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1 God – Poems on God , Creator – volume 3

Page 10

by Nikhil Parekh

of tranquilly serene midnight,

  Holistic were the beats of the divinely saint; unfurling each shade of his philanthropically magnanimous life; to the service of eternally endowing and scintillating mankind,

  Invincible were the beats of mesmerizing friendship; ebulliently evolving into a mist of unbreakable togetherness; to jubilantly unveil into the astronomically aristocratic colors of vivid life,

  Exhilarating were the beats of intrepid adventure; blossoming into overwhelmingly thunderous newness; as every lane led into the echoes of the uncannily unknown,

  Ingratiating were the beats of the dancing peacock; tantalizing even the most appallingly gruesome corpse of grizzly blood; to wholesomely blend with the

  magically regale rhythm of mother nature,

  Piquant were the beats of uninhibited candidness; propelling untamed fires to erupt into the timidly grandiloquent soul; diffusing a cloudburst of effusive poignancy in even the most insipid arena of the atmosphere,

  Miraculous were the beats of Omniscient breath; gloriously instilling life in even the most blood soaked corpses of the devil; proving the most fantastic panacea to lead the chapter of mystically undulating life,

  And Immortal were the beats of Godly love; bonding every organism; caste; creed; color and stature on the trajectory of this gigantic planet; into the mantra of unshakable oneness; into the paradise of wonderful sharing; into the fragrance of everlastingly united existence.


  How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed mesmerizing empathy in your resplendently twinkling eyes ?

  How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed poignantly crimson blood in your exuberantly unflinching veins ?

  How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed unequivocally explicit voice in the chords of your enchantingly bountiful throat ?

  How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed robustly triumphant ardor in your gloriously magnanimous palms ?

  How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed an ingratiatingly heavenly charisma in your patriotically blazing stride ?

  How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed euphorically everlasting smiles upon your innocuously rubicund lips ?

  How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed rhapsodically vivacious charisma in your ebulliently cascading hair ?

  How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed unparalleled piquancy in each of your poignantly intricate senses ?

  How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed insatiably untamed whirlpools of spell binding fantasy; in even the most infinitesimal corridors of your ecstatically wandering brain ?

  How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed unparalleled muscle in your tenaciously resilient arms ?

  How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed indispensable morsels of food in your harmoniously bouncing and innocuous stomach ?

  How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed a cistern of tantalizingly enigmatic seduction on even the most diminutively obsolete step that you transgressed ?

  How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed an unconquerable wave of enlightening optimism in even the most inconspicuously insipid of your majestic reflection ?

  How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed an unsurpassable entrenchment of divinely sensitivity in the vicinity of your wonderfully intimate and amiable ears ?

  How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed an unshakable sky of benevolently scintillating humanity upon your intrepidly philanthropic shoulders ?

  How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed irrefutably unassailable truth in the walls of your Omnisciently priceless conscience ?

  How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed an unfathomable cloud of titillating sensuousness in even the most ethereal element

  of your regale persona ?

  How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed an Omnipotent waterfall of breath in your marvelously seductive and profoundly aristocratic nostrils ?

  And how the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had

  bestowed a perpetually invincible fountain of love; in the beats of your immortally palpitating heart ?



  Can you ever dream of comparing the infinitesimally frigid rivulet with the colossally undulating expanse of the ravishing oceans ?

  Can you ever dream of comparing the pathetically minuscule puff of cloud with the entire expanse of incomprehensibly fathomless and voluptuously blue sky ?

  Can you ever dream of comparing the disdainfully shriveled petal; with the unsurpassably redolent and panoramically profound depth of the glorious valley ?

  Can you ever dream of comparing the parsimoniously kicked speck of dirt; with the unfathomably towering and unassailable majestic silhouette of the mountain ?

  Can you ever dream of comparing the miserably orphaned leg of the insipid spider; with the insatiably unending and spell binding wilderness of the unrelentingly untamed forests ?

  Can you ever dream of comparing the ethereally slippery granule of impoverished sand; with the majestically insurmountable and regally enamoring landscapes of the overwhelmingly enamoring deserts ?

  Can you ever dream of comparing the preposterously capricious strand of solitary brown; with the sensuously sprawling and bountifully fascinating entrenchment of the unbelievably limitless meadows ?

