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Alpha's Sacrifice: an MMMM Mpreg Gay Romance (Irresistible Omegas Book 1)

Page 7

by Nora Phoenix

  For Enar, it was very much who he was…hell, what kept him sane, the ability to surrender to Lidon every now and then and let himself be taken, instead of being the aggressor, the dominant one. He was so damn lucky that Lidon agreed to take care of him, time and again. What they did constituted the ultimate pity fuck, and yet there had to be something in it for his best friend, because he’d been undeniably hard every single time and never had trouble reaching a climax.

  A lubed finger tapped his hole, and he relaxed to let him in. Unlike omegas, he had no natural lubrication and his channel was a lot less flexible, so Lidon had to prep him well, which he always did. The finger fucking made a sloshing sound and Enar sought friction with his cock against the sheets.

  “You’d better not come before me,” Lidon warned him in that deceptively mild tone of his. It was fucking deadly, because people tended to underestimate how serious he was. Boy, did they find out when they ignored that first mild order. An angry Lidon was a frightening sight.

  “I know,” Enar mumbled into the pillow, letting out a small groan when a second finger demanded entry.

  It took a few minutes before he was loose enough. He never rushed Lidon. No one told Lidon what to do. He was the epitome of an alpha, unlike Enar who demonstrated at this very moment what a sorry excuse for an alpha he was, at least according to society.

  He pulled up his legs, spreading himself wide open for the taking. His skin prickled with anticipation, like a low charge dancing across his body. His breath rushed out when Lidon pushed in and breached that first line of defense. He didn’t wait, but steadily entered him, inch by inch, splitting him open in that indescribable mix of pain and pleasure.

  “S-so good,” he said through clenched teeth.

  “I know,” was the calm answer.

  Lidon didn’t wait for Enar to adjust, because that was exactly the point. It wasn’t about him, about his pleasure—it was about being taken for Lidon’s enjoyment and fulfillment. And so the alpha took him with slow, deep thrusts that made his eyes water at first and his breath come out in puffs. Then Lidon sped up and sank deep inside him, that powerful body filling him completely.

  “You are so damn tight,” Lidon said, underlining his statement with a powerful thrust.

  Enar moaned, finally closing his eyes, causing two tears to start their descent down his cheeks. His body burned, his ass throbbing in the best way and his dick leaking with pleasure. He ached like he'd grown too big for his skin, like it could rip open at any second, making him explode.

  “What do you say to your alpha when he compliments you?”

  He should fight this dominance, should battle Lidon for it, but why would he when he craved it all along? So he surrendered, his body relaxing, even as Lidon fucked him deep. “Thank you, alpha.”

  Lidon let out an appreciative rumble, the sound echoing through the room. He sped up, his thrusts coming faster now, an indication he was about to blow his first load. Enar held on to the sheets, his head still buried in the pillow. He didn’t dare to move, not when he was so close to coming himself. He couldn’t, not in this situation, not when he acted like a beta. Alphas came first, that’s how it worked. Besides, he didn’t even want to climax first. That was not what this was about.

  “Ugh!” Lidon shouted as his cock inside Enar spasmed, then released warm liquid. God, he loved the sensation of being filled with spunk. It was so wrong, yet so wonderfully filthy and right.

  Lidon’s whole body trembled before he sighed with contentment. “Damn, that was good.”

  He kept fucking him lazily, his cock still hard. The man had serious stamina, even with another alpha. He wouldn’t knot him, though technically he could if he wanted to. Younger alphas had little control over their knot, as it was usually triggered by sex with an omega, but more experienced ones like Lidon could knot when they wanted to, regardless of their partner. Few alphas ever did it with betas since their channels weren’t as flexible as omegas'. But if you had a partner who got off on a bit of pain, knotting was supposed to feel exquisite. Maybe, some day.

  For now, Enar was happy with whatever Lidon chose to share with him, knowing that what he requested of his friend was anything but ordinary. Lidon had never turned him down when he’d reached his yellow, his own perceived edge of sanity.

