Book Read Free


Page 2

by Tamryn Tamer

“This isn’t your forest,” the large wolf growled. “Release my subordinate.”

  “Are you the ruler of this forest?” Jinx asked excitedly. “Or is there somebody stronger? Cur. Bitch.”

  “We are the rulers of the Howling Forest,” the wolf answered. “Do you hope to hold my subordinate hostage in hopes of making us submit?”

  “No,” Jinx laughed while hopping from the woman. She quickly transformed into a spectral wolf and joined the other four. Jinx grinned maniacally at the massive spectral wolf and its cohorts. “How long have you been the ruler? Mongrel. Mutt.”

  “My pack and I have ruled this forest for over thirty years,” the wolf answered. “Do you intend to challenge us for it?”

  “Us?” Jinx hopped around eagerly. “Does that mean you all wish to fight me? Strays. Fleabags.”

  “Jinx,” Jericho warned as the four smaller wolves surrounded her. “Do you want some…”

  “I’m doing it myself!” Jinx snapped. “I told you I’m the strongest! Jerk. Dummy.”

  “Fine,” Jericho shrugged.

  “You underestimate us,” the wolf growled. It stared at Jericho as he found a nice comfortable spot on the grass to sit on. Terra jumped down to join him as he pulled out a small gourmet lunch Theia had packed, “What are you doing?”

  “Don’t mind us,” Jericho said as he and Terra began snacking. “Jinx doesn’t want us involved so we’ll just spectate. We needed the break anyway.”

  “You would abandon a member of your pack?” The disgust in the wolf’s voice was palpable.

  “That’s horrible,” one of the wolves muttered.

  “Humans,” another said with disgust.

  “They’re just cowards,” the third said.

  “They’ll be next,” the final wolf chimed in.

  “Nothing like that,” Jericho winked at Jinx. “But Jinx is the strongest spirit beast. I have faith in her.”

  “Of course you do! Flatterer! Con!” Jinx said as her face turned pink. She turned to the growling wolf and smiled malevolently. “I’ll give you this one chance to bow before me before I make you bow. Mouse. Critter.”

  “Such arrogance,” the wolf growled. “If you wish to die so badly, we’re happy to oblige.”

  “Time out!” Jericho yelled. He pointed to Jinx, “No killing.”

  “What?” Jinx yelled defiantly. “What do you mean I can’t kill them? Maniac. Lunatic.”

  “Think of it as a handicap,” Jericho shrugged. “Or are you saying you’re not strong enough to make them submit?”

  “Don’t try to trick me!” Jinx stomped angrily and pointed at one of the smaller spectral wolves. “This is because you saw that bitch naked! Adulterer! Rake!”

  “She knows you so well,” Terra chuckled.

  “If you’re not strong enough…” Jericho teased.

  “Fine!” Jinx snapped. “I’m going to beat them without killing them! Pervert! Deviant!”

  “We do not make the same promise,” the large wolf growled. “Go!”

  “Fuck,” Terra said almost spitting out some of her wine as the pressure from the spirit in the area increased. Jericho stretched his to cover her as well. “Haven’t felt like that since the Soul Eater.”

  The wolves started racing around Jinx looking for an opening as their spirits merged together. Jericho leaned forward intrigued as the spirits of the smaller wolves started to feed the larger wolf. In return, the spirit of the larger wolf fueled all of them creating a circle of bluish green spirit flames. They all seemed to be increasing in strength, nearing the level of the large wolf. He’d never seen anything like it.

  “Now,” the large wolf roared as they simultaneously converged on Jinx.

  “Down!” Jinx roared as her body ignited in turquoise spirit flames transforming her into some sort of burning goddess. The pack froze in terror as Jinx dashed right at the large wolf delivering a spirit infused lariat. The massive wolf came crashing down like a rag doll and Jinx looked confused, “Why aren’t you getting back up? Cur. Bitch.”

  “Kind of anti-climactic,” Terra scoffed. “Do you think the wolf’s alright?”

  “Ow,” growled the wolf as the others slowly circled Jinx. Jinx laughed maniacally while letting the large wolf stumble back to its feet. The wolf’s eyes darted around before landing back on Jinx, “What are you?”

  “I told you!” Jinx said cockily. “I’m the strongest spirit beast! Now bow! Chump! Pushover!”

