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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5

Page 81

by Eve Newton

  “You lose,” he rasps at me.

  “Yes, I do. I’m not ashamed to admit defeat,” I say and laugh happily. “Christ, that was the best sex I have ever had,” I add to his delight.

  “Me too,” he says.

  “Oh, really? If I believed you, I would take that as quite the compliment.”

  He frowns at me. “Why wouldn’t you believe me?”

  “Well, you have been around the block a couple of thousand times, surely you’ve had better.”

  “Never,” he says. “And by the way, sex with you is the only sex worth having.”

  “Are you being honest?” I ask shyly.

  “I am wounded that you would think otherwise,” he says, a bit pissy now, so I believe him.

  A knock at the door sounds and CK calls out, “Come in.” He clearly wants whoever is on the other side to see us in this indelicate position.

  As it happens it is Devon and Sebastian. “Seems we interrupted. Again,” Sebastian says sarcastically.

  “Not at all. We are done. For now,” CK says jovially.

  “Erm, not quite,” I say. “Everybody here has fed, at least several times today, and I’ve had nothing. Being the one who needs more than you guys, may I?” I ask CK and he obliges by tilting his head to the side.

  I drop my fangs and pull him up to me, my claws sinking into his back at the same time my fangs sink into his neck. I feel him stirring inside me, as he never left, and it sends a rush of desire through me. He groans as he feels me coating him and he pulls on my hips to get me to ride him again.

  “Fuck’s sake,” I hear Sebastian say. “Do they ever give it a rest?”

  “Nope,” Devon replies. I sense him coming closer. “Only thing left to do is to join in.” He sits next to Constantine and plucks up my left arm, lifting my wrist to his mouth. Dropping his fangs, he sinks them into me and the jolt of pleasure that goes through me makes me groan.

  Sebastian sits on CK’s other side and plucks my right arm away from him and lifts my wrist to his mouth. He drops his fangs straight into me.

  Holy fuck! Now this is an experience I would highly recommend. My sire, my sibling, and my charge. I feel like every nerve ending is firing on all cylinders. I start to tingle and fizz all over.

  I continue suckling on CK, long past when I should have stopped, but I know he can take it. He breathes in deeply. I pull back, retracting my fangs and kiss him. My arms still pulled out to the sides; I grip him with my thighs to keep my balance as I speed up my movement. He grabs my hips to steady me and I hiss as Devon and Sebastian take more than their fill. I sink lower and lower into the pleasure zone, until I am almost in a trance-like state. My mind goes blank and I don’t think, I only feel. I see my eyes transform into my Dragon’s, reflected back in my sire’s eyes, and She ripples across my back making me flex my shoulders, disturbing the fangs in my wrists, tearing my veins wide open. I lose myself in my sire’s eyes and I vaguely hear him snap, “’Bastian. I told you what would happen to you if you did this to her.”

  “It’s not me. I swear it,” he says.

  I slowly, slowly fall back and Constantine grabs the small of my back as Sebastian and Devon grab my arms. I feel Devon cup my breast and squeeze tightly so that my nipple is now a hard peak that is aching to be licked. He obliges and I feel a tingle go all the way from my back teeth to my toes.

  “Oh, fuck yes,” I murmur as my climax picks up its pace, crashing through my nerve endings and making me shudder.

  At my encouragement, Constantine pulls on my hips roughly, having me ride him until his cock explodes its load inside my slippery pussy.

  Devon plunges his tongue into my mouth. Dragging me off Constantine, he keeps kissing me as he releases his cock and impales me with a quick thrust.

  “Oh, Christ, Liz. I have missed fucking you,” he moans against my mouth.

  I have missed fucking him too but am unable to speak due to his tongue in my mouth. He clearly has no issues with playing second fiddle, as Constantine calls it, and for that I am grateful. I want him desperately, not caring that we are being watched by an almost stranger.

  Devon brings us both to an orgasm at the same time, so confident in his ability to read my body and its signs. My mind is scattered; I am in seventh heaven right now.

  “What do you think you are doing?” I hear Constantine ask in a low voice.

