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Cowboy Brothers of Rainbow Canyon: A Western Contemporary Cowboy Romance

Page 57

by K. C. Crowne

  There was the big question, and I wanted to get right to it. “There’s three of us,” I said. “And a baby on the way. We’d all love it if the family approved…”

  Travis added, “But if y’all don’t, we’ll get it. People in town might think it’s weird, ask questions.”

  “Oh, who gives a good damn what people say,” Mama G said, waving a hand. “We’re the Walkers – we do whatever the hell we want. People are always gonna be talkin’ about one thing or another.”

  Emily smiled. “I think…I don’t know, I think it’s kinda sweet. Believe me, I’ve been around enough to have cowboys fightin’ over me. I know how hairy all that can get. For Adam and Travis to put jealousy aside and come up with somethin’ that’s best for Skye and the baby is pretty damn mature.”

  “There you go,” Travis said, smiling. “I like that. We’re just so mature that we can handle this.” He grinned.

  Mama G clapped her hands together. “Well, it’s not what I would’ve expected for my boy, but if that’s what he wants, and what Adam wants, and what Skye wants, then…why the hell not?” She looked at Skye and smiled brightly. “You’re an amazing woman, Skye, and I knew from the second I saw you and Travis together that you two were something special. And if the truth is that the three of you are really what’s special, then that’s fine with me. And besides, if I’m gettin’ grandkids out of it, then what the hell do I have to complain about?”

  The family laughed, and man, did I feel more at ease about the whole thing. The Walkers were kind people, cool-headed and all that. But part of me felt that the moment we shared what was going on that the shit would hit the fan.

  “It’s…strange. That’s for damn sure,” Silas commented with a sigh. “But I’m right there with Mama G. If there’s one thing the world needs, it’s more love. And just sittin’ here with y’all, I can tell you’ve got love to spare.”

  “Now those are some words I sure as hell didn’t expect to come out of ol’ Silas,” Chance said with a chuckle. “You gettin’ soft on us, old timer?”

  “Just…maybe a little more open-minded, is all. Three parents means that kid’s gonna get everything they need. Hell of a lot worse situations to be in.”

  “Right,” Wyatt agreed. “A big, happy family.”

  Travis and Skye and me shared a look, one of relief and happiness all at once. It looked like the idea was going over fine with the Walkers. They were good people to the core, and on some level it was no surprise.

  “Now that the matter’s settled,” Mama G announced, “I think this calls for a little celebration. I’m puttin’ the finishing touches on dinner now. Y’all get washed up and be ready for chow when that dinner bell rings. And after that, let the crew know we’re bustin’ out the whiskey and celebratin’!”

  Sounds of approval went up from the Walkers. We dispersed and everyone went to get ready for dinner.

  “Y’all feel up for a walk?” Skye asked. “I could use some fresh air after all that.”

  “A walk sounds about right,” Travis agreed. “You in, Adam?”

  “Sure am. Might as well work up an appetite.”

  The three of us left the house and stepped out into the cool night air. The sun was setting, the sky on fire with oranges and reds and whites with thin clouds weaved through it all. The workers were finishing up for the day, and the chirp of crickets filled the air.

  We walked for a time in silence. Nothing needed to be said. Skye was safe, and the three of us were together.

  “This…this is nice,” Travis said. “First time in a while we’ve been able to catch out breaths and…”

  “…just enjoy it,” Skye finished. “Enjoy one another.”

  “We’re gonna be doin’ a lot of that,” Travis said with a snicker. “And…damned if I’m not thrilled.”

  Travis took one of Skye’s hands, and I took the other. We walked, and I savored the warmth of her hand against mine.

  “I’m thinkin’ about somethin’, though,” Skye mused. “What about…gettin’ married?” Her eyes widened, as if she’d said more than she ought to. “I mean, I know that’s far, far off in the future. But what if it happens?”

  I laughed. “Well, I think we’ve been doin’ a pretty damn good job at figurin’ things out as they come. Three people in a relationship means three heads to put together.”

