Smokey’s Distraction: Insurgents Motorcycle Club
Page 20
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Twisted Spoke was a rough-and-tumble biker bar located on the outskirts of town. It was a bar the Insurgents frequented, and the owner, Toque, was good friends with Banger. The only other bikers who came into the place were either friendly MCs, or bikers who didn’t have a fucking clue. The minute they saw the three-piece patches and the stone-faced outlaws, they’d hightail it out of there.
Toque was an imposing man at six-five, two hundred seventy pounds. He sported iron gray hair past his shoulders, and a full beard that hung down to his chest. He only hired stacked and curvy barmaids who filled out their uniforms—Daisy Dukes, and dangerously skimpy tops—just right. Twisted Spoke was the perfect bar for one-percenters.
Glasses clinking, multiple conversations, and a tribute band, jamming out hair metal tunes on the corner stage, filled the crowded bar. Smokey searched the outer edge of the crowd and spotted his pal, Goldie, from the Night Rebels MC. Nudging his way through the sea of denim and leather, he bumped fists and clasped shoulders until he made it to where Goldie stood.
“Dude!” he shouted, throwing his arms around his friend.
“It’s been too fuckin’ long,” Goldie said while patting his back.
Pulling away, Smokey stepped back, smiling. “How was the ride up?”
“Fuckin’ awesome. We gotta do a poker run sometime.”
“Tank just got back from one.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m just so damn busy, and you’ve got a ball and chain hanging off of you.”
“Hailey’s no ball and chain. Hell, she’s the best and brightest thing in my life.”
Smokey laughed. “Having an old lady has made you a poetic pussy.”
Goldie chuckled. “Fuck you, bro.” He glanced down at Smokey’s hands. “Where the fuck’s your drink?”
“I just got here. Who’d you ride up with?”
“Aztec, Eagle, Crow, Army, Scorpio, and Chains. Paco and Steel took off after we did. They should be here soon.”
“That’s cool. I haven’t seen you guys in a long time. You planning to come to the rally fundraiser this summer?”
“The one for that homeless shelter your club supports?”
“Yeah.” Smokey motioned a barmaid over.
“Yep. Hailey and me are coming up. We’re gonna make it into a vacation and explore some of the towns and mountain passes. Several of the brothers are gonna be coming to the rally.”
“You want something, sugar?” the redheaded waitress asked, her enormous tits ready to pop out of her tight red top.
His eyes dropped to her chest, then back up. “Double Jack—straight.”
“Another one for you?” she asked Goldie, who nodded, his eyes drifting downward.
She smiled, revealing straight, white teeth. “Be back in a sec.”
Smokey watched the barmaid disappear into the crowd. “Toque loves women with big tits.”
Goldie laughed. “And you don’t?”
Ashley flashed through his mind. “Yeah—she’s just my type.”
“You gonna make a play for her?”
“Wait—what? Who’re you talking about?”
“The waitress.” He leaned in closer. “Who are you talkin’ about?”
“No one. I was just saying a nice pair of tits are good, but,”—he tipped his head in the direction the waitress had gone in— “hers are a bit much. Anyway, I prefer natural tits.”
“Me too, but it didn’t stop either of us from looking.”
Smokey shrugged. “Any man’s gonna look when a chick shows her wares.”
“But some women just don’t get that. I wonder if chicks check out dicks?”
“They do, but they’re not obvious about it,.” Smokey said.
“Yeah. I remember catching Hailey checking me out when we first met. She still does it.”
Memories of Ashley flooded his mind. He’d caught her sneaking peeks at him more times than she’d ever admit to. And talk about nice breasts—hers were perfect. And those lips? Fuck, she knows how to kiss. Thinking about her made his dick stir.
A tap on his shoulder interrupted his musings. It was the waitress bringing them their drinks.
“Thanks, sweetie.” She tucked the ten-dollar tip into her bra. “Lemme know when you want another. My name’s Maia.” Carrying the tray above her head, she scurried away.
“That was generous,” Goldie said, bringing the beer bottle to his lips.
