Alpha's Sacrifice: an MMMM Mpreg Gay Romance (Irresistible Omegas Book 1)

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Alpha's Sacrifice: an MMMM Mpreg Gay Romance (Irresistible Omegas Book 1) Page 25

by Nora Phoenix

  Melloni shifted slightly in his chair, clearing his throat. “More recent research suggests that some omegas with the gene have benefitted from their alpha partner ejaculating on their skin… Apparently, the hormones in the…sperm…can be absorbed partially through skin contact as well.”

  “That’s valuable and practical information, Doctor,” Palani said, hitting the right tone to ease the awkwardness of the information.

  “We’re grateful for your time, Dr. Melloni,” Enar said.

  Melloni rose to his feet. “If you discover anything else, I would appreciate it if you could let me know. As I explained, many aspects of this mutation are still a puzzle to us, so any small detail could help.”

  “Absolutely,” Palani said, shaking the hand Melloni extended to him.

  Enar did the same, and they were almost out the door, when he remembered something. “One last question. Before you focused on this mutation, you researched alpha-claiming, correct?”

  Melloni nodded. “Yes. I studied the effects of alpha-claiming on both partners.”

  “You traced back many of these effects on the relationships wolf-shifters had, right?”

  “I discovered that many of the modern-day effects of alpha-mating were common with all wolf-shifter partnerships back then. My theory is that a high percentage of modern alpha-claims is comparable to what was then known as fated mates. It’s an instant knowing someone is the perfect partner.”

  “What were some of the effects you discovered?”

  Melloni ticked them off on his fingers as he spoke. “Longevity, correlated health, sensing each other’s needs and sometimes strong emotions. Partners would suffer from being separated, even temporary. And of course, the death of one partner meant the other partner would pass away within hours, days at most.”

  “These fated mate relationships often included betas…” He didn’t say more, hoping Melloni would provide him with the information he wanted.

  “Yes. If there was an alpha-beta-omega partnership, all three wolf-shifters would experience the effects of the partnership. Even when a beta and an omega had formed a partnership before adding an alpha, they would already exhibit symptoms of being mated, though to a lesser extent than when the alpha was added. Why are you asking?”

  Enar merely smiled, his head storming with the implications. “Personal interest. Thank you for your time, Doctor.”

  Palani didn’t say a word until they were back in the car, when he turned toward Enar and asked, “What the hell was that about?”

  Palani couldn’t wait to see Vieno again. There was a hum in his blood, a buzz in his head with every mile they got closer to Lidon’s house. Enar had texted Lidon, and the alpha had reaffirmed his permission to bring Palani over. For that alone, Palani wanted to kiss him.

  Enar had not been willing, however, to explain the last questions he’d asked Melloni. Palani had kept turning around the information in his brain, but he couldn’t make sense of it. Where was Enar going with that? He’d figured he’d be able to make him change his mind, persuade him to share more, but Enar had not only clammed up, but had put his foot down.

  The latter had been hot as fuck, though Palani would never admit it. He loved the little verbal matches he had with Enar, but it hadn’t happened often that Enar had gone all alpha on him. Not like Lidon, for instance. Man, when Palani had almost kissed Vieno the morning after their alpha-claiming, that had been scary as all get out.

  Again, that had been seriously hot, despite Palani’s real fear that Lidon would rip him a new one. Something about that alpha domination got to him. Fuck knew why, and he was a sick fuck for that reason alone, but he loved it. Not that he wanted to be told what to do all the time—hell no. He was so not into that. But the occasional alpha-as-fuck attitude, yup, he was down with that.

  Right now, he didn’t want any alphas, however. All he could think about was Vieno. He hadn’t exaggerated when he told Enar how much it hurt to have lost him, if anything, he’d downplayed it a little. He’d never thought it would be so painful, like a part of him was missing. He was unsettled, restless, unable to sleep and barely functioning.

  It wasn’t about sex. It had never been. Palani had quickly established a no-sex rule in between Vieno’s heats. First of all, because he didn’t want Vieno to ever think it was about sex, or that he had to pay back Palani by having sex.

