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Lilly IV

Page 5

by Tiya Rayne

  “What are you doing in here?” I ask Avalia as I stand from my bed, the blanket still wrapped around my waist. Avalia takes a step back giving me space as I get to my feet.

  “Well it wasn’t to watch you toy with your cock for five minutes.” She says with an eye roll.

  “I’ve never fucked anything in under 20 minutes. My fist included.” I reply as I turn my back to her to find my pants lying on the floor.

  My anger is a reflex emotion for my embarrassment. I’m so hard up for Lilly that I’m reduced to jacking myself off with images of her like some boy before manhood. This immediately puts me in a foul mood. I want Lilly here, safe and in my bed. The more I think of the asshole that has her secluded away from me, the angrier I get. I turn back to face Avalia after pulling my pants up on my waist.

  Folding my arms over my chest I ask, “Why are you here?”

  She turns her back on me and starts to head out of the room. “Get dressed and head to the throne room. We have a council meeting.”

  I grumble low. Fuck! A council meeting is the last thing I needed with this foul mood.

  I purposefully took my time coming down to the throne room for the council meeting. The sight that greets me is the first sign of how much things have changed amongst the kingdoms.

  The council includes, Avalia, myself, Bartus and Rykan, Fisgal, and Artimus. Usually each King is accompanied by two or three guards. Now the room is so full of guards that it is almost a party. Each King has at least ten or more guards. Even Avalia has upped her protection.

  Trailing behind me is my group of guards. Augustus is to my immediate right, Bilal and Himrol just to my left. Hyland is behind me followed by Mogo. I didn’t need their protection. I could kill everyone in this room without breaking a sweat. I have my guards simply because it pisses everyone else off.

  As we enter I take great joy in watching the others squirm with fury and impatience.

  “Glad you could finally joins us.” Avalia speaks to my mind.

  “I will never rush for these assholes.”

  “I thought after your activities this morning you would be in a better mood.” The laughter in her voice is obvious.

  I figured I had not heard the last of her jokes about that.

  “Fucking my hand instead of making love to Lilly is never going to put me in a better mood. And you should be more concerned that I don’t decide to kill these spineless bastards.”

  Avalia’s laugh sounds like chimes in my head. “In due time, Assassin. In due time.”

  Since our departure from the Southern Kingdom there has been tension amongst the council. Although our goals are all the same—bring Lilly home—we are not exactly all working together. We meet weekly to discuss any new leads. Each kingdom gives off vague and elusive information, keeping the real leads to themselves. Everyone is in a rush to be the first to find Lilly. We are together yet divided. There is no trust amongst us. The division is a result of Bartus’s treachery. It became even clearer when Bartus demanded that I be handed over to him for the attempted murder of his son. Avalia laughed in his face and explained that she had the right to kill Rykan. His stupidity could possibly have destroyed everything we were working for. Bartus, realizing it was a lost cause, drops his demands for me and asked for Bilal and Himrol. He wanted to try them as traitors. It was his attempt to get back at me. But he was too late. By the time his request came, they had denounced their loyalty to the Southern Kingdom. They were now high guards to the Elven throne. One of the highest positions one can have in the Elven army. No longer members of the Southern Kingdom, they could no longer be tried as traitors. They received a slap on the wrist for their part in the fight, seeing as they were only doing as they were told. Bartus despises their disloyalty and angers at the sight of them. Which is all the more reason to bring them with me to every council meeting.

  Artimus and Fisgal are both angry with Bartus for his attempt to sneak Lilly off. I believe they suspect Bartus knows more about Lilly’s whereabouts than he’s letting on. If I had not seen her with my own eyes, I would have accused Bartus myself. How else would someone slip away from the Southern Kingdom leaving no trace? But Bartus would have no use for Lilly’s blood. And he definitely wouldn’t abuse and starve her with his grandsons secured in her belly. Whoever has Lilly has no concern for the future kings, which rules out any of these bastards in this room. That is why they are still alive.

