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Rock Star, Interrupted

Page 6

by Shade, S. M.

  “Naomi!” Paige calls, stepping into view. “Oh good, I was hoping I wasn’t in the wrong place, just trespassing.” She notices Caden in my arms. “Oh look at him. He’s adorable!”

  Dani and I exit the pool and Dani dashes into the house for the document for Paige to sign while I get Caden dried off and changed into a diaper.

  Dani quickly goes over what it all means and that she can’t reveal his name, where he lives, or anything she learns about him when visiting. After Paige signs, she points at me, “Now for hell’s sake, who is he? We’ve never had secrets from each other.”

  Dani nods when I glance at her, a grin on her face.

  “Axton Todd,” I reply, shifting Caden on my lap.

  Paige just gapes at me for a long moment, so I add. “The lead singer of Tragic.”

  Dani snorts out a laugh when Paige finally responds, “Get the fuck out of here.”

  She glances around. “Axton Todd lives here. In a suburb?”

  “It’s nice here.” It’s not like he’s surrounded by neighbors and kids playing in the street. He has a good amount of space here on the end of the development.

  “Well, yeah, but sexy as fuck rock gods are supposed to live in a mansion, surrounded by splendor and naked women.”

  Dani laughs, shaking her head. “First, if you meet him, don’t call him a rock god. He’s arrogant enough as it is. And Ax and the guys are just regular people like everyone else.” The smirk on my face makes her smile, and she adds, “Well, as normal as musicians can be.”

  Paige lies back on the lounge chair with a dramatic sigh. “Do I have to abide by the no stealing his underwear rule?”

  “Yes,” we reply in unison.

  “Not to sell. Just to make a little pillow out of to sleep with.”

  “Gross.” Dani’s nose snarls up.

  “Fine. The things you do for friendship.” Paige sits up as Caden starts babbling. We aren’t paying attention to him and he doesn’t like it. “He’s so cute,” Paige coos. “Can I hold him?”

  Paige holds him on her lap for a minute, but he’s grouchy when he’s tired. “Nay!” he screams, shoving away from her.

  “Don’t take it personally,” Dani laughs. “He didn’t want me over his Nay either.”

  “I’ll just go put him down for his nap. Be back in a few minutes.”

  Leaving Paige and Dani to get to know each other better, I carry Caden inside, make him a bottle and hold him while he drains it like he’s never been fed before. I guess water makes babies as hungry as swimming does adults. By the time he finishes it, he burps and falls right to sleep. He’s so precious tucked into his crib, his little face lax. Switching on the baby monitor, I grab the speaker from my bedroom and take it with me out to the patio.

  Dani and Paige have popped open a bottle of wine, and Dani is explaining her situation and impending break-up to Paige.

  Paige peers at her over her wine glass. “Do you want to throw him out? Because we can do that. I’ll go with you right now and we can chuck that asshole’s stuff into the street.”

  Dani glances at me. “Is she serious?”

  “One hundred percent.”

  “We can light the pile on fire and do a rain dance, girl. I’m not playing,” Paige assures her, and Dani throws back her head, laughing.

  “Naomi, I like your friend.” She regards her. “And thanks, but the lease is in his name. I’m the one who has to move.”

  The cool wine tastes amazing, and it feels good to hang out with these girls after weeks of mostly being grunted at by Axton. “I don’t mean to get into your business, Dani, but can you afford to move? With the job loss and everything?” Surely, Ax would help her, right?

  “I have some savings. I’ll find a small apartment. I’ll be okay for a while, assuming it doesn’t take forever to find another job.” She grins at me like she’s reading my thoughts. “And yes, Ax wouldn’t hesitate to dump some money in my account if he thought I’d accept it. But I can take care of myself.”

  “I don’t doubt that.”

  * * *

  Axton doesn’t return for three days, and when he does, he’s back to avoiding me and Caden. Hiding in his music room, his room, or brooding on the back patio with a guitar after we’ve gone to bed.

  Dani checks in to make sure everything is okay, but she’s trying to figure out her own difficult situation, one that she hasn’t shared with Axton. Until tonight.

