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All Tangled Up

Page 8

by Caitlin Ricci

  I smiled as I thought of all the people who I’d met tonight. I liked them. As an only child, I’d never known what that kind of a family, that kind of love, could be like. I could see how wonderful it could be. And how pissed they’d all be if I ever did end up hurting Gavin.

  When the sheep were inside the small pasture, which still seemed huge to me since it was bigger than any backyard I’d ever been in, which was the only thing I had to compare this to, he closed the fence and we spent a few moments leaning against it and looking out at those fluffy blobs going about their business.

  “Thanks for giving me another chance.” I was sure that I’d said it a lot already, but I wanted him to know just how much I appreciated it. I’d made a huge mistake, and I knew better than to let a second chance like this pass me by.

  Gavin took my hand. “Just talk to me. That’s all I need. I know trust will take time, but just ask.”

  I nodded. I could do that. I would do better with him than I had with Cal. I kissed him and leaned in close to him. We were alone. The others were back at the house, and I was glad to have the time alone with him. It didn’t take long for our kisses to become hotter and more frantic. He reached under my shirt and I moaned softly against his lips. We needed this. But I didn’t want to wait for everyone to leave before I could be alone with him again.

  His pants were easy to open, and he thrust against my palm as I ran it over his thick head. I didn’t speak as I stroked him, and he didn’t either. He rested against the wooden fence post behind himself and we kissed until my lips were swollen and sore.

  Then I dropped down onto my knees in front of him. He hissed and put his head back as I took him into my mouth. I looked up at him, watching him, loving every second of this moment between us. He put one of his hands on my head, then seemed to think better about it because he quickly pulled back again. But I moved his hand to my hair again. I wanted him to touch me. If he wanted to push me down, he could. If he wanted me to take him deep, I’d do that too. He said he fell hard and quickly, and I did too.

  He shook and nearly lost his balance as he came with little more warning than a garbled cry. I didn’t mind at all. I licked him clean, then I sat back on my heels. I hadn’t touched myself at all. I was needy, desperate, and barely beyond whimpering as he knelt beside me in the grass.

  Gavin kissed me quickly, then my neck. He pushed me down and he got me free and then I was deep within the heat of his mouth and squirming under his hands as he tried to hold me still. I wasn’t as quiet as he’d been. I couldn’t be that quiet. I moaned each time he took me deep and cried out as he tightened his lips around me.

  I couldn’t last as long as he had, probably because I’d been close to getting off when I’d been sucking him. I was barely able to clamp a hand over my own mouth before I lifted off the grass and came.

  He didn’t pull back, either, and once I finished he lay beside me in the grass and we smiled at each other. Then we laughed.

  “I haven’t been that turned on from just kissing in a long time,” he said once he’d calmed down a little.

  “Me neither.” The need to have him had been intense. I sighed and stretched my arms up. My pants were wrinkled and his face was flushed. We needed to wait a while before we went back in, or else they’d probably all be able to guess what we’d been up to tonight.

  “Do you want to stay the night? I could take you back in the morning,” Gavin offered.

  “Is your kid going to be here with us?” I was absolutely interested in staying over, but I wanted to know that first before I filled my head with ideas of having sex with him from now until we both passed out sometime tomorrow morning.

  Gavin smirked, then took out his phone. “I’ll text Cindy and ask her to take Kyle for the night. Unless she’s having her girlfriend over, it won’t be a problem.” His phone beeped almost immediately after sending the text. “She says sure. Also says for us to have fun. With a winky face.”

  I laughed. I liked their relationship. I wanted Cal and I to be that way someday, but we were at a good place to start and that was the important thing. “Do we need to go back in?”

  “Not yet. They may think that we’re out here doing exactly what we just did, but they won’t be worried about us to the point of sending out a search party yet or anything. That’ll come much later.”

  Grinning, I rolled over on top of him and kissed him. “Good.” Maybe tomorrow we’d do something with the others. Maybe I’d even be up for a double date with Cal and Dillon someday soon. But right now, I just wanted to be with Gavin.

  The End

  You may also enjoy the following from eXtasy Books Inc:

  The Werewolf’s Valentine

  Caitlin Ricci


  Delano knew Valentine’s Day was coming. Everyone in Puck’s pack did. It was unavoidable. The children had cut little heart shapes out of paper and taped them to every surface possible. After a warm winter, there were flowers coming up prematurely, and everywhere he looked people were in love. He wished them well, but he wasn’t going to be one of them. Falling in love on Valentine’s Day was overrated. As for those people not looking for love but just for someone to pass the night with, he was happy to be free of them, too.

  He stopped by Puck’s house to visit the pack library, the largest one in the pack and the main gathering place for the werewolves when it was too cold out for them all to simply sit out on the grass with blankets. Delano was finished with his last book and ready to start another. He had plenty of ebooks, but big reference books, those ones that no one ever read, those were the ones he got from the house.

  Children were baking cookies in the kitchen as he looked through the disorganized shelves. Someone had messed up his system. He huffed and tried his best to ignore the chaos of a cookbook being next to one on Buddhism simply because the authors’ names were in alphabetical order. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for, but he was sure that something would catch his eye. The pack was constantly getting new books. They were big fans of the end-of-year sales that libraries had, and Delano was always in line to be one of those people with bags full of books on the last day. On those days he grabbed everything from early reader books to obscure horror novels. The pack was growing a little more each year, it seemed, and there would always be someone interested in reading something new.

  Delano found a book on World War II that he hadn’t seen before and pulled it down. After a few pages he looked up, realizing that he was no longer alone in the library. As a werewolf, he should have been more aware, but within the pack he felt safe. It was Armand who had joined him, and Delano gave his alpha’s mate a nod. Armand was a vampire, one of the few in the pack, and Delano was comfortable with him and the others like him being there. They didn’t bother him or the children, and they certainly hadn’t been the ones to mess up his book system.

  “I’m sorry, I’m terrible with names and I don’t see you all that often,” Armand said as he picked out a book to read as well.

  Delano didn’t mind. He liked being low on the pack totem pole. He didn’t want to be noticed or remembered. Where he had come from, those kinds of things could get a wolf into trouble. “Delano,” he quietly reminded him. He knew Armand only as Puck’s mate. He’d never spoken to him before and had only seen him a few times.

  “Did you get a cookie already? The children promise that they’re delicious. You might actually be able to taste the cookie, too, if you scrape off the inch-thick layer of icing.”

  Delano smiled and shook his head. “I haven’t been in there yet. I’ll get dinner in a bit, when they’re done and I don’t have to sidestep children while trying to make a sandwich.’s all a lot of celebration I’m not really into.”

  Armand’s expression softened. “That’s all right. There’s a singles thing happening by the fire tomorrow, if you’re interested. It’s on the pack calendar.”

  Delano knew all about it, and he’d be staying home
that night. “I went last year. It’s just an excuse to hook up.”

  Armand chuckled, probably because he knew that as well.

  “It’s just...I’m not really into Valentine’s Day. I think it’s dumb. All the sweets, and the trying to fall in love, and the buying stuff just because you’re supposed to and the other person or people expect it out of you. Maybe if I was a teenager I’d care about it, but I’m not. I’m thirty-five, and yes, I’m single, but I’m not desperate enough to go hook up on Valentine’s Day.”

  Armand opened his book. “Make sure you grab a cookie on your way home tonight anyway.”

  About the Author

  Caitlin Ricci has been writing professionally since 2012 and since then has released over a hundred stories including some award winners. Though she writes in many genres, all of her stories are about finding love and happily ever after. She lives on a small farm in Missouri with her dogs, goats, and husband.




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