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Antony and Cleopatra (Arden Shakespeare: Third Series)

Page 10

by William Shakespeare

  He makes me angry with him. For he seems

  Proud and disdainful, harping on what I am,

  Not what he knew I was. He makes me angry,

  And at this time most easy 'tis to do't,

  When my good stars that were my former guides

  Have empty left their orbs173 and shot their fires

  Into th'abysm174 of hell. If he mislike

  My speech and what is done, tell him he has

  Hipparchus, my enfranched bondman176, whom

  He may at pleasure whip or hang or torture,

  As he shall like to quit178 me. Urge it thou.

  Hence with thy stripes! Be gone!

  Exit Thidias [with Servant]

  CLEOPATRA Have you done yet?

  ANTONY Alack, our terrene moon181 is now eclipsed

  And it portends alone182 the fall of Antony.

  CLEOPATRA I must stay his time183.

  ANTONY To flatter Caesar would you mingle eyes184

  With one that ties his points185?

  CLEOPATRA Not know me yet?

  ANTONY Cold-hearted toward me?

  CLEOPATRA Ah, dear, if I be so,

  From my cold heart let heaven engender hail

  And poison it in the source, and the first stone

  Drop in my neck191: as it determines, so

  Dissolve my life! The next Caesarion192 smite,

  Till by degrees the memory of my womb,

  Together with my brave Egyptians all,

  By the discandying195 of this pelleted storm

  Lie graveless, till the flies and gnats of Nile

  Have buried them for prey197!

  ANTONY I am satisfied.

  Caesar sets down199 in Alexandria, where

  I will oppose his fate200. Our force by land

  Hath nobly held, our severed navy too

  Have knit again, and fleet202, threat'ning most sea-like.

  Where hast thou been, my heart? Dost thou hear, lady?

  If from the field I shall return once more

  To kiss these lips, I will appear in blood205:

  I and my sword will earn our chronicle206:

  There's hope in't yet.

  CLEOPATRA That's my brave lord!

  ANTONY I will be treble-sinewed, hearted, breathed209,

  And fight maliciously210. For when mine hours

  Were nice211 and lucky, men did ransom lives

  Of me for jests. But now I'll set my teeth

  And send to darkness all that stop me. Come,

  Let's have one other gaudy214 night: call to me

  All my sad215 captains: fill our bowls once more:

  Let's mock the midnight bell216.

  CLEOPATRA It is my birthday:

  I had thought t'have held it poor218, but since my lord

  Is Antony again, I will be Cleopatra.

  ANTONY We will yet do well.

  CLEOPATRA Call all his noble captains to my

  To Charmian and Iras


  ANTONY Do so, we'll speak to them, and tonight I'll force

  The wine peep through their scars. Come on, my queen,

  There's sap in't yet224. The next time I do fight

  I'll make death love me, for I will contend

  Even with his pestilent scythe225.

  Exeunt [all but Enobarbus]

  ENOBARBUS Now he'll outstare227 the lightning. To be furious

  Is to be frighted out of fear, and in that mood

  The dove will peck the estridge229; and I see still,

  A diminution in our captain's brain

  Restores his heart231. When valour preys on reason,

  It eats the sword it fights with. I will seek

  Some way to leave him.


  [Act 4 Scene 1]

  running scene 19

  Location: Caesar's camp outside Alexandria

  * * *

  Enter Caesar, Agrippa and Maecenas with his Army, Caesar reading a letter

  CAESAR He calls me boy, and chides as1 he had power

  To beat me out of Egypt. My messenger

  He hath whipped with rods, dares me to personal combat,

  Caesar to Antony. Let the old ruffian4 know

  I have many other ways to die: meantime

  Laugh at his challenge.

  MAECENAS Caesar must think,

  When one so great begins to rage, he's hunted

  Even to falling. Give him no breath9, but now

  Make boot10 of his distraction: never anger

  Made good guard for itself.

  CAESAR Let our best heads12

  Know that tomorrow the last of many battles

  We mean to fight. Within our files14 there are,

  Of those that served Mark Antony but late15,

  Enough to fetch him in16. See it done,

  And feast the army. We have store17 to do't

  And they have earned the waste18. Poor Antony!


