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Baron, a Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance Series

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by HP Mallory





  HP Mallory

  (Writing as Plum Pascal)

  ~Copyright ©2019 by HP Mallory~

  Writing as Plum Pascal

  Published by HP Mallory at Smashwords

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  The Castle in the Sky

  The scent of damp stone tickles my nose. I feel cold brick beneath me as my eyes blink open and struggle to adjust to the darkness. My bones ache as memories ooze into my mind:

  Soldiers. An endless sea of Variant’s soldiers swarming us from all directions. Dragan dropping to his knees after being poisoned by a dart. I scream while Dragan’s sword is taken from him and one of the soldiers forces him down on his stomach. With his boot, the soldier smashes Dragan’s face into the shingles of the rooftop. Cuffs are bolted around Dragan’s wrists before he blacks out.

  I scream and turn around to watch Baron being taken down and cuffed, in much the same way Dragan was. A dart, maybe two inches long, protrudes from Baron’s thigh. Behind him, Cambion does his best to fight the three soldiers facing him, but he’s powerless against the soldier behind him who spears him with the same poisonous arrow. Seconds later, Cambion drops to his knees.

  I feel a tiny pinch in the back of my neck. Panic crawls through my limbs as stark reality highjacks my overwhelmed mind. I’ve been hit. Instantly, my vision begins to blur. I reach back and feel the tiny barb, plucking it out of my flesh. But, it’s too late. I fall to my knees beside Dragan, trying to shake the delirious feelings aside but to no avail.

  My vision fades to black.

  A traitor… Raflamir backstabbed us.

  My heart begins pounding as I reach for my dagger. But it’s gone, taken by one of Variant’s soldiers. I scramble to my feet, my breath racing. I feel lightheaded and dizzy and, in this darkness, it’s near impossible to make head or tail of where I am.

  I put my arms out straight in front of me and feel along the walls that are jagged and cold. Callous stone. I continue forward, searching for a door. No air spills through the faint cracks in the stone. There are no windows. No way out.

  My movements are slow, and I feel as if I’m wading through knee-high sand. The air is thin, burning my lungs and causing stars to sting behind my eyes. A painful throb spreads through my skull as I drop to my knees to catch my breath. A pained groan comes from somewhere in the corner and I immediately wonder what or who could accompany me in here. I pull back towards the wall and try to remain quiet.

  Suddenly a light flickers to my left.


  Relief instantly suffuses me as I watch him scrape his nails across the stone beside his head, causing sparks to illuminate the harsh casts of his face. I crawl on my hands and knees toward him, feeling too sick to stand up.

  “Eilish,” he whispers, his voice reaching out and encompassing me in the warmth of relief. Baron is really the only ally I have as Dragan seems to play the part only when it suits him. And Cambion detests me. He always has.

  “I feel so weak,” I say as I collapse to the ground, unable to hold myself up any longer. Baron moves in the darkness and lights a torch on the wall, seemingly with his mind.

  He appears foolishly large as he stands above me. When he turns around to face me, my breath quickens as his eyes hold my gaze with so much hunger it makes my stomach clench.

  “You’re weak because you haven’t fed,” he rumbles ominously as he sits beside me and pulls me into his arms roughly. I rest my head against his chest. I can’t hear his heartbeat because he doesn’t have one.

  “I thought it was the poison,” I start.

  He shakes his head, the low light of the torch fire reflecting against the black in his hair. Baron is a beautiful man—he’s tall and broad, though not quite as tall and broad as Dragan. With his chiseled features, strong jaw, high cheekbones, black hair and blue eyes, he almost looks like a painting.

  He runs his fingers through my hair as he smiles down at me, revealing his fangs. I swallow hard. Yes, Baron is my ally, but I’m also intimidated by him because he’s unpredictable and he’s… vampire. Not only is he a vampire, but he’s also a revenant—pulled from his grave and brought back to life by the Midnight Queen. For what purpose, we still don’t know.

  Baron’s existence as a revenant so defines him, that he’s adopted the title “Revenant” as his name.

  “I haven’t fed?” I ask, frowning in confusion.

  Baron smiles again as he nods. “Sex, Eilish.”

  And that’s when I remember what I am. Succubus. In order to remain alive, sex is my fuel. I’m also part angel but that part doesn’t seem as demanding as the demon within me. A demon whose sustenance must come from the body of a man.

  In general, Baron is sullen and prefers his own company. It’s only recently that he seems to have taken an interest in me—ever since he found out I’m half Succubus. As to why he appears to want to help me now, I’m not entirely sure. He says the darkness within me attracts the darkness within him.

  Maybe it’s that simple. Maybe it isn’t.

  “Where are we?” I ask.

  “I’m fairly certain we’re in Variant’s dungeon,” he answers. His tone of voice doesn’t reveal anything. If he’s nervous about finding himself here, it doesn’t show.

  “Variant’s dungeon,” I repeat, dread settling in my stomach.