  I take my seat in my new favorite spot, directly across from Rykan. Augutus and the others stand in position around the throne room.

  With a sneer I greet the room.

  “Gentlemen, so glad you waited for me.”

  No one has the balls to say anything.

  “Greetings Kings, is there any news to report?” Avalia asks, going through the motions. She didn’t actually believe these idiot kings would give her any valuable information.

  “My stable boy asked me a very good question recently.” Bartus announces.

  “He said that Lilly was learning to ride on a white stallion. One that was kept in my stables and recently, he noticed that it has gone missing. Have any of you seen it?” He eyes me suspiciously.

  It isn’t as if I’m going to tell him that Thor is secured away in one of the Queen’s stables. The horse was apparently attacked in some kind of scuffle with a wild animal. He is on the mend. I found Thor that first night Lilly took missing. He led me right back to the place he must have lost her. Unfortunately, whoever took her cleared their tracks well. I only saw the animal tracks and Thor’s, I could tell there was some kind of battle. I could even see where Lilly must have fallen from the horse, but that is where all tracks leave off. The only remaining footprints from that night are Thor’s.

  “And your stable boy is just now noticing that a horse is missing?” Artimus supplies, his accusation and suspicion clear within his question.

  “The southern Kingdom has been a bit pre-occupied as of lately.” Bartus answers sitting back in his chair.

  It’s obvious that he has kept this information to his self in hopes that it would lead him to Lilly first. I imagine that after weeks of no leads he finally decided to share it with us. Fucking idiot.

  “We have not spotted the white stallion, but if we do we will be sure to let you know, Bartus.” Avalia answers smoothly. “Anyone else?”

  “Maybe the human went back home?” Fisgal suggests. “If the ‘boy’,” he emphasizes the word boy. “…had broken her heart as he admits, she would more than likely go back home to her kind.”

  Rykan squirms in his seat at the mention of his actions towards Lilly.

  It took Avalia almost killing Rykan to get him to tell us what he showed Lilly in Diagon Alley. He finally admitted that an Elf came to him and told him that he had proof that I was not good for Lilly. I knew immediately the elf was Phillisius. Rykan later confirmed this. Phillisius told Rykan of a female in Diagon Ally that had been used by Avalia and I for some kind of sordid threesome.

  Even just imagining how that must have made Lilly feel has my sight going red and my fist clenching on top of the table. I could have killed Rykan all over again. His carelessness was the cause of all this. It was because Lilly felt betrayed that she ran from the castle. It was obvious when I found the horse that Lilly was trying to flee. We have been stumped trying to figure out where she was going. She knew no one here but the ones locked in the prison, who would she be running to? That is the question that has circled my mind constantly as of lately.

  “She could not get home without the help of someone else,” Avalia states.

  “Who says she didn’t have help.” The statement was a blatant attack on Avalia.

  “Are you suggesting something, Fisgal?” The calmness in Avalia’s tone gives nothing away to the rage behind her eyes.

  “I’m just saying we can’t rule out all possibilities. It is clear not everyone in this room can be trusted.” His eyes cut to Bartus. “Maybe, there is more than one snake in the grass. Besides, you did allow him
back on the council after he tried to sneak the human away.”

  “Watch your tongue, Fisgal, before I cut it out of your mouth.” Bartus threatens.

  “I should more likely watch my back.”

  The barb did not go unnoticed by Bartus.

  His guards seem to straighten their stance preparing for a battle.

  It would not be the first time a fight have broken out in the council room. Lately, it seems all they do is fight. Many initiated by me. I lean back in my chair preparing to enjoy the battle that is sure to ensue.

  With a wave of her hand Avalia calms the room.

  “Fisgal, if you have no proof, I advise you to keep your false allegations and conspiracy theories to yourself. They take up valuable time in these meetings. Besides, she is not in the human realm. I have already checked.”

  Which is a lie, because of the dreams we already knew she wasn’t there.

