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Page 10

by Vella Day

  Mate, mate, his bear cheered.

  How could he have questioned that the two of them belonged with one another? So what if she had a few more talents than most? Acacia Faiten was all woman, and he needed her like he’d never needed anyone before. Even though they’d just met, he felt as if he’d known her his whole life.

  As Will continued to touch and taste her, he moved them backward until the backs of her legs hit the bed, causing her to sit down. Much to his dismay, he had to break the kiss.

  “I need to move this,” he said nodding to her suitcase. He carefully placed it on the floor and then returned his attention to his one and only. “Now, where were we?”

  “I’m not sure. What I do know is that I’m practically naked, and you’re really far behind.”

  He loved her brazen nature. “Can you use magic to take off my clothes? After all, I am your mate.”

  She laughed. “I normally wouldn’t, but I’ll make an exception this time. Not every goddess has this talent, but I do.” She waved her hand, and a second later, he was naked too.

  Will tried not to show his surprise. He had been kidding about her using her magic. “I didn’t feel anything.”

  “That’s a good thing, right?”

  Acacia reached up, grabbed his neck, and tugged him close before he could answer. Will crawled onto the bed, and then dragged her to the middle. Had he known Acacia would be here right now, he wouldn’t have left it a mess.

  Yes, you would have, his bear chimed in. Who cares anyway? Kiss her, you oaf.

  For once, he and his animal agreed.

  Doing what he’d been wanting to for a while, he devoured her lips, inhaling her spicy, lemony scent. His cock throbbed, ready to take her. When Acacia reached between them and ran a nail down the side of his dick, he had to break the kiss in order to breathe.

  “Roll over,” she commanded.

  He wondered if she could say a spell or wave a hand to flip him. Not wanting to believe he had no control, he did as she asked. Acacia smiled and heat seared his insides.

  She rose onto her knees, leaned over, and lifted up his cock. He stiffened in anticipation of having her mouth on him. Acacia did not disappoint. She scraped her teeth up his full length, igniting him from within. Needing some tactical stimulation, he clutched her hair and tugged. The feral animal within wanted a release, but he was determined to work hard to keep his control.

  With one hand she clutched his cock, and with the other, she dragged her nails down his chest, leaving a trail of excitement and hope. All the while, her mouth never stopped licking, sucking, or just plain driving him wild.

  Using his free hand, Will reached out and squeezed her nice, round ass—and what a fine ass it was. Could he get any luckier? Never. He then stroked her back, and her body glowed white. While he’d heard white lighters often lit up or gave off sparks—he couldn’t remember which—apparently a goddess glowed. It was truly a beautiful sight. The more he rubbed, the brighter she turned.

  Acacia sucked really hard, and he nearly rose off the bed. “Enough.”

  She stopped abruptly and then swiped some cum off the tip of his dick. “You liked it.”

  “I more than liked it. Now it’s your turn.”

  “I can’t wait.” She straddled him, edging close enough so that her pussy was poised over his mouth.

  Will wasn’t one to believe in the hereafter, but if this was what some called Heaven, he might sign up. Grabbing hold of both of her hips, he lifted up, and when he licked her, she closed her eyes and groaned. Both hands were fisted as if she too were fighting for control.

  When he flicked her tiny nub back and forth, the light coming from her extended outward, and he’d never seen anything like it before. As much as he wanted to learn more about this phenomenon, he was in no mood to talk. Her sweetness took away all thought, except for knowing he needed more. Much more.

  Will slid his hands up her hips and then captured her tiny waist. Acacia was delicate yet strong at the same time. Needing to touch her more intimately, he slid one hand from her waist to between her thighs. The moment he dipped two fingers into her opening, she grabbed his head and squeezed. A few wiggles later, she screamed as her walls tightened around his fingers. Her climax descended, and her glow increased.

  Happy that she’d been satisfied at least once, he rolled her over and climbed on top. “I can’t get enough of you,” Will said a second before he kissed her again.

  Acacia wrapped her arms around his neck while she planted her feet on the mattress. When she lifted her hips, his resolve weakened. Will was the one to cut short the kiss, but this time it was to suck on those delicious tits.

  He slid down between her legs and licked one pert nipple while he grabbed hold of the other. Acacia arched her back in response, causing his dick to twitch. He would have impaled her right then and there, but he wanted to hold off a little longer.

  He pinched one nipple and was thrilled when she groaned and then huffed. A second later, her legs were around his waist, pulling him closer. “If you want me to stay around, you better give me that cock right now.”

  An or else what response flew to the tip of his tongue, but knowing what Acacia was capable of, he decided to give her what they both wanted. With one quick hip movement, Will slid into her slick channel.

  Mate with her, his bear demanded.

  Will wanted to so badly, but was she ready? If she was connected directly with Fate, she had to know what was coming. Damn. They should have discussed this first, but the moment he laid eyes on her nearly naked body, all coherent thoughts flew out of his head.

  Will had no time to think about asking her now because Acacia tilted her hips, helping to drive his cock deep into her. When it hit the end, his lust went out of control. Someone must have put blinders on him because he could see nothing but Acacia, hear nothing over her rapid breaths, or smell anything other than her sensual scent.

