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Daughter of the Alien Warrior

Page 4

by Honey Phillips

  “I’m afraid it is a requirement. Your planet is not yet ready for the knowledge of more advanced civilizations.”

  She glared at him. “If you were truly an advanced civilization, you wouldn’t let people be kidnapped and sold into slavery.”

  “I understand your point, but all civilizations have those who break the law. We still cannot permit our existence to be discovered. Besides, would anyone on your planet believe you if you tried to tell them what happened?”

  “Probably not. But in my case, it doesn’t matter. I’m not returning.”

  He frowned at her, his ear flicking forward, and she tried not to flinch at the intimidating display. “What do you mean not returning? You belong on your planet.”

  “No, I don’t. My daughter is out here somewhere and I’m going to find her.”

  “Your daughter?”

  It was hard to tell through the fur, but he looked shocked.

  “Kwaret didn’t tell you? My daughter was taken a year ago by another Vedeckian ship.”

  He shook his head. “No, I haven’t spoken with him yet. He is still locked up with the other Vedeckians.”

  “You locked him up? Isn’t he the one who led you here? You need to let him go right now,” she demanded.

  “Don’t worry. We will. But it was necessary to maintain the illusion that he is simply another crew member so that he can continue his work.”

  “Continue? You mean you think they’ll try again?”

  “We hope not. But the ship that seized you was on its second visit.”

  For the first time, she wondered how many others had been kidnapped along with her daughter. She thought she remembered a rumor about another woman and child going missing, but she had been too consumed by her own search to pay much attention.

  “You said ‘second’ visit. Who was taken the first time? It wasn’t just my daughter, was it?”

  The captain sighed, and his ears drooped.

  “No, I’m afraid not. We know a female and her son were taken by this ship. We are going through the records now to find out if there were others. We do know that another ship we intercepted last year had two unaccompanied infants on board.”

  “You found two babies last year?” Her heart started to pound. “Did you return them to Earth?”

  “Who would we have returned them to? The records were not sufficiently detailed for us to be able to track down the location and we cannot appear on your world.”

  “So you might have my daughter?”

  Excitement coursed through her veins.

  “It is possible, but I make no guarantees. Remember that the two were found on another ship.”

  Unable to remain seated, she started pacing the room. “I want to see them. Where are they?”

  “On a planet called Trevelor.” The captain clicked his claws thoughtfully on his desk. “Once we return the other females to Earth, we could take you there—if you do not wish to remain on Earth.”

  “Of course I don’t want to stay on Earth without my daughter. How long will the trip take?”

  “Approximately three of your weeks, perhaps four.”

  She stared at him in dismay. Another month? When she was so close after such a long time?

  “Is there another alternative? Can I hire a ship—”

  She stopped abruptly as she realized she had nothing with which to make purchases. All of her wealth was back on Earth and did nothing for her now. The only thing she had of value was the slim gold Rolex around her wrist, and she doubted that aliens would be impressed by the Earth brand. Still, perhaps it would be worth something. She also had the jade ring her grandmother gave her on her twenty-first birthday. Although she hated to part with it, material goods mattered little in comparison to her daughter.

  “That may not be necessary,” the captain said slowly. “Kwaret also communicated with the Cire settlement on Trevelor. I believe they are sending someone to take you there.”

  “I don’t understand. If that’s true, why did you say you would return me to Earth?”

  “It was a test,” he said. “To see which you valued more: your child or your planet.”

  “You mean I have to choose? If I go after my daughter, does that mean I can never return to Earth?”

  “That is the official position of the Patrol. Contact is always risky and must be limited.”

  Jade stared at him. Of course she would not return home without her daughter, but once she found her, what would become of them? She thought about the grandmother for whom her daughter was named. The original Hana had come to the United States on her own, unable to speak a word of English. She had turned a small mending operation into an international clothing business by the time she retired in her 80s. If her grandmother could do it, so could she.

