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Seraphim Academy 3: Fallen Kings

Page 13

by Briggs, Elizabeth;

  After a few hours, Lilith drags me outside into one of the alcoves, which is covered in night-blooming jasmine, and we sit on one of the stone benches together. It feels nice to take a break and get off my feet.

  “Are you having a good time?” Lilith asks, swirling her wine.

  “I am, yes.” I turn toward her, noticing how the moonlight only makes her more stunning. “Thank you for coming tonight. It means a lot to me.”

  She entwines her arm with mine. “It was time. There’s no need to hide who you are anymore. Although I do have to ask, what happened to the necklace I gave you?”

  I touch my chest reflexively, but of course it’s gone. I stopped wearing it because it only made me sad. “The stone in it broke when I was hit with a blast from the Staff of Eternity. I’m sorry.”

  “How did that happen?”

  I sigh and quickly explain everything to her, ending with how we have the Staff hidden away. It’s been a while since we saw each other, and we have a lot to catch up on. “Do you know how to the destroy the Staff, by any chance?”

  “I don’t, but I know the man who would. My former lover Culann is the enchanter who made it, along with your necklace. I could ask him. If I had a way to get to Faerie.”

  “Damn. I have some fae friends, but no fae relic anymore.”

  “A fae relic won’t be a problem. I still have the ring I use to change my appearance, which was also made by Culann.” She downs the last of her wine and stands. “If you take me to your fae friends, one of them can open a portal for me.”

  I hastily get to my feet. “Right now?”

  “Why wait?” She winks at me as we return to the ballroom. “Besides, this party is growing dull. Better to leave now so we make an exit everyone will remember. We need to give them something to gossip about, after all.”

  I’ve never been so proud to be her daughter before.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  We pay our respects to Lucifer, and then I give Kassiel a goodnight kiss, both of us sad that we can’t spend the rest of the evening together, especially when we’re dressed as we are. I promise him I’ll wear the dress again sometime, and then I lead Lilith into the shadowy doorway to Seraphim Academy’s side. We both bend down and take off our heels with a short laugh, and then I make us invisible as we continue toward the school.

  “I’m looking forward to meeting the rest of your men,” Lilith says, as we walk through the forest. “Although I suppose I’ve already met Bastien, even though he didn’t know it.” Last year, Lilith came to train me as a succubus under the disguise of a woman named Delilah. I’m not even sure Uriel knew her real identity.

  “They might all be asleep,” I say, realizing it must be the middle of the night by now. “It’s late.”

  “Ah yes, I didn’t think of that.” She lifts her diamond-covered dress to step over a rock. “Sunlovers, we used to call them during the war.”

  I love getting this glimpse of the past. “And what did they call demons?”


  We make it back to the bell tower, and to my surprise, everyone is there and awake. Mostly. Marcus is passed out on the couch, but Callan jumps up as soon as I walk into the Princess Lounge. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” I ask, while mother hangs back in the hall, probably trying not to startle them with her presence. “What are you all doing awake at this hour?”

  Marcus sits up and rubs sleep from his eyes “Callan’s been like a little old lady, worried the whole time you’ve been gone. He wouldn’t leave, so we thought we’d keep him company.”

  Bastien stands as well, but that’s his nature. “Welcome back, Olivia.”

  Jonah, Araceli, Tanwen, and Eveanna look at us from the table. They’re playing some sort of card game. “Did you have fun?” Araceli asks.

  “I did. And there’s someone I’d like you all to meet.” I turn toward the door as Lilith saunters inside, her jeweled dress sparkling like stars under the light. Every head swings around to her as she crosses the room. “This is my mother. Lilith.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” she purrs, and the look of shock on all their faces is priceless. I wish I had a camera to capture it.

  Marcus steps forward first and gives her an unexpected hug. “It’s so nice to finally meet you. I’m Marcus.”

  “I see Raphael’s charm in you,” she says, patting his cheeks. When his eyes widen, she laughs. “Don’t worry, he’s never been my type.”

