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Handling the Hybrid

Page 9

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Kissing you, little girl—because you kissed me—remember?”

  She did remember now in a hazy way but her kiss had been light—just a brushing of her mouth to his. Vrox’s kiss, when he took her lips, was hungry though controlled. He kept his mouth closed and didn’t try to force his way in. Clearly he was still holding back, not wanting to scare her but suddenly Tandy felt anything but scared.

  The scratch of his beard contrasted with the softness of his lips and his warm, spicy scent seemed to fill her senses. Before she knew it, she gave a little moan of pure desire and parted her lips for him. And once again, the big Kindred surprised her.

  Instead of thrusting inside and poking around in her mouth, like the boy she had kissed before leaving home, he sucked gently at the tip of her tongue, inviting her to explore him.

  Tandy accepted the invitation eagerly. Pressing forward, she stroked his tongue with her own and then delicately traced the sharp edges of his fangs. She couldn’t help wondering what they would feel like if he bit her but Vrox was gentle and careful, though passionate as he kissed her back.

  He tasted like some delicious, exotic spice she’d never had before but could become instantly addicted to if she wasn’t careful, Tandy thought. A bit salty, a bit spicy, and utterly masculine somehow—if that could be a taste.

  She was vaguely aware that she probably shouldn’t be doing this—no Mistress should be so familiar with her slave. And she could probably stop the big Kindred and point out that she had barely kissed him at all—per the terms of their agreement, this kiss wasn’t equal to what she had given him in the slightest.

  It was more—so much more, she thought half deliriously as she wound her arms around his thick neck and gave herself to the kiss more fully.

  But I don’t want to stop, she thought as her breasts pressed against the hard planes of his chest and her sensitive nipples tingled at the touch. Don’t ever want to stop—it feels too good. I want to go on kissing him forever—even if it is wrong…

  But at last, to her disappointment, Vrox broke the kiss.

  “Why did we stop?” Tandy was practically panting and she couldn’t believe how turned on she was. Maybe it was because she’d been so lonely and hungry for touch or maybe it was because the big Kindred seemed to know exactly the right way to hold her but she felt like she was drowning in pleasure and she never wanted this to end. But Vrox’s next words made her heart start pounding harder in her chest again.

  “Because kissing isn’t the only thing you did to me, little girl,” he rumbled. “We have a lot more to do to even the score—or did you forget?”

  Actually, she had forgotten, Tandy thought. In the heat of their kiss she had almost forgotten her own name. And she still wanted more.

  “All right,” she whispered, looking up at him. “But while you do…what you’re going to do to me, can we kiss again too? I…” She bit her lip and then went on bravely. “I really liked kissing you, Vrox.”

  His mismatched eyes went heavy-lidded with lust.

  “I liked kissing you too, little girl,” he murmured. “And I promise to kiss you as much as you want. But first I want to see that oil you used on me.”

  Tandy rolled over and got the small vial of amaranth oil from her bed stand where it stood beside the remote to the pain collar and cuffs. She didn’t even give the black rectangular box a second look. It was clear she wasn’t going to need it tonight—not with how slowly and carefully Vrox was taking everything.

  “Good,” he said, nodding, when she pressed the vial of scented oil into his big hand. “I like this stuff—smells fucking great.”

  “It’s pressed from the flowers of the amaranth tree,” Tandy told him. “It only blooms once every fifty cycles, so it’s very expensive.”

  “I’ll be careful with it, then,” Vrox rumbled. “Here…” He dabbed some of the sweet-smelling oil on her forehead and looked into her eyes. “I claim your mind, Tandy,” he murmured. “I want it filled with thoughts of me—thoughts of the two of us together and how good it feels when I touch you and you touch me.”

  Tandy thought she could safely promise that particular mental image was burned into her brain but she held her tongue and let him speak, just as he had been silent while she performed her little “ceremony.”

  Moving down, the big Kindred dipped one finger in the oil and then used the slippery liquid to draw a circle over her left chest, just above the swell of her breast.

