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Bridal Bonds (Warriors of Phaeton Book 2)

Page 7

by Leora Gonzales

  “So this is something you guys have done a lot?” For some reason that knowledge hurt, but she pushed it to the back of her mind. This was not the time to get jealous over their past.

  “Both Rodin and I realized a long time ago that we enjoy sharing a female.” Tamin looked at Rodin and chuckled softly, “It was actually quite by accident.”

  “Could you elaborate please? An accidental threesome doesn’t really make sense to me.” Andi was intrigued as to where this was going and honestly, this was one of the first times she had talked to them about anything personal. She couldn’t help wanting to dig a little.

  Rodin clapped his hand on Tamin’s shoulder and spoke this time. “We were visiting the Pleasure Sector on leave and there was a scheduling error at the brothel. We had not had leave for six months and were told that only one worker was available. The owner explained that she would be willing to service us both during our allotted time if we needed her to do so. Given our options, we decided it was better than waiting for our next scheduled leave cycle.”

  “And that made you decide that sharing would work?” Andi asked incredulously. If a one-time hooker experience was what they were banking on to make this work, then she wasn’t so sure anymore.

  Both men laughed, realizing where her thoughts had gone. “No Andi, we have shared since then. That first experience, years ago, was simply what introduced us to the possibility. After much discussion when Earth women were discovered, we knew that sharing would be ideal for us.” Rodin leaned forward to hold her slightly damp hand.

  “Can you explain it to me?” At the men’s questioning glances, she elaborated, “Why this works for you, I mean.”

  “In case you didn’t realize it, Rodin likes to be in charge,” Tamin said with a smile and eye roll behind his friend’s back.

  “I saw that,” Rodin said almost immediately without turning around.

  “See what I mean?” Tamin teased and then turned serious. “There is no better way to explain than to say we complement each other.”

  “I like to watch, Andi,” Rodin said evenly, staring into her eyes. “I also like to instruct. Tamin likes to follow those instructions, although sometimes he takes his time about it.”

  Tamin chuckled from his seat. “It is called anticipation, Rodin. Anticipation.”

  Now it was Rodin’s turn to roll his eyes at his friend, which caused Andi to giggle.

  “Are you a dom?”

  “I am dominant yes, more dominant than Tamin at times. Do I wish to punish you for sexual pleasure? Not necessarily. Although, I do admit that some spanking will most likely happen considering I cannot seem to stop staring at your ass lately.”

  At the mention of her ass, Andi couldn’t help but clench her cheeks on the seat of her chair. Spanking? Both men at once? Where did she need to sign to make that happen as quickly as possible? Taking a deep breath before she could scream, “take me now!” and toss herself onto the table, Andi tried to think of all the questions she had in her head.

  Gone. Every single question was gone. Damn these men and the pheromones they seemed to be leaking into the air. She was unable to think of anything except feeling Rodin’s big palm against her bare ass.

  “Any other questions about our sharing you?” Tamin asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

  Andi couldn’t help it. She giggled. And giggled. This insane conversation, her emotions going up and down, and then Tamin and his crazy eyebrows, and they just came bubbling out. It was emotion overload that could only escape in uncontrollable giggles. The giggles reminded her of when she’d been a teenager and started laughing during a test, unable to stop herself.

  Rodin leaned back and watched her with an indulgent grin on his face while Tamin joined in with deep chuckles, apparently amused at the spectacle she was making of herself.

  Finally able to calm herself, Andi wiped her eyes. “I think I get it.”

  Both Tamin and Rodin glanced at each other and then back at her.

  “You’re both so different that being together makes it work,” Andi explained. “You know what’s funny?”

  “What?” Tamin asked with a smile.

  “When I first met you, you seemed interchangeable. In fact, when most people refer to you they say ‘the doctors’ like you’re one person, but you’re not. You are completely different.”