  Will edged out and then hammered right back in where he belonged. With his teeth almost too sharp to kiss her, he dragged his lips down her neck to that sweet spot where her neck met her collarbone.

  She dug her nails into his back and then dragged them downward to his butt. Her glow grew and grew until he swore he was inside some kind of white halo.

  “Bite me,” she begged. “Mate with me.”

  When Acacia lifted her head to his neck, he connected with her on an atomic level, almost as if they were one. Will hadn’t planned to sink his teeth into her neck today, but she had asked, so he did. His whole body transformed. Heat and light filled him. Acacia tightened her hold, acting as if she would never let go.

  Together, they released and captured each other time and time again until he came so hard, he almost couldn’t see. From the sound of her near scream, Acacia had climaxed again too.

  Will smiled. He was deep inside her, right where he belonged, and her warm glow made him happier than he had ever been. Acacia stroked his back, and then mumbled something he didn’t understand, before she went limp.

  Not wanting to leave her, he licked her neck where he’d sunk his teeth, gathered her in his arms, and held her tight.

  Only when she jerked did he realize they’d fallen asleep. This time, Will withdrew, rushed into the bathroom, and returned with a wet washcloth. Acacia was spread out on the bed, her brown hair draped across the sheets, looking deliciously sexy. He cleaned her up without waking her and then took care of himself.

  While they’d have to eat sometime, snuggling was on the menu right now.

  When Acacia opened her eyes, Will had a leg over her thigh and was snoring. Her stomach grumbled, reminding her that their plan to eat had never come to pass. That was okay; they were now mates. She just wished they had discussed what this would mean to his life. Her biggest fear was that he’d be disappointed if she could never shift—at least she didn’t think she’d be able to.

  Will moaned, twitched, and then opened his eyes. “Hi.”

  She chuckled. “Hi, yourself. How do
you feel?”

  “Happier than I ever have in my life.”

  She grinned. “It’s because we are mates in the truest sense.”

  “I know. And you?”

  “I’m fantastic, but I’m just sorry that I never told you what happens next.”

  He stilled. “What does happen?”

  “For starters, like all mates, we can now communicate telepathically.”

  His eyes widened, and his smile came out big. “I can hear your thoughts!”

  “That’s true but only if I send them to you. You will be able to tell if I’m hurt or upset even if I don’t let you know. I too can tell if you are in trouble,” she said out loud.

  Will grabbed her hand. “I’m glad. I don’t want any secrets between us.”

  “I need to tell you one more thing. You are now immortal.”

  “For real?”

  “So I’ve been told. Your aging process will also slow. In fact, I’ve been around for a long, long time.”

  “You look so young.”

  “Thank you.” She chuckled. “Don’t get too excited. Immortality might sound wonderful now, but when Lucas is old, you two might not be climbing mountains together.”

  His cheer disappeared. “Oh.”

  “The folks here are used to that—at least they are with dragon shifters—but your close friends might not understand.”

  “Because I’m a bear shifter—a shifter who ages normally.”

  She nodded. “My sisters and I keep telling people that we inherited good genes. It works for the most part.”

  “If I inherited some of your traits, does that mean you’ll become a bear shifter?”

  “No. If I were human and not a goddess, then yes. I’m really sorry.”

  Will stroked her face. “Don’t be. You’re perfect the way you are.”

  She leaned over and kissed him, and his eyes flashed amber. Acacia might have suggested they go another round had his stomach not grumbled.

  “Sorry. While I’d love to learn more and would thoroughly enjoy holding you all night and cuddling, I did promise you dinner.”

  She liked his practical side. “True, which means we need to get dressed. I was in the process of doing that when I was interrupted.”

  “I remember. It’s something I will never forget.”

  Will grinned, jumped out of bed, and then placed her suitcase next to her. As if his life depended on it, he slipped on his jeans and shirt that were strewn on the floor. She really needed to learn how to undress a man and fold his clothes right afterward.

  Not wanting to hold him up, Acacia changed too. While she could have used an arm sweep to dress, this wasn’t a real emergency. In truth, she wanted to live as normal a life as possible.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “To a new beginning,” Will said as he held up his glass of red wine.

  Acacia tapped her glass. “To a new beginning. Who would have thought less than a week ago that we’d meet in a faraway province—in the woods, no less—and now be mates?”

  Will blew out a breath. “You don’t think it was too fast, do you? I mean you of all people would know.”

  “That’s a tough question.” If they hadn’t mated, she might have said yes—but only because she wasn’t positive he was ready. “We will be fine. In fact, in time, we will be wonderful.”

  “In time?”

  She didn’t like the way his brows furrowed. “You know, we need to figure out a lot, like where we will live and if you will like my sisters?”

  “Why wouldn’t I? If they are anything like you, I’ll fall in love all over again.”

  Her heart swelled with pride. Thank you, Fate! “You are so sweet. To be honest, I’m nervous to bring a mate around. No one ever mentioned we’d be blessed with one. You see, Poppy, Primrose, Magnolia, and I are really tight.” She leaned closer, not wanting anyone at the restaurant to hear. “The thing is, to save someone, the four of us need to be together. I believe I was able to move that tree only because you were my mate.”

