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The Gritty Truth

Page 9

by Melissa Foster

  “Thank you for supporting the…” Hail looked at Biggs and said, “What’s it called, Papa Biggs?”

  “The Parkvale Women’s Shelter.”

  “Oh yeah! Thanks for supporting the Parkvale Women’s Shelter,” Hail said proudly. He looked across the room and shouted, “Look Mama and Moon! I announced!”

  Laughter rose from the crowd.

  “Good job, buddy!” Jed called out to him.

  “He calls you Moon? That is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard,” Roni said. “I love how they included the kids tonight.”

  Quincy pulled her closer and said, “Family, babe. That’s what it’s all about.”

  Even with Angela, and to some extent, Elisa, Roni’s family was small. She’d never imagined family could feel like this.

  Biggs set Hail down, and Red sent Bradley to Biggs, taking Hail’s hand. Biggs said something to Bradley, and Bradley nodded. Then he leaned toward the microphone and said, “The second-place winners are…” Biggs said something to him, and Bradley said, “Jon Butterscotch and…” He giggled, bringing rise to more laughter. “That’s a funny name, Papa Biggs.”

  “Yes it is,” Biggs said. “Now tell them the other name.”

  “I don’t remember,” Bradley said, and Biggs spoke in his ear. Bradley yelled, “Jillian Braden!”

  Applause rang out as a man with dirty-blond hair shot to his feet and let out a whoop and a gorgeous woman with auburn hair popped up and they did a funky happy dance. Everyone cheered as they made their way to the stage. Roni recognized the guy from the auction.

  Biggs set Bradley down, and Bradley yelled, “Daddy!” and darted past Jon and Jillian, making a beeline off the stage to Bones, who scooped him up and kissed his cheek.

  As Jon and Jillian accepted their prizes, Biggs said a few words, but Roni was too sidetracked by Quincy stroking her shoulder to pay attention. After they left the stage, Kennedy ran to Biggs. He lifted her into his arms and said something in her ear.

  Kennedy gasped and yelled, “Uncle Quincy and Miss Woni! You won!”

  A thrill skittered through Roni as she turned to Quincy and he kissed her hard, earning even more whoops and cheers than the ones that had already begun exploding around them. Quincy took her hand, and they hurried up to the stage.

  “You won, Miss Woni! You won!” Kennedy cheered.

  “How about me, jelly bean?” Quincy teased, holding tightly to Roni’s hand.

  “You won, too!” Kennedy wriggled out of Biggs’s arms and yelled, “Daddy, we didn’t win, but it’s okay! Miss Woni won!” as she ran off the stage to Truman.

  Biggs laughed. “This is the second time Miss Roni got lucky at Whiskey Bro’s with this big fella.”

  Laughter rang out from the crowd.

  “I bet Quincy gets lucky tonight!” someone hollered, causing Roni to blush and everyone else to cheer.

  “I already got lucky,” Quincy shouted, and took Roni in a long, passionate kiss right in front of everyone.

  When their lips parted, she was breathless and blushing. People were cheering and clapping, and as she gazed into Quincy’s clear blue eyes, she didn’t mind the embarrassment. She felt rejuvenated, as if she’d shed a protective layer she’d worn for far too long. She liked his loud, different world, with friends who looked like they could snap a person in half and said things she’d never dream of saying, where kids ran around like they owned the place, and Quincy, her big, beautiful man, made her feel like maybe, just maybe, she’d found a place where she truly belonged—right there by his side.

  AFTER AN INCREDIBLE evening, they left the fun chaos behind. Roni snuggled against Quincy on the way to his truck, but not even the cold night air could cool his body heat, which had amplified over the last few hours of stolen kisses and furtive caresses. Quincy couldn’t remember a time when he’d been happier. He loved watching Roni joking with his friends and giggling and whispering with the girls. He could practically see her walls coming down as the girl behind the text messages came to life right before his eyes. He knew he needed to tell her about his past, but tonight had been so wonderful, he was no more ready to share his darkness than he was ready for their night to end.

  She turned around as they neared the truck, walking backward and waving the gift certificate they’d won. “Kennedy is so going to get that jacket she wants. Maybe we can get Lincoln one, too, if there’s enough money left over. Or we could both pitch in for the difference.”