  “One big wedding,” Travis announced. “Or two of ‘em. All sounds good to me.”

  We walked a little more before the sound of the dinner bell cut through the air. Together, we headed back to the ranch for a big, delicious meal of corn fritters and fried chicken and mashed potatoes and buttermilk biscuits. Dutch apple pie and ice cream finished it off, and as soon as we were done, the party started.

  All the Walkers, along with some folk from town, the guests on the ranch, and the crew, were all there. Music played, drinks flowed, and it was a hell of a time – one for the ages.

  But all I could think about was Skye. The three of us sat together, watching the party unfold. We were blessed to have such a big group who all loved us.

  And we were lucky to have one another. A love filled me that I’d never known before.

  I was beyond excited to find out what was next.



  One year later…

  I awoke to a gentle tickle against my thigh. My eyes opened slowly, my vision bleary. The tickle moved up along my sensitive skin, finally settling between my legs.

  “Good mornin’, babe.”

  After rubbing the sleep from my eyes I glanced down. It was Travis, naked as the day he was born, licking me right where I wanted him.

  Good morning, indeed.

  “That feel good?”

  “You know it does.”

  I closed my eyes again – not to drift back to sleep, but to savor Travis’s licks. Over the course of the last year, he’d learned exactly how to please me, how to touch me to drive me wild.

  The door to the bedroom was open a crack, and over the sight of Travis’s head between my legs I watched as it opened a little more.

  “Aw, she’s already up?” Adam stepped through, shutting the door behind him. He wore nothing but his boots, his jeans, and his cowboy hat. And Lord, if there was anything sexier than a shirtless cowboy, I didn’t want to know about it.

  “She is,” Travis said, taking a brief break from the oral pleasure. “Turned off her alarm clock and decided to give her a different kind of wake-up.”

  “I can see that,” Adam said with a laugh as he stepped out of his boots and made his way over to the bed. “Maybe I can help really wake her up.”

  “You’re…” I could hardly speak from how good it felt. “You’re welcome to try.”

  Travis continued to lick me, slipping a pair of fingers inside as he teased me with his tongue. As I glanced down, I noticed how strange the sight of my flat belly was – I’d gotten so used to being pregnant that it seemed like I’d always had that big bump.

  Adam took off his hat and tossed it onto the nightstand before bringing his lips to mine. He kissed me slowly, deeply, the stubble light and bristly against my skin.

  Travis didn’t stop, so my moans were muffled through the kisses. The two men had become experts at knowing how to please me, how to tease me, and I couldn’t wait for the chance to return the favor.

  Adam’s kiss broke from my mouth, moving down my neck, then over my collarbone, then to my nipples. My breasts were still big and full from the pregnancy, and I didn’t need the boys to tell me how much they liked this recent development.

  Travis’s mouth of on my pussy, Adam’s on my tits – what could be better? Well, a few things came to mind, but I knew they’d come in time.

  And speaking of coming, Travis kept at it until the first orgasm ripped through my body, my eyes wide as I took in pleasured gasps, my hands on the back of his head, keeping him right where I wanted him.

  When the orgasm faded, Travis lifted his head, my wetness coating his cock
y smile.

  “Hope you didn’t think that was all,” he said.

  “I had a feeling it wasn’t. Now, show me what you’ve got in mind.”

  “Gladly, babe.”

  I loved it when he called me that. Travis got up on his knees, his cock already hard and dripping. He took it into his hand as Adam continued to kiss my breasts. The sight of Travis’s gorgeous cock only made me hungry for the taste of one.

  “Alright, cowboy,” I said, speaking to Adam. “Strip.”

  “Bossy, bossy,” he said as he rose. Adam stood up, undoing his big belt buckle followed by his zipper. He yanked his jeans down, showing off his thick, muscular legs. After this, he rolled his charcoal-grey boxer-briefs down his thighs, kicking them off along with his jeans. Like Travis, he was solid as a stone.

