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Rude Boss' Secret Baby: A Single Mom Romance (Tall, Dark and Handsome Billionaires Book 4)

Page 3

by J. P. Comeau

  I clinked my glass against his before I drank down the rest of my margarita, and soon the bartender placed another one in front of me. Our conversation was stunted at best, but the more I drank, the more I wanted him face-planted between my legs. He could talk to my clit, for all I cared. I just needed to know what the hell was beneath that suit of his.

  I was tired of using my imagination on a regular basis.

  “So,” the man said as he slid his empty glass down the bar, “what does a beautiful woman like you do while she hangs around at the corner of a bar in a place like this?”

  I shrugged. “Drink, like everyone else.”

  He nodded slowly. “Are you hungry?”

  I shook my head. “Not particularly.”

  “Do you want more drinks?”

  I peeked into my margarita. “I really should stop at four. I might not be able to stand if I do much more than this.”

  Then, I felt him lean forward as his warm breath pulsed against my ear. “Are you wanting someone to help you relieve the tension in your shoulders?”

  I shuddered at the heat of his words before his nose nuzzled the shell of my ear gently. And dammit, I almost blew through the fucking roof. It had been years—years!—since I’d had enjoyed the salacious company of a man. So, maybe it was time to break that streak. Maybe it was time to grease up the old engine, take it for a spin, and finally get my rocks off the proper way.

  Even Suri had told me to text her if I ever found myself in another bind like this.

  So, I turned my face toward his and smirked. “That depends on what you feel you can contribute in terms of ‘help.’”

  His eyes grew dark, and my gut clenched. My toes curled so deeply just with looking at this brooding slab of meat that my calves almost started to ache. I swallowed hard as the man whose name I couldn’t remember leaned back and tossed back the rest of his drink. He even plucked the margarita I had in my hands and threw that back as well, despite the obvious fact that I would have finished it on my own.

  But I didn’t give a shit about his manners. I wasn’t going to date the man.

  I simply wanted a ride on what was between his legs.

  “Come,” he said as he slid off his barstool, “I’ll pick up the tab. My driver’s waiting for us outside.”

  I quirked an eyebrow. “Waiting for us?”

  He offered me his hand. “Are you up for a little bit of stress relief or not?”

  The strong part of my gut told me to kick him in the gonads and walk my tipsy ass out of there. But, the pull I felt to scratch an itch I’d had for years was much too strong. I slipped my hand against his palm and watched him grin from ear to ear, and the wicked smirk that settled against his face fluttered my heart.

  I wasn’t sure what the hell I was about to get into, but the thrill of it was unprecedented in my life.

  I never took risks. It wasn’t in my nature. I always went for what I knew was a given, and the night my daughter was conceived was no different. The man I had slept with was a guaranteed thing—a one-night, set-it-and-forget-it kind of thing. How the hell was I supposed to know our condom had broken? The man wasn’t in the hotel room with me when I woke up.

  Thank fuck, birth control is a thing in my life now.

  I wanted to ask the strange man his name, but I didn’t want to detract from the thrill of it all—or admit that I’d forgotten it but not his deep voice or the way he made me wet just thinking about him. He opened his car door for me, and I dropped down onto the most comfortable, plush leather seats I’d ever experienced. He slid in next to me before beckoning for his driver to head home, and for the life of me, my curiosity started to grow.

  So, I pulled out my phone and shot Suri a text message.

  Me: Gonna be home a bit later. I’ll check in with you in a couple of hours.

  The only thing that settled my brain was the fact that I didn’t feel threatened at all by this man. He was arrogant, sure. He probably thought way too much of himself, too. But, he didn’t seem angry or mean, and he wasn’t overbearing in any way. He didn’t have any of those red-flag sort of traits that I looked for whenever men approached me. I mean, other than him thinking he was the bee’s knees and everything.

  However, once we pulled through a set of wrought-iron gates and started up a winding driveway that ascended to what looked like a miniature castle in the middle of the fucking state, my jaw hit the floor.

