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Heirs of Destiny Box Set

Page 213

by Andy Peloquin

  “Someone thought we had something worth stealing,” Evren replied as he helped Daver to a seat against a nearby wall. His answer wasn’t a complete lie—the white-gold statuette in his pocket would make any mugger’s day.

  “Bright Lady have mercy!” Cheeril shook her head, which set her red braids flying. “And to think I came to this city to get away from all the crime in Praamis. It’s like the Night Guild all over again!”

  “You talking about last night’s fire?” Jodech asked.

  Evren’s ears perked up. Gossip traveled fast in marketplaces. The information would be distorted in the retelling, but it might contain a few scraps of truth.

  “Aye,” Cheeril said with a nod. “Neighbor of mine was near the Court of Judgement when it happened. Saw the whole thing, he did. Said a gang of street toughs set fire to a buildin’.” She leaned closer to Jodech and dropped her voice to a whisper. “Killed two apprentice Lecterns, I hear. The Master’s priests are spittin’ hellfire and ready to send every Warden in the city into the district to root out the criminals.”

  “Two apprentices, eh?” Jodech toyed with his long, dark braid. “Might be the two who ran away from the temple, then?”

  Cheeril shrugged. “I don’t know nothin’ about that. All’s I know’s what my neighbor told me.”

  Evren’s heart leapt as he listened to the two continue their gossip. If the Wardens believed the corpses belonged to him and Daver, they had a chance at starting a brand new life.

  Hope surged within him as he spotted a familiar mule-drawn wagon rumbling up the road toward the market.

  Kaltris’ face brightened at the sight of Evren and Daver. “Good to see you, lads!” he called out as he drew his wagon to a halt behind his stall. “Had you on my mind the whole way to Brittlewall and back.”

  The old merchant clambered down from his wagon with a groan and a loud clicking of his joints. When he finally dismounted, he turned to Evren. “You give my offer any thought?”

  “I have,” Evren said. “And I’ve got another offer for you.”

  “That so?” One white eyebrow climbed toward Kaltris’ bald scalp. “What’s that?”

  “You take my brother.” Evren motioned to Daver, who had leaned his head against the wall and closed his eyes.

  “I already told you I can only take one of you. You’re the one—"

  “He’s the one who needs to be taken care of,” Evren insisted. “I can look after myself, but Daver, he’s…” He swallowed. “He’s not cut out for a life on the streets.”

  “I need a strong lad.” Kaltris held up his hands. “I can do the sums well enough, but what I can’t do is load and unload my wagon.”

  “Then, I’ll do it for you.” Evren wouldn’t give up. “You don’t even have to pay me. I’ll come and do your heavy lifting until Daver’s strong enough to do it.”

  Kaltris’ eyes narrowed, and his expression grew pensive.

  “Please,” Evren begged. “I need him to be safe. You’re his only hope of a better life, a life away from the streets. I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.”

  After a moment, Kaltris nodded. “I’ll take him in, lad. And don’t worry about doing my heavy lifting. There are plenty of young men I can hire until Daver’s able to take over.”

  Relief flooded Evren, and he felt as if a massive burden had been lifted from his shoulders. “Thank you, Kaltris,” he said, his throat thick. “Thank you.”

  “It’s nothing.” Kaltris gave a dismissive wave. Though his tone was gruff, a hint of moisture sparkled in his eyes. “It’ll be good having someone around to help out. But you better come around and visit, you hear? Might be I can spare the occasional bit of produce now and again.”

  Evren nodded. “I will.”

  “What are you going to do?” Kaltris asked in a quiet voice.

  Evren drew in a deep breath. “I…don’t know.” His eyes strayed toward the Master’s Temple rising in the distance. It was a beautiful white marble structure that stood twice the height of the city wall, with a blue glass dome for a crown and seven minarets standing guard around it. Even now, the voices of the Lecterns atop the towers rang out across Vothmot as they called out the morning prayer. “For years, I’ve had people telling me what to do, what my future’ll hold. But now there’s none of that. In a way, that feels…”

  Kaltris smiled. “Liberating?”

  “Sure.” Evren nodded. “It’s a good thing, knowing I can choose to do whatever I want with my life.”

  “Make good choices, lad.” Kaltris placed a gnarled hand on his shoulder. “Your future might not always be clear, but if you focus on doing right in the present, things have a way of sorting themselves out.” He gave Evren a wry smile. “Who knows, one day we might read about the great hero Evren in the history books.”

