Antony and Cleopatra (Arden Shakespeare: Third Series)
Page 13
Antony's course, you shall bereave157 yourself
Of my good purposes, and put your children
To that destruction which I'll guard them from
If thereon you rely. I'll take my leave.
CLEOPATRA And may through all the world: 'tis yours, and we,
Your scutcheons162 and your signs of conquest, shall
Hang in what place you please. Here, my good lord.
Gives him a paper
CAESAR You shall advise me in all for164 Cleopatra.
CLEOPATRA This is the brief165 of money, plate, and jewels
I am possessed of. 'Tis exactly valued,
Not petty things admitted167.--Where's Seleucus?
[Enter Seleucus]
SELEUCUS Here, madam.
CLEOPATRA This is my treasurer. Let him speak, my lord,
Upon his peril, that I have reserved
To myself nothing. Speak the truth, Seleucus.
I had rather seal my lips than to my peril
Speak that which is not.
CLEOPATRA What have I kept back?
SELEUCUS Enough to purchase what you have made known.
CAESAR Nay, blush not, Cleopatra: I approve
Your wisdom in the deed.
Seleucus backs away
CLEOPATRA See, Caesar! O, behold,
How pomp is followed180! Mine will now be yours
And should we shift estates181, yours would be mine.
The ingratitude of this Seleucus does
Even make me wild.--O slave, of no more trust
Than love that's hired184! What, go'st thou back?
Thou shalt
Go back, I warrant thee: but I'll catch thine eyes
Though186 they had wings. Slave, soulless villain, dog!
O rarely187 base!
CAESAR Good queen, let us entreat you.
CLEOPATRA O Caesar, what a wounding shame is this,
That thou, vouchsafing190 here to visit me,
Doing the honour of thy lordliness
To one so meek, that mine own servant should
Parcel193 the sum of my disgraces by
Addition of his envy. Say, good Caesar,
That I some lady195 trifles have reserved,
Immoment toys196, things of such dignity
As we greet modern197 friends withal, and say
Some nobler token I have kept apart
For Livia199 and Octavia, to induce
Their mediation: must I be unfolded
With200 one that I have bred201? The gods! It smites me
Beneath the fall I have.--Prithee go hence,
To Seleucus
Or I shall show the cinders203 of my spirits
Through th'ashes of my chance204. Wert thou a man,
Thou wouldst have mercy on me.
CAESAR Forbear206, Seleucus.
[Exit Seleucus]
CLEOPATRA Be it known that we, the greatest, are misthought207
For things that others do, and when we fall,
We answer others' merits209 in our name,
Are therefore to be pitied.
CAESAR Cleopatra,
Not what you have reserved, nor what acknowledged
Put we i'th'roll of conquest213. Still be't yours,
Bestow214 it at your pleasure, and believe
Caesar's no merchant to make prize215 with you
Of things that merchants sold. Therefore be cheered:
Make not your thoughts your prisons217. No, dear queen,
For we intend so to dispose218 you as
Yourself shall give us counsel. Feed, and sleep:
Our care and pity is so much upon you
That we remain your friend, and so, adieu.
CLEOPATRA My master, and my lord!
CAESAR Not so. Adieu.
Flourish. Exeunt Caesar and his Train
CLEOPATRA He words me224, girls, he words me, that I should
not Be noble to myself.--But, hark thee, Charmian.
Whispers to Charmian
IRAS Finish, good lady, the bright day is done
And we are for the dark.
CLEOPATRA Hie thee again228.
I have spoke229 already and it is provided.
Go put it to the haste230.
CHARMIAN Madam, I will.
Enter Dolabella
DOLABELLA Where's the queen?
CHARMIAN Behold, sir.
CLEOPATRA Dolabella!
DOLABELLA Madam, as thereto sworn by your command --
Which my love makes religion to obey --
I tell you this: Caesar through Syria
Intends his journey, and within three days
You with your children will he send before239.
Make your best use of this. I have performed
Your pleasure and my promise.
CLEOPATRA Dolabella,
I shall remain your debtor.
DOLABELLA I your servant.
Adieu, good queen, I must attend on Caesar.
CLEOPATRA Farewell, and thanks.--Now, Iras, what
think'st thou?
