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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5

Page 64

by Eve Newton

  I pull my hands out of his with a huff. I am completely speechless because how can I explain it? I can't tell him my reasons and besides, it's none of his damn business, so I tell him so.

  He smirks at me. "Well, you clearly have something about you that warrants a second look. Unless you are just that good a fuck," he whispers to me.

  I pull my hand up and slap him across the face, much to his amusement, but the horror of the rest of the restaurant.

  "Is that all you've got?" he murmurs, rubbing his cheek.

  CK is now at my side, hand on my back to calm me down.

  "I suggest you apologize to the lady for whatever it was you said," he says quietly.

  "Lady? I wouldn't call her that exactly," he says, still rubbing his face where I’d slapped him. "But I don't want to cause more of a scene... so I apologize for calling you a good fuck. Although, I would have thought that would be a compliment?" He looks at CK in question. "Is she?"

  My hand goes up to my mouth, as I cannot believe the audacity of this man. My mortification goes up several hundred notches though as my sire, clearly out to ruffle some feathers as opposed to just ripping the head off the chicken, casts me a sidelong glance and says, "Oh, you have no idea. The things she can do will make you forget yourself."

  Cade, now looking equally as astounded as me, but with no desire burning in his eyes, quickly adjusts his features. "I doubt that," he says as nonchalantly as he can.

  "I wouldn't protest if she were so inclined to show you herself, but judging from the look on her face, I think she would much rather take me home and show me all night just how good she is," CK says and with that, he takes my arm, pulls me back to the table and sits me down. I chance a look back over my shoulder but, as expected, Cade is gone.

  T he restaurant is now incredibly busy, and we feel uncomfortable talking about supernatural stuff, so we turn our attentions back to small talk. We have a few trips down memory lane, on the tacit agreement that we will talk when we get home. Neither of us eats much, so we mostly just talk and enjoy being in each other’s company.

  As we head out of the restaurant, I realize I have thoroughly enjoyed myself and tell him so.

  He smiles down at me, pleased. I smile softly back up at him and ask, "Can we walk back? It can't be more than a couple of blocks."

  "Five, but okay. Although, I warn you, if it starts to rain and this suit gets wet, I won't be very impressed. I have ruined enough clothing for one day," he says with a cheeky smile.

  I chuckle at him. "Well, that little stunt left us both feeling unsatisfied then."

  He shoves his hand in his pocket, so I curl my arm through his. Still fairly harmless should we get our photo taken. Nico gives us our space but follows us, nonetheless.

  "I am beginning to wish I had declined your request to walk. This is taking too long," CK murmurs.

  "Hm, well if you hadn't denied me before, you wouldn't be quite so anxious."

  "Yes, I suppose that is true. I am a very stupid man." A slight smile tugs at his lips.

  "But so handsome so I'll let you off," I simper at him to his delight.

  "I never could quite pinpoint this way you have," he says suddenly.

  "What way?”

  "I mean with regard to male companions. Even those who dislike you, still want you."

  "I'm sure I have no idea where you are going with this."

  "Tonight, Aefre. I take you out and within the space of a few minutes you have two different men eating out of your hand," he snaps with annoyance.

  "Who?" I ask bewildered.

  "Your little Demon friend and our resident Hunter, obviously."

  I burst out laughing. "Are you kidding me? Xane was just being pleasant and Cade couldn't dislike me more if he tried."

  "Maybe so, but I saw how he looked at you, how they both looked at you."

  "Jealous? You were the one who offered me up on a plate," I remind him sweetly.

  He hisses at me. "Don't push your luck, my sweet. I was gauging his reaction."

  "Hm. I have no interest in them. And for your information there is someone who pays me no mind no matter what I tend to do," I say but immediately regret it as he looks up sharply at me.

  "Oh? And who might that be?"

  "No one. It doesn't matter," I say, avoiding his burning gaze.

  "Aefre. What are you up to?"

  "Nothing," I say but I must cast a glance back at Nico inadvertently as CK stops us dead in the middle of the busy sidewalk.

