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The Hidden City

Page 8

by Adrian Tanase

  “I wonder where they take all these emeralds that they use for their houses,” said Margaret after a while, looking amazed.

  Philip was intrigued by the methods of building, which seemed to go back to simple masonry, using mostly elements from the nature.

  “I really don’t know, Maggie. In our Universe, only one stone of these sizes can worth a lot of credits, or a lot of gold. Maybe they have a few quarries here, where they extract them, up in the mountains. Or maybe the aliens that created this whole thing are bringing crystals from other planets, who knows?”

  The work put into building the City was amazing. It seemed that most of the people took part in that, and, after all, in a city with such a big community, things were moving fast.

  So far, visiting the city was a pleasure for both of them, as since their Initiation, they saw everything with new eyes. The sights of all these stone and wooden houses that they passed by were extraordinary, and only one day after their Initiation, they still felt as intense as they did yesterday. All the generous emerald stone inserts, that were usually placed just above the main door of the houses, or above the colorful marquees that most of them had, made Margaret and Philip feel their vibration as they passed by each of them.

  “Do you think we will get to choose our house, Maggie? I mean, when we will move out of our guesthouse, when we will stop wearing our blue robes, perhaps,” asked Philip, as they were passing by some really interesting tall houses with colorful marquees, which had two stories, that ended up in the sky with a few round towers, with square windows.

  “Well, Phil, I’m not sure. We’ve got to ask Prival about that. But for now, I really like our vacation house, and I think it’s too early to think about that,” she said, looking curious at a few of the smaller houses at their right, that had books in the display of the windows, with their violet-tinted colors. Many of them had only one level, and few had 2 or even 3 stories, all built in the same perfect way, clearly following mathematical ratios in their construction.

  Tall trees were present almost everywhere, and for most of the houses, they were probably used as umbrellas in the summer, when the sun was too hot. Occasional inhabitants that saw them from their balconies, were waving their hands, seeing Margaret and Philip in their blue robes, and acknowledging that they were new in town. People were passing everywhere, walking silently, with happy faces, wearing their orange robes. Their hearts were so filled with the joy and peacefulness that rose in the air of the City, that they needed nothing else today. It was their first day out in the city and they absolutely loved it.

  At some point, they stopped into a little market. They saw interesting fruits and vegetables they never saw in their lives, most of them probably local. Asking around, they found out that most of the city’s fresh food is grown outside the city, in forest openings, or in people’s gardens, in the back of their houses. It seemed that the local economy was thriving on organic food and fabrics, and Philip was super excited about the idea of becoming a merchant here, at some point.

  Walking away from the vegetable market, they entered a very narrow street that had small two-story houses that hosted books in their large glass display windows. In a few of the houses, they also saw cookies and pastries in their display windows, and the air around that whole area smelled like baked apple pies and cinnamon. All these houses had chairs and tables outside, painted in white and vivid blue, where people dressed in orange robes were enjoying local beverages and pastries on white plates, and a few reading from their books. They were reverentially greeted by all of them, as they passed along.

  “This is my life, Maggie,” Philip said. “Doing nothing all day long, taking long walks, and laughing for no particular reason with my partner. We really needed a getaway like this, don’t you think?”

  Margaret nodded and smiled.

  “To be honest, I was dreaming of an escape like this for ages. Nobody seems to be in a rush here, while everybody who is working seems to really take their time. These people have such a welcoming attitude, and I cannot stop but to respond in kind. And my heart is tingling everytime someone smiles at me,” she said, confessing silently, with unmasked joy in her voice.

  “What I want to say is that I am very grateful for this day out, Philip. I didn’t think the City would be that big, and we barely walked maybe 5 or 6 miles, and the City doesn’t seem to end here.”She grabbed his hand and said.

  “Here, let’s sit on this bench, outside this book shop. This place is so inspiring, that I feel like writing a book, only by coming here, every day.”

  “Ah really, Maggie? You feel so?”

  “It’s amazing how my amulet gives me all these states of mind and emotions, and I can feel that in a proper and relaxed place, that would inspire me, like this one, I could turn my emotions into countless books,” she said, and touched her amulet with her hand.

  Indeed, they were on a small, tidy, and quiet street, where houses were very close to each other, not very tall and painted in a pale shade of orange, with a lot of flowers hanging from the balconies.

  They stayed there for a while, admiring the view, and looking up to see all the details of the houses that surrounded them. There must be so many places in this City, Margaret thought, some built for artists, some for regular people, some for people’s enjoyment, some even for spiritual gatherings. They could not understand how they could just sit and enjoy so much such a simple view, feeling through their hearts the beauty of a sunny day’s afternoon. After a while, Margaret turned and Philip and asked him.

  “Should we go back, do you think, Phil? I’d love an afternoon nap and something to eat right now, and since we don’t have any credits, we cannot eat in the City yet,” said Margaret, holding his hand.

  Philip looked at her and nodded.