  And I’d been so distracted by the sight of Adam that when Travis finally entered me, I wasn’t expecting it.

  “That feel good, baby?” Travis asked as he pushed his inches deeper inside me. “My hard cock inside you?”

  “Oh, you know it does.”

  I watched him for a few long, lovely moments. Travis on his knees, my hips bucked into the air, his cock moving slowly in and out of me, disappearing again and again into my pussy.

  Then I glanced at Adam, taking him by the prick and guiding him toward my mouth.

  “You wanna taste?”

  “I want more than just a taste.”

  I licked my lips, then his head. Adam let out a sexy little growl as I teased him with my tongue, my hand cupping his balls as I wrapped my lips around his end and began to slowly suck. He put his hands on his hips, watching me do my work, his handsome face tightening in pleasure.

  Travis picked up the pace, and before too long he was pumping into me so hard and fast that it was a challenge to keep Adam in my mouth. But I kept at it, salty-sweet drops of precum washing over my tongue.

  The pleasure continued as Travis thrust into me so fast I could hardly take it. Right in the middle of a series of pounds I came again, this orgasm somehow even more powerful than the one he’d already given me.

  Travis grunted hard, pushing deep into me as he came. My cries were still muffled from Adam’s cock, and the sensation of him unloading into me was pure bliss. When he was done, he slowly withdrew his still-twitching prick from my pussy.

  Adam was close to orgasm – I knew him well enough to tell. “Your turn, handsome,” I said as the second orgasm ebbed.

  “Whatever the lady wants,” he grunted.

  He took his cock out of his mouth before grabbing me by the hips and flipping my body over, my ass sticking up into the air. Travis moved in front of me, kissing me passionately as Adam entered me from behind.

  The pounding was intense and immediate. The soft slapping of my ass against his hips filled the air as he buried himself to the root over and over. Now and again he’d bring his hand down hard against my ass, a crack cutting through his grunts and my pliant moans.

  “Come on,” Travis murmured, taking his lips from mine. “I wanna see your face when you come.”

  I was close, and so was Adam. He continued to fuck me from behind, his hands grasping my hips, holding me tight. Travis leaned back, gazing into my eyes, watching the slightest change of expression as my face contorted in pleasure.

  And at the moment Adam shoved himself deeply into me, burying himself to the hilt, another orgasm released through me. I fell forward, my head dropping onto Travis’s lap as I rocked from the incredible pleasure. Adam came along with me, his cock throbbing as he unloaded deep within.

  The three of us collapsed into a heap, our chests rising and falling, the scent of our sweat-slicked bodies thick in the air.

  But we didn’t have time to relax. The muffled cry of our daughter sounded from the nursery, and all three of us snapped into alertness.

  “The queen is up,” Travis announced with a grin. “Who’s ready to greet her?”

  I sat up. “I’ll do it, You boys get ready for the day.”

  The guys nodded and got up, and I threw on a light, silk robe and hurried to the nursery. She was wide awake, her little hands and feet stuck up in the air as she cried for attention.

  Amelia. My baby girl. Our baby girl.

  “Alright now, missy,” I said, scooping her pudgy little body into my arms. “Nothin’ to fret about.”

  She was beautiful, the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. And it was impossible to tell who she belonged to. Amelia had my nose, that was for sure. But her mouth was full and red like Adam’s, and her eyes were so similar to Travis’s that they almost looked plucked out of his head.

  Who was the dad? It didn’t matter. Not once during the pregnancy had we brought up the idea of a paternity test, and with each passing day, it seemed less and less important who was technically the dad. We all loved her like crazy, and there was no doubt she knew it.

  I went out onto the porch, taking a seat in the hand-carved rocking chair Wyatt had made for us. It was a beautiful day at Rainbow Canyons. The sun rose, casting the green grass in an otherworldly, golden glow. The ranch crew milled about here and there, starting their day. Off in the distance, I spotted Chance chatting with Silas, and on the front porch of the main ranch Mama G and Emily sipped their coffee. I waved to them, and they waved back.

