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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5

Page 44

by Eve Newton

  Well, he’s got me there, but I glare at him anyway. I Shift back to Liv. Devon looks both relieved and disappointed.

  “I can’t say for sure why I got dragged into this…” He motions in the direction of me and CK, “but I’d really rather not be next time. Or at least I would but with different rules,” he adds flippantly.

  To my surprise, CK laughs. “Hm, it does seem our girl is quite partial to our joint company.”

  To which Devon snorts in amusement. “You don’t say.”

  I just sit quietly, smoking my cigarette, while they have their fun.

  “One question though, Lizzie? What in Christ’s name was that thing with your eyes?”

  “What thing?” CK sits up, interested.

  “They were two balls of fire. She blinked and then they were like a cat's eyes but sideways.”

  Oh, so it wasn’t just me that saw that then. “I have no idea,” I say cautiously, wondering how much to reveal, not that I know great deals myself, but I’m starting to get an inkling.

  I don’t think either of them believe me but leave it alone anyway as I’m resolute. I want more fun, but CK refuses, saying it is time just for him again. I pout, but let him take Devon back to L.A. I do, however, give him a thorough kiss much to my sire’s annoyance.

  As he Teleports back into the bedroom, I launch myself at him and have him on his back with my hand at his throat. Somewhat amused – yet also cautious of my strength – he squints at me as I straddle him. “If you ever use Devon like that to hurt me again, I will finish you,” I threaten with a vicious sneer.

  Smacking my hand away from his throat, he turns the tables as he easily overpowers me, pinning me to the floor helplessly.

  Hello, Power? Where the fuck are you when I need you?

  “Threaten me again, my sweet, and we’ll see just how much I can hurt you.” Keeping me pinned down, he drops his head to kiss me roughly as I squirm in protest. He takes me again, there on the floor, making sure that all I can think about is him.


  I t’s midnight on Wednesday. I crawl into my own bed, aching. CK didn’t allow me to sleep, so I’m completely worn out. Christ, the man has stamina. I don’t think we have ever fucked that much in two whole weeks, never mind just two days before. Sleep and then a long bath will do the trick. Vaguely wondering where Cole is, I drift off and dream horrible dreams of a chained-up woman with my cruel sire.

  I awake about four hours later from a deep sleep, to find Cole has crawled into bed beside me. I lean over to kiss him, but remembering I Astralled straight home from CK’s bed, I pull back. Shit, I was so tired, I didn’t shower before I left. I must have his scent all over me and yet Cole still came to bed with me. I creep out of bed and go to the bathroom, quietly closing the door. Still too tired to stand in the shower, I climb into the deep tub and turn the taps on. Squirting in a load of lavender bubble bath, I sit back and let the tub fill up, covering me in bubbles and water up to my neck. Turning the taps off, I lean back and sink under the fragrant water, letting it seep into my hair and skin. Coming up for air, I lean my head against the back of the tub, ruminating on everything that has happened in the last two days. Fuck’s sake. It’s been wild and unpredictable. Full of revelations, uncovered secrets, heartache, loss, anger, pain, love, joy, good memories, bad memories. Babies! Christ, that still makes me shake my head in disbelief.

  “Liv?” Cole asks from the door.

  “Yes, my love.”

  He comes in, smiling at me covered in lavender scented bubbles. “Hey.”

  “Hey. I missed you. Get in?” I sit forward so he can join me by getting in behind me and pulling me close to him. I turn to the side and snuggle against him with my head and hand on his chest. He sighs, kissing my wet forehead. I know he wants to ask about my time in Italy, but he doesn’t, and I don’t offer up any information. Absently fiddling with the ring that CK gave me, he suddenly freezes and peers at it.

  “Wow, that’s nice. New?” He scowls at me as he already knows the answer. I nod and pull my hand away, not wanting to discuss it.

  “Nico is going to help with your mother situation,” I state as a distraction.

  “Oh? What is he going to do?” he asks cautiously.

  “I’m not sure. He just said he’d sort it.”

  “Okay. Tell him thanks when you speak to him again.”

  “Will do.”

  Okay, so what is with this too-polite business?

