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Night Angel (Gargoyle Night Guardians Book 2)

Page 19

by Rosalie Redd

  Seth yanked his whip from his belt and cracked the ends in the air in warning. The movement sent a round of pain over the tender flesh on his damaged wing. “Step away from Hannah.”

  “Glad ya joined us, boyo, and sorry about yer wing, but I’m goin’ ta have ta rip them both off now.” As Finn trod down the stairs, his pointed claws extended from his fingertips, and he launched himself into the air.

  Seth hurled his whip at his old friend, and the strands wrapped around Finn’s waist. Throwing all his anguish, frustration, and heartache into his grip, Seth yanked on his whip.

  The ricocheted intensity jerked Finn from his trajectory, and he crashed against the stone wall. As he slid to the ground, a groan eased from his lips.

  “It figures I have to finish the job, Finn. You worthless piece of…” Zain circled Seth from behind, a dagger in his palm. A shaft of moonlight pierced through the dome and flickered against the blade.

  Seth coiled his rope and turned to face his next opponent. “Come closer. I’m itching for a fight.”

  Zain’s lip curled, revealing a chipped tooth. “If you insist.”

  The fae scrambled toward Seth, his feet skittering over the dirt-encrusted floor with uncanny speed.

  Seth cracked his whip. The ends snaked toward Zain’s throat, but the fae dodged the barbed tips. He plowed into Seth’s shoulder, his momentum taking them both down.

  Seth landed on his back. Pain rippled along his injured wing and jabbed into his brain. As they struggled for dominance, they rolled across the floor.

  “Seth, watch out!” Hannah screamed.

  The fae swiped his blade at Seth’s throat, but Seth jumped to his feet and lunged out of the way.

  Instead of severing his jugular, the steel sliced through his jeans and across his thigh. Blood swelled along the cut.

  His breath heaved from his lungs, and his limbs, heavy as boulders, shook from his injuries, but he wouldn’t let anyone harm Hannah. For as long as he continued to breathe, he’d protect her.

  From across the room, Finn moaned and shook his head.

  Zain rose to his feet, and a sharp hiss burst from his lips.

  Both Zain and Finn rushed Seth.

  As they descended upon him, each gripped a wing.

  “Yes, yes, rip those horrendous appendages from him,” Marco yelled.

  Seth hardened his skin but weakened by his injuries, he didn’t have the strength to protect himself.

  Finn and Zain sliced his back with their daggers and yanked on his wings.

  Bones snapped, flesh tore.

  Overwhelming pain blinded Seth, and he staggered on his feet.

  Blood dripped from the open wound, dragging the strength from him.

  Zain tossed Seth’s wing to Finn, who caught it with one hand. He held both wings up like war booty, triumph evident in his malevolent grin.

  Air wheezed from Seth’s lungs in short, uneven breaths. At the sight of his white wings encased in Finn’s grasp, a knot weaved from remorse formed in his gut. How was it possible he mourned the loss of his wings when he’d despised them for so long?

  “Time to finish the job.” A devilish smile curled Zain’s lip. He rushed toward Seth, his crimson-stained dagger tight in his grip.

  Seth drew on his remaining energy and grasped his rope with both hands. As the large fae attacked, Seth sidestepped him, slid the rough cowhide over Zain’s face, and yanked the rope tight against his neck.

  Zain clawed at Seth’s hands, his sharp nails digging into his skin like knives.

  Despite the gnawing pain, Seth refused to let go. As Zain struggled in Seth’s grasp, the muscles in Seth’s arms shook. With his injuries and his decreased energy, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep his hold on the fae.

  Hannah’s sharp cry erupted in the room, and Seth whipped around toward the sound.

  Marco hauled Hannah off the floor and into his arms. She fought against his hold, her heels digging for purchase along the rough stone floor.

  Seth’s heart pounded, fear for Hannah whipping through him faster than lightning.

  Marco clamped one hand over her mouth, and with the other, placed the tip of his long steel blade to her throat.

  Hannah’s skin dimpled from the pressure. Her wide eyes, swimming with a mixture of regret, determination, and love, met his.

  His mouth went dry. Love? Was it possible she really loved him?

  “Release him or I’ll kill the girl!” Marco nicked Hannah’s skin. Blood pooled along the cut.

  Seth stilled.

  He loosened the rope from one hand, and the barbed end smacked the ground. With a hard shove, he pushed Zain away. It killed him not to finish the job, but he refused to risk Hannah’s safety.

  Finn set Seth’s wings against the nave’s wall. The once-sparkling silver ends seemed dull and lifeless.