  But he’d also done it to protect them both. He’d known that eventually, Vieno would marry an alpha, would move out. And he’d figured that if they pretended to be friends and roommates in between in the heats, it would be more bearable. That, obviously, had been wishful thinking.

  “I need you to stay in the car for a minute,” Enar said when he turned into Lidon’s driveway. He opened his window to put in the keycard that would open the gate. “I need to speak to Lidon for a minute before we go in.”

  Palani bit his tongue to swallow back the snarky reply that wouldn’t help him at all. He wanted to see Vieno, so he’d better be on good behavior to make that possible. Enar shot him a look when he said nothing, so he quickly said, “Okay. I’ll wait.”

  Enar parked in front of the garage, then shut off his engine. “Yeah, I figured you would,” he said with a small sigh. “I’ll be right back to get you.”

  Palani observed as Lidon stepped outside and after a brief hug, the two alphas conferred with each other. He didn’t know what they were talking about, but a few glances his way made him suspect he was the topic.

  Was Lidon concerned about his behavior toward Vieno? He’d have to show him he could refrain from touching him, then. It would be hard, since they were both so used to touching each other, but he’d do anything to keep having access to his friend.

  At first, he’d thought it would be better if they didn’t see each other for a while. Just till things got settled. It had only taken a few days to realize the stupidity of that plan. His skin was literally itching now, knowing that Vieno was close. He could almost smell him, taste him, which was ridiculous. He couldn’t, not from a car outside, but if he closed his eyes, he could feel him.

  He jumped when Enar opened his door to let him out. “Lidon wants to say something,” he announced.

  Palani’s stomach cramped. Had Lidon changed his mind? Or did he have rules and restrictions? He’d agree to anything and everything, as long as he could see Vieno—even if it was just for a short while.

  “I’ll agree to any rules you have,” he said as soon as he was standing in front of Lidon. “I’ll stay across the room or whatever…I just…”

  Lidon’s eyes were more puzzled than stern, he noticed. “You just what?” the alpha asked.

  “I just really would like to see him,” Palani finished his sentence, almost whispering.

  “It’s okay,” Lidon said to his surprise. “Vieno has missed you, too. You can hang out with him, even touch him and hug him if you want… All I ask is that you respect me when I tell you something, okay? I know that sounds bossy, but—”

  “Whatever you say, alpha,” Palani said, meaning every word.

  Lidon studied him for a few seconds more. “Enar was right,” he said. “You do look like crap.”

  Why would Enar say that about him to Lidon? That made no sense at all. Still, he wasn’t gonna bring it up.

  “Go on in,” Lidon said. “We’ll be there in a minute.”

  “You’re…trusting me? To be alone with him?” Palani asked, shocked.

  “I’ve always trusted you. Your heart is in the right place, Palani. Now go, before I change my mind.”

  Palani didn’t wait a second longer but ran inside. He could smell him as soon as he set foot across the threshold, that sweet, unique smell that was all Vieno. He found him in the living room, dozing on the couch. His face was illuminated by multiple soft lights.

  Palani gasped when he saw him. He’d expected him to appear radiant, alive, healthy…that was what was supposed to happen when you alpha-mated. Instead, Vieno looked pale again, those awful dark circles
under his eyes. And his cheeks were sunken, like he’d lost weight. How was this possible?

  He carefully sat down on the couch at his feet, putting his hand on Vieno’s ankle. “Hey baby,” he whispered, then caught himself. He needed to stop calling Vieno that. Lidon wouldn’t appreciate that nickname. “Vieno…” he whispered. “I’m here.”

  One second Vieno was asleep, the next his eyes flew open and he spotted Palani. The sound coming from his mouth sounded like a wounded animal, and before Palani realized it, Vieno threw himself at him, his too-thin arms tightly around Palani’s neck. He breathed him in, that sweet smell invading every pore of his being, tears filling his eyes.