  “Then I’ll stay.”

  “You have no kin?”

  Why did she feel the sudden urge to cry? Her parents died in a car crash when she was in her teens, but she had never been close to them, spending most of her time with her grandmother instead. She had loved her sobo fiercely, but she had died the year before her daughter was born. All of the people she had thought were friends had drifted away over the past year, unable to deal with her sorrow—or her relentless search for her daughter.

  “No.” She shook her head. “No one is going to miss me.”

  Except perhaps the stockholders. She suspected that her Board of Directors would run the business into the ground within a few years, but that no longer mattered. Hana was all that mattered.

  “Very well.” Captain Armad nodded. “I will inform you once the emissary arrives. In the meantime, do you wish to rejoin your companions?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Ashley and Naomi were in the medical bay surrounded by more of the big green aliens who she learned were a race called the Cire. They treated all of the women with the utmost respect and were fascinated and awed by the babies. Jade let one of the deferential males bandage her wounds, shaking his head the entire time, and accepted a medical gown to cover up her torn clothing.

  Then she settled in to wait, hoping desperately that she was close to finding her daughter at last.

  Chapter Five

  By the time Inzen arrived at Driguera, his nerves were completely frayed. He had spent the trip missing Lily with every breath he took and alternating between fear and anger that this unknown human female might prove to be her biological mother.

  She can’t be much of a mother, he tried to tell himself. After all, she had not even been with her daughter when she disappeared. But no matter how hard he tried to convince himself, he knew there were all too many reasons why they might have been separated.

  As soon as he touched down, he headed for the Defiance. This had been his ship once, and he had enjoyed his years serving under Hrebec, but he was too anxious to feel any nostalgia as he entered the ship.

  “Chief Engineer Inzen.” A young Cire crewman greeted him with a formal salute. “I am Ensign Zastav.”

  “It is simply Inzen now. Where are the—” He stopped himself from demanding to be escorted to the human females. There was protocol to be observed. “Where is your captain?”

  “He is waiting for you outside the medical bay.”

  “Medical bay?” He turned immediately and strode in that direction, the young male hurrying to catch up with him.

  “Is there something wrong?” he demanded. “Have the human females been injured? Or the infants?”

  “No, sir. Well, not most of them.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “One of the females has some injuries. It seems she chose to fight the Vedeckians.”

  The young male sounded both shocked and approving. Cire females did not fight, but their society valued courage. Inzen grinned fiercely, impressed despite himself.

  “Good. A mother should always protect her child.”

  “But this is the one without a child,” Zastav said breathlessly.

  Inzen almost stumbled. His tail fli
cked to one side, balancing him, as he resumed his swift pace. Was this fierce female Lily’s mother?

  “And should not a female protect herself as well?” he asked.

  “But that is why Granthar made us warriors—to protect our females.”

  “It does not appear that these females had any warriors to protect them,” he said dryly.

  “I would protect them. To my death.”

  Inzen had no doubt that the boy’s words were genuine and he nodded his approval. “Then you are a worthy male.”

  Up ahead, he saw Captain Armad waiting for them. A large, furry male, he was an Afbera rather than a Cire warrior, but he had proven to be an honorable and reliable captain.

  “Thank you for coming, Chief Engineer Inzen. Kwaret informed us that he sent a message to Captain Hrebec.” He lowered his voice. “You understand that the female may be the parent of one of the infants rescued last year?”

  “I understand,” he said grimly.

  “We had intended to return all of them to their planet after wiping their memories, but she is insisting that she wishes to remain to look for her daughter.”

  “I am here to take her to Trevelor. To see if perhaps…” The words caught in his throat.

  Captain Armad looked relieved. “I think that is the best solution. We have been ordered to return the other females as quickly as possible. Do you wish to meet her now?”


  “I suppose I must.”