  Evren snorted. “Not likely! You don’t even know how to read.”

  “Fair enough.” Kaltris grinned. “Apprentice be with you, lad.”

  “And you, Master Kaltris.”

  A lump rose in Evren’s throat as he turned to Daver. Tears glimmered in the smaller boy’s eyes. “Are you really leaving me, Evren?”

  “It’s for the best, Daver.” Evren wrestled against tears of his own. “Kaltris will give you a home, a trade, a future.”

  “But without you!” Daver clutched at Evren’s arms, his gaze sorrowful.

  Evren gripped the boy’s hand. “No, I’ll be around. Someone’s got to keep an eye on you, make sure you stay out of trouble.” He swallowed hard. “Besides, if you’re going to be running a business, we can’t have all the gangs in Vothmot swiping your fruit. I’ll keep them in line, I promise.”

  Daver wiped his eyes. “Promise you’ll visit every day.”

  “I swear it.” Evren placed a hand over his heart. “On all the gods of Einan. If I break this oath, may my soul suffer in the darkest hells for all eternity.” He ruffled the smaller boy’s hair. “Good enough?”

  Daver nodded and scrubbed away the last of his tears. “Yes.”

  Evren stood, and a smile broke out on his lips. “See you tomorrow, Daver?”

  “I’ll be here.”

  Evren turned and, with a farewell wave to Kaltris, Jodech, and Cheeril, strode up the street toward the Prime Bazaar.

  For the first time in his life, he had nothing he had to do, no duties, chores, or lessons to dread. He was his own man, able to make his own choices. If he wanted, he could join up with the Pincers, take control of the Claws, or run on his own. Hell, he could do whatever he wanted.

  His smile widened as he pushed through the press of people flooding Vothmot’s crowded marketplace. He was free of his past, and the future was his to choose. He couldn’t wait to find out what sort of adventures lay ahead.

  More Books by Andy Peloquin

  Queen of Thieves

  Book 1: Child of the Night Guild

  Book 2: Thief of the Night Guild

  Book 3: Queen of the Night Guild

  Traitors’ Fate (Queen of Thieves/Hero of Darkness Crossover)

  Hero of Darkness

  Book 1: Darkblade Assassin

  Book 2: Darkblade Outcast

  Book 3: Darkblade Protector

  Book 4: Darkblade Seeker

  Book 5: Darkblade Slayer

  Book 6: Darkblade Savior

  Book 7: Darkblade Justice

  Heirs of Destiny:

  Book 1: Trial of Stone

  Book 2: Crucible of Fortune

  Book 3: Storm of Chaos

  Book 4: Secrets of Blood

  Book 5: Ascension of Death

  Book 6: The Renegade Apprentice (Evren Prequel Novella)

  Different, Not Damaged: A Short Story Collection

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  About the Author

  I am, first and foremost, a storyte
ller and an artist--words are my palette. Fantasy is my genre of choice, and I love to explore the darker side of human nature through the filter of fantasy heroes, villains, and everything in between. I'm also a freelance writer, a book lover, and a guy who just loves to meet new people and spend hours talking about my fascination for the worlds I encounter in the pages of fantasy novels.

  Fantasy provides us with an escape, a way to forget about our mundane problems and step into worlds where anything is possible. It transcends age, gender, religion, race, or lifestyle--it is our way of believing what cannot be, delving into the unknowable, and discovering hidden truths about ourselves and our world in a brand new way. Fiction at its very best!

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  Shalandra, City of the Dead

  Gods of Einan

  Kiro, the Master: God of virtue and nobility

  Deralana, Lady of Vengeance: Goddess of warriors and vengeance

  Garridos, the Apprentice: God of ventures and enterprise

  The Maiden: Goddess of purity, devotion, and festivities

  The Illusionist: God of coin, success, and madness

  The Bright Lady: Goddess of healing

  The Swordsman: God of war, heroism, and metal-smithing

  The Mistress: Goddess of trysts, secrets, and whispered truths

  The Bloody Minstrel: God of sickness, plague, and horrible music

  The Watcher: God of the night, god of justice and vengeance. Thieves and criminals know him as “the Watcher in the Dark”.

  The Lonely Goddess: Goddess of orphans and broken hearts

  The Beggar God: God of outcasts, the destitute, and the needy

  The Long Keeper: God of death.