  “I missed you,” Vieno said, his voice breaking. A sob tore through his body. “I missed you so fucking much…”

  Palani held him, not even considering pushing him away when Vieno climbed on his lap to hold him, burying himself in Palani’s arms. His face was pressed tightly against Palani’s neck, his skin soon wet from tears.

  He couldn’t speak himself, a whirlwind of emotions storming through his body and mind, unlike anything he’d ever experienced before. What the hell was happening? He could barely think, all he could do was feel.

  How amazing it felt to hold Vieno again.

  How his skin had stopped itching and that buzz in his head had evaporated.

  How his heart seemed different now Vieno was in his arms. Like it was whole again, somehow.

  And then Lidon spoke and Palani’s high came to a rushing halt. “You were right, Enar.”

  Palani’s eyes flew open, and he found Lidon and Enar staring at him, at them, because Vieno was still very much on his lap, plastered against him, sobbing his eyes out.

  Oh, fuck. This was about to get ugly. He needed to get Vieno off him as soon as possible.

  “Test it,” Enar said.

  Palani’s eyes widened and he froze. Test what?

  “Vieno, come here,” Lidon said, and the alpha power roll through those words into Palani. He released Vieno on instinct, not wanting to step between two mates. But Vieno only lifted his head to gaze at Lidon through tear-streaked eyes.

  “I can’t…I can’t let him go yet.”

  What the hell? How was a little itty-bitty omega like Vieno able to resist the alpha compulsion of his mate, when even Palani staggered under the force? This made no sense at all.

  “Vieno, you have to go. He’s your mate…” Palani urged him.

  “I can’t… God, I’m being ripped apart inside…” Vieno sobbed.

  “Lidon, release him,” Enar urged, and it took a second for Palani to realize it wasn’t directed at him, but at the alpha.

  With two big strides, Lidon sat down on the couch next to them and his arm came around them both. “Sshh,” he said softly, pressing a kiss to Vieno’s hair, his face close to Palani’s. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Stay right where you are.”

  Palani sat frozen to his spot, his mind doing desperate attempts to understand what was happening. How had Vieno been able to resist his alpha? And why the hell had Lidon let him get away with that…why had he even allowed Palani and Vieno to be alone in the first place?

  Yet despite his mental turmoil, there was a remarkable peace in his emotions, a sense of right-ness. He was holding Vieno again and despite the implications this could have, it felt so wonderfully perfect…as did Lidon’s arm around them both and the calming alpha waves he was emitting. It was almost as if…

  Lightning struck his brain. This was what Enar had been asking Melloni about. He sought his eyes and found the doctor studying them with sadness on his face. Almost like…jealousy? But that didn’t matter right now. Far more important was the staggering conclusion Palani had reached.

  “Tell me the truth,” he told Enar. “Vieno and me, did we somehow become mates?”


  Vieno had never felt more confused in his life. When Lidon had called him, he’d wanted to come, but he hadn’t been able to. He’d been so happy to see Palani again, to feel him, touch him, smell him…he hadn’t been able to let go. It was like his body had been tied to Palani somehow, like invisible threads had kept him where he was.

  And now that Lidon was close too, his smell tickling Vieno’s nose, he felt somehow…different. Like something inside him had clicked. He had no idea what this meant, but for now, he was happy to stay where he was, his face still tucked against Palani’s shoulder and Lidon’s big hand on the small of his back.

  “Yes, I think that’s what happened,” Enar said. What was he talking about? Vieno frowned, his tears subsiding.

  “But…how? I never claimed him… Plus, I’m a beta. I wasn't even aware it was possible.”

  Vieno lifted his head and wiped the wetness from his eyes and cheeks. “What’s possible?” he asked, clearing his throat when it came out hoarse. “What are you guys talking about?”

  Palani made a gesture at Enar, who walked over to a chair across from them and sat down. “My theory is that somehow, you and Palani bonded,” he said to Vieno.

  “Bonded? Like, we’re super close? I mean, we are, but that’s not new… I don’t understand.”

  “More than that. My theory is that somewhere, somehow you two mated, even without the claiming. It’s why it’s been so brutal for you both to be apart. You both looked like crap and had trouble eating, sleeping… And the fact that you were unable to tear yourself away from Palani, even when your alpha told you to, sealed it for me.”

