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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5

Page 36

by Eve Newton

  “Yes. It’s been a long, energy absorbing few days. I guess it just wiped me out,” I reassure him.

  “Hey, are we getting off for duty free?” Devon asks and I nod. I have to get off this plane.

  “I’m telling you there is no fucking way I’m getting back on this thing next week,” I grouch. Cole looks immensely pleased at my comment until I add, “I’m just going to Astral into HQ and stay there. No one has to know I’m in Italy.”

  He frowns and Devon asks, “Why are you going back next week?”

  “Council work, and stuff,” I say vaguely.

  “She has an arrangement with Constantine to go two days a week. Alone,” Cole says, to Devon’s surprise.

  “Arrangement? And when were you going to tell me this?” he asks, hurt and then adds, “Hey, do I get two days alone too?”

  “No! Fuck, no!” Cole yells in my ear. “Not a fucking chance, Liv. Do you hear me, not a fucking chance!”

  I glare at him to quit yelling at me and he does, but not before he thumps his fist on the table spilling most of our drinks.

  “You are not separating us into days of the week like pairs of underwear. It’s insane,” he points out, having calmed himself down. “Especially as the three of us all live together now anyway.”

  “Dev, hunny. It isn’t how it sounds. I have to go to Milan for Council work and this Gregor and Eloise assassination plan. I will just have some sire time while I’m there. That’s all.”

  “What about my sire time?” Devon pushes.

  “Every day is sire time for you,” Cole comments.

  “And you,” I say to him, to which he just shrugs.


  A bandoning them, as I need some ‘me’ time after recent events, I disappear as soon as Jenna lets me off the Gulfstream. I make my way into the airport and get myself lost on purpose. Knowing it’s pointless as Devon will be able to track me down, I just need some headspace. Ironic in a crowded airport, but it’s all good. Reaching a decision that something needs to be done about this, I resolve to talk to them on the way to LAX. If I decide to get back on the jet, I think stubbornly.

  Meandering over to get a takeaway coffee, I stand in the line patiently, enjoying being on my own. Catching a whiff of AB Neg in the region behind me, makes me realize how hungry I am for blood now. Turning slightly, I’m caught off guard, as it is the same man I saw in the lobby of the hotel the day before in Milan. Turning completely around, I run my eyes up from his broad chest to his slate gray eyes and back down to his full-lipped mouth.

  “You again,” he says in that serious monotone. “Should I be worried?”

  “I’m just here for the coffee,” I say, folding my arms. “Should I be worried, seeing as you seem to be following me now?” I ask pointedly, referring to him standing behind me in the line.

  His serious face lights up momentarily before the shutters come back down. “I’m just here for the coffee,” he says dismissively.

  I turn my back to him as my turn comes up. “Black coffee,” I order, “and whatever he’s having.” I point over my shoulder.

  “Same,” he says, “But I will buy my own, thank you.”

  “I can afford it, really, it’s okay,” I say mockingly.

  “So can I,” he says, ignoring my tone.

  Rah! He is so frustrating, worse even than CK, and that is saying something.

  “Fine. Buy mine for me then,” I demand.

  He does, with bad grace, and I smile inwardly. Progress.

  “Where are you connecting to?” I ask as we step aside.

  “Nowhere,” he says.

  “You live here in New York then?”


  “So why are you buying coffee in the airport instead of heading home?”

  “I’m waiting for someone.”

  I blink at him and he blinks back. Sighing, he asks politely, “Where are you connecting to?”

  I say, “LAX.”

  “Well, I should go and wait for my…someone,” he says as Devon steps up to my other side with a suspicious look on his handsome face.

  “Wait, I didn’t thank you for the coffee…”

  “Not a problem,” he says, ignoring my attempt at gaining his name. He turns and walks away as Devon says, “Time to fly, Kitten. The G6 is refueled and waiting for you, with a very crabby passenger on board.” I sigh, and turn away, but for a split second I see Mr. AB Neg pause and look back, much as he did in Milan.

  “Who is that?” Devon asks as he drapes his arm casually, yet possessively, over my shoulder.