  My phone beeps with a text from her.

  Dani: Is Ax home?

  Me: Yes, he’s here.

  Dani: Tell him to call me. He won’t answer his phone. I need him.

  Concern rushes through me, and I scramble out of bed.

  Axton sits on the patio, a guitar in his hands, his brow furrowed in concentration as he pauses for a second, then plays a few chords. “Axton. Call Dani.”

  Dark hair whips into his eyes for a moment as he jerks his head to glare at me. He doesn’t need to say anything. I’ve gotten pretty good at reading those unspoken words in his reactions. Who the fuck do you think you’re giving orders to?

  There’s no time for his bullshit tonight. I don’t know what exactly is going on with Dani, but I assume the soon to be ex is involved. “She texted me to say she needs you. I think she’s in trouble. Call her.”

  His guitar lies forgotten in favor of his phone, now lighting up in his hand. “Dani,” he snaps into the phone, getting to his feet. “What’s going on?”

  His jaw hardens, his eyes drawing narrow. His boots tear up the yard between us and the house. Whatever she told him must be bad, and my anxiety ramps up. By the time I get inside, he has his keys in his hand. “Is she okay?” I ask. “What happened?”

  “I’m going to get her.”

  That’s the only response I get before he stalks out the door.

  Frantically, I call Dani’s number, but it goes to her voicemail, so I try a text.

  Me: Are you okay?

  Dani: Is Ax coming?

  Me: He’s on his way. Are you hurt?

  The seconds stretch into minutes with no response. All I can do is wait and worry. A hundred scenarios, each worse than the last run through my head. I don’t know anything about Dani’s boyfriend, whether he could be dangerous or not. Hell, I don’t even know if that’s the problem. For all I know, she could be drunk at a bar and need a ride and I’m blowing this out of proportion.


  I saw Axton’s expression. Anger coated fear.

  There’s nothing I can do but pace the house. A quick peek at Caden, peacefully sleeping in his crib calms my nerves a bit. The slam of the front door followed by raised voices rushes me from the nursery.

  “Answer me, Danielle! How long has he been hitting you?” Axton stands in front of Dani in the living room. Her mouth opens to reply but he cuts her off. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me? I’ll kill him.”

  Dani blinks through her tears. “That’s why I didn’t tell you. He’s gotten a little rough in the past, but nothing like that. I was leaving him. I told him tonight.”

  “A little rough!” Axton’s hands run through his hair, like it’s taking every scrap of his will to keep himself under control. “There are bruises around your neck!”

  Her body shakes and I head toward her, but Axton beats me to it, pulling her into his arms as she sobs. “I’m sorry,” she says. “I didn’t think he was that crazy.”

  His large hand presses her head against his chest, and he tilts his head back. The pain on his face is hard to witness. He can’t stand the thought that someone hurt her, and my heart aches for both of them in that moment. Taking deep breaths, he mumbles, “It’s okay. He won’t touch you again. I’ll fucking end him.”

  Stepping back, she shakes her head. “No, you need to let the cops handle it. I don’t want this to mess with your career. I need to get in touch with your manager, your PR people, make sure they know how to handle it if anything gets out and—”

  He grabs her shoulders and stares her in the eye
. “You need to rest. None of that shit matters.”

  “Yes it does. He threatened to go to the tabloids, say horrible things, unless I asked you for money. He will, Ax. Especially now that he needs money for a lawyer. He’ll sell them whatever story they want.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “I do!”

  Axton notices me standing like a statue, taking in the scene. His gaze feels like a physical punch in my chest. “You knew?”

  “Of course, I didn’t.”

  “You knew she was leaving him. That she lost her job. You knew.” The most hateful look accompanies his vitriolic accusation.

  “I told her not to say anything, Ax,” she says, wiping her eyes.

  My chin rises as he takes a step toward me, and fierce eyes burn into mine. “You work for me.” The words escape slowly through clenched teeth.

  A wail rises from the nursery. The loud voices or maybe just the turmoil in the air have disturbed Caden.