Thou an Egyptian puppet247 shalt be shown
In Rome, as well as I. Mechanic slaves248
With greasy aprons, rules249 and hammers shall
Uplift us to the view. In their thick250 breaths,
Rank of251 gross diet, shall we be enclouded,
And forced to drink252 their vapour.
IRAS The gods forbid!
CLEOPATRA Nay, 'tis most certain, Iras. Saucy254 lictors
Will catch at us like strumpets255, and scald rhymers
Ballad us256 out o'tune. The quick comedians
Extemporally257 will stage us and present
Our Alexandrian revels: Antony
Shall be brought drunken forth, and I shall see
Some squeaking Cleopatra boy my greatness260
I'th'posture of a whore.
IRAS O the good gods!
CLEOPATRA Nay, that's certain.
IRAS I'll never see't, for I am sure my nails
Are stronger than mine eyes.
CLEOPATRA Why, that's the way
To fool their preparation and to conquer
Their most absurd intents.--
Enter Charmian
Now, Charmian!
Show me269, my women, like a queen: go fetch
My best attires270. I am again for Cydnus
To meet Mark Antony.--Sirrah271 Iras, go.--
Now, noble Charmian, we'll dispatch272 indeed,
And when thou hast done this chare273, I'll give thee leave
To play till doomsday. Bring our crown and all.
[Exit Iras]
A noise within
Wherefore's this noise?
Enter a Guardsman
GUARDSMAN Here is a rural fellow
That will not be denied your highness' presence.
He brings you figs.
CLEOPATRA Let him come in.--
Exit Guardsman
What poor an280 instrument
May do a noble deed! He brings me liberty.
My resolution's placed282, and I have nothing
Of woman in me: now from head to foot
I am marble-constant284: now the fleeting moon
No planet is of mine.
Enter Guardsman and Clown
With a basket
GUARDSMAN This is the man.
CLEOPATRA Avoid287, and leave him.--
Exit Guardsman
Hast thou the pretty worm288 of Nilus there
That kills and pains not?
CLOWN Truly, I have him: but I would not be the party that
should desire you to touch him, for his biting is immortal291:
those that do die of it do seldom or never recover.
CLEOPATRA Remember'st thou any that have died on't293?
CLOWN Very many, men and women too. I heard of one of
> them no longer than yesterday: a very honest295 woman, but
something given to lie296, as a woman should not do but in the
way of honesty. How she died297 of the biting of it, what pain
she felt: truly, she makes a very good report o'th'worm298. But
he that will believe all that they say, shall never be saved by
half that they do. But this is most falliable300, the worm's an
odd worm.
CLEOPATRA Get thee hence. Farewell.
CLOWN I wish you all joy of the worm.
Sets down his basket
CLOWN You must think this, look you, that the worm will do
his kind305.
CLEOPATRA Ay, ay. Farewell.
CLOWN Look you, the worm is not to be trusted but in the
keeping of wise people, for, indeed, there is no goodness in
the worm.
CLEOPATRA Take thou no care311, it shall be heeded.
CLOWN Very good. Give it nothing, I pray you, for it is not
worth the feeding.
CLEOPATRA Will it eat314 me?
CLOWN You must not think I am so simple but I know the
devil himself will not eat a woman: I know that a woman is a
dish for the gods if the devil dress317 her not. But truly, these
same whoreson318 devils do the gods great harm in their
women, for in every ten that they make, the devils mar five.
CLEOPATRA Well, get thee gone. Farewell.
CLOWN Yes, forsooth321: I wish you joy o'th'worm.
[Enter Iras]
Iras brings a robe, crown, and jewels
CLEOPATRA Give me my robe, put on my crown:
I have
Immortal longings323 in me. Now no more
The juice of Egypt's grape shall moist
The women dress her
Kisses them. Iras falls and dies
this lip.
Yare325, yare, good Iras! Quick! Methinks I hear
Antony call: I see him rouse himself326
To praise my noble act327. I hear him mock
The luck of Caesar, which the gods give men
To excuse their after wrath329.--Husband, I come!
Now to that name my courage prove my title330!
I am fire and air331: my other elements
I give to baser life.--So, have you done?
Come then, and take the last warmth of my lips.
Farewell, kind Charmian. Iras, long farewell.
Have I the aspic335 in my lips? Dost fall?