  The captain slid aside the panel to the medical bay. Three human females were spread throughout the room. A tall one with red hair leaned against the front wall, talking to an obviously enamored Cire warrior, his tail constantly flicking in her direction. A small blonde one was seated on one of the tables sobbing, while two more males hovered over her. She had an infant cradled in her arms.

  The third female was against the back wall, eyeing everyone suspiciously. She too was small, and holding an infant in her arms, but her hair was as dark and shiny as the wing of a kurosun. She looked up when he entered, and their eyes met across the room. He almost swayed at the impact. Her eyes were of the palest green, like the most secret parts of a female’s body. His cock, which had barely bothered to stir in many years, suddenly stiffened.

  What the hell was wrong with him? Why was he reacting to a human female, let alone one who would be returning to her planet in the very near future?

  He forced his attention away from her and turned to the red-haired human. He could find no resemblance to his sweet daughter in this female, and the fear that had been haunting him since he began this journey loosened its grip.

  “Captain Armad. Is this the emissary you promised me?” The pleasant, low-pitched voice interrupted his thoughts and he did not need to turn around to know that the dark-haired woman had approached. A hint of sweet, spicy fragrance reached his scent receptacles and his cock stiffened even further.

  “And why is his tail touching me?”

  He turned and found his tail had wrapped itself around the female’s wrist. She looked surprised rather than angry as he hastily pulled it away, tilting her head to study him. Fuck. This was not the time to be distracted by a female, no matter how tempting. He forced himself to give a formal bow.

  “I am Inzen Var’Narian.”

  “I’m Jade Arlington. Are you going to help me search for my daughter?”

  His heart beat rapidly, and he couldn’t tell if it was from relief or trepidation. She was the female? He looked closer and realized that she was dressed in a medical gown that swamped her small figure. A bandage disappeared under one sleeve, and he remembered the ensign’s words. Someone had harmed this delicate female? His tail lashed angrily and he saw her eyes follow the movement.

  “Is that not your child?” he asked, looking at the infant she carried.

  “Justin? No, he belongs to Naomi.” Her odd little mouth twisted in an endearing gesture. “I’m just holding him while she works her wiles on the crew.”


  “You know, flirts?”

  He recognized the term from something Cassie had said, and he frowned.

  “Cire warriors do not understand this flirting. They think she is looking for a mate.”

  Her brows drew together. “She already has one of those. Naomi,” she called to the other female. “He thinks you’re looking for a husband.”

  “Who says I’m not?” the female said.

  “I think Stefan might object.”

  “But he isn’t here, is he?”

  Inzen drew in a shocked breath, but Naomi patted the warrior’s tail and then came to join them. Behind her back, he could see the hopeless longing in the face of the young warrior. All of the systems that comprised the Confederated Planets had suffered from the plague known as the Red Death, but the Cire had suffered most of all. Their entire female population had died—or so they thought. But even with the discovery of a few isolated survivors, the prospect of a mate and children was out of reach for most Cire warriors. It was cruel for this female to toy with him.

  “You should not have done that,” he said sternly.

  “Jeez, relax. I was only playing with him.”

  “I don’t think he understands that, Naomi.” Jade was also looking at the young male, her eyes sympathetic.

  While he appreciated her concern, he did not like her looking at another male. He shifted his position so that he was between the two of them.

  “You will come with me now,” he ordered.

  “Excuse me? I thought we weren’t on a slave ship anymore.”

  He closed his eyes. Fuck, he was handling this badly.

  “I apologize if I seemed peremptory. I understood that you wished to accompany me.”

  “You have news of my daughter?” she asked eagerly.

  “Perhaps,” he said evasively, unwilling to commit. “We know that the Vedeckians made previous trips to your planet. We rescued one of those ships, and the females and infants we freed currently reside on the planet Trevelor.”

  An adorable scowl twisted her small features. “Why didn’t you return them to Earth where they belonged?”

  “None of the females chose to return.”