  “I claim your heart,” he said softly. “It’s mine now, Tandy…” He leaned closer and looked into her eyes. “It beats only for me,” he growled softly and she felt a shiver go through her as her heart started to pound faster.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “All right, Vrox.”

  “Good. But I’m not done yet, little girl.”

  Dipping his finger in the oil for a third time, he began circling the stiff point of her left nipple, leaning over her to do so.

  Tandy moaned and arched her back, pressing her breasts up to him, offering him more—wanting him to take whatever he wanted.

  “Mmm, you like that little girl?” he murmured, his voice a soft, lustful growl. “I loved it when you touched me but I’m thinking this part is a little more sensitive for you.”

  Gently he pinched her tight bud between thumb and finger and then tugged lightly, sending a shower of sparks from her nipple straight to her swollen pussy.

  “Oh!” Tandy gasped, writhing under him. She’d always had extremely sensitive nipples—so sensitive she could almost come just from playing with them when she used her personal buzzer late at night in the privacy of her own room. But aside from the few brief fumblings with the boy back home, she’d never had a male touch them or pay attention to this sensitive part of her anatomy.

  Vrox’s hands on her breasts were knowing and experienced and she had the idea that he knew exactly how to touch her—exactly how hard to pinch and tug—how much pain to mix with the pleasure he was giving her. Using the oil on her other nipple, he was soon twisting both tight peaks at the same time, making Tandy moan shamelessly.

  “Gods, little girl—you’re so responsive,” he growled appreciatively as he teased her. “I’m guessing you get a lot of pleasure playing with your nipples when you’re alone.”

  “I…I do,” Tandy admitted, feeling her face get hot, but determined to tell the truth. “Sometimes I can almost come—when I use my buzzer on them.”

  “Hmmm, I’d like to see that sometime—like to watch you get yourself off, little girl. That would be a sight,” he murmured roughly. “But for now, I need to use more than my hands on you.”

  “What…what do you mean?” Tandy looked up at him uncertainly.

  “I mean you didn’t just use the oil on me—you kissed me there too.” He nodded down at his broad chest. “Or did you forget?”

  “Oh, I did, didn’t I?” Tandy had a vague recollection of kissing the flat copper disks of his nipples briefly, when she was claiming his body.

  “Mmm-hmm, you did.” Vrox was eyeing her bare breasts hungrily. “Your nipples are such a deep color—like ripe night-berries,” he remarked. “I’m just wondering if they taste as good as they look.”

  “So I guess…guess you want to kiss me there too—since I kissed you?” Tandy asked.

  To her surprise, he shook his head.

  “Not just kiss you, little girl,” he rumbled, his mismatched eyes half-lidded with lust. “I mean, I could just do this and be done with it…” Leaning over her, he placed a soft, gentle kiss on each bare nipple before looking up at her again.

  “But I don’t want to do that—I want to do more.”

  “How…how much more?” Tandy asked in a shaky voice. Just having his hot mouth on her breasts for a moment had set her heart racing and she wanted to hear what else he wanted to do to her. Vrox wasn’t shy about telling her.

  “I want to suck you—suck your big full breasts into my mouth—take those tight nipples of yours in deep. Maybe see if I can make you come
just by sucking your peaks.”

  “That seems…like more than just kissing,” Tandy protested breathlessly.

  “It is,” he agreed. “Which is why I’m asking you before I do it. Fair is fair—I don’t want to go farther with you than you did with me…unless you want me to,” he added, giving her that hot, lustful look again.

  “I do—I want you to,” Tandy said, before she even thought about it. “I mean, as long as we’re just talking about…about my nipples,” she added quickly. She didn’t want to give him cart blanche to do anything he wanted to her.

  “Yeah, that’s what were talking about, little girl,” he growled. “Just me sucking your big, full breasts and nursing on those stiff peaks of yours until your soft little pussy gets all wet and creamy for me.”

  “Go ahead then,” Tandy whispered breathlessly, thrusting her chest out again. Goddess, part of her couldn’t believe she was doing this. But another part—a hungry part that had been starved for physical contact for the past five cycles—didn’t care. She wanted what the big Kindred was offering. No—she needed it. And she was damn well going to get it.