  "What game are you playing?"

  "No game."

  "Aefre," he warns.

  I sigh. "It just annoys me that he doesn’t notice me. There are these shutters in place and I just want to break them down and see if he does actually…you know…"

  "What? Desires you?" CK snaps at me. "I'm sure he does, my dear, as it seems that no one can resist your charms. However, on pain of his own death, he has the good sense to stay away from you," he growls at me as I look away. "Now leave him be. He is not your toy to play with."

  We stay that way for a few more seconds until his grip tightens on my arm.

  "Okay. Fine. I’m just not used to it. It bothers me and I have to keep poking at it. Like a loose tooth," I admit.

  "Well, I can assure you, you have no reason to feel insecure. Christ knows you have enough men begging at your feet to spend time with you. Leave my employees alone," he says again, tightening his grip on me.

  "Okay. Geez, I really should learn to keep my mouth shut," I grumble as we resume walking.

  "Well, only in the case of you actually speaking, otherwise I quite like your mouth open," he says pleasantly but with an underlying tone.

  I glare at him. "That is an incredibly rude thing to say," but I see the smile in his eyes and let him off.


  Back upstairs in his apartment, CK moves over to pick up a bottle of wine to take back to his room. Sebastian is still lounging around but jumps up when he sees us. Throwing me his iPad, I deftly catch it as he says, "Ah, young love. Or should that be really, really old love? Quite the striking couple."

  I look down and see a photo of us leaving the restaurant, when he smiled down at me and I looked back up at him with that soft smile. I wasn't aware I had so much love in my eyes for him and vice versa and it is quite sobering to see. Cole is going to fucking freak!

  “I didn't even see anyone take that," I say as CK sidles over to have a look.

  "Hm, beautiful as always, my love," he says quietly and kisses the top of my head. He hands me a glass of wine and I down it in one gulp, holding it out for more. I hand the iPad back to Sebastian, who peers at me curiously. "What's the big deal? Your husband knows you are fucking, it's not like it'll come as a shock to him."

  "That isn't the point," I mutter and flop heavily on the piano stool. “And this isn’t just fucking, we are in love,” I add, my temper flaring.

  "You, play?" Sebastian says, clearly wanting to change the subject away from the sudden sober mood.

  "Yes," I say and lift the lid, pushing the photo aside to deal with later. I put my glass down and start to play Bagatelle No. 25 in A-minor.

  "Ah, ‘Für Elise,'" Sebastian says. "Hey, she's good," he says to CK, who smiles with pride.

  "I know."

  "I had a good teacher," I smile mysteriously, watching closely as CK's smile falters slightly.

  "Oh?" Sebastian says. "Who?"

  I remain silent and carry on playing as CK glowers at me.

  "Who?" Sebastian now demands.

  I cut off my playing and switch to Piano Sonata No. 8 as CK growls, "Wolfgang," in a tone that leaves no doubt over his feelings with regard to that.

  "Mozart?" Sebastian asks incredulously. "He taught you how to play the piano?"

  "He did, in Paris," I say casually. "Such a brilliant man."

  "Oh, please," CK scoffs. "You are just saying that because you were sleeping with him."

  I stop playing, my anger over this old ar
gument not having abated over the years. "Hey, that is the other way around and you know it!" I yell.

  Sebastian looks from me to our sire, both glaring at each other and says, "Well, looks like there's a bit of tension there. Do tell." He settles down onto the sofa with a glass of wine and looks expectantly at us, but I ignore him, not wanting to think of that time, of the first man I was with after Fraser.

  Sebastian is disappointed when neither of us starts talking. CK is in a bad mood now that a part our past he finds upsetting has been dug up. I declare bedtime to placate him.

  "Come, my love," I say to him sweetly. "You know I love you."

  He acquiesces ungraciously, which makes me laugh.

  "Night, Seb," I say over my shoulder as CK leads us to his bedroom.

  He waves at us. "Night, Livvie," he says.

  My heart clenches as he sounds just like Devon.