  “You will forgive us for not taking your word for it, we would need proof.” Artimus demands.

  Avalia cracks a thin strained smile. “Absolutely. I’ll have one of my guards escort you there at nightfall.”

  The room falls tensely quiet again. The animosity and skepticism coats the room like thick fog.

  “Well, if that is all to report, we should move on.” Avalia sits back in her chair at the end of the long rectangular table.

  Although she still looks as youthful as she did when I first met her, it seems there are subtle differences on her face now. Slight lines and strains that divulge more of her 2,000 year old age. Her eyes tell the story of her many years spent upon the earth. Once a vibrant blue that shone like diamonds, now a dull hue and the shine has dimmed. Again, I am reminded that Avalia knows something she isn’t telling me. Something I think has to do with her death.

  “My visions show that the twin kings will be born on the next Harvest Moon.” Avalia goes on to say.

  “Wait! That is only three weeks away.” Rykan leans forward in his seat.

  His eyes are wide and fearful. “Lilly is out there somewhere about to deliver my sons. I need to be with her. She needs my support.”

  My knuckles crack as I tighten my fist on top of the table. Apparently my sword to the gut was not enough deterrent for the young prince.

  “I think you’ve done enough to support her. Is that not why she is missing in the first place?” Bilal argues.

  Rykan stiffens at the slight and Bartus ruffles.

  “Guards should be seen and not heard.” Bartus retorts. His heavy eyebrows dipping in anger.

  “Not my guards.” I smile cunningly. “They can speak when they please. For instance, if they were to call the Southern Kingdom’s prince a…..”

  “….sniveling coward who was never worthy of Lilly!” Himrol supplies.

  Numerous sounds of chuckling circle the room, none coming from the Southern Kingdom.

  “Thank you, Himrol. My thoughts exactly.” I wink towards Rykan.

  He survived my first warning, he will not survive the next one.

  “Ok, men, let’s focus.” Avalia announces.

  “Why do you goad them?”

  “Because if I can’t kill them, I should at least be able to torture them.”

  Her laughter lingers after she pulls away from my mind.

  “You are right, Rykan. I’m sure we would all like to be with Lilly when she goes into labor. Unfortunately, we are still unable to locate her. Even though we have all tried so hard to come together to find her.”

  All the kings look away as guilt gets the better of them.

  “When the boys are delivered the final fight for the Locke will be upon us. Now is the time to ready our soldiers. I need you to send me your soldiers and anyone else willing to fight for this cause. They should report to the Elven kingdom where they will be trained.”

  The room goes up in ruckus of voices, each king shouting their dissent.

  “Let me get this straight,” Bartus’s voice rises over the others. “You want us to send our soldiers to your kingdom? And just leave our Kingdoms unprotected from an attack on the Dark King?”

  “Yes!” Avalia replies calmly.

  He laughs, throwing his head back.

  “I think the many years of seeing the future has turned your brain to mush.”

  Like a slight breeze, I blow through Bartus’s guards. Before anyone even notices I moved I have the bastard in a death grip around his neck.

  There are many things I will not tolerate, and one is definitely insulting my Queen. With his back to the table and my hand wrapped around his neck in a death grip, Bartus fights for air. Rykan shoots to his feet, but comes up against Himrol’s sword. Augustus, Bilal, Hyland and Mogo are standing over the bodies of Southern guards. The room is tensely quiet.

  “Now that we understand how important this is,” Avalia leans forward in her seat clasping her hands in front of her. “…maybe we can start this conversation again. This time without insulting anyone.” The tension in the room thickens. “Can you handle that, Bartus? Or should I give Assassin free reign to take out his frustration. I know for a fact that he had an unfulfilling morning. I’m sure he would love to release some angry tension on an insulting arrogant king.”

  I roll my eyes toward, Avalia. She was really harboring on that masturbating thing.

  Bartus is barely able to nod his head, but as soon as he does I release him and he sucks in air like a fish out of water.