  “No one,” I say, slinking my hand around his waist and sliding my hand into the back pocket of his jeans in a familiar gesture.

  We head to the escalator and step on.

  “Liv, I know that look,” he says in warning. “Don’t go on the prowl,” he says with a sigh.

  I glare at him, irritated that he knows me too well. Stepping off the escalator, I turn to lean over the railing to find Mr. AB Neg staring at me from the level below. I focus my attention entirely on him as he does to me.

  With my Vampire hearing, I hear him whisper, “Call me Cade.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. Did he know I’d hear him even from here? That is somewhat worrying. I watch him disappear into the crowd.


  Not much to go on, but I’m sure it’s enough.

  “Lizzie?” Devon snaps at me.

  “What?” I ask, bringing my attention back to him.

  “Don’t do it. You are just asking for trouble,” he grumbles.

  We reach a frantic Jenna, who has come to find us with a handful of security guards.

  “There you are,” she says with relief, passing me the phone she has in a death grip. “We were just coming to find you.”

  It's CK. “Why has your jet not taken off from JFK yet?” he snaps before I can even say hello.

  Err, stalk much?

  “Devon and I got sidetracked, it’s no biggie. We’re on our way back there now,” I snap back.

  “Sidetracked how?” he asks suspiciously.

  “It’s nothing for you to concern yourself with. We’re fine,” I say getting irritated.

  He grunts a response and I add, “I’ll call you when we land in L.A., okay?”

  “Fine.” He hangs up in a temper.

  Great, I sigh, a moody ancient Vampire to deal with isn’t on my to-do list today. Suddenly remembering Devon’s comment about Cole, I ask, “What’s up with him?” gesturing towards the jet.

  “He knows how to get himself in a mood, all right,” comes the reply.

  “Don’t provoke him, Dev. You know he’s still getting used to all of this. He’s trying.” I motion my hand in a big circle.

  “I’m not provoking him,” he says innocently.

  I huff at him as we embark.

  Devon checks his phone, while I go and sit next to Cole, taking his hand in mine. He smiles at me; any sign of the mood Devon spoke of, is gone. He is simply happy that I’m touching him.

  “You have Days of the Week underwear?” I murmur to him.

  He lets out a loud guffaw. “When I was a kid, yeah, who didn’t?” He stops his laughter and looks at me seriously as he realizes what he has said.

  “I didn’t even have underwear,” I retort with a laugh of my own.

  “Me either,” Devon snorts. “And my breeches had holes in them. You could see my ass from a mile away.”

  The laughter resounds around the aircraft. “Lucky you have a sexy arse then,” I say with a lusty gaze at him.

  Cole raises his eyebrow at Devon, who indulges him and stands up to turn around.

  “Ha,” Cole laughs. “I can see that some might say it’s sexy.”

  Devon splutters with indignation and sits. “Some?” he asks, mock-wounded.

  “Jesus,” Cole says, shaking his head. “It’s still…” He makes a mind-blowing gesture with his hands, then he brings them up to stroke my face. I can smell his blood and my fangs
drop unexpectedly. “Hungry?” he asks with a chuckle.

  “Famished,” I say, before I grab his wrist and sink my fangs into him. Flicking his eyes from me to Devon, he squirms uncomfortably. I know it's because I have never fed from him with someone watching before. Sated, I release him and kiss him softly.

  “That was awkward,” he mumbles.

  I giggle and say, “You’ll have to get used to it, my love.”

  “Right, boys, there is something we have to discuss,” I say and turn all business-like on them. They look at me in surprise, as the mood had been light. They both sit up straight as they can sense a serious conversation coming, so I begin, “We are a team now, the three of us. Well, four of us. There is a lot to accomplish in the next few weeks and a lot more besides to come. I need you together, with me, and with each other. I know this situation is strange, but we all have to make it work. There can be no dissension, no jealousy, no bitching, and no chink in the armor. We all have to be on the same page so whatever issues you have, you need to air them now. Do you understand me?”


  “Do you understand me?” I say louder this time and they both nod at me.