  Bastien offers his hand. “It’s nice to meet you properly.”

  “Forgive me for the ruse, but sometimes a little deception is required.” Lilith gives him a mischievous smile as she shakes his hand. Her gaze then swings to Callan, who has been standing back this whole time.

  “This is Callan,” I say, hoping he doesn’t say something stupid when faced with an Archdemon.

  He steps forward, his movements stiff. Is he…nervous? “It’s an honor.”

  She takes both his hands and looks him in the eyes. “The honor is mine. I can see you have the courage of Michael, the integrity of Jophiel, and a heart that puts both of theirs to shame. How lucky for my daughter that you’ve given it to her.”

  She winks at him as he coughs and steps back, his face turning red. All I can do is shake my head. She knows way too much about each of them, but I shouldn’t be surprised—she’s always been watching over me from the shadows.

  I gesture to the others sitting at the table. “This is my brother Jonah, my roommate Araceli, and my friends Tanwen and Eveanna.”

  Lilith gives each of them a smile and squeezes Jonah on the shoulder. “Thank you for being there for my daughter.”

  I clear my throat. “Lilith is here because she thinks she can help us with the Staff.”

  “Yes, I was once intimate with the man who made it. If one of you lovely fae ladies can open me a portal with my relic, I can find him and ask him how to destroy it.”

  Eveanna slowly rises to her feet and speaks with awe in her voice. “You speak of Culann, master enchanter of the High Court. No one has seen him for many years.”

  “He’s very reclusive, but I know where he lives.” Lilith tilts her head with a sly smile. “He might not be happy to see me, but he was never able to resist me for very long. I’ll get the information from him.” She turns to me. “I can ask him to fix your necklace too.”

  I consider it, but then shake my head. “Thanks, but I don’t need it anymore.”

  She gives me a proud smile. “No, you don’t have to hide now.”

  “I can take you to Faerie,” Araceli says. “I’d love to meet Culann.”

  Lilith shakes her head. “That is a kind offer, but you’re needed here at school, and it will take me a while to find Culann and convince him to give up his secrets. If you open the portal for me, I can go alone.”

  “I will accompany you on this journey,” Eveanna says, in a matter-of-fact tone. “It is unsafe for a demon to travel alone in Faerie.”

  “But you’ve been banished from Faerie,” Jonah says.

  “We shall be careful.” She lifts a graceful shoulder in a shrug. “Most believe I am there already. If anyone sees me, it will only reinforce our fabrication. Whereas if I stay here much longer, someone will see through my glamour. It is only a matter of time.”

  Tanwen rises. “Don’t get caught.”

  The two of them exchange a long look, before Eveanna says, “I was chosen to be the guardian of the Staff of Eternity for a reason. We will not get caught.”

  “We’ll be fine,” Lilith says, waving her hand. “I’ve had centuries to practice hiding from the fae. I can do this on my own without a problem, although I wouldn’t having someone by my side for the journey.”

  Lilith removes her ring and hands it to Eveanna. Tanwen gives her a small knife from a sheath on her thigh, and the green-haired fae responds with a nod. Eveanna slices open her hand and clutches the ring in her bloody fist, then says a few words in the f
ae language while holding out her other hand. A shimmering, swirling portal opens in front of her, just tall enough for the two of them to enter.

  Lilith pulls me into a hug. “I’ll be back soon with the answer. I promise.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” The word slips out without any thought now. Lilith freezes and her breath catches. She pulls back and looks at me with tears in her eyes, and warmth spreads through my chest. She’s moved because I called her mom again. She touches my cheek lovingly before stepping through the portal. Only then do I realize she went in her sparkling dress with no supplies…but she’s Lilith. She’ll figure it out.