  Perfect. What else could I want?

  The front door opened and my men stepped out. We were at Travis’s cabin that day. The plan had been for me to switch back and forth between Travis’s and Adam’s places, but we usually ended up all staying at one place or the other. More than fine with me.

  “Coffee, gorgeous,” Travis offered, handing over a mug. “And let me at the little lady.”

  Amelia cooed and smiled as Travis reached for her. Once she was in his arms, she nuzzled into his stout chest.

  “Someone’s ready to start her day,” Adam said, coming over to Travis and gently pinching Amelia’s cheeks.

  It never got old. I loved seeing the daddies with their baby girl. They were crazy about her. We were crazy about each other.

  “Alright,” Travis said after a moment. “What’s on the docket for today?”

  “Gonna put in a few hours at the horse sanctuary,” I said. “Might take the little one with me.”

  In the year since the three of us had all gotten together, things had moved fast. In the wake of the Bryce scandal – Bryce ended up with a three-year sentence for kidnapping – there’d been more than enough space for me and the rest of my activist buddies to make some serious progress with our mission. Bryce’s track was shut down, and many of the animals were taken from there and his ranch into care.

  So, we all started Happy Hooves Sanctuary, a place where mistreated horses could go and live out the rest of their days in peace. I loved my work and even managed to still put in good time at Rainbow Canyons with the horses there.

  Between that and my new family, my days were pretty full. Full and happy.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Adam said with a nod. “I’ve got some projects to check in on, but I shouldn’t be too long.”

  “How about dinner tonight?” Travis asked. “Just the three of us?”

  Amelia cooed. “Four,” I corrected.

  Travis laughed. “Four.”

  “I’d love it,” Adam commented. “Might need to run it past Mama G first, though.”

  As if on cue, the dinner bell chimed. “That’s breakfast,” Travis announced. “Y’all ready?”

  “So ready,” I said.

  I took a quick shower and dressed while Adam and Travis waited for me on the porch with our daughter. Together, we started toward the ranch, ready to eat our fill and get into another wonderful day.

  My life was amazing, more than I ever could’ve imagined. And there’d been talk of a wedding, of course. But that was down the road. For now, I was all sorts of content. The men slipped an arm around my waist as I held our precious baby girl.

  “Love you, gorgeous,” Travis said.

  “Love yo
u like mad,” Adam added.

  “And I love you boys.”

  I kissed each of them as we walked.

  My life was nothing but love. And I couldn’t wait for the days to come.

  Southern Charm

  A little girl was dropped on my doorstep.

  And, this wild cowboy became a father overnight.

  I've seen a lot in my life - but nothing prepared me for this.

  Hiring Sam as my new nanny was the best d*mn move I could make...

  Except, I'm both excited and troubled by the feelings she stirs up.

  Smart, caring, and hot enough to drive any man wild. I'm supposed to be managing my ranch - not imagining my kid's nanny dripping wet and naked.

  And when Sam's past follows her into my home,

  I'm forced to fight for my family and the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. I'll protect my girls - and the secret miracle that's about to come into this world.

  Chapter 1


  “I hate you!”

  Who knew a five-year-old’s words could sting so badly? Or that I could even care so much about their opinion.

  All of this was strange.

  Me a dad?

  I was the type of guy who’d lived rather selfishly just fine, and then splat, the universe quickly revealed to me it had other plans.

  It’d been nearly two months since Ellie came to live with me. The whole situation was crazier than a steer let out into a pen of cattle. One day I was a bachelor, living the good life on my ranch, minding my own damn business - and the next, I received a call that changed my fate forever.

  Ellie’s grandpa from her mother’s side wasn’t doing too well – complications from a stroke – and no longer in a position to look after the poor girl, like he’d wanted to.

  I’d been shocked to find out I had a kid.

  I hadn’t been in contact with Ellie’s mother in all the years after our breakup.


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