  “Cole? Do you have an issue with Devon? If so, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

  “I don’t have an issue with you,” he says to Devon. “I know you belong to her and I get it. I need a minute to get used to the idea of being in a relationship with her and you,” Cole states, a bit embarrassed.

  I give him a soft smile. “Devon, do you have an issue with Cole? Speak or shut it.”

  “No issue. I’m fully secure in our relationship,” he says, and I believe him. He wouldn’t say it otherwise.

  “Fine.” Now comes the big question. “Do either of you have an issue with Constantine?” They both look away in confirmation.

  “Speak,” I snap.

  Cole bravely goes first. “I don’t like him. He hates me and I’m worried you will leave me for him. I see how you are together. It’s a lot to live up to.”

  Before addressing his issue, I focus on Devon. “What about you?”

  “I don’t like him. And he hates me, too,” he says with a snort. “But that old news aside, now he gets to have you to himself for two whole days. It’s not fair,” he pouts like a sullen child.

  Softening as I turn to Cole, I say, “Baby. I love you. I told you that I’m not going anywhere. You are my husband and my charge. I need you, as I need them, and we will make our own history.” I kiss him softly. He seems happy with my words and he relaxes.

  Rounding on Devon, I snap at him, “You should know better than that.” He looks annoyed at my treatment of him being so different to Cole. “I see you every day, we work together, we go home together. Before I met Cole, we spent every minute together. Cole was right before; every day is sire time for you. I don’t get that. I don’t get to see my sire every day whenever I want to, and you begrudge me a couple of days? Most of which I will be trying to catch up on the work at The Council, which by the way, I have no fucking idea what that entails. Let alone plotting the demise of two of its members and wondering what comes next.” Having raised my voice to a shout now both of my boys are looking fearfully at me, hoping I don’t use my Power on them in this small aircraft. Yes, my words were said to Devon, but they were also for the ears of Cole as neither one of them seems to care about me, only themselves. I know that sounds ridiculously selfish of me, but when you’ve been taking care of yourself for centuries, like I have, it is what it is.

  I draw in a deep breath and summon, from god knows where, a packet of cigarettes and a lighter. I pluck one out and light it. Cole looks at me in earnest, but Devon just shrugs and takes one too.

  “I get it,” he says. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I do have it good compared to you. I am lucky enough that you stay by my side and more importantly, that you want me there,” he says, knowing exactly what I want from him, as usual. I surrender and take his hand across the table. “Thank you.”

  Cole clears his throat and says, “I’m sorry too. I guess I have been so wrapped up in how I was feeling, I forgot to think about how all of this change is affecting you. I love you.” He takes my hand and kisses it gently.

  Satisfied that my temper tantrum has worked for now, I sit back and finish my cigarette in peace.

  F inally landing in Los Angeles, we make our way to X-tasy for blood. I’m inwardly climbing the walls with the craving my newfound Power has bestowed on me and my two boys are starving as well.

  Being daylight still, it’s quiet, but that suits me just fine. After talking to the manager, we sit and wait while he rounds up what he can for us in the way of Feeders. I twirl my charms around impatiently until we are finally ushered into a back rooms. “Will you be all right on your own?” I mutter to Cole and he nods.

  “I’ve got the hang of it now,” he reassures me.

  “Okay,” I say and disappear into the room where my Feeder is waiting. As I approach him, my fangs descend and taking an unconventional stance, I sit him down and straddle him. It’s the best position, the most comfortable.

  He looks alarmed, but soon forgets about everything else except the bite as I suckle deeply from him. Listening to his heart, I pull back seconds before he would pass out, having gone beyond the limit, but needing more than usual. I feel stronger and less bitchy when I climb off him and pat his head patronizingly. “Thank you,” I say cheerfully and go in search of the other two who should be finished by now.

  Cole is standing alone in the corridor looking worried and then relieved when he sees me. “This place gives me the creeps,” he whispers, and I laugh.

  “Feel better?” he asks.

  “Much. Where’s Devon?”

  “Dunno. Haven’t seen him.”