  “I think you are right, Maggie. We should. I am a bit tired too, I guess, and a little afternoon relaxation in our own garden would be really great, after all.”

  On their way back, they took all the other twisting roads that they have not gone through, so they could see more of the City. From time to time, they asked people for the quickest way back to the city’s Council’s Building, and people dressed in orange robes were more than grateful to point them in the right direction.

  At around 5 o’clock they’ve reached back the main square. The market was half empty, as it seemed that the peak hour was gone. There were still a few of the mobile shops, and some of the violet robe-dressed shop owners were packing their things. They took another quick tour of the market and they headed towards their guesthouse. On their way home, they stopped many times to admire their neighbors’ gardens and greeted a few of them that were out, on their decks. Arriving in the front of their garden, they were both tired, and they rested for a while on the wicker chairs.

  “What a busy day!” Margaret said with a sigh.

  Philip nodded and completed her.

  “Yes, a busy but excellent day! I didn’t think the City would be so wonderful”

  “I agree with that. Right now I am so hungry, that I would eat a big dinner,” Margaret said.

  “Would you care for some stake and fries, full portion?” Philip asked.

  “Make that two,” Margaret added. “And I want a full glass of cold spring water as well”.

  Philip went inside and arranged the dinner table while Margaret was resting outside, in the garden.

  He waited for the dispenser to give them the two portions, and he took them to the table.

  “Dinner is ready, Maggie,” he shouted, through the open door.

  They ate in silence and shared impressions about their trip to the city. None of them imagined the city would be so big, diverse, and welcoming. The dinner was exactly what they both wanted. They agreed that they have completed their first quest today, and that is, visiting as much of the city as they could. Their first day in the City was unexpectedly nice for both of them, and Philip was anticipating the next days, with wonder, feeling already at home, in their nice and co
zy guesthouse.

  “We can take a nap while the sun sets. The night is close and these trees can be our perfect company, while resting on the long chairs, outside,” Margaret said while looking inquiringly at Philip.

  “Well, that’s a great idea, Margaret. I’ll go arrange some pillows and blankets on those chairs that we have outside,” he said and raised from the table.

  Outside, there was much silence and a cool breeze was making the tree leaves rustle. The two moons were starting to go upwards, one following closely the other, in a silent dance, that seemed to take forever. Philip ordered two glasses of white wine, and they went out in their beautiful garden. Soon the coldness of the night settled in, and they cuddled with a few blankets on the chairs, outside, holding their cold glasses of wine in their warm hands. They soon fell asleep and they both dreamed of a curious similar world, where all the houses looked like mushrooms of all colors, and where all the people lived in harmony, sharing everything and being one for another.

  Chapter 8 – A lovely picnic

  The next day, they woke up to another beautiful day in the City of Emeralds. The birds were chirping outside and the mild sun was caressing their drapes, creating patches of golden light, just to escape in the corners of the windows, arriving on the wooden floors of the main room of the house. Philip got out of bed and went outside to get some fresh air, while Margaret decided to stay in just a little bit more. The silence that existed everywhere in their neighborhood made them feel like they were two youngsters on vacation, and they absolutely loved that relaxed feeling.

  Philip noticed one of the neighbors was in his garden and waved to him. The man that was dressed in a blue robe shouted from a distance.

  “Good morning to you, neighbor! It is quite early, don’t you think?”

  “Same to you,” shouted Philip, and went closer to the door of their garden, “how are you today?”

  The neighbor came out and met Philip just outside their garden and they started talking. Margaret overheard them talking aloud and came to see what was that all about. She saw the rather young and tall man and quickly understood: Philip was in the mood of making new friends.

  “That is Margaret, my partener,” said Philip, pointing at her.

  Margaret waved back and smiled, sitting still in the frame of the door. The tall man acknowledged her and nodded.

  “Good morning, Margaret! This day is so beautiful, I’m thinking of going with a few friends for a picnic. Would you two care to join us? We can leave in 30 minutes or whenever you’re ready,” said the neighbor, waiting to see if they were up to his invitation.

  Margaret weighed his words for a few moments, and said so he can hear her.

  “Sure, why not neighbor! I’m sure Philip has no plans for today, and neither do I. We’re going to be ready in 20 minutes.”

  Margaret went back into the house while Philip stayed a few minutes more to talk to his new friend. She ordered a picnic straw basked from the dispenser and another few delicious items to fill it with. After a short while, Philip entered the door, with a smiley face.

  “I didn’t know our neighbors are so nice! They are such amazing people and they live just across our house. He is from Australia and he sits alone in that small cottage, but he has made a lot other friends that he is usually exploring the city and the vecinities, that we’re going to meet with in the Main Market. I’m going to get ready. What are you preparing, Maggie?”

  She quickly turned her head to him and told him in a rush.

  “I took the liberty to order a picnic basket and I’m getting some sandwiches, a few croissants with butter and other sweets, water, and also two thick blankets from the other room.”

  “Ok, I’ll let you prepare that, while I’m getting ready.”