“This is a shitty job. I’m sure she’s been groped a million times already tonight.” He lifted the tumbler and took a deep swallow, the whiskey burning as it slid down his throat. “Fuck, that’s good.”
Axe and Bones came over just as Crow and Scorpio joined the group. The men talked about motorcycles, poker runs, and their favorite biker rallies. Smokey promised Goldie, Crow, and Scorpio that he’d come down to Alina in the next couple of months for one of their club parties. The Night Rebels MC was affiliated with the Insurgents MC, and the brothers from both clubs were tight. Smokey enjoyed seeing the brothers again and cursed himself for letting so much time pass in riding south to hang with them.
Excusing himself, he headed to the bar to order a burger and fries. As he made his way to the counter, several members of Insurgent-friendly clubs stopped him to shoot the shit, so by the time he’d reached the bar, an hour had passed.
“Smokey,” Toque greeted, bumping fists with him. “Whatcha want?”
“A burger with a shitload of jalapeños and fries.”
“You got it.” Toque yelled something to a barmaid who dashed off toward the kitchen. Pointing to Smokey’s empty glass, he asked, “Do you want another?”
“Coming right up.” Bending down, Toque pulled out a large bottle of Jack Daniels, pouring a good portion into the tumbler. “Here you go, bro.”
Leaning against the bar, Smokey scanned the room. At the end of the counter, he saw a group of men huddled around someone sitting on a barstool. From the looks on their faces, he suspected it was a woman.
Tank sidled up next to him. “Are you gonna get something to eat?”
“I put in an order for a burger and fries.”
“That sounds good.”
Smokey tipped his head toward the end of the bar. “What’s going on over there?”
“Cruiser’s trying to pick up this chick, but she’s not having it. Now Eagle’s over there trying his luck with her. The other guys are placing bets on who’ll get her first.”
“Oh yeah?” He craned his neck, trying to catch a glimpse of the woman.
“She’s a sweet piece—nice tits, small waist, and jet-black hair I’d like to wrap around my fist and pull on.”
Smokey laughed. “When you fuck her?”
“Damn straight.”
“You have to win her over first, and the fact that your ass is over here tells me you struck out.”
“Yeah, well, I was hungry. Anyway, I got a sure thing with that sweetie over there.” Tank pointed over to a blonde waitress handing out drinks in the crowd.
Smokey shook his head. “You’re getting lazy, dude. We get a sure thing all the time with the club chicks. Don’t you want a challenge?”
“Nope. I want a chili burger, another beer, and my cock in Cherise’s warm pussy. In that order too. Since you’re so full of yourself, why don’t you try your charm on the sweet piece? You’re not afraid she’ll shoot you down, are you?”
He grasped Tank’s shoulder while pushing away from the counter. “Watch a pro in action. And tell Toque to keep my burger warm.”
In a cocksure way, Smokey swaggered over to the far end of the bar. He wasn’t planning on making a play for the woman; he was just curious as to what all the fuss was about. And, of course, his male pride was in overdrive after Tank’s dare.
“What’s going on here?” Smokey asked Tiny.
“Eagle and Cruiser are trying to get between this chick’s legs. My bet is on Cruiser.”
Smokey smirked. “Maybe I’
ll give them both some competition.”
Tiny guffawed. “Go for it, dude. It’ll piss them both off.”
Tiny tapped Blade, Puck, and Army on their shoulders to get their attention. When the men turned around, Tiny pointed to Smokey. “He’s going in.”
Puck nodded, a wide grin spreading across his face. “Show them how to do it, bro.”
The men parted, allowing Smokey to make his way through, then he froze dead in his tracks. Ashley lifted her head, her ebony hair falling around her shoulders as their gazes locked.
“What the fuck?” he growled.
A smile spread across her lips. Eagle and Cruiser glanced over at Smokey, confusion etched on their faces.
“This shit stops now,” Smokey gritted.
“Fuck off, dude. We were talking to the lady,” Cruiser snapped back.
“The conversation’s over.” Smokey nudged him away, placing himself squarely between the men and Ashley.