  “Freya,” one of the wolves said. “What should we do?”

  “Bow,” Freya answered as she reluctantly bowed. “She’s our new ruler. If we’re lucky she’ll be merciful.”

  The wolves all nervously bowed as they waited for their next command from Jinx. Unfortunately, no command was likely to come. Jinx became disinterested as soon as she got what she wanted and rushed over to Jericho. She smiled smugly as her spirit flames evaporated into the air.

  “I told you I’m the strongest! Doubter. Skeptic.” Jinx laughed as Jericho gave her an approving pat on the head.

  “So,” Terra said finishing her wine and standing up. “Time to go? This detour took longer than expected.”

  “Wait,” Freya stood up and looked around confused. “I don’t understand. What about us?”

  “What about you?” Jericho shrugged. “Jinx just wanted to challenge you. You can keep your forest.”

  “It’s my forest,” Jinx growled at Jericho. “Don’t go giving it away! They can live in it but it’s my forest! Thief! Burglar!”

  “Fine,” Jericho laughed. “You heard her. Her forest, you can live here. But we have to…”

  “No!” Freya and the smaller wolves quickly rushed toward them. “She’s the new pack leader! She can’t just leave! She has a responsibility to protect the pack!”

  “I belong to Jericho,” Jinx said hugging Jericho. “He is my master. So, I can’t stay here. Nuisances. Louses.”

  “Your master?” Freya and the pack backed away slowly like they were in the presence of some terrifying monster. “You have a master? Can he protect the pack?”

  “You’re fucking kidding me!” Terra said with instant hostility. She grabbed a stick and began shooing them away, “I see where this is going and I’m done! It’s not fair! I don’t have anybody but here you are gathering more! Go away! Shoo! We don’t love you!”

  “Don’t blame me! Jinx is the one that insisted we do this!” Jericho said looking down at his petite familiar expecting her to object immediately. Instead, she seemed to be considering it. She glanced at the wolves and then eyed Jericho judgmentally. “It’s up to Jinx.”

  “I don’t know,” Jinx reluctantly mumbled. “On one hand, I like having more spirit beasts around. On the other hand…Pervert. Lecher. Adulterer. Deviant. Cad. Rake. Cheater.”

  “If your master is powerful, he can protect us all,” Freya said. “But given how easily you defeated us I understand if he doesn’t find us worth protecting.”

  The other four wolves sat down in front of Jinx and began staring up at her hopefully. Their tails wagged vigorously and their golden eyes ignited like they were looking at the face of a god. Jericho could actually see Jinx’s resolve crumbling.

  “Fine!” Jinx roared angrily. “My master will protect everybody! Babies! Whiners!”

  “Really?” a wolf jumped up excitedly.

  “It’s not fair,” Terra threw her branch. “Why don’t I ever get the followers?”

  “Re-roll to a mage,” Jericho joked.

  “We’re going to be strong like Jinx!”

  “Is that true?” the third chimed in. “Can you make us strong like Jinx?”

  “How did Jinx get so strong?” the fourth asked eagerly.

  “Settle down,” Freya said authoritatively. “We should introduce ourselves. I am Freya and my four subordinates are Sirun, Rela, Kadra, and Avara.”

  “Nice to meet you all,” Jericho said. “You met Jinx, I’m Jericho and the sad elf Terra.”

  “So, are you going to make
us strong like Jinx?” Kadra asked.

  “No!” Jinx snapped while grabbing Jericho possessively. “Jericho is my food source! I eat first! You can share what’s left. There’s a hierarchy and I’m at the top!”

  “Food?” Freya and the others all shifted their awe from Jinx to Jericho. “You must be a truly kind master to willingly sacrifice your own spirit! We are honored to your pack. We promise to not eat more than is necessary to survive. And we’re very good at sharing and rationing.”

  “Yeah,” Jericho grimaced. “I have no idea how I’m going to keep up on the daily feedings with you five and Jinx.”

  “Daily?” Rela asked excitedly.

  “Did you really say daily?” Avara followed up while wagging her tail.

  “It’s obviously a joke,” Sirun said sarcastically. “Nobody eats daily.”

  “Yeah,” Kadra agreed. “He wouldn’t be alive if he were feeding a spirit beast daily.”