  Enar’s hole made sloppy sounds now that Lidon pushed his cum out of it, a big gush dripping down Enar’s crack. It was fucking hot, this sound, this sensation. His body tightened, his balls pulled flush against his body. He balled his fists, fighting back the orgasm that had already started to build inside him. He wouldn’t let go, not until…

  Enar waited for it, the words that would set him free, release his pent-up frustration and anxiety and stress.

  Lidon waited a minute before he spoke, thrusting in deep all that time. “Come for me.”

  Enar threw his head back and came without ever touching his cock.

  They took another shower after they had both come a second time. There was no touching, no lingering intimacy. In many ways, this was kind of a business deal where they both got what they needed.

  “You look like crap,” Lidon said when they got dressed again.

  Enar couldn’t help but laugh. “Always the charmer, aren’t you?”

  Lidon shrugged. “There’s no need for me to charm you.”

  That, at least, was true. They’d known each other since kindergarten. They’d stayed friends in high school, then attended the same university, playing football together—though Enar’s career on the team had been short-lived, since he lacked the necessary aggression for that sport. He and Lidon had remained friends since, though friends didn't capture their complicated relationship. Lidon was one of the very few people who knew Enar’s secret.

  “I’ve been working a lot,” Enar explained.

  “What happened today that got you so upset?”

  Enar had known he wouldn’t let go. Lidon was willing to provide the release, but he always wanted the whole picture. “I lost a patient. A regular.”

  Lidon turned toward him as he pulled up clean jeans. “How?”

  “He…he bled out after giving birth to his fifth child.”

  “Fifth?” Lidon’s eyes grew big.

  “Yeah. I told him after the second he was high risk, but his alpha… He only had daughters and he wanted a son. An alpha or beta, preferably.”

  Lidon shook his head, his face tight. “Did the baby make it?”

  “Yeah.” Enar swallowed back bile that rose up in his throat. “It’s a boy. A healthy alpha boy. His omega daddy is dead, but apparently, that was a price his alpha father was willing to pay.”

  Lidon’s anger showed in the brusque gesture with which he pulled a clean T-shirt over his head. “Selfish bastard.”

  With tired movements, Enar lowered himself on the bed, wincing when his ass reminded him of his activities minutes before. “We’re failing them, Lidon,” he said, putting on his socks. “We’re failing omegas, especially the men. I see the results every day.”

  He put his feet back on the floor. Lidon was fully dressed now, leaning against the wall.

  “They don’t have the access to the same medical care we do. Omegas need permission for treatments crucial to their health from their parents or partners, and that’s not even taking into consideration all other decisions they can’t legally make. They’re third rate citizens, as Palani worded it, and he’s right. We’re failing them on every level.”

  “I hear what you’re saying and it’s not that I don’t agree with you, but aside from trying to do better ourselves, what can we do? This is the law that’s in place. You and I, we can’t change that,” Lidon said.

  “If we keep saying that, nothing will ever change. Someone has to take the first step, and it has to be more than doing something on a personal level.”

  “Like what?” Lidon wasn’t attacking him. He was trying to understand, to gather the facts, like he always did.

  “I have no idea,” he said, his
shoulders dropping. “I wanna do more but no clue where to start.”

  “Enar, no one else does as much for omegas as you do, and you do it all for free. I don’t know how you could possibly do more without completely losing yourself. You’re already spreading yourself thin, my friend.”

  “I know,” Enar said, miserable. “I feel so powerless, but there has got to be something we can do, something that other more progressive alphas can do. If only I could figure out what.”

  Lidon, ever the pragmatist, said, “If you figure it out, let me know. In the meantime, why don’t you give me a hand in somewhat sanitizing my kitchen before we throw some steaks on the grill?”


  Palani sighed as he got into his car after a long day at the paper. It had been a shitty assignment his boss had saddled him with. Despite the success of some of his articles, he was still very much the junior reporter and regularly got stuck with jobs no one else wanted to do.

