Handling the Hybrid

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Handling the Hybrid Page 12

by Evangeline Anderson

  “My dear, you’re doing just fine,” Mistress Sinda said, smiling at her. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to find the other two members of the Sacred Seven—we have a flower show to judge. But I’ll be seeing you tomorrow.” She nodded her head graciously and glided away, leaving Tandy and Vrox alone with the other three Mistresses and their slaves.

  “Well, I still say it looks less like a training technique and more like you’ve simply taken your slave as a lover,” Mistress Tillabong said rudely, as soon as Mistress Sinda was gone. “Just like your mother did. Be careful that you don’t get yourself into an illegal seeding situation—I hear that Kindred only breed male babies,” she added nastily.

  “My Mistress is a virgin—she’s never had a shaft in her pussy—not even mine,” Vrox growled protectively. He rose smoothly to his feet and glared at Mistress Tillabong, who glared back but shrank back somewhat. It was clear she was trying to hide her fear and mistrust of the huge Kindred but without much success.

  “Vrox, stand down,” Tandy said quietly. “You must not threaten other Mistresses, even if they are woefully misinformed.”

  But she knew she couldn’t let such an outright insult stand—if she did, Mistress Tillabong would never let it go and would probably spread the rumor all over Opulex by the end of the day.

  “I beg your pardon for Vrox’s behavior, Mistress Tillabong,” she said icily. “But I am not allowing my slave to penetrate me, as you have so rudely implied.”

  “How can we be sure about that?” Mistress Tillabong demanded. “After all, it does run in your blood.” She gave Tandy a scathing look down her long nose.

  Vrox began to growl, low in his throat, but Tandy stopped him with a hand on his arm.

  “You can be sure because I would never repeat the mistake my mother made,” she said firmly, even though a guilty little voice inside her head reminded her how very much the idea of letting the big Kindred penetrate her turned her on. “And also because…because…”

  She looked around, wishing she had some concrete evidence that there was no way she could be allowing Vrox to penetrate her. Luckily, her eyes happened to fall on his thick shaft, sticking prominently out of his trousers.

  “You can be sure just by looking at the size of my slave’s shaft,” she said, gesturing to him. “Look how big he is and how small I am—there’s no way he could ever, um, fit inside me.” Her cheeks were getting hot as she spoke but she lifted her chin high, daring the other Mistress to contradict her.

  “We don’t know what size shaft you can take,” Mistress Tillabong retorted. “You might practice with a vranna-sized phallus every night for all we know!”

  “I would never—” Tandy began but Mistress Lackwitt interrupted her angry denial.

  “I know how to settle this!” she said excitedly. “Doesn’t Mistress Badonkadonk have her clit-tickling shaft plants on display again this year? I know I saw them further along the path.” She pointed excitedly up the winding path which was shaded by greenery and exotic plants on either side.

  “In fact, she does.” Mistress Tillabong gave Tandy a sly smile. “And I believe the plant has a bumper crop of shafts this year—especially the extra-extra large size.” She arched an eyebrow at Tandy. “Would you care to prove that you can’t fit a shaft the size of your slave’s into your pussy, Lady Sweetbottom? Or do you expect us all just to take your word for it?” She spoke the last words as though Tandy was the least trustworthy person in all of Yonnie Six and every word she said was a lie.

  Tandy knew she shouldn’t let herself be goaded into anything rash, but she was suddenly seeing red. There was no way she could let the other Mistress’s challenge pass unanswered. Not if she wanted to keep her honor intact.

  “Fine,” she said coolly. “I’d be happy to.”

  “This way, then.” Mistress Tillabong swept out a hand in an “after you” gesture.

  Tandy threw back her shoulders and marched down the path, determined to do whatever she had to in order to prove the other Mistress in the wrong and put the ugly rumor she was trying to start behind her.


  “Mistress, what exactly is going on here?” Vrox growled, frowning at the secluded little glade about a hundred yards from the main path. He didn’t like what he was seeing—not one Goddess-damned bit.