  Kharna – Serenii that sacrificed himself to feed Enarium and fight the Devourer to protect Einan

  The Devourer of Worlds, the Great Destroyer – force of chaos seeking to unmake the world

  Trial of Stone Characters

  Listed according to appearance/mention

  Issa: 17 year-old Earaqi, chosen to serve as a Keeper’s Blade, resilient, strong-willed, determined (Chapter 1)

  Killian: blacksmith, leader of the Mumblers, Issa’s trainer, surprisingly well-connected, cunning (mentioned in Chapter 1, first seen in Chapter 5)

  Hallar: founder of Shalandra, dead for thousands of years (Chapter 1)

  Aleema: Issa’s Savta (grandmother), maid in the house of a Dhukari (mentioned in Chapter 1, first seen in Chapter 5)

  Nytano: Issa’s Saba (grandfather), laborer in the farmlands outside of Shalandra (mentioned in Chapter 1, first seen in Chapter 5)

  Amhoset Nephelcheres: Pharus of Shalandra, Servant of the Long Keeper, Word of Justice and Death, a noble and honorable ruler hamstrung by the Keeper’s Council (Chapter 1)

  Callista Vinaus: Lady of Blades, highest-ranked military official in Shalandra, rules the Keeper’s Blades and Indomitables, stern, proud, warrior (Chapter 1)

  Tinush: oldest member of the Keeper’s Council, a priest of the Necroseti, servant to the god of death (Chapter 1)

  Etai: Issa’s fellow Blade-in-training, born of the lowest-ranked Mahjuri caste, a proud warrior (Chapter 1)

  Evren: 17 year-old former pickpocket and clever thief from Darkblade Slayer, former apprentice in the Master’s Temple in Vothmot, recruited to the Hunter’s mission of feeding Kharna (Chapter 2)

  Father Reverentus: high priest of the Beggar God in Voramis, old, member of the Cambionari, not the Hunter’s biggest fan (Chapter 2—see Darkblade Assassin and Darkblade Slayer)

  Hailen: child cared for by the Hunter and trained by the Cambionari, descendent of the ancient Serenii, the Hunter’s ward, possesses mysterious magical abilities (Chapter 2)

  Lectern Uman: Lectern from Evren’s days in the Master’s Temple, abusive, vile scum of humanity, killed accidentally by Evren (Chapter 2—see The Renegade Apprentice)

  Brother Mendicatus: portly priest of the Beggar God in Voramis, nervous, easily startled, attendant to Father Reverentus (Chapter 2)

  The Hunter of Voramis: legendary assassin, half-demon, wielder of Soulhunger (Chapter 2— see Darkblade Assassin and the Hero of Darkness series)

  Kiara/Celicia: enemy turned ally, surrogate mother to Hailen, helped the Hunter reach the city of Enarium, joined the Hunter’s crusade (Chapter 2—see Darkblade Assassin)

  Graeme: alchemist, lover of erotic poems and romances, member of the information-collecting Hidden Circle, the Hunter’s only “friend” in Voramis (Chapter 2—see Darkblade Assassin)

  Brother Modestus: grizzled Cambionari, veteran fighter, taciturn, slain by bandits (mentioned in Chapter 2, first appearance in Chapter 6)

  Kodyn: 17 year-old apprentice to House Hawk, third-story thief of the Night Guild, son of Ilanna the Guild Master and Ria the Master of House Phoenix, protective (Chapter 3)

  Aisha: 17 year-old former trafficking victim rescued by Ilanna and the Night Guild (see Traitors’ Fate), apprentice to House Phoenix, Kodyn’s best friend, child of a Spirit Whisperer (Chapter 3)

  Briana: daughter of a high-ranked member of the Secret Keepers in Shalandra and Keeper’s Councilor, graceful, elegant, intelligent, studious, rescued by Kodyn and the Night Guild from kidnappers (Chapter 3—see Darkblade Justice)

  Ria: Master of House Phoenix, Aisha’s mentor, Kodyn’s second mother, former trafficking victim (Chapter 3—see Thief of the Night Guild)

  Ilanna: Master of the Night Guild, former Hawk, legendary thief, Kodyn’s protective mother, force of nature (Chapter 3—see Child of the Night Guild and the Queen of Thieves series)

  Errik: Master of House Scorpion, most skilled assassin in the Night Guild, Kodyn’s mentor and Aisha’s trainer (Chapter 3—see Thief of the Night Guild)

