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Sever the Crown: Vampire Reverse Harem Complete Series

Page 73

by Mysti Parker

  “What? I’m always the baiter, not the bait.” Charles sidestepped him in the doorway, his hands held up innocently. “I’m a master baiter.”

  Wren laughed with a note of relief I sure didn’t feel. “And on that note, I’ll go get you your extra-large cup of AB negative.”

  “I hardly call that a pass, Wren,” I said. “I would’ve killed it. I know I would’ve.”

  “But you didn’t.” She squeezed my arm on her way out. “Tomorrow, we’ll try a DBD.”

  “A-plus, Zac-man. We’ll have you vamping like a champ in no time.” Charles lifted his chin as he shut and locked the door on me.

  I stared down at my bubbling hand and groaned. A live human tomorrow. I was so screwed.

  Chapter Nine


  Once Zac’s belly was full of AB negative, he settled in and slept the day away. Me, not so much. I lay awake and listened to every slight sound he made through the baby monitor we’d placed in his room. It didn’t help even knowing that two of my Knights were guarding him.

  What was that grunt? And that thump – had he fallen out of bed, or was he trying to bust through the door? If this was what parenthood felt like, I didn’t know if I could survive being a mother. When it came to Zac, I questioned everything. Was it too soon to start him on a DBD? He’d barely survived a holy-watered mouse. How could I keep him from going nuts on a human dinner?

  I turned my head to find Marlowe on his back, his sleepy cinnamon eyes locked on mine. We’d shared a slow and sensual bath followed by passionate lovemaking just before dawn. It seemed that both of us found solace from getting lost in each other when it came to grief.

  He’d also spent some time researching how best to handle a newly turned vampire between our fucking sessions and shared some insights with me. I hoped it would help, but I wasn’t so sure.

  “Can’t sleep?” He rolled over and placed soft kisses along my collarbone.


  Nestling his head under my chin, Marlowe lightly circled my nipple with his thumb. “He’ll adjust.”

  “But will he? I mean, I was born a vampire. Not that I knew what that fully entailed until recently, but at least I learned how to control my instincts before I could hurt innocent people. Turning a grown man into a vampire that can control himself seems kind of like releasing a grown lion from the zoo and expecting him not to eat a guest.”

  “With you as his teacher, he can’t fail.”

  I huffed a laugh and stared up at the ceiling. “He already did. It’s my fault that Travis is dead. I made Zac into something I had no idea how to control.”

  Marlowe rose up on one elbow and gently turned my face toward his. “You made a choice, just like he did. That choice had consequences that neither of you expected. Your intentions were good.”

  “Were they though? I couldn’t stand the thought of him dying without knowing…” The words couldn’t escape past the knot in my throat.

  “About his wife?”

  I nodded.

  A soft smile curved his lips. “And about how much you care for him?”

  The man could read me like a book. Reluctantly, I nodded again.

  “If you ask him, he’ll say yes.”

  “I can’t.” Sitting up, I pulled my knees to my chest and shivered. Not from the cold, but from all the uncertainty over where to go from here. “Not yet, anyway. I took everything from him. It just doesn’t seem right. It seems…”

  “Selfish?” Marlowe sat up and wiggled behind me, cocooning me in his arms.

  I shook my head and laughed softly. “How can you know me so well?”

  “I’m your thinker, remember? And I think I’d feel just like you do right now if I were in your shoes. But from what I know of you, there’s no one else I’d want to guide me if I were in Zac’s shoes.”

  I turned in his arms and kissed his scars one by one. “I love you.”

  His strong hands gripped my waist as he lifted me up and settled me over his rock-hard dick. “Show me.”


  As soon as night fell, I paced the corridors of the bunker, took the stairs, and decided to check on Ashe. All my mates had been amazing through this process so far. I exited the stairwell and heard voices coming from Ashe’s room – Ashe, Hawk, Charles, and Annie. Sounded like a staff meeting without the boss present. With my back against the wall, I listened in.

  Hawk’s voice sounded tense. “He almost killed the mouse. How can you trust him to not go feral when he feeds from you?”