  “I told you if she starts, I will finish,” Sebastian says through the fog of my rapture.

  I am completely under the spell of this very debauched arrangement. I make no complaint as Sebastian pulls me off Devon and onto his lap.

  “You’re not touching her,” Constantine says forcefully.

  “Oh, but it’s okay for you two to have a go? I don’t think so.”

  “She has boundaries. We are in them,” CK snaps.

  Oh, for fuck's sake. I am tired of everyone talking about me like I’m not here. Three pairs of startled eyes land on me as I pull Sebastian to my mouth and thrust my tongue against his. Losing only a microsecond in surprise, he pulls me to him, wrapping his arms around me and kissing me back with great abandon. I hear both my sire and my charge growl in protest at my actions.

  “I swear to the old gods, Sebastian, if you are influencing her in any way, I will kill you where you sit.”

  I pull back and say, “He isn’t. It’s not him. It’s me. It’s us. It’s all of us together. Me, with my sire, my sibling, and my charge. A complete set.” They all look at me, dumbfounded, like the thought had never even occurred to them. I have to wonder then if CK and Sebastian have never done this before. That pleases me… a lot!

  “Lizzie, don’t do this,” Devon warns me. “You know he won’t understand.”

  “Don’t talk her out of it if she wants it,” Sebastian snaps at him.

  “Fuck you,” Devon says rudely. “You aren’t a part of this.”

  “Quit it. Both of you,” CK snaps in exasperation.

  At this point, I have had enough. Huffing in frustration, I climb off Sebastian and go through to the bedroom, slamming the door behind me. I just need to get away.

  N ow that I’m fully back down to Earth, my self-loathing is returning. I pull on a robe and curl up on the bed.

  CK finds me a few moments later and hands me a glass of wine.

  “You had me worried there for a minute,” he says quietly.

  “I know. I’m sorry. I got caught up in the moment and I was tired of you all talking about me like I wasn’t even there.”

  “Yes, that tends to happen in these situations,” he says dryly.

  “What do you mean?”

  “When everyone is fighting over you.”


  “Let’s get you in the bath and you can have your talk with Devon.”

  “Thank you.”

  He stands, but I pull him back down, my face serious, “What did you mean about him influencing me?”

  “I told you he can be very persuasive,” he says vaguely.

  “Magickly persuasive?” I press.

  “Yes. I would rather not discuss his…ability. It has been the bane of my existence, cleaning up the messes he leaves, trailing in his wake.”

  Hm, interesting. “How did he get it?”

  “He always had it. It increased tenfold when I turned him. I mean it, Aefre. If you are alone with him, don’t let him pull you under.”

  Too late, I think ruefully.

  “Bath time,” he says, pulling me up. “I will bring you some blood. You desperately need to drink. We have taken too much from you today.”

  I nod gratefully and let him lead me into the bathroom and settle me into a bath full of bubbles. I sink under the water briefly, letting the fragrant water soak into my hair, then I surface. I lean back in bliss and close my eyes.

  “I can come back later if you want to sleep,” Devon says, leaning against the doorway with crossed arms.

  “No, I have missed you. Come here and never leave me again,” I pout at him and he chuckle

  “Yes, ma’am.” He is still dressed, so he sits on the edge of the bath and not in it with me. “I missed you too. But it’s time to fill me in on what I missed. As usual, with you, it sounds like a fun-filled week what with one thing after another,” he adds dryly.

  “You don’t say. Christ. I can’t believe it’s only been a week. So much has happened… again.” I proceed to tell him the story of mine and CK’s making up on the night he left, then Sebastian showing up, followed by Cade stalking me and Xane appearing in the restaurant. He wasn’t overly pleased to learn of the shenanigans in Toronto with the bloody roses and the Hunter blood, so I leave out the secret meeting. Well, not so secret meeting now that CK knows and which we still haven’t properly resolved. I sigh. “It’s been hectic.”

  “Sounds like. So, you think he really doesn’t know Cole is a Vampire? What about the rest of us?”

  “I’m fairly certain about Cole. He definitely knows about CK but then it would be hard not to. He got close enough to you in JFK, but only for a few seconds so I can’t be sure. So, be careful, okay?” I say softly.