  Vrox didn’t have to be told twice. With a low growl, he lifted her so that she was cradled in his muscular left arm and he was leaning over her on the bed. Then he sucked her right breast into his hot, wet mouth, drawing hard on the sensitive peak while he pinched and tugged at her left with his other hand.

  “Oh…Oh!” Tandy moaned, thrusting her chest up to him. His big body hovering over hers as he sucked and lapped her nipples made her feel helpless and small—but in a good way, if that was possible. She felt incredibly feminine—incredibly vulnerable. Somehow, it was a good feeling—maybe because she was feeling that way in the arms of a man she trusted.

  She could feel the sharp edges of his fangs against the flesh of her breast, but to his credit, the big Kindred didn’t so much as scratch her with them. But just feeling them there—feeling the edge of danger that came with the pleasure he was giving her—pushed Tandy even higher. Soon she was pressing her thighs together rhythmically, feeling her clit throb as she tightened her inner muscles in the way she did when she pleasured herself.

  “Oh!” she moaned as he went back and forth, sucking and licking each tender bud in turn. “Oh, Vrox—think…think I’m getting close.”

  Her words seemed to encourage him to suck harder and he set up a kind of rhythm, nursing hard at her right nipple while he tugged at her left. Tandy squeezed her thighs together even harder and felt a whipcrack orgasm flash through her like a lightning bolt.

  “Ah! Oh my Goddess…yes…yes!” she gasped, her toes curling as she writhed wildly beneath him. “Vrox…Vrox!”

  He rode out her pleasure, still sucking and pinching but also anchoring her body to the bed with one muscular arm. If he hadn’t, she might have bucked herself right off it—the feelings were that intense.

  The orgasm was sharp but it wasn’t very deep or lasting—more like a warm up for things to come, she thought hazily. But it made her whole body feel flushed and hot as she trembled and shook in the big Kindred’s arms.

  At last she collapsed, panting as her body spiraled down from the quick, sharp pleasure.

  “Gods…” Vrox let her nipple slip from his lips and looked at her in wonder. “I’ve never been with a female who could come from having her nipples sucked before. That’s fucking sexy, little girl.”

  Tandy felt herself blushing with pleasure.

  “I…I’ve always been really sensitive there,” she admitted. “But I’ve never had anyone, uh, suck me like that before. I think…think it made me really excited.”

  “I think so too.” He stroked one big hand down the length of her mostly naked body. “Gods, I love making you come—I love how you got so crazy at the end there, little girl. I practically had to hold you down and you were moaning loud enough to wake the fucking dead!”

  Tandy bit her lip, embarrassed.

  “I, uh, can’t help it,” she confessed. “And since I have this whole floor of the building to myself, I don’t even try anymore. I can be as loud as I want when I’m all alone.” The last words came out sounding kind of sad, she thought. Vrox seemed to think so too because he leaned over her and gave her a soft kiss on the mouth.

  “Well, you’re not alone now, little girl,” he murmured.

  Tandy wove her fingers through his rough black hair and pulled him down for a more thorough kiss. She liked exploring his mouth—liked running her tongue over the points of his fangs—which seemed even sharper than before.

  When at last they pulled back, panting, she looked at him curiously.

  “How did you keep from cutting me with those—with your fangs?” she asked, gesturing to the sharp white points in his mouth.

  “Hmm? Oh—just by being careful. I’m not trying to bond you to me so I don’t want to bite you,” he said.

  “So…is biting part of the bonding process for Kindred?” she asked, intrigued. It wasn’t that she wanted those long, sharp fangs sunk deep in her flesh, but then again…the idea was kind of hot.

  “It is for my kind of Kindred—if we can bond,” he said, frowning. “Which hybrids usually can’t. But when I’m trying to bond a female to me, I’ll bite her and inject my essence into her—as well as other things.”

  “What’s essence? And what other things do you do to bond her to you?” Tandy wanted to know.