  Naomi’s eyes widened. “You mean we don’t have to go back?”

  “Naomi, you can’t want to stay here!” Jade exclaimed, and his heart sank.

  If she did prove to be Lily’s mother, she would also want to return. She would want to take his daughter away from him. He scanned her features, looking for a resemblance, but the astonishing variety of human features was still a mystery to him. Her hair was much darker than Lily’s. Lily also didn’t possess those stunning green eyes—his daughter’s eyes were a soft brown.

  As he studied Jade’s face, he found himself admiring her delicate little features—so different from his own and yet so attractive. Her eyebrows were smooth arches above those amazing eyes, her funny little nose not as prominent as the other human females, and her mouth… He could easily envision tasting those full pink lips the way Hrebec tasted Abby’s.

  “Your tail is back,” she said dryly, and he snatched it away from her wrist.

  “I apologize.”

  “It’s all right.” She gave it a casual pat and his knees almost buckled. “I’m just still adjusting to all of this.”

  “Do you wish to remain on the ship with your companions?” he asked, unsure of which answer he wanted most.

  She looked around the room, then shook her head, straightening her small shoulders.

  “No. If there’s any chance that one of those children is my Hana, then I want to go with you.”

  Equal portions of exhilaration and fear filled him, but he managed to keep his face and voice composed as he extended a hand to her.

  “Then let us leave.”

  Chapter Six

  Jade stared up at the big Cire warrior offering her his hand. She had been standing in the medical bay, cradling Naomi’s son and observing the other women, when he appeared. Surprisingly, neither
of them seemed in a hurry to return to Earth. Ashley bloomed under the obvious interest of the Cire warriors, fluttering helpless eyelashes at them. Naomi’s flirting was a lot less subtle. Jade tried her best to wait patiently but her nerves were beginning to fray by the time the door opened and a strange Cire appeared.

  He looked around the room before their eyes met, but as soon as they did, she felt an odd little shock travel down her spine. Is this the emissary? She frowned as he turned back to Naomi, annoyed that he had dismissed her so quickly. Determined to get an answer, she went to join him.

  When his tail curled around her wrist, she felt the same shock, like a jolt of recognition, but that was impossible. And then he turned to face her, big black eyes focusing on her face. Like the other Cires, he had a flat nose and a thin, almost lipless mouth, but the ridges running back over his skull were more pronounced, along with the small nubs that patterned his deep green skin. Even in a room full of big warriors, he stood out. But it was more than the impressive muscles revealed by his tight-fitting tunic. He had an air of authority that dominated the small room, and she suspected that he was older than the young males that made up the rest of the crew.

  She drew in a quick breath and his spicy scent washed over her, comforting and exciting at the same time. When he confirmed that he was the one sent to accompany her to Trevelor, an unexpected sense of relief swept over her. To her own astonishment, she took his hand.

  Jade followed the big Cire warrior through several corridors to the landing ramp, nerves tying her stomach in knots. Leaving Ashley and Naomi had been harder than she expected. Ashley cried when she left, and even Naomi cracked enough to give her a quick hug and wish her well. Now she was completely on her own in this strange new world. So far, the Cire had treated her with nothing but courtesy, but she didn’t easily place her trust in the unknown. Yet something about this particular male made her feel oddly safe.

  She rejected the notion as soon as it surfaced—the only person she could rely on was herself.

  He paused at the top of the landing ramp, and she took the opportunity to look around. The sight that met her eyes was both like and unlike every science fiction movie she had ever seen. An astonishing array of spaceships met her eyes in a multitude of shapes and colors, but no movie could have captured the other aspects—the hum of machinery, the clanking and swearing from workers loading odd-looking cargo, and once again the astonishing variety of smells that wafted past her nose. She took a deep breath and realized that the predominant scent was that of the male next to her, a warm, spicy scent that made her want to rub her face against him. The thought made her nipples tighten and a pleasant ache start low in her belly.


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