  Baron’s hand slides down my back to rub comforting circles against my spine. His touch lights a fire beneath my skin as though I’m burning, like the torch on the wall. I close my eyes and relish the feel of his fingers. Immediately I feel myself growing wet. Baron’s right—the Succubus within me needs to feed.

  “Revenant,” I whisper, holding myself up as I brush my lips against the swatch of pale skin at the opening of his shirt. His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows. I pull away from him and we hold one another’s gaze for a few seconds. His eyes appear almost white in the torchlight.

  “Yes?” he responds.

  “I need… you,” I whisper, embarrassed by the words.

  “Do you?” he asks in a low, gritty voice, one tinctured with amusement.

  He’s going to play a game with me—the game of cat and mouse. And I’m the mouse to his cat. Feeling like someone’s prey is unsettling and Baron makes me nervous. His sexual appetite isn’t what I’m accustomed to. The only other man whose touch I’ve known is Dragan’s. And Dragan was forceful with me, yes. But not like Baron is.

  As I’m missing the bulk of my memories, I’m not sure who my lovers have been in the past, before Dragan. All I
do know is that I wasn’t a virgin prior to bedding Dragan.

  “Please, Revenant,” I whisper, feeling the need building in me. It’s akin to a stinging, a burning, a hunger that demands to be satisfied.

  “Please what?”

  “Appease me,” I nearly sing the words, there’s so much need dancing in them.

  “Appease you how?”

  He’s going to make me humiliate myself. I’m angry at him for forcing my hand, but there’s something else inside me that wants to rise to the occasion. I want to beat him at his own game. I’m just not quite sure how. I’m no femme fatale. I’m just a lost girl who isn’t sure where she fits into this world.

  “With your…” I start, but lose my nerve.

  “My what?” he asks and chuckles low in his throat. “Come, now Eilish, this isn’t the conversation of a Succubus, a she-demon, a mistress of seduction.”

  I’m not a mistress of seduction but I don’t say as much because it’s already painfully obvious. Obvious or not, the need continues to burn in me, hurting deep within my abdomen and the flesh between my thighs. But Baron doesn’t care about my intense desire or my need. He wants me to feel the humiliation of needing him, of asking him to satiate me. He wants to see me suffer at his hands.

  “Your…” I start again and then close my eyes as my cheeks flush with humiliation.

  “My cock?” he whispers into my ear. “Is that what you want?”

  “Yes,” I return his whisper, loving hearing the word on his tongue. It’s just so… so raw and thrilling, just like Baron, himself.

  “Then fucking say it, Eilish.” I open my eyes and swallow hard. He’s staring at me and he grips my chin, so I won’t be able to move my head. “Tell me you want my cock.”

  “I want,” I start and then inhale deeply. He tightens his hold on my jaw until it hurts. “Your cock.”

  “Where do you want my cock?” he continues, his eyes still holding mine prisoner.

  “Please, Revenant,” I whisper. He rattles me to a point that’s unbearable and he knows he does. I think he thrives on it—the power he has over me.

  “Tell me where you want my cock,” he says, his words icy and insistent. Variant’s dungeon pales to the prison of Baron’s eyes.

  “Inside me,” I whisper.

  “Inside your what?”

  The flush of my humiliation intensifies, and I feel embarrassed heat spreading over my entire body.

  “My… my…”

  I don’t know what to call it! What does he want me to call it?

  God, why does Baron have to be like this? Dragan never made me beg him. He was all too willing to give his… cock to me.

  But you like this, I tell myself, even as I recognize the truth in my own words. You want Baron even more because of it. You like the fact that he scares you, that he forces you into uncomfortable territory.

  “Your pussy?” he breathes the word against my face and goosebumps ricochet all over my skin.

  “Yes,” I say.

  “Then say it.”

  “Say what?”

  His eyes narrow in the low light and his fangs seem twice as long as they just were. “Tell me you want my fucking cock inside your pussy.”

  “Revenant, please,” I start. I don’t want to say the words—they’re dirty and they make me uncomfortable because they feel so… foreign in my mind and on my tongue. They feel… wrong. I’m not a demoness the way Baron wishes me to be. I’m naive and clumsy when it comes to men and… sex.

  “Say the fucking words, Eilish.”

  He tightens his grip on my chin and he won’t release my gaze. If I want him, I’m going to have to play by his rules. But none of this is new.

  “I want your… cock inside… my pussy,” I spit the words out and they fumble over themselves but they’re out, all the same. And I’m relieved.

  His smile broadens and his fangs are so long, they push into his lower lip. “Get on top of me.”

  I’m surprised, but I follow his demands, all the same. His fingers bite into my hips as I sit up and throw one leg over his middle. Once I’ve straddled him, I sit up straight and probably look like I’m ready to ride a horse. I glance down at him, waiting for his next demand. He snakes his hand up my back, until he reaches my hair. Then he fists that hand into my hair at the nape of my neck and yanks my head down.