  “Everything okay?”

  “Apart from the obvious?” he sulks.

  “Oh, Cole, my love. Don’t be like that.”

  He huffs. “I’m sorry. It's just…I told you I don’t mind sharing you, but this…” He holds my hand up, “…this is an engagement ring.”

  “No, it isn’t,” I insist. “It’s just a gift from a sire to a charge. It’s nothing,” I say, shrugging it off.

  “Yeah, millions of dollars’ worth of nothing.”

  I know he is miffed because he thinks he can’t compete with it, but I don’t care about the expense. It’s the gesture. It always will be. “Cole, please. I’m exhausted. It’s been a very trying couple of days. I’ve learned things that I don’t think I ever really wanted to know.”

  He stays quiet then and I resume my snuggling.

  I must have fallen asleep on him as I wake up wrapped in a fluffy towel in bed next to him watching me.

  “Ergh, did I fall asleep again? What time is it?”

  “Yes, just after 8.”

  “Crap. I’d better get to work,” I say, dragging my arse out of bed.

  “Oh no,” he says, pulling me back. “I don’t think you’re going anywhere. Liv, I’m worried about you. You look paler than normal and you are clearly exhausted. I think you should stay at home today. Devon can sort your work out for another day.”

  Thinking about Devon and yesterday, I sigh and fall back against the mountain of pillows. I’m really comfy and really tired. “Okay, maybe I’ll have just a couple more hours.”

  Which in the end, turns out to be another four.

  I wake up starving, but Cole is there for me with a glass (or two) of blood, which I gulp down. “Thank you. Christ, I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” I grouch.

  “Hey, you’re awake. Shit, Lizzie, I’m worried about you. We both are,” Devon says, coming in from the sitting room. He smiles shyly at me, remembering our time together yesterday, or was it today? I can’t get the time zones straight in my groggy, sleep-addled brain.

  “I’m okay. I think. Jet lag, Power, etc.”

  “Constantine called me,” he says casually. “He was also worried when you didn’t check in. He said to call him. Not to worry, but there might a be a slight problem on the Gregor front.”

  “Oh? What?” I’m suddenly alert.

  He shrugs as I reach for my phone and hit his number, drumming my fingers anxiously as I wait and wait for him to answer. That’s not like him. It makes me worried. I’m just about to hang up and try Nico, when Nico answers CK’s phone.


  “Where is he? Is everything okay?” I snap.

  “Mr. D’Arcangelo is fine. He is in the middle of trying to sort out an issue. He said to ask if you are okay and he will call you back if the answer is ‘yes.’”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Oh, Nico, did you find out anything?” I ask, meaning Cade and not Mrs. O’Dell. The other Mrs. O’Dell.

  “I’m still working on it,” he says vaguely.

  I know already he’s hiding something from me and now he’s hiding even more. “Hm, well, be sure to get CK to ring me as soon as he is available.”

  No sooner do I hang up, my phone rings. I pounce on it. Caller ID says ‘Gregor’. Since when did I have his number in my phone? I warily answer it.

  “Hello?” I say casually.

  “Liv? It’s Gregor. Are you well?”

  “Err, yes, I’m fine, thank you. Are you?” I ask. I’m at a total loss at the phone politeness coming from t
he man that has not only plotted my destruction for a thousand years but also killed my husband in cold blood.

  “Have you spoken to Constantine yet?” he asks, concerned.

  “No, I’m expecting a return phone call. Why?” I ask suspiciously.

  “We have had an incident. It’s nothing for you to worry about, but it may be wise for you to join us in New York as soon as you can, my dear.”

  “New York? Why, what has happened? Is Constantine okay?” I ask, panicking now.

  “Yes, he is fine,” he says as if he wishes he weren’t. “But we have a Council issue that requires your presence,” he says with mock casualness.

  So, it went from 'may be wise' to 'requires.' This does not sound good.

  “Gregor, dear," I say in a smarmy voice. “What is going on?”

  “Just come to New York, the suite at the Four Seasons, and we shall discuss it further,” he says then hangs up. Christ, is that an I.V. thing? It really pisses me off.