If thou and nature can so gently part,
The stroke337 of death is as a lover's pinch
Which hurts and is desired. Dost thou lie still?
If thus thou vanishest, thou tell'st the world
It is not worth leave-taking340.
CHARMIAN Dissolve thick cloud, and rain, that I may say,
The gods themselves do weep!
CLEOPATRA This343 proves me base:
If she first meet the curled344 Antony,
He'll make demand of her, and spend345 that kiss
Which is my heaven to have.--Come, thou
To an asp, which she applies to her breast
mortal346 wretch,
With thy sharp teeth this knot intrinsicate347
Of life at once untie: poor venomous fool348
Be angry, and dispatch. O, couldst thou speak,
That I might hear thee call great Caesar ass
CHARMIAN O eastern star352!
CLEOPATRA Peace, peace!
Dost thou not see my baby at my breast
That sucks the nurse asleep?
CHARMIAN O, break! O, break!
CLEOPATRA As sweet as balm, as soft as air, as gentle.--
O Antony!--Nay, I will take thee too.
Applies another asp to her arm
What359 should I stay--
CHARMIAN In this wild world? So, fare thee well.--
Now boast thee, death, in thy possession lies
A lass unparalleled.--Downy windows362, close,
And golden Phoebus never be beheld
Of364 eyes again so royal!--Your crown's awry.
I'll mend365 it, and then play--
Enter the Guard, rustling in
FIRST GUARD Where's the queen?
CHARMIAN Speak softly, wake her not.
FIRST GUARD Caesar hath sent--
CHARMIAN Too slow a messenger.--
Applies an asp
O, come apace, dispatch! I partly feel thee.
FIRST GUARD Approach, ho! All's not well: Caesar's beguiled371.
SECOND GUARD There's Dolabella sent from Caesar:
call him.
[Exit a Guardsman]
FIRST GUARD What work is here, Charmian? Is this well done?
CHARMIAN It is well done, and fitting for a princess
Descended of so many royal kings.
Ah, soldier!
Charmian dies
Enter Dolabella
DOLABELLA How goes it here?
DOLABELLA Caesar, thy thoughts
Touch their effects in this379: thyself art coming
To see performed the dreaded act which thou
So sought'st to hinder.
Enter Caesar and all his Train marching
ALL A way there, a way for Caesar!
DOLABELLA O, sir, you are too sure an augurer384:
That385 you did fear is done.
CAESAR Bravest at the last,
She levelled387 at our purposes and, being royal,
Took her own way. The manner of their deaths?
I do not see them bleed.
DOLABELLA Who was last with them?
FIRST GUARD A simple391 countryman, that brought her figs:
This was his basket.
CAESAR Poisoned, then.
This Charmian lived but now. She stood and spake.
I found her trimming up396 the diadem
On her dead mistress. Tremblingly she stood
And on the sudden dropped.
CAESAR O, noble weakness!
If they had swallowed poison, 'twould appear
By external swelling: but she looks like sleep,
As402 she would catch another Antony
In her strong toil403 of grace.
DOLABELLA Here on her breast
There is a vent405 of blood and something blown,
The like is on her arm.
FIRST GUARD This is an aspic's trail, and these fig-leaves
Have slime upon them such as th'aspic leaves
Upon the caves of Nile.
CAESAR Most probable
That so she died, for her physician tells me
She hath pursued conclusions infinite412
Of easy ways to die. Take up her bed,
And bear her women from the monument.
She shall be buried by her Antony.
No grave upon the earth shall clip416 in it
A pair so famous: high417 events as these
Strike those that make them418, and their story is
No less in pity than his glory which
Brought them to be lamented. Our army shall
In solemn show attend this funeral,
And then to Rome. Come, Dolabella, see
High order in this great solemnity.