  In the glade, under the shadows of several large, old-growth trees, was a very strange-looking set up. To one side there were five or six elaborately carved chairs with large round holes in their seats. That looked suspect enough but there was also a kind of post beside the seats with leather thongs for binding someone in place.

  All around the chairs and the posts were the strangest looking plants he had seen yet in this fucked-up garden. They were a mass of long, purple vines, all tangled together and at the end of every vine was something that looked exactly like a dildo. There were some small, white ones about the size of his middle finger and some slightly larger yellow ones he supposed might be the size of two fingers together. From there, the colors and sizes got more varied.

  Vrox saw larger orange dildo-flowers he thought might be seven standard inches long and two inches thick and then bright pink ones that were even bigger—nine inches long and three inches thick—that would have made even the most voracious Mistress happy. There was even a crimson red one that was fully twelve inches long and at least three and a half inches at its base.

  Those must be the extra-extra large ones, Vrox thought. None of them was as big as his own shaft, erect, but then, none of them was able to make precum which allowed a female to stretch to take them.

  Being half Beast Kindred, Vrox had this particular ability. Otherwise, there would be no way a female he was trying to bond to him could take his entire shaft and mating fist in her pussy so that he could breed her.

  He felt a little guilty that he hadn’t told Tandy about this function of his biology, but he had wanted to keep her believing there was no way he could ever fit inside her without pain and difficulty. The size of his shaft and her ignorance of his natural ability to make her ready to take it was probably the most effective deterrent to her “giving him the rod” as she put it, during her final test before the Sacred Seven. So he let her go on thinking there was no way he would ever fit inside her, even though it made him feel uncomfortable. After all, having a phallus shoved in his ass would be a hell of a lot more awkward than admitting the truth to his little Mistress, he told himself.

  “Oh, they’re so lovely!” Mistress Poodlefart cooed and Vrox focused on the strange plants again.

  Each dildo-flower had a single, long, green and purple leaf coming up from the base with a cluster of feathery crimson fronds attached to its tip. Maybe that was the clit-tickling part? Vrox had no fucking idea but he did know hw didn’t like the weird plants one damn bit.

  All of the vines began writhing restlessly when the group of Mistresses came up to them. There was an attendant standing there—a powerfully-built male slave with shifty eyes and a blue and green snake tattoo that wrapped around his entire left arm from his wrist to his shoulder. Vrox didn’t like the other male on sight. He supposed no one but another Kindred would have understood why but the slave smelled untrustworthy somehow—like he didn’t belong. Plus, he had those fucking shifty eyes…

  But Mistress Tillabong seemed to think he was fine.

  “Ah, you must be the slave Lady Badonkadonk has running this area,” she said, walking up to him. “Pray, please explain how these plants function so that our, ah, inexperienced friend, here, can try them out.” She nodded at Tandy with a knowing smile that Vrox didn’t like. He felt like something was wrong here—something was off—but he didn’t know what.

  “Of course, little Mistress.” The large slave bowed obsequiously, and gave Tandy a smile that didn’t reach his shifty, mud-colored eyes. “If you’ll just come a little closer?” He motioned to the nest of vines around the carved wooden chairs and the post with the leather thongs.

  Tandy came closer cautiously
and Vrox followed right behind, ready to stop things if they got out of hand. He knew the little Mistress wanted to prove herself but there was no way in the Seven Hells he was going to let her get into a dangerous situation if he could stop it. So he watched carefully, waiting for the shifty-eyed slave to explain.

  “These are the rare and wonderful clit-tickling shaft plants,” he said to Tandy.

  “I see…” She swallowed nervously and Vrox could hear the little click in her throat. “They’re very…colorful. How do they work?”

  “Well, in nature, they poke their heads into the soil to plant their seeds so that more of their kind can grow,” the slave explained smoothly. “Since they grow best in warm, wet soil, they are naturally attracted to that kind of environment.”

  “Meaning they love to plunge into pussies,” Mistress Lackwitt said and tittered behind her hand. Mistress Poodlefart and Mistress Tillabong laughed as well.