  Arch-Guardian Suroth: Briana’s father, high priest of the Secret Keepers in Shalandra, member of the Keeper’s Council, mute (mentioned Chapter 3, first appearance Chapter 16)

  Rose: proprietor of the Rosecliff Inn, cheeks as red as her namesake flower, chatty (Chapter 4)

  Nkanyezi: Aisha’s younger sister, safe back in Ghandia with her parents (Chapter 4)

  Serias: one of Killian’s Mumblers, clever and street-savvy (Chapter 5)

  Ormroth: high-ranked Ypertatos of the Keeper’s Blades of Shalandra, experienced warrior, saved Kodyn, Aisha, and Briana from bandits, escorted them to Shalandra (Chapter 9)

  Hykos: veteran Archateros of the Keeper’s Blades of Shalandra, Issa’s trainer, friendly and welcoming, two years older than Issa, handsome (Chapter 10)

  Kellas: arrogant Dhukari, chosen to serve in the Keeper’s Blades, disdainful of the lower castes, skilled warrior (first appearance in Chapter 1, first named in Chapter 10)

  Byrach: veteran Archateros of the Keeper’s Blades of Shalandra, Kellas’ trainer, hulking, powerful (Chapter 10)

  Tannard: commanding Invictus of the Keeper’s Blades of Shalandra, commandeered Issa’s training, cruel, ruthless, callous (Chapter 12)

  Talla and Gerrad: fellow Keeper’s Blades serving under Tannard, set to teach Issa a lesson (Chapter 14)

  Mahesh: mid-ranked Sentinel, officer in the Indomitables, guarding the East Gate into Shalandra, respectful (Chapter 16)

  Nessa: Steward in Arch-Guardian Suroth’s household, Intaji caste, elderly, thrilled to find Issa alive and returned safely (Chapter 16)

  Kytos: Necroset, priest of the Long Keeper, leader of the Gatherers in Praamis, madman, responsible for Briana’s kidnapping (Chapter 17—see Darkblade Justice)

  Eldesse: Briana’s former maidservant and friend, believed to have aided in the Gatherers’ kidnapping attempt (Chapter 17)

  Rothin: the captain of Suroth’s househol
d guards (mentioned in Chapter 17, first appearance Chapter 40)

  Nysin, Enyera, Rilith, and Viddan: Indomitable trainees assigned to fight with Issa, all from low castes, valiant despite impossible odds (Chapter 18)

  Snarth: one of Killian’s Mumblers, older than most of the others, vicious, treacherous, secretly working for the Ybrazhe Syndicate, stabbed by Hailen (first appearance Chapter 15, named in Chapter 19)

  Radiana: Briana’s mother, died in childbirth, spirit that speaks to Aisha and helps to save Briana from the Gatherer attack (Chapter 22)

  Cavad: attendant in Arch-Guardian Suroth’s household (Chapter 23)

  Samall: Evren’s superior and attendant in Arch-Guardian Suroth’s household, unfriendly, demanding, petty, treacherous, aiding the Gatherers in their attack on the mansion, captured by Evren and delivered to Nessa for justice (Chapter 23)

  Osirath: Eldesse’s husband, one of Arch-Guardian’s household guards, disappeared the night of Briana’s abduction, believed to be complicit in the kidnapping (Chapter 23)

  The Black Widow: one part spymistress of Shalandra, one part information broker, and four parts deadly when crossed (Chapter 24)

  Ennolar: Secret Keeper, member of the Venerated, lover of banquet delicacies, provides Kodyn and Aisha a map of the Serenii tunnels (mentioned in Chapter 24, first appearance in Chapter 27)

  Kuhar: fellow attendant in Arch-Guardian Suroth’s household, treacherous, working with Samall and the Gatherers, mortally wounded by Evren (Chapter 26)

  Madani: high-ranked priest of the Necroseti, most powerful member of the Keeper’s Council, cunning and deceitful, smug bastard (Chapter 27)

  Chirak: veteran Archateros of the Keeper’s Blades of Shalandra, Etai’s trainer, woman of few words, inhumanly strong (first appearance in Chapter 12, first named in Chapter 28)

  Annat: Crewman of the crime gang known as the Ybrazhe Syndicate, cruel, enticing Snarth to treachery by offering him a place in the gang (Chapter 34)


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