  Annie answered him. “He won’t. I trust Wren to keep him in control.”

  “I’m afraid she’s bitten off more than she can chew,” Ashe said. “Literally.”

  So much for amazing mates. But I’d be an idiot to think his doubts were unfounded.

  “Now’s not the time to be doubting her,” Charles said. At least he seemed to have faith in me. “At least one of us should stay with them as she’s helping him adjust. Armed. With plenty of tranquilizer darts on hand.”

  Okay, maybe not, then.

  Annie spoke up. “I’m not a helpless little girl, Hawk. I come from a long line of strong royal DBDs. My mom stuck by Bronwen and her mates to the very end. My grandmother before her, and her mother before her and so on.”

  “Zac’s not her mate,” Hawk ground out.

  “He might as well be. He’s at the very least her progeny, so that makes him family.”

  “You’re not a slave like your great-great-grandmother, Annie. You have a choice in the matter.”

  “I’m well aware of that.”

  Talia stepped out of the elevator across the hall, startling me. “Oh, hi, Wren. How’s Zac?”

  The voices from Ashe’s room went deathly quiet. Now they would know I’m a dirty, dirty eavesdropper.

  “Uh, he’s sleeping. I think.”

  Hawk stuck his head out of Ashe’s door, smiling as the little mouse that was almost Zac’s dinner climbed up his shoulder. Leave it to him to tame another little critter and keep it as a pet. “Care to join us?”

  Tilting my chin up to preserve some of my queenly dignity, I answered him curtly. “I was just coming to check on Ashe, but sure, why not? Talia?”

  “Sure.” She looked relieved to have something to take her mind off things.

  Hawk stepped aside and gestured for me to come in. He whispered in my ear as I passed, “You look like you need a little Vitamin H.”

  I blinked at him then laughed. “Oh my god, that’s so cheesy.”

  He looked at Charles with one eyebrow arched.

  Charles shrugged. “What? I never thought he’d actually use Vitamin Hawk as a pickup line.”

  Ashe motioned me to come sit with him on his bed and pulled me down to his lap. His room was tiny like most of the bedrooms here, except for my suite, but I kind of liked the close quarters. It felt more natural to me after years of holing up in one cramped space after another.

  “How’s the hand?” I asked.

  He waved it in front of my face. “Mostly healed up. Next time, Hawk can play the guinea pig.”

  “I’ll pass.” Hawk reached up and scratched the little mouse’s chin. The holy water must have dried and become inert. And the mouse already seemed to like him. Maybe the little critter was thankful that Hawk had saved him from being dinner - twice.

  “Listen, we think you’ll be a great teacher for Zac,” Ashe said.

  “I hear a but coming.”

  Ashe glanced around at everyone before smiling up at me. “But… this is a first for all of us. Turning humans has been illegal for a century.”

  “And all of you are upstanding, law-abiding citizens?”

  “Uh, no, but none of us have turned anyone, and we haven’t been witness to it. Marlowe’s done a lot of research.”

  “No surprise there,” Talia said while she leaned against the doorframe, biting her fingernail. “You just need to be careful.”

  “I will be.” Then I looked at Annie. “Like Hawk said, you have a choi
ce. Don’t do this just to please me. We can find someone else.”

  “I’m not doing it to please you. Well, not entirely. I’m also doing it for my mom and those who went before her. My ancestors have been dedicated to your ancestors for centuries.”

  I thought of what I’d heard just a few minutes ago. “Even when they were slaves?”

  Annie sighed but then gave a one-shoulder shrug. “I can’t say how all of them felt, but from what my mom told me, Bronwen offered freedom to my great-great grandmother, yet she stayed anyway.”

  Staring at my bare feet, I let that sink in. “Are you saying my mom owned slaves?”

  Annie glanced at Hawk, who gave her an encouraging nod.

  “Yes,” she said finally. “I mean, all the royals did. But my mom said when the slaves were emancipated that things started to go sour between your mom and aunt. Ravana sided with the South, while your mom refused to get involved in the war. She freed all her slaves and prohibited the vampires in the Southern Clan from joining either side. Not that all of them obeyed. It was your dad, according to my mom, that encouraged her change of heart.”