  “Indeed they do, Mistress.” The slave nodded and grinned at her. “We keep a plasti-sheen tarp over the soil around them which they’re unable to penetrate, so they’re always seeking for a place to plant their seed. And they each have one long leaf which normally helps them dig into the soil…” He reached down and pulled up one of the small white shaft plants, showing the long green and purple leaf with its bright red fronds on the end. “Though of course, it serves another purpose when the plant is attempting to, er, plant its seed in a female environment, if you know what I mean.”

  “It tickles your clit,” Mistress Lackwitt explained with another silly giggle. “While it pumps into you. It feels really nice.”

  “I’m, uh, sure it does,” Tandy murmured, though she didn’t look very sure about anything to Vrox.

  “The lighter the plant’s flower, the younger and more immature it is,” the slave continued. “This one is newly grown.” He nodded at the little white dildo-flower that wiggled weakly in his grip. “The younger ones are smaller and have less burrowing power. They also spit less seed juice when they strike home and plant.”

  He demonstrated by stroking the little finger-sized flower rapidly for a moment. After a moment, the bulbous head seemed to explode and about a teaspoon’s worth of sticky clear sap burst from its tip.

  “Oh!” Tandy put a hand to her throat nervously. “They all do that? They, uh, explode?”

  “Oh yes—and it feels lovely when they do it inside you!” Mistress Poodlefart assured her. “The seed juice coats your insides. At first it’s cold but then it warms up nicely and you just feel all squishy for the rest of the day.”

  “Um…” Tandy didn’t look like she liked the idea of letting a dildo flower explode in her and make her all “squishy” at all and Vrox didn’t blame her one fucking bit.

  “Mistress,” he muttered in her ear. “What exactly are you trying to prove here? You’re not actually going to let one of these things penetrate your pussy, are you?”

  “She will if she wants to prove that you haven’t been penetrating her, Kindred.” Mistress Tillabong spoke stridently, glaring at Tandy. “Come now, dear,” she went on, smiling. “It will only take a moment. Just prove to us that the large shaft plant won’t fit in you and we’ll believe you’re still unpenetrated.”

  “The large one?” Tandy looked nervously at one of the orange flowers, which was writhing around in the nest of long purple vines. It was between six and seven inches long and almost two inches thick—considerably larger than the single finger he’d fucked her with the night before, Vrox thought, frowning.

  “Mistress,” he said again. “You don’t have to do this! You don’t even know if it’s safe!”

  “Oh, it’s perfectly safe,” Mistress Lackwitt said eagerly. “Look—I’ll show you!”

  She ran and took a seat on one of the chairs, moving her skirts and panties and positioning herself so that her bare pussy was exposed.

  “Very good, Mistress.” The slave came over to her. “And which sized plant would you like today?”

  “I’ll have the orange one to start,” Mistress Lackwitt ordered. “And a pink one to follow. Once the first one plants its seed in you, you’re slippery enough to take a larger size,” she explained to Tandy, and giggled again in that annoying way of hers.

  “An orange one to start it is.” The slave nodded obsequiously and reached down to the mass of vines to free an orange one. It wiggled vigorously in his hand. Crouching down, he brought the bulbous, waxy head of the plant just under the chair where Mistress Lackwitt was sitting.

  The plant must have sensed her body heat, Vrox thought, because as soon as it got near her, it began to go wild, the long orange flower whipping from side to side as it attempted to get to the warm, wet environment it was seeking.

  “Here you go, Mistress,” the slave said, and let the vine go.

  Immediately, the orange flower thrust upward and buried itself in Mistress Lackwitt. She gave a shocked little gasp, her poof of frizzy purple hair trembling with the impact, and them she moaned as a beatific smile spread over her face.

  “Mmm—it’s really nice,” she cooed, shifting her hips appreciatively as the strange dildo-flower plowed deeper into her. “It’s tickling my clit! And the shaft is almost all the way in. Any minute now it’s going to explode—I can feel it!”