  “This is absurd.” Rykan claims. “My father is a King. He’s a direct descendant of O’Rydin, and a member of this council. This treatment is inexcusable.”

  “Considering your father tried to betray us and insulted me, I think he’s getting off lightly. Do you all agree?” Avalia asks the other members at the table.

  They all nod in agreement. I’m not sure if they agreed because they believed that this was fair, or if they feared Avalia would turn on them.

  Often times, Avalia has tampered down her ruthlessness and brutality when with the council. They know that the elf queen is powerful, but had no idea how brutal she could be. The kings were already intimidated by her and she felt that she didn’t want to make the matters worse. I guess all bets are off now.

  I take my seat back on the other side of the table smoothing down the front of my tunic as if I hadn’t just tried to kill anyone. Rykan helps his father sit back down in his seat. They both look sullen.

  “As I was saying,” Avalia continues. “Your soldiers should report here so that they may be trained. Anyone that wants to fight should be allowed. We need all the help we can get. Keep with you 2,000 of your most trusted fighters. I would never leave you completely unprotected. Already, I have many of the magicals sending in fighters.”

  “I will send my warriors as soon as I return.” Fisgal agrees obediently. Always the ass-kisser.

  Artimus laughs. “Warriors? You mean those undertrained pansies you call soldiers? You will be better off sending your women. They would be of better use to the men.”

  “My men are trained in the strategy of war. Their skills surpass the battle field.”

  “Yes, we will use their knowledge for our benefit. We will put them on the front line.” Bartus’s voice sounds raspy as he speaks. Not even near death will keep the kings from bickering.

  “At least I am willing to send all my soldiers. Unlike you.”

  “Of course you will send all your soldiers. The Dark King does not attack the Eastern Kingdom.”

  “I wonder why that is?” Artimus queries.

  It is true that out of all the Kingdoms, the Eastern is the less likely to be attacked. Only since Lilly has gone missing has the Dark King sent his soldiers into Fisgal’s territory.

  “It is because I have nothing to offer the Dark King but knowledge, and unwise kings do not seek knowledge.”

  “Bullshit!” Artimus argues.

  “Focus!” Avalia shouts.

  “It’s like trying to wrangle infants into a circle. They cannot stay focused.”

��At least they are not killing each other.” I reply into her mind.

  “Yes, at least there is that.”

  Finally fed up, Avalia rises to her feet. She straightens her posture. Runs a steady hand down the front of her black and silver corseted dress. She then looks down at the men around the table with disgust gracing her delicate features. Even angry and fed-up, the Queen’s beauty is still prominent.

  “Look around this room,” She directs and everyone’s eyes follow her command. “Everyone in this room shares the same enemy. That is the one thing we have in common, that alone, makes the person beside you your ally. I do not care that you do not like me,” she looks to Bartus. “Or that you find the fact that I am a woman with power offensive.” Her gaze turns to Artimus. “The only thing I care about is bringing Lilly home safe and securing a future for us. That is the only reason I sit at this table once a week to discuss business with you, if this is not your goal as well, by all means there is the door.” She points to the entrance of our meeting room in the glass castle.

  No one moves. Not that I expected any of the spineless fuckers to be so bold as to defy Avalia outright. No, they would rather act like cowards and defy her behind her back.

  Dropping her hand and placing both on her hips, Avalia sighs. “This is war, Men. It is not pretty. It is not fun. We don’t all get together and hold hands and sing happy little melodies around a campfire. People die, good people die.” Her voice raise on the last part. Another sigh. “I cannot stress to you the importance of working together. This war cannot be won if we do not all fight as one. The magicals are ready for battle. From the nixes all the way to the tiny fairies. I do not ask more of you than I would ask of my own people. Send anyone that is willing and able to fight, we cannot afford to turn down anyone.”

  There is only a short moment of silence before the men finally see reason to what Avalia is saying. We are outnumbered by the Dark King 50 to 1. That is not taking into account those godsdamn creatures that he created, that I have yet to be able to capture.


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