  “What?” Jericho turned to his suspiciously silent familiar. “Jinx, you told me that you needed to eat every day. Sometimes multiple times a day. You’ve nearly killed me on multiple occasions because you were, and I quote, starving and going to die.”

  “I may have exaggerated a little” Jinx snapped defensively. “And you have plenty to spare! Don’t look at me like that! And look at all the food you eat all of the time! You eat piles of chocolate bars and cakes and jerky and cheese and I don’t judge you! Don’t be so selfish! Miser. Scrooge.”

  “Well,” Jericho chuckled at his flustered familiar and turned to Freya. “How often do you eat?”

  “Monthly,” Freya answered. “Sometimes we longer without eating. So, we’d be very happy to have a consistent meal monthly. Just not having to worry about our next meal would be enough.”

  “Hm,” Jericho glanced at Terra mumbling to herself. “Do I have to be the one who feeds you?”

  “What do you mean?” Freya asked somberly. “You do not wish to feed us?”

  “Nothing like that,” Jericho answered slyly. “I was just thinking that with so many of you I could use some help. It’s a big responsibility.”

  “We can feed off anything with a spirit,” Freya answered.

  “Terra,” Jericho looked at the depressed elf. “Do you think you can help take care of these five? I was just thinking I have my hands full with Jinx, Theia, Ariel, Mirage, and Mai. Not to mention Cynthia keeps trying to trick me into promising her stuff.”

  “Yes!” Terra said excitedly before looking at Freya apprehensively. “Is that something you’d be okay with?”

  “You mean you’ll both feed us?” Freya wagged her fiery tail. “If you’re okay with it then yes.”

  “Then that’s settled,” Jericho said. “Although, first we have to get back home safely. By now I’m pretty sure Amber Hawk has gathered all the reinforcements they need to hunt us down. We’ll need to break through their line and sprint to the nearest portal.”

  “I don’t understand,” Freya asked. “You’re being hunted?”

  “Yeah,” Jericho turned to Jinx. “Think you can detect them from here?”

  “Who do you think you’re talking to? Idiot. Dunce.” Jinx focused and slowly turned around like a radar doing a sweep. “There are at least a hundred. Some are coming from the north and some are coming from the south,” Jinx answered. “Which group are we going to kill? Nitwit. Jerk.”

  “What about the west?” Avara asked.

  “Yeah,” Sirun chimed in. “The western pass is full of spiders but it comes out on the other side of the mountain.”

  “Western pass?” Jericho pulled out his map. Sure enough, if there was a western pass, they’d be only a couple miles away from a portal to get home. “That’d be perfect! You can lead us there?”

  “Yes,” the large spectral wolf laid down. “Since you’re a mage I imagine you’ll have trouble keeping up. Why don’t you climb on?”

  “That’s an understatement,” Terra chuckled.

  “Don’t get too cozy,” Jinx growled as he climbed on Freya. “You’ll be riding me later. Cad. Cheat.”

  The group started rushing toward the western pass while cutting down any monsters that tried to get in their way. The process was much easier than before with the additional five wolves. It wasn’t long before they arrived at a hidden passage full of webs.

  Jericho’s fire magic made short work of the webs and between Jinx, Terra, and the wolves a few giant spiders didn’t have much of a chance. It was so easy Jericho even had time to swipe spider eggs as they rushed past the nests and approached the exit.

  “So,” Terra asked while dashing next to Freya and Jericho. “Do you think Raven’s going to be irritated about all this?”

  “No more irritated than usual,” Jericho laughed. “She’ll be fine once we explain it to her.”

  Chapter 2

  A Sexual Shoulder Touch

  “A sexual shoulder touch?” Raven asked again as they walked her through what happened for the third time. Unfortunately, the news of the talks falling apart had gotten to her before they could tell her and she arrived at the manor shortly after them. They were all immediately dragged to the study to discuss the events. “Like a shoulder rub?”

  “Jinx?” Jericho looked to his familiar to clarify.

  “I already told you!” Jinx said adamantly. “I don’t see why I’m the one on trial here! Traitors! Betrayers!”

  “Can you demonstrate it at least?” Raven asked while rubbing her forehead. The short grey skinned dark elf looked a bit tired. “I just want to understand.”