  “I will. I’m not really in the mood for dying right about now,” he jokes, and I splash him.

  “Not funny,” I scold.

  He trails his hand in circles in the bath water and it laps up against me. He circles my breasts but there is nothing sexual in it now. It just…is.

  “So, what next?” he says after a long pause.

  I shrug. “Hopefully a quiet few days, then I need to see Cole and next week is a trip to see my mother.”

  “Tiamat? Why?”

  “There are questions that need answering. I can’t go into it now. It’s complicated.”

  “Humph. What you mean to say is it has to do with Constantine and you feel like you can’t tell me.”

  I smile at his reckoning. “Yes. I’m sorry, my love. I will tell all when we know more.”

  He nods, accepting that. He wouldn’t betray my trust, so he knows and understands.

  “Did you speak with Jess?” I ask hesitantly.

  “Yes. I told her again that I’m not turning her. She’s pissed, but whatever.” He shrugs apparently unconcerned, but there’s an underlying worry in his eyes. Whatever this thing is, I just know it’s going to bite me on the arse several times over before it’s done.

  CK comes in then, holding out my phone and says, “It’s Cole. I answered as he has called a few times.”

  I hold my hands up out of the water and say, “Wet. Can you put it on speaker on there?” I indicate the bath tray that sits over the tub.

  He does as I ask and retreats, much to my surprise. Although, after a second, I realize it is a tactical advantage as he can now eavesdrop freely. Arse.

  “Hey, baby,” I say, “I’m in the bath so you are on speaker and Devon’s here.”

  “Hey,” he says. “Devon’s back?”

  “Yep. Came to my senses. I can’t live without her,” he says and smiles his devastating grin at me.

  “Tell me about it,” Cole mutters and I pounce.

  “Everything okay?”

  He sighs. “I miss you. And I have news.”

  “What news?” I ask quickly.

  “We are leaving Toronto for a while, going away on location,” he says warily.

  “Where to?” I ask a bit too harshly.

  “Miami. The week after next for about two weeks.”

  “Miami? That’s…” I try to come up with an appropriate word, “inconvenient.”

  “I know,” he says.

  “Okay, but no worries, baby. We’ll sort something out,” I say, my mind already coming up with various workable go-arounds.

  “What a shame it’s February. Spring Break in Florida is something else,” Devon says, and we have a momentary flashback of a very fun week about ten years ago where Lexie managed to get herself on “Girls Gone Wild.”

  “There’s more, though.”

  “Oh?” I ask, now suspicious.

  “After Miami, we are going to various locations in Europe.” He says it quickly and I can tell he is holding his breath waiting for the shitstorm.

  “Europe?” I yell in Devon’s face. “Whereabouts?” At this point, I sense CK coming closer as he is probably madly curious as to whether he can go home for a few days. I know he misses Italy, but he chooses now to stay wherever I am.

  “Erm, London, Paris, Amsterdam and Rome,” he says the last word in a growl as he knows CK will be thrilled.

  “Fuck me, Cole! How long have you known about this?”

  “Awhile. I knew you wouldn’t be happy trailing all over the world after me. I was kind of waiting for the right time,” he says sadly.

  “Oh, baby, I would follow you to the ends of the Earth and back. I just would have preferred a bit more notice is all. It’s fine. It’ll work. Besides, I wouldn’t mind going home for a few days.”

  “Home?” he asks warily, but the relief is evident that I haven’t told him I won’t be following him.

  “London,” I say as if he is dense.

  “Oh, of course. Sorry. I thought you meant…” he trails off and I pick up that he thought I meant Italy. Idiot.

  “Yeah, will be good to see our old stomping ground again,” Devon pipes up.

  “Hardly yours, my dear. Although, we could have a day trip up to Helsby,” I say slyly.

  He scowls at me and splashes me with water this time. “Not fucking likely,” he says.

  “Hey, watch my fucking phone,” I grouse at him.

  “You don’t want to go back to your hometown?” Cole asks.

  “Oh, please, he hasn’t set foot anywhere near it since we left. Talk about issues,” I scoff.