  I feel the wet caress of his tongue at the pulse point of my neck. He stretches his legs out and scrapes his fangs along my clavicle. His hips jerk. I’m suddenly overwhelmed with the desire to taste him. I lift his head and seal my lips over his, savoring that soul-deep hunger that throbs between us. The kiss isn’t gentle, only because he forces his tongue into my mouth, battling for dominance. He sinks his fangs into my lower lip and growls as I gasp. There’s pain for only a second or two and then it fades into oblivion.

  “Fuck,” he whispers as the taste of my blood hits his tongue.

  My hips grind against him unhesitatingly. I relish the way he hardens beneath me.

  “Release the Succubus,” he murmurs in a low voice.

  He wants me to allow this side of me out of concealment. But, I’m not even sure what that means. How do I release something inside me if I don’t know how to do that? But then I feel it—a distant surge of rebellion that swells within me. As I pay attention to the feeling, it heightens. Its tendrils start reaching out from the core of my being, swirling into my bloodstream until anger, heat, and passion begin to impregnate every inch of me.

  I trail my hand down Baron’s chest. Even while wondering what I’m doing and questioning my boldness, I grip his cock. And I squeeze it—in a way that isn’t meant for his pleasure. It’s meant to show my dominance over him.

  This isn’t me. It’s the Succubus. The real her has just emerged. And thank God for that.

  He pulls away from the kiss with a snarl and flips me onto my back. Baron doesn’t like being challenged. And in doing so, I’ve just dropped the gauntlet.

  He moves over me like a lion on the prowl. A surge of anxiety flows through me but moments later, it’s defeated. This heat within me grows into a blazing fire and I realize that the Succubus is now in charge of my body. I bow down to her, fully aware that she needs to take the reins.

  Baron’s deft fingers flick open the button of my pants and he yanks them down my thighs, using them to trap my legs as they catch on my boots. I feel his hands on the milky flesh of my thighs a moment before he pushes the skin of my pussy apart. Then he leans down and kisses my weeping flesh as I throw my head back in a moan. I feel my cheeks glowing with a violent flush.

  “This won’t be sweet, Eilish,” he groans against me. “I won’t make love to you.”

  I already know the truth in his words, but I don’t care. I don’t want him to make love to me. I want him to satiate this thirst, to deliver me from this need. I moan loudly as his fangs pierce one inner thigh. And then he begins sucking, pulling my blood into his mouth.

  Each pull from my veins sends waves of shock through my body—it’s painful, yes. But the pleasure of his bite by far outweighs the pain. His lips leave a wet trail toward my inner core. Fingers spread my lips again and I feel the heat of his tongue against me, lapping at my opening and at my clit. I clench and spasm. Each flick of his tongue is interjected by the vibrations of his growls. My legs quiver, but he’s relentless. I dig my hands into his hair and hang on as he devours me.

  When he pulls away, I want to scream out in disappointment. But he doesn’t grant me the opportunity and, instead, flips me over onto my stomach. With his forearm, he presses my chest and face against the ground, holding me there. The cold of the ground is a sharp contrast to the heat that envelops me. It feels almost as cold as Baron does.

  I feel his knee forcing my legs further apart. Everything is suddenly beyond bearing. The cell is too small, the smell is too musty and dank, the feel of Baron’s heavy erection nudging between my folds… too enticing.

  “Please,” I beg helplessly. “Please, Revenant. I
... I need you.”

  “You’ve wanted this for a while, haven’t you?” His breath is hot against my ear as he slides the head of his cock against my clit and my eyes clench of their own accord. “You’ve been thinking about me fucking you all this time, ramming my dick into you until you can’t walk.”

  “Yes,” I admit. There’s no point in denying it.

  “I know you have. I could smell your need since we first set out on this… fucking suicide mission.” He pauses for a moment or two. “Beg me, Eilish. Tell me how much you want it.”

  “Revenant... Please.” I don’t want to beg. I’m done with begging. I’m done with playing this game. My need is stronger than ever before and all I can think about is Baron’s… cock driving inside me.

  “Please what, Angel?” he teases with a chuckle. “Beg with that pretty, little mouth of yours.” He pushes his hips forward and his tip enters me, robbing my lungs of air.

  “Please… fuck me,” I whisper as I feel myself grow even wetter.


  “I… I need your cock inside my pussy.”

  “Who am I?” he demands and throws me for a second.

  “Revenant,” I start.

  “No,” he interrupts, his tone of voice short, irritated. “Who am I?”

  “Bar,” I start but suddenly realize what he’s asking me for. And it’s not the name of the man he once was. He’s not the same man he once was. He’s not Baron and hasn’t been since he woke up from the grave. “My King,” I say.

  Something dark and primal reverberates through the cell as he pushes inside me. I yelp while he forces the entire length of himself into me with one thrust. There’s no warm-up, no gentleness, no inching his way inside. He’s raw power and he asserts his dominance over me with his cock.

  Once he’s thrust himself all the way into me, he pulls out quickly. Then he rams himself back in again, relentless in his force. Each drag of his cock against my inner walls causes me to clench tighter around him.


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