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Sable's Fire

Page 9

by Dawn Sullivan

  Dax rubbed against his mate one more time, before stepping back. Stumbling, he tried to catch himself, but it was too late. Collapsing to the ground, he finally acknowledged the agony that racked his body, and the exhaustion flowing through it. His mate was going to be safe. That was all that mattered.

  “Dax! Stay with me! Dax! Please, don’t leave me!”

  A weak groan of pain left his throat, and then he fell to his side, his head lying on the soft grass. He fought to keep his eyes open as he watched Sable’s friend rushing her down the hill, away from him, a woman at his side.

  “Take it easy, big guy,” Chase said, leaning down to place a hand gently on his neck. “You are a part of my pack now. Under my protection. Rest. Trust me to handle everything.”

  A huge shudder ran through his body as he felt the alpha push his calming power into him. It was like nothing he’d ever felt before. His last thought was of Sable, before his eyes closed and the darkness took him under.


  Sable gazed at the man who sat in the chair next to her hospital bed, a soft smile on her lips. He had flown close to two thousand miles, severely injured himself, to bring her to Doc Josie. The good doctor had first saved her life, and then his. He was there when she woke up three days ago, and every single time since then. Even though she was feeling much better, he still refused to let her leave the hospital.

  “How are you doing?”

  Sable glanced over to see Aiden hovering just inside the door. It was the first time he’d come to see her since she’d gotten out of surgery. Gesturing for him to come in, she raised her bed into a sitting position and grinned. “I’m good. Wonderful.”

  Aiden grinned, his brown eyes dancing as he stopped beside her bed. “I’m glad.” She could tell he meant it, but she could also tell that something was bothering him. There was a sadness deep within, that he was hiding behind his happy façade.

  “Me, too,” she whispered, reaching out to take his hand. “It’s good to see you, Aiden.”

  “You, too.” His voice was quiet, and she could see a muscle tick in his jaw.

  “How’s Maya?”

  Sighing, Aiden shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. She’s hiding from us right now.”


  “Chase gave her an apartment near Xavier and Janie’s, but she hasn’t come out of it except to check on you and Dax.” He hesitated before admitting, “I think she’s afraid of us, Sable.”

  Sable nodded, squeezing his hand gently. “She’s been through a lot, Aiden. Just give her time.”

  Aiden nodded, his eyes meeting hers. Hesitating, he asked, “Sable, are we good?”

  Taking a deep breath, Sable glanced over at Dax before replying, “Aiden, I need to tell you something.” While he waited patiently for her to collect her thoughts, she looked over at her mate again. He was everything to her now. All she had ever wanted in a man, and so much more. Her gaze going back to Aiden, she gently tugged her hand from his before saying, “Aiden, I left Colorado for two reasons. One, was to find your sister.”

  “That was the mission that Chase and Angel sent you on?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry I had to keep that from you, but I didn’t want to get your hopes up. I wasn’t sure if we would actually find her, especially when we kept running into dead ends.”

  “I understand.”

  Swallowing hard, she admitted, “But, I was going to leave anyway, Aiden. This just gave me a good reason to.”

  “Why?” Aiden asked in confusion. “Why would you want to leave your family and friends? You love it here.”

  “I do,” Sable agreed, her eyes once again drawn to her dragon. “Even after what happened to me years ago, I still couldn’t leave.”

  “Xavier and I took care of those bastards, Sable,” Aiden growled. “They will never hurt you again.”

  A low growl came from the chair next to her, the only indication that Dax was listening to them, even though she’d known the entire time that he was awake. The minute Aiden entered the room, his instincts to protect his mate had risen, and he’d woken.

  “I know you did,” she whispered, reaching for Dax. Past memories flooded in, coming back to haunt her, and she needed to feel his touch. “Dax.”

  His head came up, his eyes glowing a dark emerald color, and then he was out of the chair and sliding into bed next to her, pulling her close. Snuggling into him, she laid her head on his shoulder and wrapped an arm around his waist, careful not to touch any of the bandages on his body. “I’m right here, sweetheart,” he said gruffly, kissing her gently on the top of the head.

  “I’m sorry,” Sable whispered to Aiden after a moment. “It’s hard to think back to those days.”

  “I shouldn’t have brought it up.”

  “You didn’t,” Sable said softly. “I did.” Tightening her arm on Dax, she screwed up her courage before she continued, “There was another reason I left, Aiden.” When he just looked at her curiously, she whispered, “I thought I was in love with you.” Another low growl rumbled in Dax’s chest, but he didn’t interrupt her. “It wasn’t until I met Dax that I understood the love I feel for you is nothing like the love you feel for a mate.”

  Aiden froze, and he seemed to catch his breath, his eyes darkening to a deep brown. “Sable, I didn’t know.”

  “I know you didn’t,” she said, idly rubbing her hand across Dax’s chest, wanting to feel closer to him. “And, it’s probably better that way.”

  “Fuck, the way I acted, Sable. The bar. The women. I’m sorry. If I’d known…no wonder you were so pissed at me.”

