” I say to him. “You needed me after…Fraser,” I choke out his name.

  He nods quickly, accepting my attitude at face value. I’m glad because to pursue this would have ended up having me admit that yes, it would have been nice to have both Devon and CK stay with us last night. He seems far more connected to Devon than CK. I don’t think he is ready to see just how CK and I are together, yet.

  He screws up his face. I see the struggle before he blurts out. “If you need him here, just say. I won’t think of it. Okay?” And with that said, he storms off back into the bedroom.

  I blink at his retreating back, but I have to smile. Next time, I will say the fuck out of it.

  In a moment of reflection, I now know why Constantine didn’t try it on with me. I went to him covered in Cole’s scent.

  Damn Vampire senses!


  I decided to make quick work of the shower and pull a black stretchy mini dress over my head once I’m dry. I step back into my favorite black Louboutins to Cole watching me from the bed. He is smiling at me and I blink at him.

  “What?” I ask.

  “I like watching you,” he says.

  “I love you,” I whisper.

  “I know you do. I love you too,” he says.

  I feel that he wants to say more, but we are interrupted by a loud knock at the door.

  I go to answer, and it is Nico, as expected.

  “Ready?” he says briefly, making it clear he is still not happy with me about lying to CK about the Feeder.

  “Give us a minute,” I say quietly. He waits patiently as I go back to Cole, who hasn’t moved. “Come, my love. We need to go.”

  “Where are we going?” he asks.

  “To CK’s penthouse. Remember, the sword thing?” I remind him.

  I pick up my purse, grab his hand and pull him over to the door. “Ready,” I say to Nico.

  He leads the way out to the waiting car. Devon is already there.

  I slide onto the back seat first and Cole follows. I’m now sandwiched between the two as Cole gives Devon a forced smile and Devon realizes why. Okay, so it could be worse.

  Devon waits expectantly, knowing something is coming, but Cole just huffs at him and looks away. With his face softening just a tiny bit, Devon whispers to him, “I need her too. I’m sorry that it hurts you, but it isn’t about you.”

  Cole whips his head around to face him again, but at Devon’s expression, he relaxes as well and sighs. “I know,” he says, and everyone unwinds slightly. “It’s not that. I know what it’s about and I’m cool with it. I’m pissed off with myself for not thinking about her feelings last night.”

  “Oh,” Devon says, his eyes catching mine, giving me a loving look.

  Fortunately, we are now outside CK’s apartment building and Nico lets us out. We scramble to get out in the fresh air. Cole takes my hand, much more at ease. The doorman lets us in, and I punch in the code for the Penthouse elevator. There is silence the whole ride up to the top floor. I turn to Devon to break it. “Do you even know why we are here?” I ask him.

  He shrugs and says, “Something to do with the plan, I guess. I don’t know, Constantine just texted me to be here.”

  Huh, curious. He went straight to Devon instead of going through me.

  “Yeah, something like that. He’s got a death wish,” I mumble. Devon looks back at me alarmed. The doors ping open and we step off. CK’s apartment is fabulous. It is exactly how you would picture it. All lavish dark wood, reds and blacks, seem to be a popular theme with us, along with heavy ornate furniture, plush carpets and millions of Euros worth of antiquities.

  “Wow,” Cole says. “This place is nice.”

  “You should see Castello Ponte,” I remark, using the shortened version of the castle name.

  “Castello? He has a castle?” Cole asks in awe.

  “Yes, in Tuscany. I have mentioned it a few times,” I remind him.

  “He still has that?”

  “Yes, he would never give it up.”

  “Give what up?” CK asks as he makes an appearance on the upstairs balcony.

  “Your castle,” I say, raising my eyes to him. I nearly keel over. He is wearing a tight black vest, loose-fitting sweats and that is it.

  He notices my reaction to his very casual attire as he smiles down at me and beckons us up the stairs. He leans over to kiss me, and I can’t resist the urge to run my hands over his well-defined muscles. I lean into his deep, essence-bending kiss, his tongue pushing forcefully against mine. He pulls away just as I’m getting into it. He nods to the two boys, who return it. He then clears his throat and says, “Very well, we have business to attend to. Aefre, change your clothes, my sweet, we can hardly do this with you looking like that.” He gestures to me and I look down insulted. However, I suppose it isn’t the most practical get up for sparring with your ancient sire.

  “I don’t have a change of clothes with me,” I say.

  “Magick some up, my dear. I’m sure you can if you put your mind to it,” he says as he turns and leads us into the gym on the far side of the corridor.

  “Magick some up? What the fuck am I?” I mutter.

  “The Power of One,” he snaps back, and I shut my mouth.

  Okay, I can do this. I have only ever moved something over a short distance, except for the hair clips in the cave and the ring. Clothes are something else though. I think of my own training clothes back in L.A. and call them to me. I’m quite impressed with myself when they appear at my feet and grin broadly at my achievement.

  “There, you see?” CK says with pride

  I slip my shoes off and pull my sweats on underneath my dress. Pulling the dress over my head, I slip my training top on over my head and pull it down, pulling my hair back and summoning a hair band to tie it up in a high ponytail, out of my way. I clap my hands together then. “Right, let’s do this,” I say as they all stare at me. “What?” I snap, getting a bit sick of being stared at all the time.

  CK shifts slightly and coughs quietly. “Not that the three of us mind, my sweet, but I’m sure that Nico is not interested in seeing your tits, no matter how lovely they may be,” he comments dryly.

  Oh. I blush furiously. I didn’t even realize what I had done as I feel so comfortable around these men, I just sort of did what I would normally do, forgetting of course, about Nico.

  “Sorry, Nico,” I say abashed, but he just shrugs uncomfortably. Well, I suppose it's not like he hasn’t seen them before.

  CK beckons me over to him in the middle of the room. I feel tiny next to him now in my bare feet. I grin up at him from my five feet, three inches and say, “Now I remember this feeling and I still hate it.”

  He chuckles.

  “What feeling?” Cole asks.

  “Being a short shit,” I remark. “They didn’t have six-inch heels back in the day.”

  Cole laughs. “Is that why you refuse to wear flats now?”

  “That would be a big, fat yes. Centuries of no choice but flat shoes.” I shudder.

  “Why don’t you just…you know…make yourself taller?” he asks, genuinely confused.

  “Because then she would not be herself,” CK answers for me.

  “That is not a bad thing,” Devon points out.

  “Elizabeth is taller?” Cole leaps on the chance to ask about Devon’s true sire.

  “By about four inches,” Devon replies warily, not liking where this is heading.

  “Enough about the various forms of me,” I say, bringing this conversation back to safer ground, to which Devon shoots me a grateful glance. I turn to my sire. “So, what are we doing here exactly?” I ask.

  “I want to know exactly how close to Gladius Infernus I can get without it killing me,” he says.


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