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Bearly Breathing

Page 6

by C. D. Gorri

  “Baby, that was all for you.”

  “Marcus, I told you, I’m ready-”

  “Sweet, you have no idea how difficult it is for me to walk out that door,” he started.

  “Then don’t, stay with me,” she pushed into him. Her soft body tempting him beyond reason.

  “Leya, I promise, we’re going to do this together, sweet. Just let me set the pace, you won’t regret it.”

  “How can I after what you just showed me? Never before, Marcus,” she looked down and bit her lip.

  “Was that your first time, baby?” he whispered in reverence.

  “No man has ever made me feel like that,” a blush crept across her cheeks, but he’d be damned if she was gonna be embarrassed.

  “You’re a treasure, love.”

  “You mean you’re not, turned off by that?”

  “No fucking way. If the assholes who knew you were too selfish to see to your needs, they never deserved you. I’m so honored, baby, you picked me. Thank you so much for giving me this here and now. I promise you, this is just the beginning.”

  “Are you sure I can’t?”

  “Not tonight, sweet. Trust me.”

  Doubt filled her blue eyes. Marcus frowned. He wanted to rake his claws against the idiots who’d made her feel insecure. The ones who passed up the chance to be with her. At the same time, he wanted to thank them for saving her just for him.

  Possessive much? Hell yeah! Still, he wanted her to see herself as he did, a beautiful, sexy, and vibrant woman, someone who deserved to be loved for who she was.

  A “vacation romance”? Hardly. She was fucking his. Forever. Fated mates.

  What about your big furry secret? That was a separate issue. Leya had to accept that he truly wanted her as a woman first, then he’d work out when to introduce his Bear.

  “Okay,” she said, and he saw the moment she decided to trust him. He exhaled and squeezed her waist, thanking God she said yes.

  “I’ll be here first thing in the morning to take you out on our second official date.”


  “Well, yeah.”

  “Okay,” she conceded, “dinner counts, even if we didn’t eat.”

  “Oh, baby, I ate. I devoured that sweet mouth of yours, little one,” he grinned and nipped her lip making her smile and shiver in return. Good. She should always smile.

  “We’ll go swimming, then I’d love to take you hiking to this little spot I found last time I was here.”

  “Does this hike end with a nice view?”

  “Breathtaking,” he answered, but he wasn’t talking about the hike.

  “Sounds good,” her lips tilted up in a smile that stole the breath from his body.

  Dazzling. He pressed his mouth to her lips and kissed her softly before nudging her further inside and closing the door. Marcus groaned.

  Fuck. Time for another cold shower.


  The morning sun blazed overhead. Leya smiled. It was crazy to think that a company, Stein Luxury Hotel & Resorts to be exact, owned the whole island. Sure, it was only a small island, but still. Amazing, she sighed as she looked at the abundance of life that flittered before her.

  To think she’d only just discovered Moongate Island on a travel website the night she’d quit her job! Must’ve been fated, she mused. The fact she’d gotten a tremendous deal on the entire vacation was just a bonus.

  She was always bargain hunting, even though she had more than enough in her savings account. A hold-over from her youth when she used to flea market shop with her Nana in Winter Springs, Florida.

  Seriously though, she deserved this bit of luxury. It was her first time splurging on herself and, so far, so good.

  She’d done more here in one day than she had in all her years in New York. New clothes, new outlook, and enough courage to proposition a hunk like Marcus into taking her virginity!

  I can’t believe I asked. Who am I kidding? I can’t believe he said yes!

  She should be embarrassed, but she wasn’t. Leya woke up this morning still riding the wave of her first ever man-induced orgasm. She’d blinked happily until she recalled they hadn’t exactly gone all the way.

  Then the nerves settled in. She almost called the whole thing off. Too embarrassed to breath, she’d even checked out airplane tickets. But before she could click anything, he knocked on her door.

  She’d been nervous as hell, but he knocked again and called her name. So, she answered. And there he stood, looking gorgeous as ever. It took minimum effort on his part to get her dressed and ready for a morning on the sand.