  In ten minutes everything was packed and they started to get dressed, not forgetting their blue robes and their amulets. Margaret was really happy that her plans of staying in the garden all day changed, thanks to Philip’s adventurous attitude. When they were ready, they went outside and they waited for their neighbor in their garden. In a few minutes, he appeared, with a joyful face and stopped at their garden’s door.

  “Are you two ready?”

  “It looks like we are,” replied Margaret, joking. “Where are we going today?”

  The tall man displayed a big smile on his face and said.

  “You’ll see. But first let’s walk up to the Main Market. We’ll meet the others there.”

  It took them about 10 minutes to walk up the small street up to the Main Market square, and then they took left, walking besides the cute 2-story houses that bordered the market on the western side. In a few minutes they arrived where the others were waiting for them. The group could be clearly seen from a distance, and was made up by two younger members of the City, dressed in their blue robes, and two ladies that appeared to be in their 30s, wearing their orange distinct robes. Margaret noticed the difference in their attitude in an instant, as the two ladies seemed to be more relaxed while the two young males were very excited about their trip into the forest. They presented to each other and then joyfully started walking, taking one of the smaller roads that exited the Main Market, on the northern side. The road was paved with small polished cubic blue stones and was leading them through the area of the City that was filled with book shops, pastry, and sweet shops, where the air was filled with apple and cinnamon scents. The road was pretty narrow, going like a serpent through the tiny stone houses, winding in the distance and guiding them farther away from the City center. Margaret’s shoes were pretty comfortable, so she didn’t worry at all about the length of their trip, and Philip was already comfortable with his new friends, cracking jokes and commenting on everything they met.

  After walking for more than one mile, they took on a street that went to the west, deeper into the City, in an area where small houses with cute little gardens were constructed among the thick trees that started to populate their morning trip. The forest was thickening more and more and soon, they left the small houses behind, going on a dusty trail that went deeper into the forest, with moss and grass growing on its sides.

  After walking another mile deeper into the forest, they stopped and took a narrower trail that went north again, going through tall bushes and greenery of all sorts. In a few hundred feet a forest opening could be seen in the distance, where a few colorful tents were placed.

  “That is our spot!” said one of the ladies dressed in an orange robe, pointing towards the opening.

  Margaret was happy that they arrived, but she could walk another few miles with no trouble at all.

  “Ah, that’s so nice!” replied Margaret. “I’m so glad we finally arrived. I was really curious about your secret place.”

  “Ah, it’s actually no secret at all. Many people know about this place, it’s only that most of them are busy in the city, at this hour,” replied one of the ladies dressed in an orange robe. “it’s actually the closest spot that we have found into the forest. You can start putting your blankets on that patch of grass there. We will take ours out and put them in a close distance, we don’t want to disturb you. This place is always a favorite for naps in the great outdoors,” she said, smiling.

  Margaret started to arrange their blankets and the others looked for good cozy spots around to put theirs. It was indeed a very secluded and quiet place, with no house or anybody else on a half a mile area. The sun was bathing them in his mild morning rays and the birds were playing and singing in the trees that bordered the opening into the forest. You could find colorful red berry bushes, green grass, soft earth and a lot of moss everywhere, and a slight breeze of the sweetest and purest forest air was caressing their faces, coming and going from time to time.

  Philip laid down on one of the blankets that Margaret just arranged for them.

  “Ah, what a life Maggie,” he said, putting his hands around his neck. ”I just cannot believe we’re in a such a beautiful place. This city never ceases to amaze me.” />
  Margaret looked at him briefly, with a relaxed look. She sat alongside him and laid on her back. All she could see through the tops of the trees was the blue sky, filled with occasional white clouds. This was a really special place indeed, to enjoy the nature outside the rather crowded city.

  “I think I’m going to go play with our neighbors,” said Philip after a while. “They have a nice card game that they told me about, and they said it’s really easy to learn. I’m in the mood for games. Do you want to join me, Maggie?”

  She turned her head, and looked at him.

  “You go ahead, Philip. I’ll just rest here for a while. I will join you in a while, if you don’t mind.”

  Philip nodded, and got off his blanket. The others could be seen playing in the distance their card game, and were really happy to see Philip join them. The other few tents that were camped in the opening were closed, and Margaret felt the silence that was disturbed by the distant laughs and voices of the others, that put their blankets in on of the other corners of the opening.

  Margaret felt glad that she stayed to enjoy the relaxed morning on her blanket. Ever since she woke up this morning, Margaret had the intuition of letting things happen for her today, as they came. She felt that she needed to allow the City and everything that made it up to embrace and guide her today. And here she was, in a silent and peaceful opening of the great forest in which the City formed, amazed by the simple appearance of this world she was a part of now, seen from a humble place, sitting with her back on the earth and mossy grass that was comforting her.

  As she was laying on her back, with an empty mind, not disturbed by the slightest thought, she started to experience that she was going deeper and deeper into a state of peacefulness, that she could not explain, with her rational mind.


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