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Claimed by His Beta

Page 5

by Marie Medina

  “Right now, you aren’t sure you would stay?” Luke whispered, emotion churning in his face.

  “I won’t make a promise I’m not sure of. This week has been amazing, but I need to think about it without you close.”

  Luke hesitated, then nodded. He stepped back and said, “You should probably go catch Jared. Say goodbye.”

  Dane didn’t like Luke pulling away, but one glimpse at the bulge just below Luke’s belt explained everything. Luke was aching emotionally and physically, and Dane’s hesitance now likely felt tortuous. “I will see you soon. Don’t let anyone get any ideas about you tomorrow night.”

  Luke let out a deep breath. “It wouldn’t matter if they did.”

  Dane smiled slightly and then turned to leave the room. Saying goodbye to Jared and Gregor was a blur. Both men eyed him keenly but said nothing about Luke. Dane returned to his room, tapping his mirror so he could watch Luke through a spell he’d recently perfected. He gripped the edge of the bed to make himself stay seated as he watched the Beta—his Beta—follow Jared and Gregor through the portal Jared had opened.

  His heart ached as he remembered how, only days earlier, he’d been arguing with Jared and telling him to stop being stubborn and simply give in to what he felt for Gregor. This situation was different, and yet he knew if he’d talked to Jared, his friend would have told him to simply let go and accept what the shifter offered him.

  He said he’s falling in love with me. Aren’t I falling in love with him, too?

  He rolled over and stared up at the ceiling as the answer to that question swirled in his mind.


  Luke scanned the crowd yet again, every moment praying for a glimpse of Dane. While the fae had said he wouldn’t be coming tonight, Luke had secretly hoped he’d only said that in order to surprise Luke. But it was nearly midnight, and Luke had to face the fact that Dane wasn’t coming. Others ate and drank, clinging to the ones they loved, while Luke stood leaning against a tree at the edge of the clearing and missing the man he couldn’t stop thinking about.

  “You must be distracted,” said a voice behind him. “I’ve been back here over a minute, and you haven’t even flinched.”

  Luke turned to see Vadik, who wore leather from head to toe tonight, a sword at his side. “I see you dressed for the occasion,” he said, ignoring the man’s comment.

  Vadik chuckled. “I have ancient blood, and with it comes pride in my status as protector of my pack.” He gripped the hilt of his sword and smiled. “And now that we’re official allies with the fae, I’m finally going to learn more about my lineage.”

  Luke gave Vadik a once over. “You believe you have fae blood?” Vadik was the largest of their pack’s Betas, standing two inches taller than Gregor. The idea of him having even one drop of fae blood seemed laughable.

  “I know I do. Unless you wish to call my grandmother a liar.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  “I spoke with Jared last night. He says his cousin can tell me all about my ancestry with ease from a single touch.”

  “The king is that powerful?” He felt childish for it, but jealousy still plagued him when he thought of the handsome fae king.

  “Yes. I’m looking forward to the meeting. And offering my services.”

  Luke smiled at his friend. “You would fit in well there. The fae sense of duty and honor is a lot like yours.”

  “Jared admired the knife I wore yesterday. Said the king could introduce me to the captain of the guards. Perhaps allow me to join them for training exercises.”

  Now Luke laughed. “The rest of our people are interested in meeting the fae for other reasons.”

  Vadik looked over to where Jared sat on the arm of Gregor’s chair, almost in the man’s lap. “If our Alpha’s mate is a mingling of fae and shifter blood, I can only imagine how beautiful fae men and women are.”

  “They are … breathtaking.”

  “What’s his name? Jared wouldn’t say.”

  Luke sighed. “His name is Dane, and he’s a very close friend of Jared’s. Unless I screw things up somehow, I plan to claim him.”

  Vadik said nothing at first, taking a deep breath and adjusting his grip on his sword hilt. Then he turned to Luke and grinned. “I’m glad to hear it. Sabina will smile down on both of you when the day comes.”