  [Act 4 Scene 2]

  running scene 20

  Location: Alexandria

  * * *

  Enter Antony, Cleopatra, Enobarbus, Charmian, Iras, Alexas with others

  ANTONY He will not fight with me, Domitius1?


  ANTONY Why should he not?

  ENOBARBUS He thinks, being twenty times of better fortune4,

  He is twenty men to one.

  ANTONY Tomorrow, soldier,

  By sea and land I'll fight: or7 I will live,

  Or bathe my dying honour in the blood

  Shall make it live again8. Woo't9 thou fight well?

  ENOBARBUS I'll strike, and cry 'Take all.'10

  ANTONY Well said. Come on.

  Call forth my household servants, let's tonight

  Enter three or four Servitors

  Be bounteous at our meal.--Give me thy hand:

  Thou hast been rightly honest14.--So hast thou.--

  Thou, and thou, and thou: you have served me well,

  And kings have been your fellows16.

  CLEOPATRA What means this?

  Aside to Enobarbus

  ENOBARBUS 'Tis one of those odd tricks18 which

  Aside to Cleopatra

  sorrow shoots

  Out of the mind.

  ANTONY And thou art honest too:

  I wish I could be made so many men,

  And all of you clapped up22 together in

  An Antony, that I might do you service

  So good as you have done.

  ALL The gods forbid!

  ANTONY Well, my good fellows, wait on me tonight:

  Scant not my cups27, and make as much of me

  As when mine empire was your fellow too

  And suffered29 my command.

  CLEOPATRA What does he mean?

  Aside to Enobarbus

  ENOBARBUS To make his followers weep.

  Aside to Cleopatra

  ANTONY Tend me tonight:

  Maybe it is the period33 of your duty.

  Haply34 you shall not see me more, or if,

  A mangled shadow. Perchance35 tomorrow

  You'll serve another master. I look on you

  As one that takes his leave. Mine honest friends,

  I turn you not away, but, like a master

  Married to your good service, stay till death.

  Tend me tonight two hours, I ask no more,

  And the gods yield41 you for't.

  ENOBARBUS What mean you, sir,

  To give them this discomfort43? Look, they weep,

  And I, an ass, am onion-eyed44. For shame,

  Transform us not to women.

  ANTONY Ho, ho, ho!

  Now the witch take me47 if I meant it thus!

  Grace48 grow where those drops fall! My hearty friends,

  You take me in too dolorous49 a sense,

  For I spake to you for your comfort50, did desire you

  To burn this night with torches51: know, my hearts,

hope well of tomorrow, and will lead you

  Where rather I'll expect victorious life

  Than death and honour. Let's to supper, come,

  And drown consideration55.


  [Act 4 Scene 3]

  running scene 21

  * * *

  Enter a Company of Soldiers

  FIRST SOLDIER Brother, goodnight: tomorrow is the day1.

  SECOND SOLDIER It will determine one way2. Fare you well.

  Heard you of nothing strange about the streets?

  FIRST SOLDIER Nothing. What news?

  SECOND SOLDIER Belike5 'tis but a rumour. Goodnight to you.

  FIRST SOLDIER Well, sir, goodnight.

  They meet other Soldiers

  SECOND SOLDIER Soldiers, have careful7 watch.

  THIRD SOLDIER And you. Goodnight, goodnight.

  They place themselves in every corner of the stage

  SECOND SOLDIER Here we: and if tomorrow

  Our navy thrive, I have an absolute10 hope

  Our landmen will stand up.

  FIRST SOLDIER 'Tis a brave12 army, and full of purpose.

  Music of the hautboys is under the stage

  SECOND SOLDIER Peace! What noise?

  FIRST SOLDIER List14, list!


  FIRST SOLDIER Music i'th'air.

  THIRD SOLDIER Under the earth.

  FOURTH SOLDIER It signs well18, does it not?


  FIRST SOLDIER Peace, I say! What should this mean?

  SECOND SOLDIER 'Tis the god Hercules21, whom Antony loved,

  Now leaves him.