  Can you ever dream of comparing the fugitively sleazy fantasy; with the ingratiatingly vast and boundless cradle of rhapsodically mesmerizing paradise ?

  Can you ever dream of comparing the inconspicuously threadbare alphabet with the unlimited volume of the extraordinarily embellished and astonishingly eclectic dictionary ?

  Can you ever dream of comparing the nonchalantly lifeless chunk of rotting photograph; with the regally tantalizing and poignantly marvelous ocean of spell

  binding memories ?

  Can you ever dream of comparing the gruesomely squelched brick; with the Orientally majestic and boundlessly Kingly impressions of the impregnable

  castle ?

  Can you ever dream of comparing the lugubriously livid blade of the destroyed fan; with the incredulously fantastic and relentlessly enchanting whirlpool of

  uninhibitedly ebullient breeze ?

  Can you ever dream of comparing the dingily raunchy bulb; with the Omnipotently grandiloquent and optimistically flamboyant rays of the blazing Mid-Day Sun ?

  Can you ever dream of comparing the embarrassingly sporadic blush on the cheek; with the ubiquitously everlasting and resplendent fountain of eternal happiness ?

  Can you ever dream of comparing the pompously devastated treasury of cheap gold; with the unshakably undefeated and pricelessly fascinating paradise of symbiotically melanging mankind ?

  Can you ever dream of comparing the voice of the frigidly irate ant; with the flamboyantly towering and handsomely galloping prowl of the princely panther ?

  Can you ever dream of comparing the infantile yolk in the brutally whipped egg; with the voluptuously soaring and charismatically flapping fleet of seductive eagles ?

  Can you ever dream of comparing the stray puff of evanescent breath; with the Omnisciently unbelievable and vibrantly felicitating chapter of perpetually endowing life ?

  And therefore how could you ever dream of comparing penuriously corrupt man; spurious religion; caste; creed; color and discriminating tribe; with the Omnipresent grandeur and
immortally sacrosanct spirit of the; Lord Divine.



  A person eats; because of the insatiable hunger of his stomach; the unrelenting pangs of famished gluttony; playing cats and dogs with his impoverished intestines,

  A person sleeps; because of the overwhelming dreariness circumventing his eyelids; the insurmountable tiredness enveloping his feet and each of his exhausted senses,

  A person desires; because of his intriguingly restless mind; wandering in umpteenth number of exotic directions; in a single complete minute,

  A person kills; because of the insane lunatic freely philandering in some part of his countenance; his delirious desire to avenge the uncouth massacres that struck his beloved,

  A person gallops; because of the ardent tenacity in the muscles of his feet; his irrevocable yearning to achieve the most exuberant targets in life,

  A person sings; because of the unfathomable melody trapped in the agonized chords of his throat; an eternal yearning lingering in his soul; to blend with all the ravishingly beautiful on this colossal planet,

  A person laughs; because of the ebullient state of fantasy he rhapsodically enjoys; all the good things that stir up revolutionary miracles in his life,

  A person cries; because of  horrendous pain engulfing his dwindling visage; the inexplicable trauma embedded in each ingredient of his veins,

  A person trusts; because of the innermost voice of his conscience; incessantly urging him to blossom into immortal bonds of friendship,

  A person hates; because of ghastly circumstances which compel him to slither miserably on cold ground; while his fellow compatriots snored in the aisles of opulent

  luxury and salacious lechery,

  A person embraces; because of the fulminating agony in his chest; the piece of restlessly inconspicuous caricature that he was rendered; when he lived life in

  realms of disgusting isolation,

  A person evolves; because of the mesmerizing mysticism of this fathomless planet; the intricately ingenious dormitories of his brain; perpetuating to create astounding paradise,

  A person procreates; because of the inevitable mechanisms of his fertile persona; his intransigent urge to leave his mark upon the planet; even after he died,

  A person devastates; because of the things most cherished to his heart deserting him in his face; metamorphosing his every ambition of life into infinitesimal bits of threadbare chowder,

  A person angers; because of bizarre provocation to his impeccable senses; the uncannily miserable feeling of losing his invincible stranglehold on things which

  were his tireless slave,

  A person possesses; because of his incomprehensible feeling to care; his inherently augmenting virtue to defend his mate in every pain,

  A person shares; because of the uninhibited spirit of freedom encapsulating his demeanor; the irrevocable longing in each of his veins to benevolently donate

  till the time he celestially exists,

  A person loves; because of the immortal beating of his philanthropic heart; the inferno of unsurpassable attraction; that made him incessantly feel in the land of the divine,

  And a person lives; only because God wants him to; till the time God wants him to; and for countless more births till God wants him to take birth again, Romantically discovering and exploring; more importantly disseminating the irrefutably sacred

  essence of humanity; enlightening each cranny of earth with the Omnipotent light of life.