  His emotions soared. “It’s like you read my mind.” He swept her into his arms and said, “I’m so into you, Roni Wescott—” He crushed his mouth to hers as he’d been aching to do all night, kissing her so deeply, her back met the side of the truck, and she made an oomph sound. He tore his mouth away and said, “Sorry.”

  She grabbed his head, pulling his lips back to hers, and holy hell, she was ravenous, kissing him eagerly, her hands pushing through his hair. Their bodies ground together, and he took the kiss deeper, getting as lost in her as he had the other night.

  The sound of a motorcycle engine cut through his lustful trance, and he forced himself to pull back. Their eyes connected, both of them panting, and neither one said a word as he opened the passenger door and helped her in, then went around to the driver’s side. So damn happy that she’d already scooted over to the middle, he took her in another penetrating kiss. She moaned hungrily, and that sexy sound sent desire pounding through him. If he didn’t get out of that parking lot, he was going to lay her down and take his fill right there. He tore his mouth away with a curse and grabbed her seat belt, kissing her more as he fumbled with it.

  He drove straight to her place, and they kissed on their way across the parking lot and all the way upstairs to her apartment. When she turned to unlock the door, he stood behind her, holding her and devouring her neck. She leaned back against him, angling her head to the side, giving him better access, but he noticed her hands were trembling and felt a pang of guilt as the lock clicked open.

  “Babe.” He turned her in his arms and searched her eyes for a hint of what she was thinking. But all he saw was a woman who wanted him as much as he wanted her, which meant he was in no shape to decide what she wanted, so he gave her an out. “I can say good night right here. I don’t need to come in.”

  Her brows knitted. “You don’t want to come in?”

  “I definitely want to come in, but I don’t want to put any pressure on you.” He ran the backs of his fingers down her cheek and brushed her hair away from her beautiful face. “Roni, I don’t expect tonight to end in your bed. I won’t let it end that way. But if you would rather I leave now, I will.”

  A small sigh left her lips. She pushed the door open, walking backward into her apartment as she slipped off her jacket and hung it on a hook by the door. Her eyes turned seductive, and she crooked her finger for him to follow her in.

  He shrugged off his jacket, hanging it beside hers, and gathered her in his arms, kissing her softly as they made their way to the couch. “If I get carried away, stop me, baby. Okay?”

  She nodded, a sexy smile lifting her lips as she set her glasses on the coffee table and said, “But you won’t.”

  “Not on purpose, but you have no idea what you do to me.” He kissed her neck again and said, “I’ve never wanted anything the way I want you.” Not even when he was using drugs.

  “Neither have I. I see you, Quincy. I feel the way you kiss me, the way you touch me. I may not have a lot of experience with guys, but I don’t need it to know that you’re not going to hurt me.”

  “Never, baby.”

  He lowered his lips to hers, and they sank down to the couch, kissing like they’d never get another chance. She tasted like everything that was good and sweet in the world, and no matter how hard, how deep, they kissed, it wasn’t enough. All those months of texting and wanting so much more and holding back came crashing in. He wanted to climb inside her, to feel what she felt, to pleasure her until her world spun—and then he wanted to be her grounding fo
rce, the man who held her through storms and loved her through sunbaked days and cold winter nights. He’d never felt so much so fast or grasped anything so clearly. All of those thoughts and feelings were accompanied by a shocking jolt, but he didn’t fight them. He wanted to revel in them, and he poured that passion into their kisses as he lowered her to her back. He ran his hand down her side, and she arched beneath him as he kissed her more passionately, sinking into her, becoming one in a way he never imagined. Her hands moved along his arms and up his back, her fingers spearing into his hair.

  Fuck, yes, baby, I love that.

  He slid his knee between her legs, and she moaned, riding his leg, clinging to his shoulders. He was hard as stone, grinding against her thigh. She tightened her grip on his hair, igniting fire in his loins. His hand moved down the curve of her hip, over the side of her thigh, and back up, stopping short of her breast, again and again, in a maddening rhythm. She arched and rocked, moaning and mewling. He knew she needed more as badly as he did, but he didn’t want to fuck this up. He tore his mouth away, dipping his head beside hers, and said, “God, baby. I’m dying to touch you.”