  “I know she will.” He glanced up to the stars. Sometimes he doubted those who had passed on could really see them, yet at times, he felt sure his mate and his deceased parents were watching over him. “He’s swept me off my feet.” He looked up at his friend’s amused expression. “No other way to put it.”

  “The fae are powerful, they say, despite being so small and delicate. Did you have to be careful with him?”

  Luke cleared his throat. “We haven’t been intimate yet.”

  “Oh. Must be serious then. My sympathies to your wolf.”

  Luke rolled his eyes, even as a smile tugged at his lips. “He’s been very patient with me, but he’ll be rewarded. Soon, I hope.”

  “I hope so, too. You deserve it.” He shifted his stance and then leaned against the large tree beside Luke. “I’ll have to be sure to take a good sniff around the court. I never imagined I’d have to wait so long to find my mate. Perhaps he or she is there, as our Alpha’s mate was.”

  “Could be. Even if your mate isn’t there, you won’t want for companionship.”

  Vadik grinned again. “Gregor said the fae weren’t shy about their admiration.”

  “No. Not shy at all.” Luke thought about all the attention he’d received. But it all blurred as his mind went back to Dane.

  “Since you’re so lost in thought, I better get back to patrolling.” Vadik nodded and moved off.

  Luke watched him go and then turned his attention back to the crowd. As he watched Jared look into Gregor’s eyes and then lean in to kiss him, his chest ached.

  I should have stayed with Dane. I should have given in and taken him to bed that first night. If I had, he might be here in my arms now.

  He shook his head and laughed at himself for feeling so wound up over a man he’d barely known more than a week. Yet as he walked back to his cabin, he knew that the next time he saw Dane, he would give the fae whatever he wanted, do whatever he wanted to ensure they were never apart again.


  Two Days Later

  Dane felt relieved as he left the headmaster’s study. While he had no idea what kind of schedule Luke kept, he felt better having moved all of his sessions to the middle of the day. He would miss living in the only home he’d ever known, but he knew he couldn’t ask Luke to come live with him. One of the things he loved about the Beta was his loyalty to his Alpha and his pack.

  Dane had lain awake the night before, asking himself why he hadn’t gone with Luke when the man had practically begged him. He had spent most of the night tossing and turning as he wondered what Luke might be doing. And more than once he’d found himself wondering who Luke might be with. Even in his dreams, memories of the look on Luke’s face had come back to him. He felt he had begun to understand what Luke had been feeling when they’d said goodbye. Dane had never doubted they would be good together, but it was more than that now. Even fleeting thoughts of another looking at or touching Luke gave Dane a better understanding of what Luke had said when they parted. Dane might not be a shifter, but he felt as if something inside of him was pacing. Restless. Incomplete.

  He hurried back to his cottage and grabbed the bags he’d packed, glancing around one more time. They’d still use this place, of course. He smiled as he thought about planning romantic getaways here.

  As he opened a portal, he tightened his grip on his bag. Three days wasn’t very long, but what if getting back to his normal routine had made Luke reconsider how he felt? If the Beta could start falling for Dane over the course of a week, couldn’t he change his mind just as quickly? Luke had said he wouldn’t be interested in anyone else, but something inside Dane suddenly felt
panicked and possessive. The thought of anyone even trying upset him, and again, he felt he better understood all the things Luke had said to him.

  Dane emerged beside the Alpha’s cabin, the designated spot for travel between their realms. After looking around a moment, he closed the portal and took a few steps forward. He heard his name being called and turned to see Gregor walking toward him with a large, leather-clad man at his side.

  Who could that be? He’s taller than the Alpha. Dane knew the position of Alpha wasn’t hereditary, but it still seemed odd for another shifter to be so much larger than the leader. The man was easily a couple of inches broader as well. Dane smiled when he glimpsed the ornate knife tucked into the man’s belt.

  “That’s a beautiful blade,” Dane said as the two shifters stopped before him.

  “Thank you. Jared admired it as well.” The man drew the blade and held it up so Dane could admire the craftsmanship.

  “This is Dane, a very close friend of Jared’s,” Gregor said. “Dane, this is Vadik. He works with Luke to keep us all safe.”