  Like asking the mayor what his opinion was on a string of lawsuits against alphas who weren’t paying paternity support. Like anyone doubted the alpha mayor would defend other alphas, in this case with a verbose rant so stuffed with clichés Palani struggled to distill the core message from the verbal barrage. Elections were approaching and the mayor took every opportunity to promote himself and his pro-alpha platform. Sigh.

  Oh well, at least he’d tried. Like he had for the last four weeks, ever since Vieno’s heat. Palani had done nothing but try his best, but it turns out it wasn’t quite so easy to erase the image of your lover riding another man’s cock. Especially not when it was evident it had been exactly what he wanted, what he needed.

  Hell, he couldn't deny the striking improvement in Vieno's health. He’d gained some of the weight he’d lost, his cheeks had their color back, and he’d resumed his usual household routines with enthusiasm and energy. The apartment sparkled and shone, and a home-cooked meal had waited for Palani after work every single day.

  Granted, Vieno still hadn’t set foot outside, but maybe that would never happen until he found an alpha mate. Or got fucked by an alpha so often his own alluring scent would be undetectable. He’d smelled like Lidon for days after—another painful reminder to Palani of his failure to take proper care of Vieno.

  Despite his frustration, Palani was grateful Vieno was doing so much better. Enar had administered a shot that that prevented pregnancy and had come back two days later to give Vieno another one. He’d been professional, yet kind, which made it hard to be upset with him.

  Plus, Palani didn’t have a reason to be upset, now did he? He’d invited them in. Hell, he’d all but explicitly given permission, and so had Vieno. They had both wanted this, if out of necessity, so there was no reason to be…frustrated.


  Feeling inadequate and like a total failure.

  He sighed again. It wasn’t the sex he was jealous about. That, he was able to categorize as a physical necessity for both Vieno and Lidon. That didn’t take his own reaction to Enar into account, but he chalked that up to hormones. They’d all been affected, so that made sense, right?

  No, it wasn’t the sex he worried about. It was the connection he’d detected between Lidon and Vieno. Lidon hadn’t just fucked Vieno into next week…he’d connected with him. Vieno liked him. They hadn’t spoken a word about it, but Palani didn’t need to hear the words. He could read Vieno like a book.

  And how could he blame him? Lidon was…perfection. The man was sexy as fuck with his tall, strong body, that chiseled face, and his long, dark brown hair that curled in his neck. He was built like a freaking god, and how could Palani compete with that?

  It wasn’t Vieno’s fault. He couldn’t help being attracted to an alpha. Fucking biology all over again. Technically, it wasn’t Palani’s fault either, and in his more rational moments he realized that, but it was hard to not blame himself. He’d just have to find a way to get over it. He’d avoided Vieno a little, opting instead to hang out a few times with his brothers, but that wasn’t fair to Vieno.

  When he got home, Vieno was on the phone, waving happily at Palani.

  “Yes, sir. I completely understand. I will inform Mr. Waterbrook, and he’ll get back to you at his earliest convenience.”

  He rolled his eyes and Palani grinned. It was good to see Vieno happy again.

  “I understand, sir. I will call him as soon as I end this call.”

  After repeating the same platitude four more times, he managed to get rid of the persistent caller.

  “Trouble in paradise?” Palani inquired. He checked to make sure he’d hung up his coat and placed his sturdy boots in the right cubby in the hallway. Vieno tried hard to keep the apartment neat as a pin and in return, Palani tried to not leave too much of a mess.

  Vieno shrugged. “Same old, same old. They all think barking at me will help get them access to Waterbrook. It doesn’t.”

  Vieno worked as PA for Mr. Waterbrook, a pretty well-known author of horrifyingly creepy thrillers. Palani had only made it halfway through his first book before he’d given up, and Vieno hadn’t even attempted. Still, they sold well and he was busy enough to employ Vieno for ten hours a week. He also PA’d for an up-and-coming romance author.

  Vieno took his headset off and jumped up to hug Palani. “I’m happy you’re home.”

  Palani hugged the slender body of his lover tight, always reveling in how perfect Vieno fit in his arms. “Yeah, sorry it was another late day. Did I ruin dinner plans?”