  “You are correct,” Rodin replied, standing up and reaching for her hand. “Some of our patients stillcall us the wrong names even when they have seen us numerous times.” Leaning forward to kiss her cheek, he whispered into her ear, “I knew that you could see two different men. It was in your eyes.”

  Aware that she was blushing, Andi reached up and pulled him into a hug. Rodin was so much taller than her it was an interesting reach. It helped when he reached down and grasped the lower curve of her ass to lift her up against his body. “Is this what you were trying to do?” His voice was innocent but the effect was ruined with the sexy grin that took over his lips.

  “Yes,” she whispered before clearing her throat. “Now I know why Wheaton’s wife seems to leap into his arms. She can’t reach him otherwise.”

  Still gripping her ass in his big hands, Rodin turned until her back was presented to Tamin, who snuggled up against it. There was still one question she had not yet voiced. “I did have one more thing to ask.”

  Tamin had moved even closer. If what she thought she felt against her ass was right, then she might need to ask her question quickly.

  “Since we will all be…together, does that mean you are saying you will be wanting to—”

  Tamin did not give her a chance to finish her sentence, pushing his hips into the rounded ass that Rodin was massaging. “Fuck your ass?”

  “Ummm…yeah.” Turning to give him hell for being crude, she was stopped at the heat showing in his eyes. “Yeah, that’s what I meant,” she stuttered, unable to feel anything but amazing heat in her pussy.

  “Have you ever welcomed a man here?” Tamin asked while pushing his rigid cock against the seam of her pants. Trailing one of his hands around her waistband, he waited patiently for her to answer.

  “No, I haven’t. I’ve always been curious, but the guys I dated…well, let’s just say there wasn’t enough trust to get into a situation like that.” Watching Rodin closely, she would have been surprised to hear him rumble deep in his chest if she hadn’t felt it vibrate against her tender parts pressed tight to his belly. Hooking her legs tighter around his hips, she squeezed her thighs. The action caused another rumbling purr to resonate through his torso.

  Feeling a nip at her ear, Andi jumped. She hadn’t forgotten Tamin was behind her, but the nip had been unexpected.

  Tamin moved his hips against her more firmly. “We will make sure that you enjoy it. This I can promise you.”

  Staring into Rodin’s eyes, she saw the truth glaring back at her. Yes, they would make sure she enjoyed herself. The only question would be when it would happen. She knew her mind enough to know that she wanted them both. That same mind, however, was warning to her to proceed with caution.

  “Can we take this slowly? You know, have a couple dates before we move into more…intimate territory?” Andi whispered into the small circle the three of them had created with their bodies.

  Tamin groaned as he moved his hips against her and tightened his fingers on her waist. “It may kill us, but we do not want to rush you.” Tamin’s admission was softened by the teasing tone his voice had taken on. Meanwhile Rodin had still not spoken, simply staring into her eyes.

  After a moment of silence, Rodin gave a soft smile, his lips quirking into a sexy grin of understanding. “We do not wish to overwhelm you. It feels as though we have been waiting forever for this very moment.”

  “Because we have,” Tamin piped up from his place behind her.

  Giving his partner a stern glare before turning his attention to her, Rodin admitted, “It may be hard for us to not touch you though. Will you be comfortable with that during the dates th
at you wish to have?”

  “Touching is fine,” Andi said quickly. “In fact, now that I know what the two of you feel like, it may be harder for me to keep my hands to myself. I just want to make sure that this will work. No signing any paperwork or jumping into bed is allowed just yet. Getting pregnant seems to be in the water around here and I want to be one hundred percent sure before we take that chance.”

  “In the water?” Tamin’s brow furrowed in confusion.

  “It’s a figure of speech.” Andi unhooked her legs and hopped down with the help of Tamin’s hands on her waist guiding her safely to the floor. “I was referring to the fact that there seems to be no problem with the brides getting pregnant. You guys must have been storing up some supersperm, judging by all the positive pregnancy tests.”