  “Fine!” Jinx placed two fingers on Jericho’s shoulder and slid them leisurely like she was brushing off dust. “Are you happy? Slut. Whore.”

  “You know,” Jericho said holding his hand to his chest in an exaggerated manner. “That was definitely a sexual shoulder touch.”

  “Goddammit,” Raven sighed. “I asked you to negotiate a ceasefire.”

  “Technically you said try,” Jericho said.

  “Idiot,” Terra banged her head on the table.

  “Do you know why that ceasefire was important?” Raven chided. “Amber Hawk borders two smaller unallied guilds. While they’re small and weak, their officers are good players. Additionally, one of those guilds is positioned next to Katta. You know, the port city owned by Ambrosia’s sister guild Ether. We have Endgame, Tiamat, and Sin against Ambrosia, Phoenix, and Grim. Remind me again what Sin brings to the table other than a host of problems?

  “We’re up to twelve members,” Jericho said proudly.

  “Jesus fucking Christ,” Terra laughed hysterically.

  “I should just stop protecting you and throw you to the wolves,” Raven looked at the five smiling women standing next to Jericho. “No offense.”

  “None taken,” Freya answered. Freya’s human form was tall, voluptuous, and tan with waist length silver hair. Terra gave her a white flowing negligee top which barely covered her ample breasts and a white pleated skirt from her closet until they found her something more suitable.

  The other four wolves were all more Jinx’s size but with less muscle and more generous curves to their bodies. The brown haired one he’d seen Jinx on top of was Avara. Kadra had silver hair like Freya but kept it in an elaborate Celtic hair knot. Sirun and Rela were both pale with red hair and freckles. Rela was slightly taller than the others with long wavy red hair and Sirun was the shortest of the group with a pixie cut.

  Since Jinx was the closest to their size, they raided Jinx’s closet for clothing. Naturally, they ended up wearing black dresses and resembled a bunch of cultists.

  “We’re doing the best we can on recruitment,” Jericho said. “It’s really hard to get members because we’re new and we’re a lot of kill on sight lists.”

  Which was true. Most high-level applicants were only interested in learning magic from him and left as soon as they realized how protective he was of information. As for other applicants, most of them quit as soon as they realized they’d be on the
kill on sight lists of major guilds. Most players wanted to play peacefully, not go to war.

  “Speaking of members,” Raven tapped her fingers on the table. “Let’s talk about Carrot. Did you know she’s on our kill on sight list?”

  “I meant to talk to you about that,” Jericho said. “I may have told her I’d get her off Endgame’s kill on sight list.”

  “Really? Do you know why she’s on our kill on sight list?” Raven asked menacingly.

  “Apparently she accidentally killed you?” Jericho said. “I figured…”

  “Accidentally?” Raven laughed. “Is that what she said?”

  “I take it she lied,” Terra groaned into the desk. “What did she really do.”

  “She accidentally acted really excited to meet me, bought me gifts, complimented me, and asked me out to a picnic,” Raven said bitterly. “Then she accidentally got me naked and went down on me and while I was returning the favor…”

  “No,” Terra said mortified.

  “Yes,” Raven answered.

  “I completely understand why you’re angry about that. But, it sounds to me like she really worked for that kill,” Jericho said. “Do you know how many people have wined and dined me before killing me? None. If every person trying to kill me were offering romantic dates and blowjobs before they collected the bounty, I’d be standing outside Rend with an arrow over my head.”

  “I can’t believe you,” Raven stifled a laugh. She paused for a moment to think about it, “I can’t believe I’m saying this but in its own fucked up way, that makes sense. So fine. I’ll remove her from Endgame’s kill on sight list but if she leaves your guild she’s right back on.”

  “Seems fair,” Jericho said. “Anyway, now that the rough stuff is over. You seem off. Is everything alright?”

  “Huh?” Raven asked confused. “What do you mean?”

  “You used to be more, I don’t know, lively?” Jericho shrugged. “Just figured I’d ask how you were doing.”

  “I’m fine,” Raven answered. All five of the wolves simultaneously inhaled through clenched teeth. Raven shot them all an evil glance, “I mean it. I’m fine.”

  “Of course,” Freya said assuredly. “Fine means fine. We’d never suggest otherwise.”


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