  Vieno let go, then dropped a soft kiss on his lips. “Nope. I made a casserole this morning that’s easy to reheat.”

  Palani’s face softened as he cupped Vieno’s cheek. “You take such good care of me. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  Vieno bit his lip, then looked up at Palani from between his lashes. “Does that mean you’re no longer angry with me?”

  Palani closed his eyes for a second, then opened them again. “Baby, I was never angry with you, only with myself.”

  “But why? You did the right thing, calling Enar. Dr. Magnusson, I mean.”

  Palani took a step back and gestured with his hand. “Enar is fine. We lost all formalities about him and his friend a long time ago. Look,” he said, then struggled to find the right words. “Knowing it was the right call and feeling okay about what happened are two different things. I’m ecstatic you’re doing so much better, but…”

  “But it was hard for you to witness,” Vieno completed his sentence. “I know.”

  “No, you don’t know. All due respect, Vieno, but you have no idea. I get that it sucks for you that you’re an omega and that you have the gene and all, but I can never fully understand it because I’m not an omega. In the same way, you can’t grasp what it’s like for me to watch you…” He swallowed, unable to continue.

  “Pal…” Vieno’s voice broke, his eyes welling up with tears.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

  “I’m sorry I caused you pain.”

  Palani’s inner alarm bells went off. He didn’t like where this was heading. At all. “You didn’t cause anything. It’s not your fault and don’t you dare take this on you.”

  “If you hadn’t met me…”

  “My life would have been so much worse for it. I wouldn’t trade you for anything, baby.”

  “I’ve caused you so much pain. And money. And shit in general. Without me, you’d be able to live your life, not be bound to home because I’m such a fuck-up who’s too scared to set a foot outside…I’m dragging you down and I always will.”

  Palani bit back his sigh. They’d repeated this conversation many times before, but each time it was getting harder to talk Vieno back from it. This time, he lowered himself on one of their comfortable dining chairs and reached out for Vieno’s hand. After a slight hesitation, he accepted and allowed himself to be pulled on Palani’s lap.

  “That’s not true, baby. It may feel that way to you, but I don’t see you that wa
y and I never will. You’re not a burden to me and you never have been.”

  Vieno surrendered, his head nestled against Palani’s shoulder. “I believe you when you say that,” he whispered. “But it’s getting harder and harder to feel it.”

  “I understand…or at least, I try to. You’re my best friend, Vieno. A life without you would be pretty damn bleak.”

  “Your best friend? Is that all I am?”

  “That’s all that’s possible between us. I refuse to stand in the way of you finding someone who can give you what you need.”

  “And how the fuck do you envision that happening with me being in this damn apartment all the time?”

  He had a point there, but Palani wouldn’t surrender so easily. “What about Lidon? Or Enar? Both are healthy, virile, unattached alphas.” He almost choked on the words, but he managed to get them out.

  Vieno scoffed. “Yeah, right. Like either of them would be interested in me. If they had been, they’d been back by now, don’t you think?”

  Palani pinched his eyes shut for a second, then forced the words out. “Lidon likes you.”

  Vieno leaned back his head to meet his eyes. “What?”

  “He likes you, I can tell. I think you may have a shot with him.” Vieno blushed, which confirmed Palani’s suspicions the attraction had been mutual. “You should call him, see if he wants to come over some time… I’ll make sure to be out.”

  Vieno shook his head. “I don’t want him. Not if it means losing you.”

  “You’ll never lose me. I’ll always be your friend.”

  Vieno pushed out of his arms and got to his feet, turning around. He didn’t lose his temper easily, but when he did, it was a sight to behold. “You need to fuck off with the sacrificial martyr routine. I’m sick and tired of it, dammit!”

  Palani balled his fists. “What would you prefer, that I tore my hair out and wailed?”

  “Yes! Anything other than this…this passive fake acceptance of me choosing another man. I don’t want anyone else. I want you! And dammit, I want you to fight for me, too!”


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