  No wonder he thought so highly of himself. Because dammit, if I lived in a fucking castle, I’d think highly of myself, too.

  What in the world have I gotten myself into?



  I couldn’t believe it. What a fucking night. As we slowly drove up my driveway, nearing my estate, I watched as her jaw slowly sank toward the floorboard of my Town Car. I watched as her eyes stared out into the night, watching the dark, chiseled outline of my home come quietly into view. The stone façade had always been intimidating to people, and I liked it that way. It meant that no one ever came to my door with bullshit, and it meant if someone had the guts to get up my driveway and knock, it was probably worth listening to. Plus, the twenty acres I owned sat back off a smaller road that had very little traffic to begin with. Even though I worked at the very center of one of the biggest, most bustling cities this country had to offer, there was always peace.

  It was like my home away from home.

  You know, if home were my office and not the fucking place where I laid my head at night.

  Nevertheless, I wanted to get this lush woman up to my bedroom. I didn’t want to know her name or where she came from. I couldn’t have cared less about how her day had gone or what had driven her to the bar in the first place. All I wanted was to rip off her clothes and show her what she had turned down the first time all those months ago.

  Finally, I’d get a shot at this gorgeous woman.

  My driver pulled right up to the steps that led up to my front door, and I slipped out of the backseat. I wrapped around the trunk and didn’t quite get there in time before this woman opened the car door herself and stepped out. But, I arrived at her side in time to offer her my arm before I escorted her up the steps. I threw open the massive double doors of my home, exposing the lavish foyer with a hanging clear-and-red crystal chandelier that had cost me a quarter of a million dollars simply to have made. But, the comment that came out of this woman’s mouth froze me in my tracks.

  “I could never afford something like this.”

  She shook her head softly as she walked into the middle of my foyer. She gawked at the chandelier hanging above her head before she bent down and let her fingers drag across my pristine marble floors. She looked at her fingertips as if she were expecting dirt or grime, and when she found nothing, she simply shook her head and giggled breathlessly.

  Then, she made another comment that stunned me. A remark that didn’t seem as if it were meant for my ears. But, with the acoustics of the foyer, it felt like she was talking right beside me.

  “Why me?”

  I watched her as she stood in the middle of my foyer. The expensive fixtures around her seemed to almost dwarf her, and it was the first time I’d ever felt guilty for bringing someone back to my place. It was clear to me she was way out of her element, and I almost felt bad for dropping her into such excess when it was evident from her comments that she didn’t have much to spare at all in the way of money.

  You worked hard for that money. Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty for it.

  I wanted to ask this woman so many questions. Never in my life had I ever been ashamed of my wealth or the things I possessed because of the hard work I had put into my businesses. And yet, in less than five minutes of standing in my home, this woman had managed to make me feel as if I should have been ashamed of what I had. I wasn’t sure what it was about her that had gotten beneath my skin, either. Maybe it was the fact that it felt like she was about to turn me down again. Perhaps it actually was my wounded pride getting in the
way of things. But dammit, I’d have this woman tonight.

  I’d show her that I was a man fully fit to have what I did.

  “Would you like a tour of the rest of my place?” I asked.

  The woman’s striking blue eyes finally found my own. “What was that?”

  I walked up to her with a grin on my face. “I said, would you like a tour of the rest of my place?”

  She held my stare. “No.”

  I held out my hand. “Let me at least show you where you’ll be unwinding for the evening, then.”

  Without hesitation, she slipped her hand into mine, and I led her up the steps. We walked down a long hallway with a set of double doors at the end of it, and when I threw them open, my master suite was revealed. I had decorated it myself, from top to bottom. From the four-poster California king-sized bed down to the black marble baseboards that contrasted the crisp, clean white walls, I was proud of how this room had turned out.

  But, my bed wasn’t the feature of the room any longer, not when this woman stood inside of it.