  "Well, I can’t say that I am thrilled with having those memories brought up,” CK says. "I propose we make our own music and I can revel in the fact that he is no longer, and I am still here."

  Horrified that he dared to say that, I say, "CK, that's not very nice."

  "Well, he took you from me when I wanted a third try. You knew it was something I wanted, and you refused me because of your devotion to Fraser. I don't harbor great feelings for the man that made you come out of your mourning-induced celibacy."

  "Humph," I say upset and turn from him.

  "Oh, no," he says. "You are not going to let him come in between us tonight. You are no longer mine tomorrow and I am not wasting a second of the time I have left."

  Slightly mollified by his words, I say, "I am always yours. I just have other commitments as well." He looks pleased with this reminder.

  "Come then to bed and I will make you forget your other commitments."

  Well, who am I to argue with that? I let him lead me to his bed to have his way with me several times before I have to fall asleep on him, much to his disappointment.

  I awake at six in the morning as per normal and find myself alone. My Vampire hearing tells me he is in the shower. I glance at the clock on the bedside cabinet. His phone is lying there all alone and I bite my lip, curiosity burning in me over who called him last night at dinner. I scoot over the bed and pick it up carefully as if he might hear me and punch in his Passcode. I thought he might have changed it over his suspicions last night but no, it's the same. It unlocks. Thumbing quickly through the phone list, I see that it was Devon. My heart nearly stops. He called CK? Why? I remember his words, "Everything is fine." Devon must have somehow sensed something about Xane's visit that caused him to be concerned, but instead of calling me, he called my sire. It breaks my heart that he can't even call me himself to see if I am okay. Relocking CK's phone, I wipe the screen on the sheets and replace it exactly as I found it. I get out of bed and make my way to the shower. Wet CK is incredibly hot and I need a distraction.

  "Morning," he says to me as I join him under the jets. "Sleep well?"

  "Mm, the best," I reply in truth as I stand under the torrent, relishing in the feel of the water hitting my skin. "You?"

  "I always sleep well when you are next to me," he says. I smile at him knowing that for the whole hour he sleeps, it makes no difference if I am there or not.

  "We still have various unfinished conversations," I point out and he nods.

  "I know," he says as he soaps me up and I forget what I was saying. Something about parents, mountains, Demons, Hunters, and who knows what else. "Later," he murmurs against my lips as he kisses me.

  I completely forget about everything but him.


  "I don't want you to go," CK mutters as I get dressed to leave. A Feeder has just been up, and I have fed well. CK, true to his word, said he would look after me and has made sure that I feed twice a day.

  I stop what I am doing and stare at him, saying, "I have to. I have other…"

  "Commitments," he interrupts. "I know." He sighs and says, "After all this time I never would have thought it would turn out like this."

  "I know," I murmur, also getting the fact that I am the one doing the rushing off and leaving him.

  "What are you doing tonight?" he asks casually.

  "I'm spending the night with Lincoln. It's a thing…before I go to Canada…" I trail off as he tenses up, again out of the loop on everything that is going on with me.

  "I see," he says stiffly.

  I really wish he hadn't asked. "I should get going. I have a ton of work to do now that Devon is gone," I say sadly.

  He kisses me goodbye before he resumes getting dressed. "I will call you later," he says.

  Secretly glad that Sebastian is nowhere in sight as I leave – can't be doing with that guilt trip as well – I head downstairs to find Lincoln and cement our plans for the evening.

  "Hey," he says as I walk in the door.

  "Hey. All good?"

  "Yep. What shall we do tonight?"

  "Something low key. Pretty sure Cole is flaming mad about last night's photo incident."

  Lincoln chuckles and says, "Yes, I saw that. Quite the couple."

  I glare at him and say, "Anyway, take out and a movie?"

  He grins and says, "Absolutely. My choice though. I’m still trying to get up to speed on the last fifty-seven years’ worth of cinematic excellence."

  I roll my eyes. So far, we have done all of the Godfather films - twice - plus every other gangster film known to man, plus Kill Bill, and a bunch of the big hit blockbusters starting from 1956.