  “I have to go to New York,” I state as my two boys look at me in query. “Well, no, let me rephrase, we are going to New York. Whatever the Hell this is, Eloise and Gregor are there, and I will end them as soon as I get the chance.”

  At shocked expressions from Cole and Devon, I try CK’s cell again. Again, it’s Nico.


  “Christ, Nico. I need to speak to him, please.”

  “I will get him to call you as soon as he is able.”

  “Tell him I am not okay,” I say and hang up, feeling somewhat guilty at the lie.

  But as sure as I take my next breath, he calls back. I smile.

  “Aefre. What is it?” he asks, overly concerned.

  “Why is Gregor calling me to tell me to come to New York?”

  “Because I asked him to. I thought you said you weren’t okay?” he asks suspiciously.

  “I am not okay. I’m confused and tired and why is Gregor calling me instead of you?” I sulk.

  “Oh really, Aefre,” he sighs. “Just be here tomorrow. I will explain then.” And he hangs up. In a right temper, I throw my phone at the wall, but fortunately for me, Devon catches it before it smashes into little pieces. I smile gratefully.

  He shrugs. “What is going on?”

  “I don’t know. Something Council related. We must go. Dev ask Jim to get the jet fired up… again. For fuck's sake! My brain is so mashed at the minute. I don’t need a new drama to add to the pile,” I complain loudly, very loudly, and Cole pulls me to him.

  “Don’t stress, Liv. We will deal.”

  “I know. I’m just really tired of being blindsided. Every time I turn around, a new revelation comes out and smacks me in the head. I am so tired. I am exhausted. Just hold me,” I finish up and they do, no questions asked.


  C ole is quite insistent that we don’t make love that night, wanting me to rest after all my drama. I’m touched, but also annoyed, as I want him. But after the last two days, I could do with a break, so I don’t protest too much. We are set to fly to New York first thing in the morning, being 6 AM due to the time difference again. The gods. I’m so sick of time zones, I want to puke, but refrain and try to behave for the rest of our time in L.A. Cole is sliding slightly, I can see. I know it's because I haven’t been here, and I scold myself for not being there for him. I stay with him for his feeds and he is happy with that arrangement. I feel awful as I know if Constantine had left me as I have done to Cole, I would have been floundering at a total loss. I am a bad sire and a bad wife and that makes me feel even worse than I already do.

  As a result, I don’t stray far from his side, so he is content. But because of that Devon and I haven’t had a chance to talk about what happened at CK’s castle. I know he is dying to understand it, but he will just have to wait. Cole is my priority now.

  Back on the G6 on Friday morning at the crack of dawn, we all drag our feet, sick of this bloody jet and yet here we are again. I apologize to my boys, so loyal, for coming with me. They are gracious, as expected.

  “Still no clue?” Devon asks.

  “Nope. All I know is, it’s a Council thing. Hope I get more info when we are on the ground than that. I might be new, but I could kick all of their arses, if I wanted to,” I grumble.

  “Really?” Devon asks. I smile at him mysteriously. “Oh really!” he says with delight picking up on my subtle confidence. “Ooo, I think I like badass Lizzie.”

  I grin at him but don’t say any more. There will be plenty of time for that after I have gotten rid of Eloise and Gregor.

  We take off, then the onboard phone rings. Devon answers and passes it to me wordlessly.

  “Yes?” I snap.

  “You are on your way, yes?” It’s CK, as oblivious as ever to my mood.

  “Obviously, as you called the jet’s phone,” I grump at him.

  He snorts. “I’m sorry we have been so secretive, my love. I will tell you everything once you are here.”

  “Well, I’m pissed that you three all already know, and I still sit on the outside like some kind of…outsider,” I finish up lamely.

  “There is a reason, my love. I promise I will tell you everything when I see you in a couple of hours.”

  “Humph,” I mutter as I hang up on him to my own delight. Short-lived though, as I still don’t know what’s going on.

  “Well?” Devon asks.

  “Fuck knows. We have to wait apparently. I’m still not one of the ‘inner circle.’” I’m seriously pissed and so is my She-Power. I drum my fingers on the table in agitation. Devon claps his hand down on mine. I smile as he picks up my hand, peering closely at my ring.