  Turning my attention from the blazing look trying to turn me to ash, I hug Dani. “I’m sorry. I’m going to tend to Caden. If you need anything or want to talk, you know where I am.”

  My insides rattle, but I do my best not to show it. It’s a relief to retreat down the hall and into the nursery where Caden stands in his crib, crying. “Nay!”

  “I know, baby boy. Not a good night, is it? How about we rock for a while?” His little head falls to my shoulder, and he calms down when I sit in the rocking chair with him. My mind spins with the sudden events of the night, but the motion of the chair and his warm little body snuggled against mine is calming.

  Bruises. There were bruises on Dani’s neck. As much as I want to be pissed over Axton’s attitude and comment toward me, I can’t. It made me sick to see the developing blue marks blooming on her skin. I can’t imagine how that must’ve made him feel.

  Had he hit her before, and she just didn’t want to admit it? I can’t blame Axton for wanting to kill him for touching her, but Dani is right. It will only make the situation worse. Caden drifts off, and I place him back into his crib.

  The house is quiet when I emerge from the nursery, and I find Dani sitting on the couch, her legs folded beneath her, a glass of wine in her hand.

  “Hey, how are you doing?” I murmur, sitting beside her.

  A reluctant smile spreads across her face. “I’m okay, really. Just shocked, I guess. I expected Dustin to be mad, but not like that.”

  “Do you think you should go to the hospital? Get checked out?”

  “No, the medics tried to get me to, but I’m okay, really. I never lost consciousness or anything. It’s just some bruising and swelling.”

  “Has he been arrested?” I keep my voice down. I have no idea where Axton is and I don’t want to pull him back into the conversation.

  “Yeah, charged with domestic violence and battery.” She finishes the wine and lays her head back with a sigh. “This is a mess, girl.”

  Taking her hand, I squeeze it. “The worst is over. You’re safe. I doubt he wants to cross Axton.”

  “I’m going to stay here for a while. Help with Caden. Until I find a place.” The corners of her mouth tuck in. “Ax wants to hire me as his full time assistant. Pay me way too much.”

  “And you don’t want to?” I guess, gently.

  “I don’t know. A break from technical writing would be nice. It was never a lifetime goal or anything. And I know he needs a full time assistant with the tours coming up. I could go on the road with you and fill in for you with Caden so you have some time off too. Traveling and everything doesn’t sound like a bad idea. Getting away, you know?”

  “I’d love to have you along.”

  She grins up at me. “We’ll be in most of the cities for at least four day stretches. We can take Caden out for day trips.”

  Axton steps back into the room, and it’s clear he wants to talk to Dani.

  “I’m going to head to bed. Good night.”


  Axton calls my name when I reach the doorway, and I turn to regard him, steeling myself for whatever cutting remark he’s going to spit at me to alleviate his own frustration.

  “Thanks for telling me to call Dani.”

  It seemed like it just about killed him to say something nice but considering the situation, I’ll take it. “You’re welcome. I’m glad she’s safe.”

  My bare feet on the hall floor make the only sound until I close my bedroom door. One thing that can definitely be said for this job. It’s never boring.

  Caden sleeps later than usual the next morning, thanks to his little midnight wake up. He’s curled up with a soft smile on his face when I check on him. I’m careful to creep out of the room. After the events of last night, I didn’t sleep very well, and I’d love a cup of coffee before he wakes.

  A few steps down the hall, Axton’s voice reaches my ears, and I pause. “Dani, you can’t do this. You can’t let the pattern repeat. We have to break the cycle. What if you’d had a kid by him?”

  Break what cycle? Domestic abuse? Has it happened to her before? Maybe they grew up in that situation. I’ve never heard their parents mentioned. Axton would never deign to discuss anything so personal with me and Dani has never brought up any other family.

  “I know. Do you think I wanted that? I never thought he’d actually hurt me.” The pain in Dani’s voice makes me want to hunt the son of a bitch down so I can only imagine how Axton feels.

  “Then let the charges stick. Sign the police statement. File for the protective order. I’ll take you to the station, then we can go get your stuff.”