Exeunt all
The Soldiers bearing the dead bodies
F = First Folio text of 1623
F2 = a correction introduced in the Second Folio text of 1632
F3 = a correction introduced in the Third Folio text of 1663-64
F4 = a correction introduced in the Fourth Folio text of 1685
Ed = a correction introduced by a later editor
SD = stage direction
SH = speech he
ading (i.e. speaker's name)
List of parts = Ed
1.1.55 whose = F2. F = who
1.2.4 charge = Ed. F = change 37 fertile = Ed. F = fore-tell 50 workaday spelled worky day in F 59 Alexas = Ed. Printed as a speech heading in F 76 Saw...lord? = F2. F = Saue you, my Lord 111 minds = Ed. F = windes 115 SH SECOND MESSENGER = Ed. F = 1 Mes. 116 SH ANTONY = Ed. Not in F 158 travel spelled Trauaile in F 181 leave = Ed. F = loue 197 place...requires = F2. F = places...require
1.3.53 services = F2. F = Seruicles 95 blood no more = F. Ed. = blood. No more 97 by sword = F. F2 = by my sword
1.4.3 Our = Ed. F = One 8 Vouchsafed = Ed. F = vouchsafe 9 abstract = F2. F = abstracts 22 smell = F2. F = smels 47 deared = Ed. F = fear'd 49 lackeying = Ed. F = lacking 61 wassails = Ed. F = Vassailes 62 Modena = Ed. F = Medena 63 Hirtius = F4. F = Hirsius Pansa = F2. F = Pausa 81 we = F2. F = me
1.5.39 SD Antony = Ed. F = Caesar 57 dumbed = Ed. F = dumbe 69 man = F2. F = mans
2.1.20, 23, 45 SH MENAS = Ed. F = Mene 26 waned = Ed. F = wand 48 warred = F2. F = wan'd
2.2.129 soldier only. Speak = Ed. F = Souldier, onely speake 144 so = Ed. F = say 145, 254 Cleopatra spelled Cleopater in F reproof = Ed. F = proofe 193 Mount Misena = Ed. F = Mount-Mesena 212 digested = F2. F = disgested 223 Cydnus = F2. F = Sidnis 230 lovesick with them: the = Ed. F = Loue-sicke. With them the 236 Venus = Ed. F = Venns 240 glow = Ed. F = gloue 243 gentlewomen = F2. F = Gentlewoman 261 heard = Ed. F = hard 272 And, breathless, pour = Ed. F = and breathless powre 278 vilest = Ed. F = vildest
2.3.10 SH OCTAVIA = F2. Not in F 24 afeared = Ed. F = a feare 27 no...when = Ed. F = no more but: when 33 away = Ed. F = alway 35 Ventidius = F2. F = Ventigius (throughout)
2.4.8 at the Mount = F2. F = at Mount
2.5.3 SH ALL Omnes (Latin) in F 13 Tawny-finned = Ed. F = Tawney fine 125 art = F. Sometimes emended to act
2.6.18 Made...Roman = F2. F = Made all-honor'd, honest, Romaine 21 is = F2. F = his 35 For...take = Ed. F = (For this is from the present how you take) 48 SH CAESAR, ANTONY and LEPIDUS = Ed. F = Omnes 83 meanings = Ed. F = meaning 87 more of that = F3. F = more that 105 SH CAESAR, ANTONY and LEPIDUS = Ed. F = All
2.7.1 SH FIRST SERVANT = Ed. F = 1 1 o'their = Ed. F = o'th'their 4 SH SECOND SERVANT = Ed. F = 2 high-coloured = F2. F = high Conlord 12 lief = Ed. F = liue 80 there = F. Sometimes emended to then 126 SH BOY = Ed. Not in F 133 off: our = Ed. F = of our 137 Splits spelled Spleet's in F 141 sir. Give's = Ed. F = Sir, giues 143 father's = F2. F = Father 146 SH MENAS = Ed. Not in F
3.1.6 SH SILIUS = Ed. F = Romaine (throughout scene)
3.2.17 figures = Ed. F = Figure 28 bond = Ed. F = Band 54 at full of = F3. F = at the full of 66 wept = Ed. F = weepe
3.4.8 = Ed. F = then most narrow measure: lent me 9 took't = Ed. F = look't 26 yours = F2. F = your 33 Your = F2. F = You 35 solder spelled soader in F 41 has = F2. F = he's
3.5.12 world, thou hast = Ed. F = would thou hadst 14 the one = Ed. Not in F
3.6.14 he there = Ed. F = hither kings of kings = Ed. F = King of Kings 31 triumvirate spelled Triumpherate in F 32 and, being, that = Ed. F = and being that, 68 abstract = F. Sometimes emended to obstruct 83 Comagene = Ed. F = Comageat