  Sure enough, in a moment she gave a little gasp and her ridiculous hair trembled again. Then the purple vine beneath her chair stopped writhing and the orange dildo-flower slid out to the ground, its mission completed. It really did look like a flaccid cock, Vrox thought, eyeing it. One that had spent its seed and planted new life. Though he doubted anything of value would grow in the vacuous Mistress Lackwitt’s womb.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed. “That was good—perfect! Another one, slave! A pink one this time. Maybe even…” She giggled. “Maybe even one that’s about to turn red.”

  “Ah, so you’re interested in a fully mature plant, are you, Mistress?” The slave grinned knowingly. “Very well, let me get you one.” He found a large dildo-flower that looked to be ten to eleven inches long to Vrox and let it go under Mistress Lackwitt’s chair. As she cooed and giggled, he turned back to Tandy.

  “So would you like to have a seat by your friend and pick a plant, little Mistress?” he asked.

  “No, she fucking well wouldn’t,” Vrox growled, glaring at the other male. He well remembered how tight Tandy’s soft little pussy had been. She claimed she’d used toys on herself in the past but if she had, they must have been small ones. He hadn’t even wanted to put two fingers inside her—he’d been afraid to risk hurting her. There was no way she could take some of the larger dildo-flowers inside her—she’d be torn or injured, he was sure.

  “Vrox, please.” Tandy looked pale but determined. “I can do this.”

  “Indeed, and you must if you want to prove your slave isn’t giving you his shaft every night,” Mistress Tillabong taunted, her tall tower of platinum hair quivering as she shook a finger at Tandy. “Otherwise we’ll all know you’re following in your mother’s footsteps!”

  “You don’t have to prove yourself to that bitch,” Vrox muttered in her ear. “You’ll hurt yourself, little girl. You’re too tight for most of these fucking things and you know it.”

  But Tandy shook her head, a stubborn look on her face.

  “I’ll start with a small one,” she said, lifting her chin. “And…and maybe work my way up some. Though I think the orange will be my limit.”

  “Is that right?” Mistress Tillabong sneered sarcastically. “Well, I guess we’ll see, won’t we? No—don’t put her in a seat,” she went on, speaking to the slave attendant this time. “We all need to see what’s happening and the chair bottom gets in the way. Put her on the post so we can watch.”

  “No way in the Seven Hells!” Vrox roared—or started to, anyway. Somehow the words stuck in his throat. He started to go to Tandy instead, to stop this but he realized he couldn’t move either—it was like he was frozen to the spot. Nothing but his eyes could move—the rest
of his body appeared to have turned into a statue. What the fuck was going on?

  Then he saw Mistress Tillabong holding a small black box that looked familiar. Seeing her watching him, she sidled over and gave him a superior grin.

  “Well, well, Kindred—it was nice of your Mistress to let me know where she was keeping the remote to your pain collar and cuffs,” she murmured, keeping her voice low, for his ears alone. “It only took me a moment to get it off her—while she was distracted watching the pretty flowers.”

  She made a simpering face. “I bet you didn’t know it had a freeze function on it, did you?” she continued, waving the remote under his nose. “But it does. And now you’re going to watch your Mistress get shafted—quite literally—and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it!” She giggled and walked away from him, calling to the slave as she did, “Go on—put her on the post. We need to see everything to know that she’s been telling us the truth.”


  Tandy didn’t like this situation at all. She was feeling more and more nervous and uncertain but she felt that if she didn’t go through with it, Mistress Tillabong would spread the rumor that she was having sex with Vrox every night and allowing the big Kindred to penetrate her.

  At least they don’t have any plants as big as him, she thought nervously, though to be honest, any of the larger pink and red plants looked too big to her. She had no wish to have any of them inside her—not even the little white ones. But it seemed she had no choice. Well, at least Vrox wasn’t protesting anymore—he really was getting a little too overprotective, she told herself. Even though he was playing the part of a devoted slave, there was such a thing as going too far.

  She leaned forward and braced her hands against the rough wooden post as the slave instructed. But then, to her surprise, he began tying the leather thongs around her wrists.


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