  “It’s beautiful,” he says softly. “Must be five or six million dollars?” At my look, he says, “Seven?” He’s impressed but Cole grunts unhappily and stares out of the window. “Well, it’s not like he can’t afford it, but I’m surprised. I don’t think he’s ever given you anything of this magnitude. What’s the occasion?” Devon asks.

  Glaring at him to shut up, I just shrug and say vaguely, “You know, fourth member…”

  Clearly though, Cole knows what it really is, despite my denial, but to my relief he doesn’t say anything. The less people who know about this arrangement the better.

  L anding at JFK, we all rush to the exit trying to get off first. I am the winner of that race and gratefully descend the steps. Nico meets us on the tarmac and drives us off to the Four Seasons. We are booked into a suite on the top floor and the ride up is interminable.

  Stepping off the elevator and into the sitting room of the suite, I’m annoyed that everyone is already sitting there like they own the place. CK, Gregor, Eloise, Nico’s team and James (yuck), who flashes his baby blues at me with a wicked grin and asks, “Been a while since I’ve seen this place, eh Lex? Good times.”

  Eloise sends me a scathing look. I scowl at him, however I have a momentary heated flashback of 1995, when he came to see me here. We embarked on the second of our two passionate affairs that night, but it ended in tears again two years later when he left me – again, because his Mistress ordered him to. By his Mistress, I mean that in the sense of the woman who dominates him. The woman he submits to in everything, sexual and non-sexual. His Mistress being, of course: Eloise. It’s no wonder why I hate this woman so much. She has been nothing but cruel to me and I cannot wait to see her punished.

  “Lex? Who is Lex?” Cole asks, bringing me out of my very fiery flashback. James’s eyes are on mine as he smirks at me, clearly remembering that night as well.

  “Lexie was who I was, here in New York before we went to L.A. and I became Liv,” I say absently, feeling somewhat flushed, ignoring James and Eloise and focusing on my sire.

  “Well? I snap rudely to everyone in the room, “How come I am the last to know?”

  CK comes over to me and kisses me, not so innocently. He takes my right hand and fingers the ring. “Good,” he murmurs.

  “How come James gets to know this secret befor
e me?” I whine. I don’t care that I sound like a spoiled brat.

  “He doesn’t know anything yet. He only just got here,” CK says patiently. “And it’s not so much a secret, more of a caution.”

  “For what?” I ask warily.

  “Come, sit,” he says and leads me to the sofa, having so far ignored both Devon and Cole.

  He nods to them as he sits me down and then sits next to me. Cole sits on the arm of the sofa; I curl my arm around his leg in a possessive gesture as Eloise is eyeing him up like he is a piece of candy that she just has to have.

  She licks her lips and greets him seductively, “Hello, Cole. It is so nice to see you again.”

  He ignores her to my delight, lacing his fingers through mine, his eyes focusing on CK instead. I can see a simmering rage boiling under the surface, but he keeps it in check as Devon, to his credit, plops himself down on Eloise’s other side and flashes that devastating grin at her, all in preparation for our little plan. I smile inwardly as she glares at him suspiciously, but then, seeing no ulterior motive in his innocent blue eyes, gives him a glorious smile back, preening at the attention.

  Whore, I think, wishing I could say it out loud.

  I press for more information, “Caution about what? And why did I have to come all the way here, why couldn’t you just warn me over the phone?”

  “We need you here to identify someone,” CK says mysteriously.

  My eyes flick to Nico, who is staring at me intently. I raise an eyebrow at him, but he focuses on CK instead.

  “Okay? Who?” I ask, getting impatient now.

  “Liv, the man you saw in Milan and again at JFK that you asked me to look into?” Nico speaks then. I shift uncomfortably at having that knowledge suddenly out there, without the ability to take it back. Cole glares at me as does Devon, since he knows exactly who that man is.

  “Yes…” I encourage him to get this show on the road.

  “You said his name was Cade?” CK asks, taking my other hand casually.

  I glare at Nico and spit out, “No, I said he said to call him Cade.”


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