  Shaking my head, I sense him close by and push open the door of the room I expect to find him in.

  “For fuck’s sake, Dev. Really?” I inquire as I see his Feeder give him a hearty slap around the face.

  “What?” he says, rubbing his cheek. “She offered me a fuck, I refused. Can’t help it that she’s a psycho.”

  I roll my eyes at him and hold the door open for him to exit with his dignity in tatters.

  Cole is gaping at me. “She hit him?” he asks in disbelief.


  He snorts into his hand as Devon glares at him from down the corridor. “Mine didn’t offer a fuck,” he adds slyly.

  I raise an eyebrow at him. “Would you have taken her up on it if she had?” I inquire sweetly.

  “Definitely not,” he says.

  “Can we go now,” Devon whines. “I dislike this place intensely.”

  “Yes,” I say firmly, not a fan myself. Cole and I follow and soon we are back home.


  T he days pass quickly and soon enough it is Monday night. I have to Astral out at midnight to be in Milan by 9 AM Tuesday. Gods, this is going to start getting really confusing, I realize with a sinking feeling.

  A fter dinner, Cole takes me up to our bedroom, where Devon is waiting, naked in my bed, for a goodbye to remember them by.

  I gasp in surprise and delight.

  Cole slowly undresses me and gently lays me in the middle of the bed. Removing his own attire, he crawls next to me and kisses me, pushing his tongue into my mouth urgently. Devon’s fingers trail over my arms, igniting a fire with just his touch alone. Cole grazes his tongue along my top teeth. I hiss, and he chuckles. He nips his way down my jaw to my neck and then pauses. He doesn’t bite me but carries on moving his mouth further and further down until he takes my nipple in his mouth. I moan in pleasure as Devon sucks the other one into a ripe peak that is aching to be bitten. Cole moves his hand down and pushes two fingers inside me, then three, where Devon’s fingers join him a moment a later. I arch my back as they stretch me wide open, finger fucking me in a delicious medley of heat and desire. Devon lowers his head, kissing me across my stomach and then pulls his fingers out of me to push
my legs open wider. He ducks his head, attaching his mouth to my clit and sucking on it gently. I come in a rush of lust as he sucks on me while Cole continues to bury his fingers deep inside. Devon moans as he tastes my cum coating his tongue.

  “Oh, Lizzie, I love you,” he murmurs, abandoning his post to allow Cole access to my clit with his mouth.

  “I love you, Liv,” he whispers before he licks me softly, then flicks my clit. Devon’s fingers slide back inside me as he lowers his mouth to mine. He growls quietly as I lick his lips before plunging my tongue into his mouth.

  After a few more flicks with his tongue, Cole kneels and pulls on my hips to position his cock at my entrance. He shoves himself deep inside me. I copy Devon’s growl as Cole hits the right spot. He pulls back out teasing me and it’s driving me wild. I sit up, pushing him back. I straddle him, reverse cowgirl, so that Devon can keep kissing me. Cole groans in delight pulling me back onto him hard. Devon draws back from our kiss and drop his fangs. he leans in and, with my hair pulled into his tight fist, he bites me swiftly. I moan and move myself over Cole slowly. I pulsate around his cock as Devon drops his other hand to my pussy. He starts to coax yet another orgasm from me before I’ve even finished the last one. It is sensual, erotic as fuck and I’ve never felt so adored in a really long time. Letting go of the bite, Devon squeezes my throat tightly as he kisses me again, his fingers lightly playing over me while Cole’s cock is pushing against my G-spot. I feel a double rush of pleasure shoot through me. I let out a loud groan of contentment. Cole can’t hold on any longer under the force of my throbbing pussy and releases his cum inside me. He flops back to the bed breathless as I crawl off him and onto Devon. I keep my hand on his chest in case he gets any ideas about taking control. He smirks at me and says, “Use me, Lizzie. Let my cock please you. I’m here only for you.”

  I giggle at Cole’s huff.

  “Not fair,” he complains, good-naturedly. “That’s changing the rules.”

  “Not really,” Devon says, brushing my hair away from my face. “That’s how we do this.”


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