“Fuck you!” Cruiser yelled.
“I know her—she’s mine,” Smokey growled.
Anger reddened his face. “You’re bullshitting!”
“Actually, he’s not. We work together,” Ashley said.
The expressions on their faces were priceless. Smokey would’ve busted out laughing had he not been so fucking pissed. When he saw the way Cruiser and Eagle were looking at Ashley, his rage took over, and now he was struggling to control it. He wanted nothing more than to pummel his two friends for coming on to her.
Turning away from the brothers, he grasped Ashley’s arm and tugged her off the stool. “We need to talk.”
She frowned up at him. “I can get down by myself. And it’d be nice if you’d let me finish my drink.”
“I’ll get you another one.” Pulling her away from the crowd, he dragged her down a hallway, past the kitchen. Opening a door on the left, he nudged her inside the room. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
Glaring, she put her hands on her hips. “I’m fine, thank you. How are you?”
Exasperated, he ran a hand over his face. “You’re in a fuckin’ biker bar.”
“Thanks for the warning. I never would’ve guessed that, even though there’s a crapload of motorcycles in the parking lot and tons of testosterone flying around. And let’s not forget all the jacked-up men in leather and their half-naked admirers.” She tossed her hair over one shoulder and huffed.
A muscle ticked in his jaw as he stared at her. Damn, he loved the way her sassiness could burn and warm him at the same time. She was his whiskey on ice, and he couldn’t get enough of her.
She looked around the room. “Are we supposed to be in here?”
“Toque’s cool with it.”
“Is this the sex room? I read up on outlaw motorcycle clubs, and the articles weren’t very flattering.”
“No shit.”
“I don’t need to report to you, but I came here to talk to the owner about hiring a couple of teens at a shelter I volunteer at. Brady gave me the name of the bar, but he couldn’t remember the owner’s name. The owner said he needed some help with breaking boxes down and cleaning up before the bar opened in the mornings.”
At the mention of Brady, that odd sensation he’d felt earlier while sitting in his office hit him like a punch to the gut. Jealousy. Jealous that Brady Shelling was plotting ways to get Ashley into his bed.
Her voice broke through his thoughts. “Do you know who the owner is?”
“Can you introduce me to him?”
“Yeah.” He cocked his head. “Come over here.”
Her body stiffened. “Why?”
“Because I’m asking you to.”
Licking her lips, she stayed rooted to the spot. Seconds ticked by as they stood there, staring at each other. When he couldn’t take it any longer, being in the same room and not touching her, he stepped in front of her and yanked her into his arms. Ashley’s palms flattened against his chest, and he waited for the inevitable, for her to shove him away. Instead, she leaned into him.
Smokey lowered his head and moved his mouth over hers, devouring its softness. Parting her lips, he slid his tongue inside, stroking and teasing hers as she curled her arms around him, intensifying the kiss. Cupping her firm ass with one hand, he ground his hips against her, placing his other hand over her ribs, just under her tit.
“I can’t leave you alone,” he growled, trailing kisses up her jawline and around her ear. “Somehow, you got under my skin. You’re in my blood, woman.” Grabbing her hand, he brought it down and rubbed it over his dick. “Tell me you don’t want this.”
Seizing her lips once more, he released her sweet mouth and looked into her eyes.
“Do you want me to go?”
Sinking her fingers into his hair, she brought his mouth back to hers.
“I want you,” she whispered, her words smothered against his lips.
A low growl rumbled deep in his throat as he rubbed his thumb over her nipple. “Fuck.”
He plundered her mouth, thrusting his tongue against hers, demanding her surrender. Cupping her tit, he squeezed hard, eliciting a soft whimper from her, fueling his lust and desire even more.
She suddenly pulled away and stepped back, her blue eyes alight. “Not here. We should go to my place.”
His eyes traveled over her slowly, taking in her flushed face, her heaving breasts as she tried to catch her breath, and the curve of her hips in her fitted skirt. Fuck, she’s beautiful. His gaze darted back to her tits, then up to her lips, slightly swollen and glossy from his kisses.