  That wasn’t surprising, having seen how kind my dad was even in the short time I knew him. But my mom owning slaves? That was a hard one to swallow.

  Annie came close and sat beside us. “I never knew your mom, but from what I was told, she really changed for the better once Albert came into the picture.”

  “She never told me any of this.” That was such a severe understatement that I almost laughed.

  Annie placed her hand on mine. “Maybe that’s because she was afraid you’d think badly of her.”

  “I wouldn’t have, knowing that she’d changed. I mean, we all make mistakes. It’s what we do with them that counts, right?”

  She nodded.

  “Well then, I’m going to make some mistakes right.” I gave Ashe a quick peck on the cheek and headed for Zac’s room. My mom hadn’t had the courage to tell me all I needed to know about our history, but I wouldn’t make the same mistake with Zac. I’d teach him everything I’d learned on the streets about how to survive, but with much better resources. He’d never have to go without food for days and hide in musty cellars or live on rats and dying drug addicts.

  The rest of the gang followed. Whether more out of curiosity or an actual desire to help, I wasn’t sure. At least they had my back.


  Zac was sitting in the dark on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands when I walked in. He shot to his feet, his eyes squinting into the bright light from the corridor. The Knights shut the door behind me.

  I turned on his lamp. His eyes, once a deep blue, were now a unique sort of turquoise. The pupils were ringed with amber. Totally mesmerizing. I had to pull my gaze away. His room was in disarray, as though he’d been tearing it apart in search for another mouse.

  Maybe he wasn’t ready. No, he had to be. We couldn’t keep him caged up like a wild lion.

  “Hey,” he whispered.

  “Hey.” I met his gaze with a steady one that I hoped conveyed confidence. “We’re going to try you with Annie.”

  He started to shake his head.

  “No. This is important. You must learn to control the thirst. I can help you. Do you trust me?”

  A hint of a smile flashed across Zac’s face. “It’s not you I don’t trust.”

  “Well, I’m still stronger than you for now. And I have a mini army of vampires for backup, so if anything goes wrong, you won’t hurt Annie.”

  He held my gaze for the space of two human heartbeats, and a look of determination set his jaw as he nodded. “Okay. Let’s try it.”

  “Sit down on the bed.”

  Zac did as I said, sitting stiff and uneasy on the edge of the mattress. I came over and climbed on top of him. His eyes widened as I straddled his waist and wrapped my arms around him.

  He kept his hands off me as he studied my face, his nostrils flaring. I could feel his dick hardening beneath me.

  “Wren,” he whispered raggedly with a hint of fang showing.

  “It’s not what you think. Well, not totally. According to Marlowe’s research, body contact with your maker is something that can calm you when the instincts get out of control.”

  “I…feel a little out of control right now.” He let his hands drift down to my thighs, where his fingers dug in. Then he lowered his head to the swell of my breast above my tank top and breathed in my scent.

  “Annie, come in now,” I called over my shoulder.

  Zac groaned as he licked my skin and didn’t even look up when Annie cautiously approached, with Hawk and Vincent flanking her like the two protective brothers they were, step or otherwise. She set her feeding instruments on the desk, pulled out a chair, and sat just out of reach.

  Zac went still, his nose twitching. A low growl rumbled in his chest. Annie and Hawk shared a concerned look.

  “It’s okay,” I soothed Zac while softly stroking his back. “You’ve got this. Focus on me and how I feel.”

  He nodded against my breast. His hands drifted up my thighs and cupped my ass. That time, Hawk growled. I threw him a “knock it off” glare.

  “Sorry,” he mouthed.

  “Okay, Annie, prepare your wrist.”

  She nodded and cleaned her wrist with an alcohol wipe.

  Zac used his fangs and pulled my tank top down until one nipple was exposed. Charles stepped closer, gripping a dart in his hand. I shook my head at him. I wasn’t sure whether to stop Zac or not, but he wasn’t biting me or fighting to reach Annie, so I kept stroking his back. When he latched onto my nipple and sucked, Charles gave me a “what the fuck” look.