  She whispered, “Quincy…?”

  He closed his eyes and said, “I’m not asking. I just want you to know.”

  “Look at me,” she said softly, and he lifted his face. The desire in her eyes seared beneath his skin as she whispered, “Touch me.”

  The need in her voice unleashed his desires. He reclaimed her mouth, more demanding this time, and she returned his efforts fervently, her hips bucking against his leg. He pushed his hand under her sweater, cupping her lace-covered breast, and a half groan, half growl slipped out. He’d never felt anything so magnificent. They caressed and groped, hips gyrating, mouths devouring. She made one needy sound after another, so sweet and sinful she was driving him out of his mind. He wanted to hear more of those sounds, to feel the strength of her passion while he was buried deep inside her. But he was in this for the long haul and refused to rush. He hadn’t thought he’d touch her like this tonight, and damn, he felt honored. He kissed her slower, lovingly, and her sounds turned more sensual. He’d never thought so much about what he felt, but the emotions she brought out in him were inescapable. She writhed against him, her sounds turning to mewling whimpers. He soaked in every intimate sound, every touch of her delicate hands. But this wasn’t enough. He wanted to give her more, to worship her body the way she deserved. He slid his tongue along her lips and trailed kisses down her neck, slowing to take a long, sensual suck, earning more enticing moans.

  “Feels so good,” she said heatedly.

  He stayed there, loving her neck with openmouthed kisses and scintillating sucks, until she was panting. He lifted her sweater, moving down her body, kissing her belly. “You’re so soft, baby.” Her hands were still in his hair as he reached for the front clasp on her bra, lifting his eyes to check in with her, but her eyes were closed.

  As if she knew he needed her approval, her eyes fluttered open, and her hand slid from his head. She unhooked her bra and pushed the cups to the side. Holy hell, that was hot, and her breasts were even more gorgeous than he’d imagined. He dragged his tongue over and around her nipple, bringing it to a taut peak. She bowed off the cushions, riding his leg, her hands fisting in his hair as he lowered his mouth over her breast, sucking the tip against the roof of his mouth.

  “Oh God. Don’t stop,” she pleaded.

  He sucked harder, kissed, licked, and teased, until her every breath was a plea or a moan, and then he loved her faster, rougher, lost in those noises. His entire body ached for her, and she was right there with him, begging for more. He shifted onto his side so he could reach between her legs, capturing her mouth in a ravenous kiss, and stroked between her legs, over her jeans. Without breaking their kiss, she reached down and unbuttoned them. He unzipped them and pushed his hand beneath her panties. She was waxed bare, and he growled at the feel of her. “So fucking sexy.” His fingers slid through her wetness, teasing her as they kissed, her hips rising. When he dipped his fingers inside her, she let out a long sigh. She was tight and hot and so fucking perfect, he needed to taste her.

  He brushed his lips over hers and said, “Christ, baby, I want to feast on you.” Her eyes flew open, and his heart took notice of the nervous look in them. He kissed her softly, continuing to stroke her, and said, “One day, babe. When you’re ready. I promise it’ll be so good, you’ll crave my mouth on you.”

  Her cheeks burned red, and she pulled his mouth back to hers, rocking her hips faster, fucking his fingers. He kissed her harder, stroking over the spot that caused her legs to flex. She came hard, her sex clenching around his fingers. Her head fell back, but his mouth went with it, swallowing her sounds, knowing he’d hear them, taste them, until the end of time.

  He stayed with her, teasing, kissing, loving, as she came down from the peak, and he couldn’t resist sending her soaring again. She clung to his head, and he kissed her harder, wanting to feel the thrills she felt, until she collapsed to the cushions. He kept his fingers inside her, kissing her softly, his feelings coming out in whispers. “So beautiful, baby…love touching you…kissing you.” He withdrew his fingers and dragged them along her lower lip. Her eyes fluttered open, intense and alluring, and he kissed her again, long and slow, then deeper, more passionately, disappearing into her. He kissed her for a long time, and when he moved beside her, cradling her in his arms, she buried her face in the crook of his neck.