  “Pleased to meet you,” Dane said, smiling.

  “Likewise.” Vadik grinned. “And I’m sure Luke will be pleased you’re here.”

  Dane’s heart fluttered in his chest at those words. “I hope so,” Dane said, glancing to Gregor.

  Gregor toward his head to the left. “See for yourself.”

  Dane turned and saw Luke striding toward him, his eyes dark and intense. As he puzzled over what to say in greeting, Luke came right up and pulled him into a kiss. Dane stiffened, but then he relaxed in the man’s arms. When they parted, the other two men were gone. Dane glanced around, but no one seemed to be paying much attention to them.

  “Hi,” Dane said, gazing up at Luke.

  Luke leaned down and pressed his lips to Dane’s neck before taking a deep breath. “I’ve missed your scent.”

  “You smell nice, too,” Dane said, laughing awkwardly.

  Luke licked his lips. “Are we fated to be opposites?”

  “What?” Dane asked, not sure he’d heard right.

  “Now that I can’t wait to get you to my bed, you’re truly getting shy on me.”

  Dane’s heart thudded, but he managed to say, “Get me to that bed. I promise not to be shy.”

  Luke took his hand and kissed it before pulling him toward a path to the left of Gregor’s cabin.

  “Tell me how you’ve been,” Luke said.

  Dane blinked as he processed the question. “I’ve missed spending time with you. Our walks. Talks. Your kisses and caresses.”

  “Good.” They stopped before a cabin, similar to Gregor’s but a bit smaller. “You’ve had time to think?”


  “And?” Luke drew him close, resting his hands just above Dane’s ass.

  “I thought about everything you said. The way we parted and how you felt.” He gazed up at Luke a moment before going on. “And each time I thought about someone else seeing what a wonderful man you are, it made me jealous. Possessive.”

  “Possessive? I like the sound of that.” His hands moved lazily up and down Dane’s back.

  “No one can promise forever, but … I want to be with you. I could love you. Think I’m starting to. More than starting to, really. If that’s enough, then—”

  Luke cut him off with a heated kiss. “It’s more than enough,” he said against Dane’s lips. “My wolf needs you. I need you.”

  “I’m yours then,” Dane said.

  Luke’s pupils dilated as a sexy smile came to his lips. “You certainly are.” He took Dane’s bag from him. Before Dane could say anything, Luke had him thrown over his shoulder. He started to say something else, but the hand on his ass quieted him.

  Words simply weren’t needed as the Beta took him inside.

  Chapter Six

  Luke set Dane on his feet slowly, enjoying the feel of the fae’s body rubbing down his. He met Dane’s searching gaze before kissing him more tenderly than he had before.

  “I guess maybe I should’ve asked if you wanted to see Jared first,” Luke said as he stepped back.

  “I doubt he’s going anywhere.” Dane looked around Luke’s bedroom, his gaze settling on a picture of Luke with Sabina. “Is that her?”

  “Yes,” Luke said softly as he walked over and ran one finger down the side of the frame.

  “She was beautiful,” Dane said. “And you two look happy.”

  “We were,” Luke said, turning and taking Dane’s hand. “I’d love to tell you more about her. Don’t ever think I don’t want to talk about her. Even if it seems to make me a little sad, at times, talking about her makes me happy.”

  “I’d love to hear how you met. Other things.” Dane stepped closer and put his other hand on Luke’s chest. “If you want to ask me questions about what happened, you can.”

  “Is there … anything that would make you think of that night? Anything you don’t want me doing?” He rested a hand on Dane’s shoulder. “You aren’t defined by it, but I’d be a jerk if I didn’t ask.”

  Dane looked up at him with wide eyes. “There’s nothing you could do that would make me think of him.” He reached between them and stroked Luke’s cock. “You’re big, but I’m looking forward to that.”

  Luke growled deep in his throat, which made Dane laugh and press closer. “You don’t need your powers for me to be at your mercy, little one. Just hearing those words has me aching.”

  Dane tilted his head. “I’d forgotten that I said that to you. Might be fun to pin you down.” He started backing toward the bed, pulling Luke with him. “Tomorrow. After my wolf has claimed me properly.”