  Meanwhile, Araceli and Jonah are shoving the entire contents of our little pantry into a bag for Eveanna to take. Eveanna thanks them, and then turns to Tanwen to give her back her knife. They stare at each other for a heartbeat, and then Tanwen places her hands on Eveanna’s shoulders and kisses her. It’s a shock to all of us, although I immediately feel the lust stirring between them. It must have been there all along, but they were both hiding it or trying to deny it. Eveanna slides her hand around Tanwen’s neck and kisses her back, before breaking away. The rest of us avert our gazes and try to pick our jaws up off the floor. I knew the two of them had become close friends, but I never saw this coming. As a succubus, I should have, but I guess I’ve been busy lately.

  “Come back safely,” Tanwen tells her.

  “I swear it,” Eveanna replies. She steps into the portal, and it immediately vanishes.

  Tanwen stares at the spot where it was, and then turns toward us with a scowl. When she sees our expressions, she snaps, “What?”

  Araceli lets out a squeal. “Tanwen! Why didn’t you tell us? Jonah, did you know?”

  He shakes his head with a laugh. “I had no idea.”

  Tanwen glares at both of them. “Oh, shut up. Like you two are fooling anyone.”

  Araceli turns bright red and ducks her head. Jonah rubs the back of his neck and avoids looking at anyone. Things are getting awkward fast.

  I grab my little purse and my shoes with a yawn. “I appreciate all of you staying up and waiting for me, but it’s late. Go to bed. Hopefully we’ll have some good news soon.”

  “I’ll fly back with you,” Marcus says.

  I’m too tired to argue that I don’t need a chaperone, and besides, I think he just wants to kiss me goodnight.

  We land on my balcony, and I ask Marcus, “Do you want to come in?”

  He flashes me a naughty smile. “No, I should really get some sleep, and that won’t happen if I go in there. We both know that.”

  I yawn again. “True.”

  “I wanted to invite you to meet my mom and my little brother next weekend. It’s his first birthday and they’re coming to visit me.”

  I can’t help the giant smile on my face. “I would love that.”

  I guess it’s time to bond with all the parents. It’s a big step, but it also feels right.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I’m waiting for Liv on the porch when I see her black wings come into view. As soon as she lands, I pull her close. “I missed you.”

  She melts into my arms with a laugh. “It’s only been a few days.”

  “True, but I always miss you when you’re not around.” We kiss for a few moments, then I take her hand. “Ready?”

  She nods and I notice she’s tightly clutching a small present with dinosaur wrapping paper. She didn’t have to get Griffin a gift, but it’s nice that she did. Mom will love it.

  I open the door to the house I share with Callan, and Griffin immediately crawls over to me with a squawk, then reaches up with the universal baby symbol for “pick me up.” I laugh and bend down to haul the little guy up into my arms. He looks at Olivia with big brown eyes.

  “Hello Griffin,” she says. “I’m Olivia.”

  He just stares at her, as little kids do, and she glances at me like she’s worried she’s done something wrong. Then he says, “Mama mama,” and reaches back in the direction of the other room. I chuckle and lead Olivia further inside, where my mom is sitting on the couch with her partner, Ervin. They both stand when we enter and wear smiles, although I notice my mom wringing her hands.

  I’ve been trying to get her to meet Olivia for months now, but she’s been hesitant because of the half-demon thing. Although most people at Seraphim Academy and in Angel Peak have come to accept Olivia, out in the other angel communities no one knows her personally and they find her existence to be rather shocking. I learned that when I went to visit my mom in Arizona and the angels were horrified when they heard I was friends with the half-demon. It’s going to take some time to change centuries of prejudice, but the fact that my mom agreed to meet Olivia is a good start.

  “Hello, I’m Charmeine,” Mom says with a kind smile. “And this is my partner, Ervin. Marcus has told us so much about you.”

  “It’s so good to meet you.” Olivia holds out the present. “I got Griffin a little something for his birthday.”

  “You’re too kind. Thank you.” She takes Griffin from me and sits down, then hands him the present. Together they unwrap it and find a baby bongo drum inside. “Oh, he’ll love this. He adores music, just like Marcus. Are you still playing the guitar?”

  I guide Liv to the other couch, and we sit down. “Sometimes, yeah. I haven’t had much time lately.”