  He still hadn’t bit in, so I just let him lick and suck while Annie scooted the chair closer and held the scalpel ready. I kissed Zac’s temple and smiled. He was doing things with his tongue that flooded my pussy with a hot rush of need. Flicking, circling, and teasing between intense sucking.

  Shit, it felt good, even though it was hella awkward with an audience. But I had to focus on our plan.

  “Zac,” I said softly. “It’s time.”

  He released my nipple with a low growl and met my gaze with lust-filled eyes. “Okay.”

  Annie made a quick slice across her wrist and held some gauze beneath it. As soon as the blood trickled down her skin, Zac’s fangs elongated fully. His eyes reddened.

  I braced my cheek against his and held him tightly as he ground his erection against me. “Control it. Focus on how I feel.”

  “Mmm,” he growled. “Good, so good.”

  Annie brought her wrist closer.

  “No fangs,” I coached. “You only latch on like you did with my nipple and drink.”

  He nodded, parted his lips, and settled them softly on Annie’s wrist. A loud growl vibrated his jaw. Annie looked ready to bolt at any second. Zac slid his hands under my tank top and massaged my breasts as he closed his eyes and drank from her, making soft moans with every swallow.

  I looked around at my mates. They all wore expressions that wavered between relief and discomfort. I guessed that seeing their queen get manhandled and dry humped in front of them was more than a bit challenging.

  Within a couple minutes, Zac’s drinking slowed, and he pulled away, his fangs still retracted, thankfully. He looked up to me for reassurance while Annie held gauze to her wrist.

  I smiled at him and licked off the blood that had dribbled down his chin. “You did so good. I’m proud of you.”

  As though he finally realized we had an audience, he quickly whipped his hands out from under my shirt and rested them on the bed while looking around warily at my mates. I climbed off him and readjusted my clothes.

  “Uh, sorry for… Yeah,” he said, waving his hand at my chest.

  “Hey, if it didn’t bother Wren, it doesn’t bother us,” Ashe said, glancing at the others. “Right?”

  “Hell, I can’t blame him. They’re perfect,” Charles said with a shrug.

  “What he
said,” Marlowe agreed and grinned at me.

  Zac looked down at his groin and quickly covered it with his pillow. “So…now what?”

  Annie got up and sat down beside him. “Now you bite your wrist, take a bit of your blood, and close my incision with it.”

  “Oh. Okay.” Zac’s fangs elongated. He held his wrist to his mouth, hesitated, then slowly punctured his skin. “Ow. Is it supposed to hurt?”

  I sat on his other side. “Well, yeah, but you’ll get used to it. Vampires aren’t immune to pain just because they can heal fast.”

  He got some blood on his finger and rubbed it carefully onto Annie’s wrist, staring in wonder as the incision sealed itself shut.

  She cleaned her skin and smiled sweetly at him. “I’d say that went very well.”

  “Maybe we can try it next time with less dry humping,” Charles said and pocketed his dart.

  “Actually,” I said as I stood and took Zac by the hand. “For our next lesson, he’s going to learn how to kill.”

  Zac yanked his hand away. “What the hell did you just say?”

  Chapter Ten


  The dig of the seat belt across my lap felt uncomfortably familiar while the helicopter's blades whirled above. Marlowe had sent for an SFBI chopper to pick Wren and me up from the bunker and dropped us in the middle of a nearby forest. Erase the S from the side of the helicopter, and I was reliving one of my first assignments at the FBI.

  It had not gone well.

  I was counterterrorism, specifically domestic terrorism, and we'd gotten a tip of a homegrown militia building pipe bombs and stockpiling guns hiding out in a similar forest. They planned to attack the Islamic Center in Florence, Kentucky. But they'd attacked us instead. Two of the men I'd trained at Quantico with hadn't made it out alive. Four other seasoned agents hadn’t either. In my nightmares, I still saw the blood, the absolute disregard for life. I'd thought I'd been prepared, but it had chilled me to the bone permanently.

  Even now, I shivered, and Wren swiveled her head from the window and grasped my hand.

  "You okay?" she said into the mic attached to her headset.


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