  “Say it again,” Luke said.

  “What?” Dane asked as his legs hit the edge of the mattress.

  “What you said outside. That you’re mine.”

  Dane sat down and began undoing Luke’s belt. “I am.” He glanced up as he freed the shaft and stroked it. “I’m yours.” He licked the tip and then took a couple of inches into his mouth.

  Luke fought the need to roughly fuck Dane’s mouth and spill then and there. Just a few days without the other man’s touch had him filled with frustrated need. He gazed down and let Dane set the pace, enjoying the sight of those full lips moving over his shaft. When Luke was almost at the breaking point, Dane stopped and stood up.

  Luke blinked at the fae began to undress him, kissing and caressing every inch of him. And then it was Luke’s turn. They’d sucked and stroked each other to completion several times, but he’d never seen the beautiful man fully naked yet. He almost trembled as he undressed Dane, who seemed to be blushing under his admiration.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Luke whispered as he cradled Dane’s face in his hands.

  They kissed slowly, and Luke slid his hands over Dane’s ass and lifted him into his arms. When he spread Dane out on the mattress beneath him, the embrace grew more frenzied. He tried to kiss Dane everywhere, to nip and suck every part of him. His fae writhed beneath him soon, begging to be taken.

  “On your knees. Raise your ass. It’s only proper for us to claim you like that,” Luke said in Dane’s ear. He bit the shell and reveled in Dane’s shudder of pleasure.


  Dane could hardly hold himself up as he got on his hands and knees to lift his ass for Luke. He cried out as slick fingers caressed his crack and then worked into his hole. He began to murmur incoherent pleas as Luke prepared him. As good as it felt to be stretched and manipulated by those skilled fingers, Dane wanted more. He wanted all of his wolf.

  Luke bent and placed gentle kisses on his ass cheeks. In counterpoint, he also bit Dane now and then, gently but still with a hint of hunger in the gesture. Dane lifted his ass higher, and he smiled when he heard Luke growl. The fingers withdrew, and Dane felt the shaft head at his opening. He was far from a virgin, yet this time felt so different. He gasped as Luke entered him, and he trembled as the man growled once again and gripped his hips roughly.

�I can only … hold back so much,” Luke said between gasps.

  “Claim me. Please,” Dane said back, looking over his shoulder at the powerful man who was claiming his heart as surely as he was his body.

  “I love you,” Luke said as he slid home and filled Dane completely.

  Dane opened his mouth, but only a moan of pleasure fell from his lips. Luke was longer and thicker than any man he’d ever had before, and he found he had to grip the mattress for dear life as it rocked beneath them. He became lost to sensation and emotion, overwhelmed by how much he needed the man pounding into him.

  Dane cried out as he came, the orgasm so intense it hurt a little. His seed spilled beneath him onto the bed, and his channel tightened around Luke, who roared with pleasure as he came. The exquisite torture went on as Luke’s cock swelled, knotting within Dane. Even though Dane couldn’t get pregnant, the knot took effect, making sure Dane received plenty of Luke’s seed. He shuddered as he felt the waves of semen pulsing into him. Sucking and stroking Luke had been different—the wolf’s body had known the difference—but now, the Beta had truly claimed him.

  They rolled to their sides as the knot began to fade, and Luke kissed Dane’s neck and shoulder. After several minutes of silence, Luke asked, “How long will you stay?”

  Dane turned to look back at him. “Until you have time to come help me pack the rest of my stuff.” Luke’s limp cock slid from him as he turned in the shifter’s arms. “I changed my schedule. I’ll work in the middle of the day, but if you’ll have me, I want to live here.” He caressed the bed, not caring about the semen that got on his fingers. “Sleep here. Let you make love to me as often as you like.”

  Luke seemed stunned, but then a grin spread over his face. “I thought this was just a visit.” He drew Dane into a steamy kiss. “What a nice surprise.”

  “Today’s full of surprises.” He licked his lips. “The knot … it felt amazing.”

  “It did. I haven’t let it happen since Sabina died.”


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