  It’s about damn time, her inner biological clock said as she unbuttoned her cover-up. The gauzy fabric was so thin it was almost sheer and even though it fell to her ankles, long side-slits made it almost indecent. She bit her lip.

  Buying new clothes was one thing, wearing them was another. She never dressed to emphasize her curves. In fact, she always tried to cover them up. Not anymore! God gave her an appetite and boobs for a reason. No more hiding.

  She straightened her shoulders. No need to worry with the way Marcus was eyeing her, like a starving man looking at a banquet, she mused. True, there was something threatening in his dark gaze.

  Something wild an untamed. Gosh, Leya, you sound like a damsel in one of those books you read on your phone during coffee breaks!

  Still, it didn’t make it any less true. His eyes almost seemed to glow in the sunlight. A liquid molten pool of chocolate she was longing to dive into. Instead of scaring her, she felt excitement sizzle under her skin.

  And yet, other than a peck on the cheek when he picked her up, he hadn’t tried to kiss or touch her. He’d been the perfect gentlemen. Darn it!

  He’d suggested coffee and sweet rolls from the Bear Claw Bakery in the hotel lobby on their way and she readily agreed.

  She was shocked upon her arrival to see one of her favorite places in the city right there in paradise! Bear Claw was the absolute best. Marcus grinned widely at her proclamation and ordered them both large coffees and a few pastries.

  He carried their food in a small bag to the semi-private cabana he’d rented for them on the beach. The lounge chairs were fitted with soft foam cushions and plush towels.

  Long gossamer curtains fluttered in the breeze as he arranged their fare on the small round table that sat between the chairs.

  “The sun is warming up, why don’t you get comfortable and we’ll have some breakfast,” he spoke casually.

  As if he wasn’t suggesting she take off her cover-up. Leya narrowed her eyes as he busied himself doctoring his coffee. This wasn’t her room with the lights off. This was broad daylight. Hop to it, girl. Like ripping off a band-aid.

  She eyed him under lowered lashes as he pretended not to watch her. He was good at that. Making her feel at ease when she really wanted to run and hide.

  Swimsuits were not her favorite attire. No chubby girl liked to be reminded of her physical imperfections, and nothing brought them out quite like a bathing suit!

  Even though the new one looked, well, different, she still felt exposed. Every dimple and curve, every ounce of extra wiggle and jiggle would be on display. Oh damn!

  She looked at him and hesitated. Talk about Beauty and the Beast, only he’s the beauty. Shut up inner-dialogue!

  She couldn’t help but sigh. He looked damn good in his blue swim shorts, and rippling sun kissed muscles. The sheer size of him was incredible.

  His chest was spectacular with just the right amount of dark curling hair. His powerful legs were covered with the same hair. Unlike those guys who skipped leg days, there was nothing off balance about Marcus. He was a perfect male specimen.

  Not just that, he was thoughtful, smart, and wickedly funny. She liked his sly sense of humor and the way he was always touching her casually.

  Holding her hand when they walked, her elbow when he held the door open, brushing back her hair when it blew in her face. He made her feel small, feminin
e, protected, desired.

  Feelings she was beginning to like. Feelings he might reconsider when confronted with her size. Quit being a baby, she sighed as she undid yet another button. It was almost go time. She let her mind wander to take it off the inevitable disrobing.

  He could have any of the women on that island judging by the covetous eyes that followed him when they walked to the beach that morning. But he chose you.

  With the last button undone, she closed her eyes and let the cover-up slide off her shoulders and down to the warm sand. The sun heated her skin, yet Leya shivered for a second.

  She slowly opened her eyes to find Marcus with one hand on a cup of coffee and the other on a packet of sugar. His eyes, like liquid onyx, ate up every inch of her in the two-piece yellow suit.

  Her entire body thrummed under his heavy-lidded stare. She knew the suit looked better than any she’d tried on. It emphasized her curves, but instead of making her feel overweight and self-conscious, she felt deliciously feminine.