  “Are you saying if some other mate was trapped, and you’d been by yourself, you might not have been able to lift it?”

  “I think so. I’m sure you’ve read how mothers are able to move really heavy objects to save their children.”


  “We each have our own special powers, often the person in need requires us to pool our resources, so to speak.”

  “That almost makes it sound as if you are human with supernatural powers that can only be activated under certain circumstances.”

  Will just blew her mind. “That is amazing that you understand. No one has ever stated it in such a way, but yes, it’s kind of like that.”

  He leaned back and smiled. “Cool.”

  If she’d known he’d be so understanding, she might have told him about her powers from the start. Showing him when his life was in danger might not have been the best move, but she’d had little choice.

  “I’ve been thinking,” she said.

  “About what?”

  “I don’t want to go back home until my two weeks are up. Since we are…”

  Will held up a hand. “Stop right there. You will move in with me. Tomorrow, we can pick up your stuff at your friend’s place.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Will polished off his glass of wine. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to even sit across from you at this table and not touch or kiss you?”

  She laughed. “I totally know what you mean. When two people mate, their need for each other grows exponentially. It might take months before we can be near each other and not rip each other’s clothes off.”

  Will’s eyes turned amber, and his cute cheeks sprouted some scruff. “Hopefully years. I need to pay so I can get you back home in my bed.”

  She laughed. “Works for me.”

  This evening had been perfect, but she suspected it was about to get better.

  “Since you have a few days before you can go home, is there anything you’d like to do? Hike around here, maybe? Go fishing? I’m technically free too.”

  Acacia wasn’t one to take much time off. “I think I’ll skip the outdoor activities for a while. Last year, I actually took the portal to Earth where I enjoyed going to several craft fairs.” Had she not knocked over a very valuable vase and then had to use her magic to fix it before it was discovered, she might have stayed longer.

  “I’ve never been to Earth.”

  His youthful exuberance excited her. “Really? I’m friends with those who guard the portals. What do you say to a quick trip?”



  “What’s it like? I’ve heard it’s like teleporting,” Will said.

  “It’s practically the same. One minute you’re here, and the next you’re there.”

  He smiled. “I can’t wait. Do you know where we will go?”

  “It’s a vast world. We can pick anywhere. How about we plan it tomorrow?”

  “That sounds fantastic.”

  Their server came by with their check, and as soon as Will paid, they slid out of their booth. When Will threaded an arm through hers, her body glowed. Somehow, she had to figure out a way to tame that damn interior light.

  “Thank you for a wonderful meal,” she said. “And a wonderful mating ceremony.”

  “Just the first of many to come,” Will smiled. “It is something I will never forget.”

  She looked up at him. “I know you made that fabulous fish, but can you cook otherwise, because I kind of suck at it? I mean I can do the basics, but not much more.”

  Will laughed. “Seriously? You can’t wave a hand and produce a gourmet meal?”

  “Don’t I wish, though I suppose if you were starving and about to die, I could whip up something.”

  “Me die? I thought you said I am immortal now?”

  He had been listening. “True.” They arrived back at his store/apartment, and he parked next to Dalia’s car. “I have to get th
is back to my friend tomorrow.”

  “I’ll add that to the list of things to do before we start our weeklong adventure.”

  Acacia was planning on having another adventure in a few minutes. Will led her inside where they took the elevator up one flight. As soon as they entered his apartment, a swell of excitement filled her.

  “I can’t wait any longer,” Will said, as he spun her around and pressed her against the wall.

  Without another word, their lips met, and their fingers went to work undressing each other. It was a maelstrom of urgency. Somehow, they both managed to kick off their shoes without breaking contact. Had Acacia been thinking straight, she might have divested them of their clothes with a wave of a hand since her need to touch him overwhelmed her, but she wanted to be as normal as possible. Never before had this lust, this desire, been so powerful. These few hours since mating with Will had ramped up her need to epic proportions.

  To her delight, they managed to remove their clothes while breaking their kiss only a few times.

  “I need you,” Will panted.

  “I need you more.” Though actions would speak louder than words.

  Acacia grabbed his cock and pumped her fist up and down. Maybe in retaliation, he slipped two fingers into her opening and pressed on a spot she never knew existed. It set off a neuro storm of desire. Not only were Will’s eyes flashing amber with streaks of blues and greens, his arms had lit up from inside. Holy hell. They were one in the truest sense.

  When he wiggled his fingers, her pussy ignited, and the climax that came nearly crippled her. As much as Acacia wanted to prolong this lovemaking, she truly believed she’d explode—or maybe implode—without him.

  When Will slipped his hands under her butt and lifted her up, Acacia wrapped her legs around his waist, desperate for his touch. When their tongues engaged in an illicit tango, a feeling of total significance embraced her. She was convinced this was why she was put here on Tarradon—to be fulfilled by Will.

  His cock found her entrance, and all sense of anxiety and fear of any rejection disappeared. It was replaced with hope and bliss that defied description. Every sweep of his tongue, every touch of his fingers, and every stroke of his cock brought her closer and closer to the edge once more.


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