  “We do seem to be a virile race, given the opportunity,” Rodin replied as he picked up his tablet to check the rest of the schedule. “We could always request contraception if that is a fear that you have, Andi.”

  “I thought the whole point of the Bridal Pact was to make little warrior babies. Wouldn’t you be breaking the rules?”

  “We have actually talked to the council regarding it recently. For those who are currently pregnant, it seems like a viable option since they may want to wait between pregnancies.” Tamin picked up his tablet as well and started clicking on a screen. He handed it to her and she was able to see he had pulled up a supply list that had different condom options to order.

  “At first the council voted against the use of contraception. However Wheaton spoke in the brides’ favor and pointed out that there could be physical ramifications for those who have multiple pregnancies too quickly. I believe his wife also said she isn’t a ’broodmare here to breed the next generation herself’. Wheaton smartly agreed with her. The couples who are currently pregnant have already decided on how many children they plan to have, so we will need to have it available at some point.”

  Rodin was peering over her shoulder at the list, “You may need to explain some of these options to us though. What does ‘magnum’ and ‘ribbed’ mean?”

  Andi could feel her face heat. Quickly handing the pad to Tamin, she smoothed her once-again damp palms on the front of her pants to dry them off. “It may be a good idea to order some of everything and then let the couples pick and choose.”

  Rodin moved closer to her, almost crowding her with his big body. “You also did not answer my original question.”

  Mouth dry, Andi swallowed hard. “What was the question again?”

  Rodin stepped away slightly, his voice husky. “If getting pregnant weren’t an issue, would you let us take you now?”

  Tamin’s attention was on her the minute Rodin asked the question, forgetting about the list in his hands.

  “Well, here is the thing, guys. I have never just jumped into bed with someone.” Holding up her hands, she explained, “I have had relationships but they have normally run the more traditional route of dating first before naked time happens.”

  The men nodded in unison. “Dating it is then. We will order a large supply of condoms in a variety like you have suggested.”

  “Changing the subject, we have one more appointment for the day.” Tamin pointed to the reminder that popped up onto the screen. “Behyr is coming in today to speak with us regarding the issue he is having with his bride.”

  The men studied the chart and moved to speak in hushed tones.

  “Is there some secret that I can’t know about?” Andi was unsure why they seemed to be hiding the patient file from her.

  Tamin walked to his desk area to print out a form. “Not at all. He has requested that we keep his visit quiet from his bride since it is a delicate situation, but I am sure that you are aware of medical protocol and patient rules, so you can be informed of the reason.”

  Rodin led her to the printouts and started pointing to a row of numbers Andi wasn’t able to figure out. “He is having trouble getting his bride pregnant. She has only been claimed for a short while so we are sure it will just take time, but Behyr is concerned. He wants to be tested to make sure everything is in working order for them to conceive.”

  “Fertility testing? I assumed that the warriors that signed up for the Bridal Pact had already been screened just like the woman on Earth?” Andi asked as she tried to decipher what the hell she was looking at.

  “Yes, we were all screened. The only problem is that Behyr wasn’t matched through the system. He stumbled upon her when she was matched to another warrior. He was never in our original testing pool,” Rodin explained.

  “That sounds like an interesting story, care to elaborate?” Andi’s interest was piqued.

  “It would take a while to explain the twist and turns of that particular love story, Andi,” Tamin explained. “He is due here any moment, and we still need to prep the room for him.” Moving toward the door, Tamin tossed her a smile. “Care to help me?”

  “You just want more time with our future wife, Tamin. The only thing you need to do is pull up the vid screen and place a cup on the tray for his specimen,” Rodin chided his friend.

  “Can you blame me?” Tamin joked as he continued walking down the short hall into the room.

  “So, do you need me here for the rest of the afternoon or should I go ahead and message for Zane to come pick me up?” Andi asked as she straightened her area one final time.

  “You may message him,” Rodin said as he followed her to her desk. Catching her arm as she went to turn away, he stilled her steps. “I know that you have answered this previously, but I want to make sure… There are no feelings between you and your previous match?”