  A noise cut the silence, it was low and deep. Unrecognizable above the surf and wind, and the noises made by the other tourists milling about.

  But none of it mattered to her. There was only Marcus and the way he was looking at her. His eyes grew impossibly dark and she arched her back unconsciously.

  Enjoying the way his eyes widened, following the movement. For the first time, Leya felt powerful in her womanhood. She swore she heard that sound again. Wait, it was emanating from him. Was he growling?

  His face grew hard and angry as he looked past her, and she turned her head to see what interrupted what had truly the been the most erotic few minutes of her life thus far.

  Marcus was staring down a man, older and obviously married with his wife and kids in tow. Leya could have just died! The man stopped dead in his tracks and was staring at her with his mouth hanging open.

  Well, he was until his wife bopped him on the head and yelled at him to get moving. Leya laughed out loud. Marcus was acting jealous of her!

  “Do you like it? I bought it yesterday,” she said to distract him from the poor family man.

  “What, baby?” Ooh, she liked it when he called her that.

  “My suit. Do you like it?” She turned around in a circle in front of him and almost giggled when he took her hand and gently pulled her down next to him.

  “Darlin’, you look as sweet as a jar of honey and just as good to eat,” his tone teased, but his eyes were full of promises. More promises.

  He dropped a hard kiss on her lips and pressed a cup of coffee in her hand. Her tongue darted out and caught his flavor and she moaned. He tasted so good.

  “Thanks,” she smiled.

  “Uh. You like sweet rolls? These are a specialty!”

  “Oh yes, I told you, I love Bear Claw Bakery! It’s my favorite!”

  “Really? You weren’t putting me on?” he asked with his head cocked to the side. He was adorable like that. Kind of like a puppy.

  “No, I swear, I get my coffee there every day back in the city.”

  “Well, I am glad to hear it.”

  “Why?” She asked taking a nibble of the sticky sweet roll. The sun was causing the honey to run. Leya smiled and licked a drizzle from her skin.

  “Cause its mine,” he said as he ate one roll in two huge bites.

  “Whoa! And I thought I liked these! But what do you mean? Like, do you own a branch or something?”

  “No, not a branch. We own the entire corporation. Bear Claw Bakery is strictly a family operated business. In fact, I came here to see how the new store was doing.”

  “You mean you own Bear Claw Bakery? The whole thing?”

  She stood up and knocked over the table holding their food. OMG. I am completely mortified.

  “Leya? You okay?”

  “Sorry. Excuse me,” she hurried away, forgetting her cover-up in her haste.

  She ignored his calls as a staff member hurried over to clear away the mess. You idiot! You propositioned not only a ridiculously good-looking guy, but a freaking mogul as well!

  The sound of footsteps behind her made her move faster between the towels and lounge chairs. But it didn’t matter, she was no match for his long strides. A hand on her elbow slowed her down and she squeezed her eyes tight.

  “Leya! What’s going on? Why are you so upset?”

  She was huffing and puffing like she ran a marathon, and his chest barely heaved with the effort it took him to chase her down. He’s a freaking millionaire!

  “Look, I had no idea who you were last night, and I hope you don’t think I did that on purpose? That I, you know, somehow knew who you were and let you order all that expensive food and wine and well, that I came on to you because of who you are-”

  “Leya, of course I know that! You are the least mercenary person I know. Besides, I asked you to dinner first. But when all is said and done, I hope you did say yes because of me. God knows I want you for you.”


  “No buts, don’t walk away from me over this, please,” he looked at her in earnest, his fingers holding her in place as if he was afraid, she’d slip away.

  “Marcus, this is crazy. I’m not in your class-”

  “Stop that! This is the twenty-first century. This thing between you and me is about us alone. Let’s see where it goes, okay?”

  “Okay. I’m sorry I panicked, I just didn’t want you to think I manipulated you-”

  “As if you’d do such a thing,” his voice sounded husky, and she detected just a hint of vulnerability.