  Sable shrugged, her hand rising to stroke the hardness of Dax’s jawline, and then sliding into the hair at the back of his neck. “It wouldn’t have made a difference, Aiden. You weren’t my mate. I know now that it never would have worked, even if you had felt the same way.” Tilting her head back, she smiled up at the man she loved with all of her heart. “There is a difference between the love of a friend, and the love of a mate. I’m so glad I figured that out. And, I hope you find the kind of love I have someday, Aiden. I really do.”

  “Me, too,” Aiden said quietly, before taking a step back. “Hey, I have some things I need to do. I’ll catch you guys later.”

  Sable whispered goodbye, her eyes never leaving the dark green ones in front of her. She heard the door shut, and knew they would be left alone for a while. The nurses only came to check on her a couple of times a day now, and they’d already been there for the morning visit.

  Her heart was thundering in her chest, and there was only one thing she wanted right now. It had been so long since she claimed her mate. She wanted him. Needed him. Letting her fangs drop, Sable licked her lips as she growled, “Mine!”

  Cupping the back of her head, Dax guided her mouth to his shoulder, right above her mate mark. “Always, my love.”

  Sable sank her teeth in deep, her hand going to his large cock that was straining against the scrubs he wore. She moaned as he thrust into her, wanting to feel his skin against hers. Sliding her hand underneath the waistband of the pants, she wrapped it around his thickness and began to stroke him quickly as she ground her aching clit against the side of his leg.


  She growled when she felt him come, coating her hand, and then cried out when his own hand slipped inside the hospital gown she wore, his fingers sliding deep inside her.

  “Need you,” she gasped, moving her hips against his fingers. “Please.”

  “Don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t,” she gasped, arching into him. “It’s been almost a week, Dax. I’m already feeling better than I was.”


  “Now, Dax!” she ordered, grinding into his fingers as she covered his mouth with hers.

  Dax growled, nipping at her lips as he slid the scrubs down, and then her gown up. Gently, he moved her over on top of him, and then lowered her onto his still hard cock. A loud moan tore from her throat as he slowly filled her
, and she grasped his shoulders tightly to steady herself. Her eyes on his, she began to ride him slowly, soft cries slipping free.

  “Sable,” he groaned, gripping her hips and pushing up into her. “You feel so damn good.”

  Sable held on tight, ignoring the slight twinge of pain coming from a wound in her side. She needed this. Needed him. She’d never felt anything as wonderful as having Dax deep inside her, moving, calling her name. It was everything. Small flames licked up his arms, and transferred to hers. There was no pain, just pure bliss, as they lit up her skin.

  “So close,” she breathed, her entire body trembling with need. She was so close. “Please, Dax!”

  She didn’t have to ask twice. He knew exactly what she wanted. Just the touch of his fangs to her shoulder had her on the brink of an orgasm, and when he bit down, she flew apart in his arms, screaming his name.

  Later, safe in Dax’s arms, Sable whispered, “I grew up in the White River Wolves Pack. People come and go, but not me. I’ve lived here my entire life. I went to school with Aiden and Xavier. Aiden and I have been best friends ever since I can remember.”

  “It’s good to have friends like that,” Dax said, rubbing his chin on the top of her head.

  “Yes, it is,” she agreed. “I have three older brothers, who all moved away after they met their mates. My parents now live in California with one of my brothers, so they can be near their grandchildren. I stayed here.”

  “It’s beautiful here.”

  Sable nodded against his chest, clutching tightly to his arm before going on. “I used to be an elementary school teacher. I loved the children, loved teaching. Until…” A sob caught in her throat, a tear slipping down her cheek.

  “You don’t have to say anymore, sweetheart.”

  “Yes, I do,” Sable whispered, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. “There was a boy in my classroom who was having some trouble. At the beginning of the year he was doing wonderful, but then things began to change. His grades were slipping, he would show up to class in dirty clothes, and he was losing weight. I tried to talk to the school, but he was the grandson of a prominent man in town, and they didn’t want to rock the boat.” Leaning up, she looked at him, “Seriously, a child was in trouble, Dax, and they didn’t want to ‘rock the boat’.”

  Dax ran a hand gently down her hair, pushing a stray lock behind her ear. “What happened?”

  “He came to school a week later with visible bruises on him, holding an arm that was obviously broken. He said he fell off his bike. I could smell the lie, Dax, and I could smell his pain.” Swallowing hard, she whispered, “I decided, screw the school and what they thought I should do. I took him to the hospital. It turned out that not only was his arm broken, but there were bruises, both old and new, all over his body. He also had a cracked rib, and a slight concussion.” Wiping angrily at the tears that were now flowing freely down her cheeks, she rasped, “Come to find out, his mother had fallen in with a local gang. She was using drugs and drinking a lot. She had no idea what was going on with her own child. The bastards took turns beating on him when she took him with her to the gang’s hangout.”

  “You did good, baby,” Dax said gruffly, gently rubbing her back. “Getting the police involved was the only option.”