  Vieno’s mouth dropped open. He had what? How was this even possible? “I’ve mated with two men?” he asked, his voice breaking.

  How badly had he fucked all of this up? Lidon wouldn’t want him if he was mated with Palani as well, but he couldn’t break his alpha claim. They were stuck, the three of them, and it was all his fault.

  “First Palani, then Lidon. I think Lidon knows it too, as his alpha is okay with letting you sit where you are…on another man’s lap.”

  Vieno slowly turned around, still on Palani’s lap, but facing Lidon. Enar was right, his alpha didn’t look angry or even upset. Still, Vieno couldn’t be sure until he asked.

  Vieno swallowed. “Are you upset with me?” he asked.

  Lidon’s lips showed a hint of smile, his eyes kind. “No, sweetheart. None of this is your fault.”

  “And your alpha, he’s okay with this?

  “You should see yourself, Vieno. Even the little time you’ve been close to Palani just now has brought color back to your face… I’ve been worried about you this whole week, because I knew something was wrong. My instinct is to give you whatever you need to be happy and healthy, and I think my alpha recognized you needed Palani even before I did.”

  “I didn’t quite understand how Palani could encourage you to marry Lidon,” Enar spoke. “I figured it either meant that you were more friends than lovers, though there was plenty of evidence to the contrary, or that he wasn’t jealous because he’s a beta and wired differently.”

  Next to Vieno, Palani gasped. “You’re saying it’s because…”

  Enar nodded. “Yes. Your beta recognized Lidon as Vieno’s other mate.”

  Vieno tried to let that sink in, that he was now linked to two men, and that they were supposed to be together. With the three of them. One alpha, one beta, one omega. It felt right, and yet, something was still missing. Maybe because Lidon hadn’t said he was okay with this? He’d have to accept Palani as a mate too, right? Was that even legal, an alpha claiming two men?

  He met Lidon’s eyes, which showed nothing but calm acceptance. “You’re okay with all this?” Vieno asked.

  “We’ll have to talk about the details, but yes.”

  “What about Enar?” Vieno asked. There was something inherently wrong about the three of them sitting here together, while Enar was all by himself across from them.

  Enar sent him a smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m fine, little one. Don’t worry about me.”

  “You’re not fine,” Palani scoffed. “You can’t tell
me this doesn’t affect you.”

  Enar’s smile cracked a little. “Of course, it affects me. Lidon is my best friend and you and I are… I don’t know what we are, but that’s over, too.”

  Vieno frowned. “What do you mean, that’s over, too? Your friendship with Lidon isn’t over just because he’s married.”

  Palani froze and Enar looked like a deer in the headlights, while Lidon shook his head at Enar.

  “You hadn’t told him?” Enar finally said to Lidon.

  “I would never violate your privacy like that.”

  “I thought since he’s your claimed mate and all… I’m sorry.”

  “Tell me what?” Vieno asked, looking from Enar to Lidon and back, but neither man spoke.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Palani said. “No need to make such a big deal out of it. Lidon fucked Enar, okay? The man likes to bottom occasionally. Nothing wrong with that.”

  Vieno couldn’t explain how he knew, maybe because of the casual way Palani had said it, but he realized his reaction right now mattered a lot to Enar. He had one chance to get this right. “Oh, okay,” he said, forcing his voice to be level. “That’s no biggie.”

  The gentle squeeze from Lidon’s hand on his leg told him he’d done well.

  “But…it really is a biggie,” Enar said, looking flustered. “As an alpha, I’m not supposed to want that.”

  Vieno shrugged. “Who cares? You’re not hurting anyone and it’s all consensual, so what business is it really of anyone else’s?”

  “You mean that?”

  “You’re talking to the guy who gets crazy during his heat and does all kinds of things he’s not supposed to. Pretty sure I can relate.”

  “That’s… Thank you,” Enar said. “I’ve never told anyone, so this matters a lot to me.”


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