  “Curious little thing, aren’t you?” he rumbled, lifting an eyebrow at her. “Well, essence is a pale blue liquid my fangs make. When I inject it into a female, it causes an instant orgasm and also marks her as mine.”

  “But what else do you do to bond her to you?” Tandy persisted. “Does it…” She cleared her throat. “Does it have anything to do with the, uh, ridge around the base of your shaft?”

  “Smart girl.” He nodded, grinning a little. “Yeah—that’s my mating fist. If I was trying to bond you to me, I’d press my shaft deep in your little pussy until I was all the way inside you—including the fist. Then I’d fuck you and bite you and pump you full of my seed and essence at the same time.”

  “You…you would?” she asked breathlessly.

  He nodded. “That’s bonding sex, little girl. At least, it is if the bond takes—which it never has for me.”

  “Oh…” Tandy bit her lip as the mental image filled her head—the idea of being pinned beneath his big, muscular body while he pierced her above and below at the same time. It sounded incredibly dangerous…and incredibly sexy.

  “Don’t worry,” Vrox rumbled, clearly seeing her uncertainty. “I told you I won’t do that to you—won’t fill your sweet, creamy pussy with my seed unless you penetrate me first.”

  “Then I guess we’d better hope the final Test of Mastery before the Sacred Seven doesn’t involve me giving you the rod,” she said, as lightly as she could.

  Vrox growled deep in his throat, his entire big body vibrating with the implied threat. “No, you’d better fucking hope not,” he said, frowning. “Not unless you want me to fuck you right back. And I don’t know if your little virgin pussy could handle having my shaft shoved all the way inside it.”

  An erotic shiver went through her and for a moment, Tandy almost thought it would be worth it. Worth giving him the rod just so he could return the favor and fill her to the hilt. But he had a point—he was huge down below. And despite the personal buzzers she’d used on herself in the past, she was not prepared to have such a large shaft inside her.

  Besides that, he might get me pregnant! she thought and another illicit shiver went through her. An illegal seeding—that’s what it would be. If he filled her pussy with his cum and started a baby in her belly it would almost certainly be male which would let everyone in her social circle and all of Opulex know that she’d broken their most important law and allowed a male to penetrate her.

  “That…that would be bad,” she agreed in a soft, breathless voice. “I hope…hope it doesn’t come to that, Vrox.” She lifted her chin, determ
inedly. “But if it does I…I’ll honor my part of our bargain,” she told him.

  His eyes were suddenly heavy-lidded again.

  “You mean you’ll spread your legs for me and let me fill your soft little pussy, little girl? You’ll open wide and take me deep in those hot, creamy inner walls of yours?”

  Biting her lip, Tandy nodded. Illegal seeding or not, a deal was a deal and she was too honorable to cheat.

  But Vrox wasn’t done talking—he seemed to like to watch her as he spoke of hot, forbidden things.

  “And then you’ll let me pump deep in your sweet cunt until I come in you?” he went on, looking into her eyes. “Until I fill you with my seed?”

  “Y-yes,” Tandy stuttered, feeling her heart pound crazily in her chest. Goddess the way he described it, she could almost feel him in her and his hot, dirty words were making her crazy.

  “I’m not sure if you understand me, little girl.” Vrox was still looking at her intently. “So maybe I’d better show you.”

  “With…with your shaft?” Fear suddenly spiked through her but he was already shaking his head.

  “No—with my fingers. I still get to touch you and make you come—just like you made me come in front of those Mistresses,” he reminded her. As he spoke, one big hand came down to rest between her thighs, cupping her pussy through the thin red triangular panties which barely covered her mound.

  “Oh…” Tandy nodded and shifted a little, feeling incredibly naked—incredibly vulnerable. “Are…are you going to do it now? Do you need me to…to take off my panties so you can reach me better?”

  Goddess, she couldn’t believe she was offering to make herself even more vulnerable. But his warm, spicy scent was all around her and her body felt so hot and ready to go she couldn’t seem to help herself. She was like an engine that had been revving forever, all ready to take off at the least provocation.

  Vrox’s gold and blue eyes went half-lidded again.


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