  Sable nodded, thinking back to that time she would rather forget. “I thought so, too. And, I wouldn’t change anything that happened after that, because Manny got the chance at a better life.”

  “You are a strong woman with a good heart.”

  Sable held on tightly to him as she whispered, “I just couldn’t stand seeing him so broken, Dax. It was horrible, and no one in that school would step up and help. After the police got involved, I was told that I could clear out my desk. I wasn’t allowed on the premises anymore.”

  “You have got to be kidding me.”

  “No,” Sable whispered, shaking her head as she struggled to find words to tell him what happened next. “I lost my job, and then, two days later, the gang kidnapped me, and I lost even more.” Dax’s chest vibrated with a deep growl, his whole body beginning to shake in anger. “It was hell, Dax,” Sable rasped, pushing closer to him, wanting to crawl inside him where he would keep her safe. “They had me for three days before Aiden and Xavier found me. They rescued me, and brought me home, to Doc Josie. Then, they went back and took out the entire gang.”

  “Baby, I’m so sorry.”

  “Chase saved me,” she whispered, lost in thought. “I was going downhill fast, locked deep inside myself, terrified to come out and face the world. Even my parents and brothers couldn’t help. But, Chase never gave up. He came to see me, sometimes three or four times a day. Sometimes we would talk, most of the time we sat in silence. He fought for me, because that’s the kind of alpha he is. When I finally decided it was time to fight for myself, he took me under his wing. Trained me, taught me to defend myself. I became an enforcer, because I want to save others like he saved me. I want to give them purpose, a reason to live.”

  Dax tilted her head up, looking deep into her eyes. “Baby, you are the most amazing woman I have ever met.” Kissing her gently, he said, “I love you, so much, Sable, and I am going to spend the rest of our lives showing you.”

  Sable stared up at the man who held her heart, and whispered, “You are my everything, Daxton Dreher. My love, my heart, my soul, my fire.”


  Jinx stood over the comatose body of the General, wanting nothing more than to plunge a dagger into his evil heart. The sick son of a bitch had ruined so many lives, his included. Sometimes, when he was at his weakest moments, he allowed himself to wonder what it would have been like to grow up with a family who loved him. Waking up to his sister’s laughter each morning, hugs from his mother, teasing from a father who taught him more than how to survive living a life of one of the General’s assassins.

  The bastard had stolen all of it from him, just like he had from so many others. Even his own daughters, Ebony and Amber. He didn’t deserve to live. He’d caused so much suffering and heartache. Too much. Jinx was allowing him to live, just until he could find out who was really in charge of the operation the General was running. Once that information came to light, the fucker was dead.

  His hand tightening on the hilt of the dagger at his waist, one he hadn’t even been aware he held, Jinx took a step closer to the bed. It would be so easy to end the son of a bitch’s life right then. So easy. But, then he might never find out who gave the orders from high above. Jinx frowned, slowly moving his hand from the dagger. He’d also promised Sable he would try to find Raven, and he always kept his promises. He’d heard the name Raven before. From the General’s lips. If he killed him now, he might never find the female dragon.

  Suddenly, the General’s eyelids began to flutter and Jinx stiffened, quickly fading back into the shadows. He watched as the General’s hand moved, a small jerk on the pristine white sheets, and then jerk again. Closing his eyes, he did something he hated to do, and never did unless he felt like he had no other choice. Merging his mind with the General’s, he stayed just long enough to find out what he needed to know. The General was waking up, breaking free of the coma he’d been in since Chase practically tore his throat out. But, more importantly, he remembered. Everything.

  Suddenly, the door slammed open and a doctor rushed in, going straight to the man in the bed. When he was followed by two nurses, Jinx did what he did best. He slipped silently from the room, leaving no evidence behind that he’d ever been there. Once he reached the end of the corridor, he slipped out his phone and dialed a number he had memorized.


  “It’s me. He’s awake.”

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  Dawn Sullivan

  About the Author

  Dawn Sullivan has a wonderful, supportive husband, and three beautiful children. She enjoys spending time with them, which normally involves some baseball, shooting hoops, taking walks, watching movies, and reading.

  Her passion for reading began at a very young age and only grew over time. Whether she was bringing home a book from the library, or sneaking one of her mother's romance novels to read by the light in the hallway when she was supposed to be sleeping, Dawn always had a book. She reads several different genres and subgenres, but Paranormal Romance and Romantic Suspense are her favorites.

  Dawn has always made up stories of her own, and finally decided to start sharing them with others. She hopes everyone enjoys reading them as much as she enjoys writing them.

  Other books by Dawn Sullivan

  RARE Series

  Book 1 Nico’s Heart

  Book 2 Phoenix’s Fate

  Book 3 Trace’s Temptation

  Book 4 Saving Storm

  Book 5 Angel’s Destiny

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  White River Wolves Series

  Book 1 Josie’s Miracle

  Book 2 Slade’s Desire

  Book 3 Janie’s Salvation

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