  Torn, I stand frozen in the hallway, not wanting to interrupt. “Okay,” she says.

  The sound of Axton picking his keys up from the wooden coffee table is followed by a familiar click as he locks the front door behind them.

  Relief fills me, not just for my sake—that I didn’t get caught eavesdropping or have to walk in on a private moment—but for Dani’s. She’ll be safe here.

  It’s late afternoon when they return and I’m in the sunroom with Caden, watching him play with his toys while I read a new book on my tablet. He’s been cranky today, and this is the first time he’s been content playing alone. He also didn’t eat very well, choosing a bottle over solid food, which isn’t like him. He’s not running a fever or showing any signs of sickness, so it’s probably a teething issue.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask Dani, when she sticks her head in the sunroom.

  “Yeah, he’s still locked up. We got all my stuff moved out and into storage.” Caden grins up at her when she walks over and sits beside me. “I’m sorry you got put in the middle of that with Ax.”

  “No worries. He doesn’t scare me.”

  She chuckles at the wave of my hand. “I think that’s why you frustrate him. Whenever he booms that voice and gives that look to people, they jump and scurry. You look at him like a misbehaving child. It’s extremely satisfying to watch.”

  “Dani, I hate to tell you this, but your brother can be an asshole.”

  Folding her legs beneath her, she leans her elbow on the arm of the sofa. “That’s not exactly new information.”

  The way she glances at me makes both of us laugh. Dani covers her mouth, her eyebrows reaching for the ceiling, and I follow her gaze to where Axton stands in the doorway, leaning against the jamb.

  Arms crossed, hair tied back at the crown of his head, his thick lips slightly pursed as if he’s trying not to smile. Seeing him on a day to day basis, you’d think I’d become accustomed to how attractive he is. But like this, wearing an expression other than that interminable scowl, sexiness just radiates from him.

  His gaze finds mine, and I see a small, almost imperceptible shift in his eyes. His lips raise into a smirk. It feels like he can see straight into me, read every dirty thought that’s pulsing, unwelcome, in my head.

  I think I just got busted perving on my boss.

  Caden comes to the rescue, breaking the moment, and
letting me tear my eyes away from this arrogant asshole, who knows only too well how he affects women.

  “Nay!” he cries, crawling toward me. There’s no doubt now he’s saying my name. Dani catches him up before he gets to me.

  Finger in mouth, he grins at her.

  “Aunt-tie,” she says, trying to get him to mimic her.


  Dani puts him on her hip and leans him toward me. “Nay.” Then pulls him back. “Aunt-tie.”

  His delighted giggles fill the room as she keeps pretending she’s going to hand him over while saying our names. “Nay, Aunt-tie.” Turning toward Axton, who still lingers in the doorway, she adds, “Daddy.”

  Two chubby arms shoot out toward Axton as Caden babbles, “Da. Da Da Da.”

  Stunned silence fills the room. Dani looks at her brother with joy shining in her face. “Oh my god. Did you hear that?”

  Axton stands frozen. Emotions flash across his face so quickly it’s like watching someone wearing a pile of masks, tossing them off one at a time. Shock, happiness, fear, regret. My heart has found its way into my throat as I watch Caden reach out for his father in a way he’s never done before.


  Every second is a week long.

  Dani’s smile starts to falter at Axton’s hesitation. “Ax?”

  Without a word, Axton jerks away from the doorjamb and stalks off down the hall.

  Dani turns to me. “What the hell just happened?”

  Axton just royally pissed me off, that’s what happened. I’ve been patient. I’ve tried to fill in for the parent that’s too worried about himself to see his own baby reaching out to him. After hearing the conversation about abuse between Axton and Danielle, it’s clear he has some issues, but nothing excuses treating his son like that.

  Leaving Caden with Dani, I follow him down the hall, through the living room and kitchen, catching up to him on his beloved patio.

  “What?” he snaps. Those deep forest eyes do their best to shred me to ribbons, but my anger and hurt on behalf of that innocent baby outweighs any intimidation.


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