  “Erm, I might recall a certain area that you didn’t want to set foot near since you last left as well.”

  “Devon!” Cole snaps, knowing he is referring to Culloden.

  “Well, it’s true,” he sulks.

  “Maybe so, but I have been back. Time for you to face your music,” I say, not very nicely.

  “Humph,” he replies rudely.

  “All beside the point,” I say. “When do we leave?”

  “I will get Dawn to email you the schedule. Are you sure you will come with me?” He sounds so unsure of himself that my heart breaks.

  “Hang on,” I say and climb out of the bath. Grabbing a towel, I dry my hands and pick the phone up, taking it off speaker and wrapping the towel around me. I walk into the bedroom bumping into CK, who frowns at me (at me! He’s the one lurking and eavesdropping!) and say, “Of course, Cole. I’m not going to leave you wandering around the globe on your own. The distance is too far for too long. For both of us. I will be right by your side, wherever you go,” I say softly. The feeling of guilt is almost bringing me to my knees to beg his forgiveness for what I have done but I close my eyes and hold my tongue.

  “I love you,” he murmurs.

  “I love you. I need to get some sleep. It’s been a weird day.”

  “Yeah, the message you sent me before was pretty out there. You are okay though, with the whole Demon Power thing?”

  “Yes, just fine. I will see you on Saturday.”

  “Saturday? I thought you were coming back on Friday?”

  I sigh as Devon moves behind me and picks up the comb from the dresser. He sits me down and starts to comb out my tangled wet hair. I am comforted by the familiar gesture and it relaxes me more than the bath did.

  “I’m sorry, baby. Saturday. Devon has agreed to come home with one condition.”

  “That you give him all day Friday,” Cole says.

  “Yes.” I glance at Devon in the mirror, who can quite clearly hear both sides of this conversation, but he avoids my gaze, intent on his task.

  “Days of the fucking Week Underwear,” Cole snaps suddenly and I jump. “You will be here on Saturday morning early enough so that we go to bed together. Do you hear me, Liv?”

  I stare speechless at the phone for a moment wondering where the Hell that a
udacity came from. Devon raises his eyebrow at me in the reflection of the mirror with an amused expression.

  “Liv? Do you understand me?” Cole barks at me.

  “Err, yes, I hear you. I will be there.”

  “3 AM on Saturday. No later.”

  Or else what, I wonder, but have the good sense not to say it out loud.

  “Yes, Cole. I said I would be there,” I say, highly put out by his tone.

  “Good,” he says then, happy. “Call me later. When you are alone please,” he orders and hangs up.

  Christ, that’s me told. On the surface, I am furious with him for dictating to me but underneath he has every right to make demands. Fuck knows everyone else does. Coupled with my overwhelming guilt, I will take it and do as he asks and more.

  “Time for bed, my sweet,” CK says, handing me a large glass of blood.

  “Thank the gods,” I say taking it and gulping it all down. “Thank you,” I say when I finish it and hand him the glass back.

  “More?” he asks sarcastically, and I nod.

  “If you don’t mind.”

  He grumbles something about slave labor but goes off anyway. Devon leads me to the bed.

  “Do you have clothes or do you just magick them up when you need them?”

  In response, I magick on some pajamas. I haven’t worn pajamas ever, I don’t think, but no one is coming anywhere near me again tonight. I am exhausted and for the first time ever, completely sexed out.

  Devon chuckles at my outfit of long bottoms and camisole top. “Nice choice,” he says. “Get in.”

  I climb into bed and he tucks me in. He kisses my forehead. “Get some sleep. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  I nod sleepily. “Okay. I love you.”

  “I love you.” He leaves as CK returns and he hands me another glass. I drink it more slowly and I feel loads better. Less exhausted but still worn out.

  CK climbs onto the bed with me and pulls me to him. “Sleep now, my love,” he whispers as he too kisses my forehead and I fall asleep instantly.

  I wake with a start; something has woken me. CK is lying on the bed next to me reading and he looks startled at my movement.

  “What is it?” he asks.

  I look at the clock. It says 3:30 AM. I have only been asleep about twenty minutes.


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