  “My entire townhouse could probably fit into this place,” she murmured.

  I really needed her to shut up with those comments.

  I rushed over to her and scooped her into my arms, crashing our lips together. And the second she threaded her arms around my neck, I knew it was game on. It probably wasn’t the most romantic introduction into an evening of festivities, but I didn’t care. I had my lips against a luscious pair that moaned down the back of my throat. My dick hardened before I could even strip her out of her clothes. But, once we were finally clad in nothing but our skin, we both collapsed against my bed before I stood to my feet and pulled her voluptuous ass to the edge of the bed.

  “There we go,” I growled.

  I gripped my cock and teased her entrance, watching her juices glistening in the moonlight for me. My floor-to-ceiling windows allowed the stars to be peeping Tom’s as I slid deep into her warmth, feeling her walls pulsing around me. I grunted as I sank against her. Our hips connected, and it felt as if we had been carved out for one another. And when her back arched, bouncing those oversized titties against her chest, I knew damn good and well I’d become addicted to this woman.

  I need her number before she leaves.

  I tossed her legs over my shoulders and pounded against her, watching as her entire body flushed with desire. I felt my dick thickening against her walls, causing her jaw to unhinge in silent pleasure as she grasped for any part of me to cling to. I bent her in half, settling my hands against the mattress, and instantly I felt her palms wrap around my wrists.

  “Holy shit,” she managed to choke out. Then, she fell over the edge and sucked me tightly inside of her body.

  “Fucking hell,” I growled.

  When she collapsed against my bed, I eased out from between her legs and dropped to my knees. I slid her thighs against my cheeks, feeling her clench around me as my tongue effortlessly found her swollen nub. I lapped at her deeply, her hands flying into my hair. And as I sucked her mound between my lips, I flicked its oversensitive tip until she cried out in ecstasy.

  I didn’t relent, though.

  I shot back up to my feet and flipped her over, raising her ass into the air. She panted against my white bedsheets, fisting them with her trembling hands as I slid back into her from behind. I couldn’t get enough of her. I wanted her to coat the whole of me, lubricating me for an easier ride. My balls smacked against her protruding clit, causing her walls to collapse around me as she groaned against my mattress.

  “Holy fuck.”

  I panted for air. “That’s it. Squeeze that dick. Take what you want from me.”

  “Oh, shit,” she whimpered. “I can’t. I can’t anymore. It’s too—you’re so—I need—”

  I slid my hand down her back, gripping her hair with my free hand. “Come for me, gorgeous. Make me explode.”

  “Holy God!” she exclaimed.

  When her walls pulsated around my girth for the third time, she finally pulled me over the edge. I felt my balls pull up into my body as I fell against her back. I pinned her to my bed, our legs dangling over the edge of the mattress, and as threads of come shot from the tip of my cock, I growled against her skin while nipping at her bare shoulder that was just beyond my lips.

  The world went black after that. I didn’t remember crawling into bed, I didn’t remember pulling out, and I sure as hell didn’t remember falling asleep next to her. But, when I went to shift, I felt the urge to curl up against her, drawn to take her into my arms, kiss her forehead, and slide my fingertips through her knotted hair I had surely mussed around a little bit.

  But, when I rolled over, I found nothing but a cold, dark emptiness on the other side of the bed. “Huh?” I asked.

  I opened one eye before I shot out of bed, my eyes looking around for the beautiful woman I knew I had fallen asleep against. I mean, she’d just been there a few minutes ago. Where the hell had she gone?

  Maybe she’s in the bathroom.

  “Hello?” I called out.

  I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, readying myself for round two. If she were in the shower trying to clean up, I didn’t have any issues proving to her just how dirty a shower could get. But, as I stood to my feet, my blinking cell phone caught my eye. I was sure I had at least a dozen messages from someone who worked for me over some asinine bullshit I had to fix, but I didn’t want to deal with it right now. However, I didn’t hear the shower running, so I decided to check on the time.