  “Come on. Let’s finish breakfast?”

  “Alright, Marcus,” she could swear he looked relieved.

  Silly, but then he tensed once again when she added, “I just don’t like lies. I want to make sure there’s no misunderstanding between us. I mean even if this is just a vacation romance, I want it to be honest, alright?”

  “Anything you say,” he murmured, his fingers caressing as they danced along her arm and she almost missed the glint of possessiveness in his eyes before he replaced it with a charming smile, “Let’s eat then swim.”

  After they ate, having ordered more rolls and coffee from the hotel staff, they ran towards the surf and played like children in the cool, clear water.

  Marcus was full of energy. He swam like he was born to it. Splashing and showing off around her. Leya gasped when he lifted her up out of the water and tossed her in the air only to catch her in his big, strong arms.

  He never seemed to tire. What’s more, he never paid any attention to anyone else. He only had eyes for her.

  She was completely dazzled by his attention. He teased and joked with her, softly coaxing the real Leya out from hiding. It had been so long since she just let go. But she could finally be herself, with him.

  They lounged on a double raft in the mild waves. Him sprawled on his back and her lying on her side just looking at him.

  He glistened like a bronzed god in the surf. All golden and muscular with dark hair that was starting to get gold highlights in the tropical sun. Beautiful, if a man could be that.

  She exhaled and bit her lip, wishing for more than his gentlemanly handling of her. The idea of pressing herself against his hard, wet body in the skimpy suit she wore made her pulse race.

  Not that she would do that with all those people around. The reason for his restraint possibly? She could only hope so. Hours later, they dragged the raft back to the sand and let the waves tickle their toes as they built a rather sad looking sand castle with their hands.

  “It’s too top heavy,” she said as he piled on the sand.

  “Well, maybe, but I kind of like that,” he looked at her with narrowed eyes, and she swatted him when she realized what he was talking about.

  “You have a dirty mind, sir!”

  “Only when it comes to you, sweet Leya,” he said with a growl and captured her lips with his.

  “Finally,” she whispered into his mouth and kissed his salty lips. The soft whisper of hi
s tongue against the seam of her lips had her sighing his name, giving him an opening.

  It was a sweet and sensuous caress, arousing as hell, even though only their mouths touched. He sucked on her top lip and nibbled the lower one with his teeth.

  Marcus’ long tongue expertly stroked her mouth as he thrust inside. She sighed deeper, falling more and more under his spell with every slow slide between her lips. She needed more.

  She reached for him just as a wave came and crashed over them both. Saltwater and sand filled her mouth, and she sputtered laughing at the entire incident. Marcus pulled her up to stand, but it was too late, they were both a mess.

  “Come on let’s rinse this off,” he laughed and swept her up in his arms. He dove under the next wave holding onto her with a gentle, reassuring strength.

  Leya sucked in air as he came up with her still cradled against his chest as if she were something precious. He brushed a strand of hair back from her cheek. The water was cool and refreshing, but Leya felt as if she were standing on hot coals.

  “Hey,” he said looking at her through his dark, wet lashes.

  His eyes were dark and velvety, almost liquid as he watched her mouth. The sun beat down on them from up high, but Leya hardly noticed. The air seemed to sizzle, alit with a magical electricity only for them.

  Oh no, she gasped, and eyes widened. His hands tightened on her. No. NO. NO!

  How could I fall in love with him already? But she had. She knew it in the answering rumble of his chest. He kissed her mouth softly then carried her to their cabana.

  He walked looking at her, oblivious to the stares of the few people scattered on the sand. They all seemed to melt away, blending into the background with the music and the wind.

  The whole world just faded away. All she saw was Marcus. Oh, so tempting, Marcus. She itched to touch him. She ran her hand along his square jaw and reached back to tangle in his wet hair, then she pulled him closer.

  He tugged the curtain closed and laid her down on the lounge chair.

  “Kiss me, Marcus,” she said against his mouth and lost herself to the feel of being in his arms and diving into his kiss headfirst.


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