  FIRST SOLDIER Walk. Let's see if other watchmen

  Do hear what we do.

  SECOND SOLDIER How now, masters?

  ALL How now? How now? Do you hear this?

  Speak together

  FIRST SOLDIER Ay. Is't not strange?

  THIRD SOLDIER Do you hear, masters28? Do you hear?

  FIRST SOLDIER Follow the noise so far as we have quarter29.

  Let's see how it will give off30.

  ALL Content. 'Tis strange.


  [Act 4 Scene 4]

  running scene 22

  * * *

  Enter Antony and Cleopatra with others

  ANTONY Eros! Mine armour, Eros!

  CLEOPATRA Sleep a little.

  ANTONY No, my chuck3. Eros! Come, mine armour, Eros!

  Enter Eros

  With armor

  Come, good fellow, put thine iron4 on.

  If fortune be not ours today, it is

  Because we brave6 her. Come.

  CLEOPATRA Nay, I'll help too, Antony.

  What's this for?

  Picks up a piece of armor

  ANTONY Ah, let be, let be! Thou art

  The armourer of my heart. False10, false: this, this!

  CLEOPATRA Sooth11, la, I'll help: thus it must be.

  She helps arm him

  ANTONY Well12, well,

  We shall thrive now. See'st thou, my good fellow?

  Go, put on thy defences14.

  EROS Briefly15, sir.

  CLEOPATRA Is not this buckled well?

  ANTONY Rarely17, rarely:

  He that unbuckles this, till we do please

  To doff't19 for our repose18, shall hear a storm.

  Thou fumblest, Eros, and my queen's a squire20

  More tight21 at this than thou: dispatch!--O love,

  That thou couldst see my wars today, and knew'st22

  The royal occupation23, thou shouldst see

  A workman24 in't.--

  Enter an armed Soldier

  Good morrow to thee! Welcome!

  Thou look'st like him25 that knows a warlike charge:

  To business that we love we rise betime26

  And go to't with delight.

  SOLDIER A thousand, sir,

  Early though't be, have on their riveted trim29

  And at the port30 expect you.

  Shout. Trumpets flourish

  Enter Captains and Soldiers

  CAPTAIN The morn is fair. Good morrow, general.

  ALL Good morrow, general.

  ANTONY 'Tis well blown33, lads.

  This morning, like the spirit of a youth

  That means to be of note35, begins betimes.--

  So, so. Come, give me that. This way, well said.

  To Cleopatra

  Fare thee well, dame37. Whate'er becomes of me,

  This is a soldier's kiss: rebukable

  Kisses her

  And worthy shameful check39 it were, to stand

  On more mechanic compliment40. I'll leave thee

  Now, like a man of steel.--You that will41 fight,

  Follow me close. I'll bring you to't.--Adieu.

  Exeunt. [Cleopatra and Charmian remain]

  CHARMIAN Please you retire to your


  CLEOPATRA Lead me.

  He goes forth gallantly. That45 he and Caesar might

  Determine46 this great war in single fight!

  Then Antony -- but now ... Well, on.


  [Act 4 Scene 5]

  running scene 23

  Location: Antony's camp outside Alexandria

  * * *

  Trumpets sound. Enter Antony and Eros

  A Soldier meets them

  SOLDIER The gods make this a happy1 day to Antony!

  ANTONY Would2 thou and those thy scars had once prevailed

  To make me fight at land!

  SOLDIER Hadst thou done so,

  The kings that have revolted5 and the soldier

  That has this morning left thee would have still

  Followed thy heels.

  ANTONY Who's gone this morning?


  One ever near thee: call for Enobarbus,

  He shall not hear thee, or from Caesar's camp

  Say 'I am none of thine.'

  ANTONY What say'st thou?


  He is with Caesar.

  EROS Sir, his chests and treasure

  He has not with him.

  ANTONY Is he gone?

  SOLDIER Most certain.

  ANTONY Go, Eros, send his treasure after: do it:

  Detain no jot, I charge21 thee. Write to him --

  I will subscribe22 -- gentle adieus and greetings;

  Say that I wish he never find more cause

  To change a master. O, my fortunes have

  Corrupted honest men! Dispatch25.--Enobarbus!