  And I found that it was four in the fucking morning.

  “Oh, good God,” I groaned.

  I raked my hands down my face. Holy shit, I had fallen asleep right after sex and she had left.


  Without me even getting her number.

  “Fuck!” I roared.

  I picked up my pillows and threw them at the wall. I picked up a stale glass of water and threw it against the hardwood floors of my bedroom, watching and listening as the glass shattered into pieces. I’d just had the most amazing roll-around in bed, then I had to fuck it up with my idiocy.

  I’m just as bad as Mom always said I was.

  I felt myself growing sick with anger. The walls started to melt, and my vision started to tunnel. I hadn’t been this angry with myself in a while, and it almost scared me, so I slipped back into bed and lost myself in the comfort of my silken bedsheets. I pulled the comforter over my head and closed my eyes, trying not to imagine myself jabbing holes into every punchable surface in my damn bedroom. And after drawing in a few well-intentioned deep breaths, I felt myself slip back off to sleep before that beautiful woman invaded my solace in my dreams.



  I felt my covers shifting, and I drew in a deep breath. I smiled to myself as the small little creature I had loved since the day she got pulled out of my body climbed into bed and snuggled against me. I lazily turned over, shifting myself until I felt Aurora’s ear press against my beating heart. I giggled as I wrapped my arms around my tiny little daughter, a girl that had been five weeks premature and still somehow developed into the loud-mouthed, bull-headed child I loved with all my soul, even if her attitude would be the death of me.

  “Morning, Mommy,” she said through her yawn.

  I yawned along with her. “Hey, not cool. You know that’s contagious.”

  She giggled. “Auntie Suri said you had a good time last night.”

  I peeked my eye open and looked down at her. “She did, huh?”

  My daughter nodded. “She said whenever adults come home late, it’s because they’re playing lots of board games and eating lots of snacks.”

  I blinked. “Right. Exactly. Yes, the board games were fun.”

  She sat up. “Did you play Sorry!? That’s my favorite board game. Can we play Sorry! after we’re done eating breakfast?”

  I giggled. “Of course, we can. Let me wake up and get downstairs, then we can settle breakfast before we start run
ning around. How’s that sound?”

  She leaped out of bed. “Yay! Mommy and I get to play today! Yay!”

  I shook my head as I rolled over, reaching for my phone, and it wasn’t until I saw I had an email that I remembered the one from last night. I turned onto my stomach and brushed my ratty hair away from my face before I opened my inbox. And after trashing all of the junk mail I had, I finally opened the email I meant to read last night.

  Before my jaw fell open. “Oh, shit.”

  Miss Popovich,

  Your resume has come to my attention, and I have a slot open for Friday at noon. Come by my office at the following address and expect the interview to take around an hour.

  The email went on to list the address as well as a very detailed explanation of where his office was located within the building before a man by the name of Trey Cataline signed off. I threw the covers off my body and bounded into the bathroom, ready to shower so I could still play a board game with my kiddo before I had to leave for this interview.

  But, with it being summertime and Aurora not being in school, it didn’t occur to me that I had slept in because of my late night. And by the time I got downstairs, it was almost eleven.

  “Shit,” I hissed.

  My daughter giggled. “Oh, I’m gonna tell Auntie Suri.”

  I slid my hand through my hair. “How do you feel about reheating some pizza in the oven for breakfast?”

  She threw her fists into the air. “Yeah! That sounds—wait a second.”

  Then, I watched as reality dawned on my daughter’s face. “You have to go do something, don’t you?”

  I sat beside her at the kitchen table. “You know how Mommy’s been searching for a job?”

  She nodded slowly. “Yeah.”

  “Well, I have an interview I need to go to promptly at noon.”

  She sighed. “Okay.”

  I crooked my finger beneath her chin and rose her disappointed gaze to my own. “But, I promise you that once I get back, we will play as many rounds of Sorry! as you want. Okay?”


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