  "Fine. Just get something we… well you, haven’t seen before. No more gangster crap."

  He looks insulted. "Gangster crap? I take offense."

  "Well, you shouldn't. That way of life is not acceptable," I admonish softly.

  He looks a bit abashed. "Yes, I see the error of my ways, but really. You could give me one more?"

  "No!" I snap good-naturedly. Having found out that Lincoln was a true 1950s Chicago mob member before he left in search of his own kind and got trapped by Lance, I am still surprised. He is the sweetest, gentlest, most loving person and I can't imagine him being that way. There again, who am I to judge? With a kill count higher than I care to think about, my glass house is no place to throw stones.

  "Can we get Chinese?" he asks.

  I smile at him and say, "Sure." I won't eat a great deal anyway, but he eats like there's no tomorrow.

  "And maybe pizza as well. Oh, and popcorn!" he says enthusiastically.

  "Whatever you want. Now I need to get to work," I say.

  "Oh, I'm coming with. Scott said I could use the Video Conference facilities as I have issues that need hashing out with the southern states."

  "Okay, no worries. Let's go then. Will you still be around for lunch?"

  "Probably not, no. I need to get up to Brooklyn for a meeting of feline Shifters."

  "Christ. You are busier than me!" I say.

  "Well, in all fairness you have seven separate Ambassadors to do your Vampire dirty work. I, on the other hand, have just me to deal with a world full of Shifters," he says ruefully.

  I stop in my tracks. It never even occurred to me that he would struggle. The Underworld is made up of numerous types of Weres or Shifters as we call them; Wolves, Cats, Bears, Dogs, you name it. They call me a Shifter, even though I don’t think of myself as one of them, because I can Shift into, not only my Dragon form, but other people. This, however, is not a trait synonymous with Shifters. It is a Dragon thing, and Dragons are not classified as Shifters, who are born what they are and can only Shift between their human form and their animal form. They are a completely separate species to us. If my mother ever heard anyone classify us Dragons as Shifters, She would probably throw a shit fit. All that aside, it seems I inadvertently dumped all of that onto Lincoln and he being who he is, has never mentioned it before.

  "Shit. Linc! You should have said something sooner. We can appoint delegates. Just tell me who and where and
it's done."

  He looks both relieved and annoyed that I question his ability to handle it. "We'll see," he grumbles but I can see that he is already making a mental list and I smile inwardly. I do need to focus more. This is getting a bit ridiculous, really. With one problem after another rearing its ugly head, I am just neglecting my duties. Bad me.


  T he three of us stop at the coffee cart on the corner. I order my usual black coffee. This is getting to be a habit now and more often than not, I choose coffee over tea. Wondering vaguely if Cade is going to make an appearance, we step away and start the short walk.

  "Christ, it's cold this morning," Lincoln grumbles. "That's one of the things I envy about your kind."

  One of the things he envies? That's interesting: we usually get nothing but contempt - albeit good-natured contempt, if such a thing actually exists.

  "Considering you were trapped in a forest for fifty-seven years in Romanian winters, I thought you'd be hardier than this," I scoff with a smile in my eyes to take out the sting.

  He laughs. "I guess those four months in the L.A. climate got rid of any of that."

  My phone rings in my pocket. I know already it's Cole before I look at the caller ID.

  "Hey, baby," I say, expecting a shitstorm.

  "Hey," he says shortly.

  "I guess you saw the photo? It wasn't intentional and I don't even know who took it," I defend myself right away.

  "Not the point, Liv. You know it’s not them, but we talked about how it would look. I do not need a tabloid scandal right now."

  "I know. I'm sorry. Look, I'm coming up early tomorrow morning. We can do damage control. And there is a pile of shit I need to talk to you about anyway."

  "Fine," he huffs. "What shit?"

  "Shit I can't discuss over the phone. I can't wait to see you, baby. I miss you."

  Now completely mollified, he says, "I miss you too. How early?"

  "As soon as we can get clearance. I'm waiting for Jim to call me back."

  "Okay, let me know. I love you."


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