“Come on.”
Tucking her under his arm, he led her out of the room.
Ashley sucked in several deep breaths while pressing her hands against her stomach, trying to calm her fluttering nerves. Inside, the unruly pull of passion slugged it out with reason.
“It’s now or never,” she murmured to herself, turning away from the sink.
Twisting the knob, she opened the door, spilling light into the darkened bedroom. Smokey sat shirtless against the headboard as he looked over at her. Their eyes locked for a long moment, and then his gaze slid slowly downward, caressing every inch of her. Ashley tightened her grip on the towel wrapped around her.
His voice simmering with lust, he said, “I want to see all of you.”
She took a step back and licked her dry lips.
“Lose the towel and get over here. I want you on your back with your legs spread.”
She bit her bottom lip.
“Are you changing your mind?” he said, pushing away from the headboard.
Ashley clucked her tongue while shaking her head. “No. It’s just that you’re so damn bossy. Do you ever ask?”
Chuckling, the fine lines around his mouth deepened. “From the way you’re staring at me, I’m gonna go out on a damn limb and say you like it. As far as asking you, I thought we settled that a while back. So what’s the problem?”
She shifted from foot to foot. “I don’t know. Maybe I don’t like being treated like a slut.”
In a flash, he was in front of her, tugging her into his arms. Leaning into him, she rested her cheek against his smooth, solid chest.
“Don’t ever think that. You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. We’ve wanted each other since that first night at Blue’s Belly, so I can’t help it if I’m more than eager to fuck you.”
Laughing, she titled her head back. “One thing’s for sure—I can’t accuse you of throwing me corny, bullshit lines. You tell it like it is.”
“Damn straight, woman. We want each other. There’s no reason to be shy or embarrassed in admitting that.”
She ran a fingertip against his scruff. “I’m not.”
Snuggling into him, she inhaled the intoxicating scent that was Smokey: green bergamot, woody patchouli, and worn leather.
“You smell good,” she murmured.
“So do you.”
Tipping her head up with his finger under he
r chin, he kissed her, hard and demanding, sending sparks of pleasure to every nerve in her body. Wrapping her arms around his neck, their tongues and lips tasted and probed, dancing in and out. Smokey ran his hands down her back and rested them on her ass, pressing his hard erection against her.
Moaning, her hands dropped to his back, her fingers digging into his hard muscle. Smokey’s mouth continued to devour hers as he tugged away the towel, letting it fall to the floor.
In one fluid movement, he swept her off her feet and carried her toward the bed. With their lips still pressed together, he lowered her onto the mattress and broke away.
“Fuck, Ashley.” His gaze slid over her naked body. “You’re gorgeous.”
Feeling vulnerable, she gripped the edge of the comforter and pulled it over her.
Removing his boots and socks, a wicked smile curled his lips. “There’s no reason to be shy, darlin’. Now, throw off the covers and spread those sweet thighs so I can stare at your pretty pussy while I undress.”
Her heart stammered as she slowly pushed away the material. “I’m just not used to a man being so detailed about what he wants.”
Smokey frowned. “What kind of pansy-asses have you hooked up with?”
“They were okay, just not so … explicit.”
The sound of his belt buckle hitting the wooden floor made her jump. “This is who I am, and I guarantee you’re never gonna describe our fucking as ‘okay.’ Now, show me your pussy.”
She bent her knees and parted her legs.
“You’re a persistent SOB.”
He chuckled. “I know, and it always pays off.”
She spread them farther apart. “Satisfied?”
Lust smoldered in his eyes. “Fuck yeah. Hell, woman, you’re stunning.” Unzipping his jeans, his gaze never strayed from the juncture of her splayed thighs.
Being under Smokey’s hungry gaze was intimidating at first, but his desire for her was all-consuming.
“You’re so fucking wet,” he said hoarsely.
His words had her body trembling with need.
“I like that—a lot.” He continued undressing, easing his boxers down over his hips, letting them pool at his ankles before stepping out of them.