  [Act 4 Scene 6]

  running scene 24

  Location: Caesar's camp outside Alexandria

  * * *

  Flourish. Enter Agrippa, Caesar, with Enobarbus and Dolabella

  CAESAR Go forth, Agrippa, and begin the fight.

  Our will is Antony be took2 alive:

  Make it so known.

  AGRIPPA Caesar, I shall.


  CAESAR The time of universal peace5 is near:

  Prove this a prosp'rous day, the three-nooked6 world

  Shall bear the olive7 freely.

  Enter a Messenger

  MESSENGER Antony is come into the field.

  CAESAR Go charge Agrippa

  Plant those that have revolted in the van10

  That Antony may seem to spend his fury

  Upon himself.

  Exeunt. [Enobarbus remains]

  ENOBARBUS Alexas did revolt, and went to Jewry13 on

  Affairs of Antony, there did dissuade14

  Great Herod15 to incline himself to Caesar

  And leave his master Antony. For this pains

  Caesar hath hanged him. Canidius and the rest

  That fell away18 have entertainment but

  No honourable trust. I have done ill,

  Of which I do accuse myself so sorely,

  That I will joy no more.

  Enter a Soldier of Caesar's />
  SOLDIER Enobarbus, Antony

  Hath after thee sent all thy treasure, with

  His bounty overplus24. The messenger

  Came on my guard25, and at thy tent is now

  Unloading of his mules.

  ENOBARBUS I give it you.

  SOLDIER Mock not, Enobarbus.

  I tell you true: best you safed29 the bringer

  Out of the host30. I must attend mine office

  Or would have done't myself. Your emperor

  Continues still a Jove.


  ENOBARBUS I am alone33 the villain of the earth,

  And feel I am so most34. O Antony,

  Thou mine of bounty, how wouldst thou have paid

  My better service, when my turpitude36

  Thou dost so crown with gold! This blows37 my heart.

  If swift thought38 break it not, a swifter mean

  Shall outstrike39 thought, but thought will do't, I feel.

  I fight against thee? No, I will go seek

  Some ditch wherein to die: the foul'st41 best fits

  My latter part of life.


  [Act 4 Scene 7]

  running scene 25

  Location: the battlefield outside Alexandria

  * * *

  Alarum. Drums and trumpets. Enter Agrippa [and others]

  AGRIPPA Retire1, we have engaged ourselves too far:

  Caesar himself has work2, and our oppression

  Exceeds what we expected.


  Alarums. Enter Antony, and Scarrus wounded

  SCARRUS O my brave emperor, this is fought indeed!

  Had we done so at first, we had droven5 them home

  With clouts6 about their heads.

  Far off A retreat sounds

  ANTONY Thou bleed'st apace.

  SCARRUS I had a wound here that was like a T,

  But now 'tis made an H9.

  ANTONY They do retire.

  SCARRUS We'll beat 'em into bench-holes11. I have yet

  Room for six scotches12 more.

  Enter Eros

  EROS They are beaten, sir, and our advantage serves13

  For a fair victory.

  SCARRUS Let us score15 their backs

  And snatch 'em up, as we take hares behind16!

  'Tis sport to maul a runner17.

  ANTONY I will reward thee

  Once for thy sprightly comfort19, and tenfold

  For thy good valour. Come thee on.

  SCARRUS I'll halt21 after.


  [Act 4 Scene 8]

  running scene 25 continues

  * * *

  Alarum. Enter Antony again, in a march, Scarrus with others

  ANTONY We have beat him to his camp: run one before

  And let the queen know of our gests2. Tomorrow,

  [Exit a Soldier]

  Before the sun shall see's, we'll spill the blood

  That has today escaped. I thank you all,

  For doughty-handed5 are you, and have fought

  Not as you served the cause6, but as't had been

  Each man's like mine: you have shown all Hectors7.

  Enter the city, clip8 your wives, your friends,

  Tell them your feats, whilst they with joyful tears

  Wash the congealment10 from your wounds, and kiss


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