  He kissed her forehead, knowing she was embarrassed, and said, “It’s just you and me here, baby, and I adore you.” He held her until her racing heart calmed, reveling in their closeness. When she finally smiled up at him, her lustful eyes at half-mast, her warm breath on his skin, he whispered, “Beautiful girl, I hope you know how precious you are to me.”

  Chapter Six

  BETWEEN THE PAGES bookstore hosted book clubs, lectures, readings, and weekly story times for children. Usually the upbeat atmosphere and fast pace kept Quincy too busy to think about anything else, but despite the constant flow of customers, he’d been able to think of nothing but Roni all day. Even on his lunch hour when he tried catching up on his studies, his thoughts kept circling back to her. He’d been kicking himself all day for not telling her about his past before taking things further, but man, she’d turned him inside out, and he’d desperately wanted to show her how crazy about her he was. Leaving her last night had been torture. Even a cold shower hadn’t cooled him off. He’d had to jerk off to find relief, only to then get a text from her thanking him for the best night of her life, which made him think about her in the throes of passion, and he’d ended up taking things into his own hands for a second time.

  He gritted his teeth, knowing if he thought about her too much he’d be walking around with a hard-on for the rest of the evening.

  “Dude, what’s going on in that head of yours?”

  Jed’s voice jerked Quincy from his thoughts. “Hey, Jed. How’s it going?”

  “You tell me. I must’ve said your name three times. You a’right?”

  “Yeah, man. Just thinking.” Quincy picked up another book from the cart and shelved it.

  “Anything I can help with?” Jed asked.

  When he and Jed had first met, they’d bonded over their difficult pasts. Jed’s father had died when Jed was eleven, and Jed had been in and out of trouble for years and had even spent a few months in jail before finally cleaning up his act.

  “Maybe. Did anything change between you and Josie when you told her about your past?”

  Jed shrugged, walking alongside Quincy as he shelved more books. “I don’t think anyone wants to hear that the guy they’re falling for was a thief or spent time in jail, but we worked through it. Why? What’s up?”

  “Roni and I got closer last night.”

  “I’m not surprised after spending time with you two. That’s great.”

  “Yeah. She’s amazing. You talked with her—you know how smart she is—and she�
�s so fucking cute, she kills me.” Quincy laughed a little, remembering how surprised she’d been the first night they were together, when he’d said he was cool with just kissing, and how cute she’d been when he’d kissed her onstage last night.

  “Josie and I really like her, and Bear and Tru weighed in this morning at the shop,” Jed said. “They dug her, too, and it was easy to see how into you she is.”

  “Yeah. I’m so damn lucky.”

  “She’s lucky, Quince. You’re a catch. Just ask any of the million women who try to get your attention, or anyone who knows you.”

  Quincy motioned for Jed to follow him into the next aisle and said, “I appreciate that. I can’t stop thinking about her. Her dad’s a dick—a gambler and drinker. She hasn’t seen him since she was a kid, and she has no idea who her mother is. She’s got no family, and other than one friend and maybe her boss, I don’t think she’s got anyone to lean on.”

  “She’s got you.”

  “You’ve got that right, even more so now. But weird shit is going on in my head. She’s got this quiet strength about her, and I know she can handle herself. But she grew up in a seedy area, and it pisses me off that her grandmother never moved her out of there. She’s too good a person to have had to deal with that shit.”

  “Quincy, you of all people know you can’t change the past. Don’t even bother thinking about it. It’s a waste of energy. She’s out of there now, and she’s safe.”

  “Yeah. But I made a mistake, and it’s been weighing on me all day. I didn’t tell her about my past before we took things further, and I feel like I should have.”

  “Did you sleep with her?”

  Quincy put the last of the books he was shelving in place and said, “No.”

  “So, we’re talking about making out? Kissing? Touching? If she was into it, you’re fine.”

  “That’s just it. We didn’t do more than that, but it’s so much more than just kissing or touching between us. I don’t mean physically. I mean emotionally.” Quincy looked around to make sure no customers were in earshot and said, “I’ve never…She fucking blows me away.”


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