  “I hope he serenades you with it sometimes,” Mom says to Olivia.

  “Last year he played guitar for me while flying outside my balcony,” Liv says with a fond smile. “I think the entire school saw him.”

  “That does sound like my boy. Always a charmer.” She pinches my cheeks and I roll my eyes. “He gets that from his dad, of course.”

  “Yes, I met Raphael last year. He was definitely…charming.”

  “There’s a good reason he has so many kids, and he was definitely fun for a fling.” Mom turns and takes Ervin’s hand. “Although I’m happy to have settled down with Ervin here.”

  “Mom and Ervin met at Aerie Industries, where they both work,” I tell Olivia. Her eyes widen a little, and I sense she gets my meaning. I love my mom, but she is hesitant about demons, and I don’t know about Ervin’s loyalties at all. I don’t think they’re involved with the Order, but it can’t hurt to be careful either.

  “How do you like Seraphim Academy?” Ervin asks. “I went myself about fifty years ago. I remember it well.”

  “My first year was difficult,” Liv admits. “I grew up among humans and had a lot to learn. The second year was a little easier, and this year I finally feel like I’m fitting in there.”

  “That’s good to hear,” Mom says. “I was worried someone might have treated you unkindly due to your special…background.”

  “Many did. Some still do. But it’s getting better.”

  We’re interrupted by Griffin banging on his new drum from Olivia, which lights up and plays a noise when he hits it. He squeals in delight and does it again, making everyone laugh.

  “I’m going to grab us some food and drinks,” I say, standing up.

  “I’ll help you,” Olivia says, jumping up quickly. As soon as we’re in the kitchen she asks, “Where’s Callan?”

  “He left to give us some privacy. I think he’s playing video games with Jonah, actually.”

  “That’s good.” She leans on the counter and blows out a breath. “Do you think it’s going okay?”

  “Definitely.” I wrap my arms around her and bring her in close, touched that she’s worried about impressing my mom. “You’re doing great.”

  Griffin suddenly crawls into the kitchen wielding his new drum, and we break apart with a laugh. I start plating some easy appetizers, which I prepared earlier, but Griffin keeps tugging on my leg. I pick him up and pinch his cute chubby cheeks, but then hand him to Liv. “Here, can you take him?”

  She gets a complete deer-in-the-headlights look, but then accepts the squirming one year old, who immediately starts crying. That only
makes Liv look more panicked, but I hand Griffin a tiny piece of strawberry and he calms right down. Like me, he loves to eat.

  “Can I help?” Liv asks, shifting Griffin to the other arm.

  “Nope. Just hold him and feed him some fruit. He’ll be happy.” I chuckle as she nearly loses a finger when he chomps on the strawberry slice she offers. “I’m guessing you’ve never been around babies.”

  “No, my foster homes never had babies, and I’ve never been close to anyone who’s had a kid.” She stares at Griffin as he gives her a big smile, showing off his new front teeth. “You seem pretty comfortable though.”

  “Part of the third year Malakim training is in pediatrics. But I’ve always been around kids and babies. Comes with having a big extended family. You know about my father’s reputation and his many sons. Well, some of them have kids too. Or even grandkids.”

  Liv sets Griffin down on the floor and he crawls off to find his mom again. “It must be nice to have such a big family.”

  “Sometimes.” I empty a bag of tortilla chips into a bowl, then pull out the guacamole I made earlier.

  “I always felt so alone growing up,” Liv says. “I had Jonah, but he only visited me occasionally, and that was it. Things are a lot better now that we get to see each other all the time.”

  “It’s good that you two are so close. I’m not close to any of my brothers. We’re all far apart in age and have different mothers.” I shrug as if this doesn’t matter, even though this is something I’ve never told anyone before, and I turn toward the counter to cut up some celery. “Growing up, I always felt like just another one of Raphael’s many kids. I’m glad Griffin won’t have that problem. He’ll be special.”

  Liv throws her arms around me from behind. “Oh, Marcus, you’re special too.”


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