  The greatest copyright on this Universe; protecting your philanthropically holistic work; from even the most diminutive insinuation of the salacious devil,

  The greatest fantasy on this Universe; transcending over the realms of the stupendously extraordinary; metamorphosing all your dreams into a veritable reality,

  The greatest light on this Universe; inundating every cranny of deplorably dwindling soil; with irrefutably Omnipotent light,

  The greatest fragrance on this Universe; disseminating the spirit of immortal mankind; ensuring that earth forever remained a blissful paradise,

  The greatest mirror on this Universe; explicitly depicting the sins and intricacies; of your past; present and mystically future life,

  The greatest mountain on this Universe; vanquishing the most deadliest of diabolical attack; with a silent stroke of his little finger,

  The greatest brain on this Universe; incredulously evolving and spawning countless of living kind; bountifully blessing them with the prowess to bask in the aisles of everlasting success,

  The greatest savior on this Universe; frequenting those who needed him the most; alleviating them of their misery and inexplicable pain,

  The greatest ocean on this Universe; quenching the scorching thirst of fathomless; with his Omnipresent ointment of love; his melody that was unfathomably divine,

  The greatest truth on this Universe; scrapping blatant lies from its very non-existent; sowing the seeds of impregnable honesty; in every conceivable tribe,

  The greatest star on this Universe; enriching the ghastly silence of the solitary night; with his Omniscient rays of enchanting moonlight,

  The greatest destiny on this Universe; majestically maneuvering the lives of those horrifically impoverished; towards Oligarchic royalty and intransigent bliss,

  The greatest map on this Universe; astoundingly bifurcating every single iota of land and water; into voluptuously mesmerizing tangible kind,

  The greatest knowledge on this Universe; deluging shattered lives wandering maniacally towards suicide; towards the spirit of perennially benevolent times,

  The greatest blessing on this Universe; replenishing the life of even the most infinitesimally weak; with unprecedented richness and unparalleled joy,

  The greatest dwelling on this Universe; harboring the insurmountably rich; and the disgustingly deprived in his compassionately heavenly swirl; alike,

  The greatest power on this Universe; pulverizing the ominously satanic to ludicrous ash; within the single wink of his unconquerable eyes,

  The greatest sky on this Universe; showering infinite breathing molecules to lead a harmoniously symbiotic life; bonding their souls with unsurpassable charisma;

  in every birth he granted them life,

  And the greatest love on this Universe; uniting each heart alive with the spirit of uninhibited sharing; the irrevocable spirit to keep serving humanity and be alive,

  Was just a minuscule description of my Almighty Lord; who kept bestowing me air to live till the time I committed good deeds upon this earth; squelching me like a pertinent mosquito; the instant I tried to greedily manipulate his benign humanity; and yet dream of being immortally alive.



  The footsteps of hatred were as dim as the setting Sun; having no entity of their own; as they lingered ludicrously between dusk and starry twilight,

  The footsteps of lies were as squalid as the overripe fruit; abhorrently stinking with a fleet of inconspicuous insects; devouring them to insipid nothingness,

  The footsteps of discrimination were as dark as the pathetically dilapidated dungeons; melting into bizarre oblivion; even as the flamboyant Sun; blazed in passionate agony outside,


  The footsteps of treachery were as maim as the disastrously skeletal witch; reducing to infinitesimal ash as each instant unveiled,

  The footsteps of violence were as ethereal as the mosquito’s shadow; diminutively retreating into their cocoon; with the lone draught of united breeze,

  The footsteps of slavery were as horrendous as the claustrophobic gutters; with even the most dirtiest of pigs; irrevocably refusing to follow their path,

  The footsteps of communalism were as frigid as the falling leaf; blending ridiculously with disdainful charcoal; even before they could alight a single inch from celestial earth,

  The footsteps of suicide were as cowardly as the devilish scorpion; which ejec
ted the ultimate sting of its life;  yet  retracting countless kilometers back into shivering soil,


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