  Andi had turned to him when he had caught her elbow. Staring at Rodin, she was surprised to not see any anger at the mention of Zane, but instead she glimpsed uncertainty. “Rodin, I promise both you and Tamin that I don’t have any interest in Zane other than as a brother.”

  Releasing her arm, Rodin ran his hand through his hair. “Part of me doesn’t understand how he is not fighting for you and the other part is grateful that we do not have competition.”

  “We never had the attraction that I feel for the both of you.” She rested her palms against his chest. “He is smart and attractive and sweet. He also happens to simply be a great friend. There was never anything more between us.”

  Leaning in to peck her lips, Rodin ran his fingertips along her jawline. “I still don’t understand it, yet I am happy that is the way it is.”

  “He is family though. He is the closest thing to a sibling that I’ve ever had and I love him.”

  “I can accept that. I understand the bond because it is one I share with Tamin.” Rodin admitted reluctantly.

  “Good, because he’s not going anywhere. I have a feeling my future children will call him Uncle Zane when the time comes,” Andi teased.

  “Our future children, Andi. Ours,” Rodin said in a low voice, leaning down to give her a deeper kiss.

  As Andi got lost in his lips, the only thing that kept swirling through her mind was, yes, our future children.


  This time when Zane came by the med center to pick her up, the men were much nicer to him. No warning glares were tossed his way and the two doctors seemed to have warmed up slightly to his presence.

  “Well, that was a complete turnaround.” Zane joked as they walked to their apartment.

  Bumping her side into his, Andi teased him. “I told them about how repulsive I find you.”

  Zane laughed hard and loud. “Repulsive? Thanks a lot, dear friend.”

  “Nah, we just had a long heart-to-heart today,” Andi admitted.

  “And? You cannot say something like that and not elaborate.” Zane stopped mid-walk to give her a mock glare that said, “tell me everything and tell me now.”

  “We talked about how our relationship would work and I also explained my feelings for you.” Grabbing his arm to keep him moving, Andi joked, “Hurry your ass up. I am starving.”
  “So you are going for it?” Zane asked hopefully.

  “Yes, I do believe I am. This is all thanks to something that you said, you know,” Andi pointed out as he opened the door to their place. Kicking off her shoes, she walked directly to the kitchen area.

  “And what did I say exactly?” Standing in the doorway, Zane stripped off his oil-splattered tunic.

  “You said that I need to do what I came here for.” Pausing for a moment, she winked at him. “Live. You said I needed to live.”

  “And they are the key to living?” Slipping on a fresh tunic, Zane watched her closely.

  “I feel more alive with them than I have in a long time, Zane. It’s weird but there is this…bond between us.” Andi grabbed the dirty tunic from him to hang up for cleaning. “How the hell do you get so dirty in one day?”

  “We had a few mechanics transfer to Squadron Two recently so my workload has doubled this last week,” Zane explained, then turned serious. “I am glad they make you feel alive, Andi. Truly.”

  “I know you are.” Walking to where Zane stood in the kitchen, she wrapped her arms around his waist in a hug. “Now we just need to find you a bride.”

  Punching some buttons on the food replicator with one hand, Zane returned her hug with the other arm. “I heard today that they were able to get a few matches made with the system. My profile is in the queue, so it is a question of simply waiting for it to happen.”

  “And I can’t wait until it does. Want to watch a movie while we eat, or sit at the table?”

  “Movie of course.” Zane carried a plateful of bread to the table in front of the couch and was getting comfortable when there was a tone at the door.

  “Please do not let that be my superior needing me in the docking bay,” Zane whispered, as if he was afraid to answer the door.

  “Want to hide while I answer it?” Andi teased in a whisper, as if whoever was beyond the door could hear them.

  “No, I might as well answer it now versus in the middle of the sleep cycle.” Huffing at leaving his full plate of food, Zane stomped dramatically to the door.


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