  Marco stepped in front of a large metal box with a chain around the middle, using Hannah as a shield.

  Zain and Finn flanked their leader.

  A low growl rumbled in Seth’s chest. He tightened his grip on his whip but kept the weapon at his side. He couldn’t attack the fae without risking injury to Hannah.

  “Release Hannah, now, and I’ll make your death quick.”

  Marco’s menacing chuckle reverberated off the ceiling. “You’re in no position to make demands. What price are you willing to pay to save this worthless girl?”

  With Marco’s hand clamped over Hannah’s mouth, she couldn’t speak, but she shook her head, her eyes pleading with him not to do this.

  Seth’s stomach hardened into a ball. “What do you want from me?”

  The smile that tugged on Marco’s lips embodied pure evil. “I offer a trade. You for her.”

  “How do I know you, or any of your fae, won’t kill her?” Seth’s back screamed from the pain, but he inched closer. If he stepped within reach, he might be able to snag Hannah from Marco’s grasp.

  A malicious spark flashed through Marco’s eyes, and he dragged Hannah further away. “Other than my word, you don’t. Contrary to what you might believe, I do have some standards. The question is, though, can you reach her before I shove my blade into her throat? I think not. Are you willing to take that gamble?”

  No, and the damn fae knew it. A knot of pure hatred burned in Seth’s gut even as a sense of foreboding crested over his shoulders. It seemed fitting that he’d turn down a gamble after all the times he’d cheated others. The irony wasn’t lost on him.

  Marco’s snide chuckle rolled through the room. “Good choice.”

  The dark fae withdrew his hand from Hannah’s mouth and snapped his fingers. The padlock on the box slipped free, and the chain rattled as the heavy metal hit the floor. The door opened, as if on its own.

  Cool, dark dampness radiated from its depths, and the interior had the dull green glow of magical crystals, the kind that prevented a gargoyle from dematerializing.

  Cold sweat broke out along Seth’s brow. Memories of the cave from his childhood threatened to surface. He ground his teeth and forced the images from his mind, refusing to give in to his fears.

  “Seth, please, don’t do this. I’m not worth risking your life.” Hannah’s heartfelt words settled into Seth’s soul.

  “Darlin’, I’m your night angel, remember? I’d do anything for you.”

  A sob burst from Hannah’s lips before she clamped her mouth tight. Tears glistened in her eyes.

  Marco tsked and dragged Hannah away from the crate. “Oh, how endearing. Now, drop your weapons.”

  Zain and Finn drew closer, flanking Seth on either side.

  Seth stared at Marco for a long moment before glancing at Hannah.

  She shook her head. “No, Seth, don’t—”

  He released his whip. The long leather weapon slithered to the floor.

  “—they plan to torture and imprison you for eternity.”

  The muscles in Seth’s shoulders tensed.

  “Dagger, too.” Marco sneered.

sp; Seth said he’d do anything for Hannah, and he’d meant it. If spending eternity trapped in a dark cage was his future, then that was a small price to pay for Hannah’s life. He ripped his dagger from his belt and tossed his last weapon onto the stone floor.

  Hannah wanted to lunge at Seth and stop him from making the biggest mistake of his life, but the threatening cool steel of Marco’s blade against her throat held her in place. She swallowed the sour pill of frustration and tried not to cry.

  The muscles in Seth’s shoulders bunched from tension, but resolve lined his features.

  Hannah’s lungs tightened as a wave of powerlessness swept over her.

  “Come on, now. Walk into your new home.” Marco raised his chin toward the crate.

  Seth’s attention traveled from Marco to the box before settling on her. She’d already pleaded for him not to do this, and she opened her mouth to try again, but his gaze held that burning determination she knew so well. She pursed her lips together.

  Seth smiled at her. “Thank you, darlin’.”

  Confusion flooded her mind. She furrowed her brow. “For what?”

  “For showing me the goodness in the world and reminding me what it is to love.” His voice cracked on the last word.

  Even as tears blurred her vision and spilled over her lashes, her heart swelled. Seth loved her. Unlike her father, her uncle, and her old boyfriend, Seth had kept his word. He hadn’t treated her bad or abandoned her. Instead, he’d proven himself by coming for her.

  She wouldn’t lose him. There must be something she could do. Think, damn it.

  Seth took a step toward the crate, then another. A tic pulsed to life in his jaw.

  Zain and Finn closed the distance from behind.

  “Gwawl will be so pleased with his new toy. I can’t wait to give you to him.” Marco smirked.

  Seth strode up the stairs, the heels of his snakeskin boots clinking on the stone. He placed his hand on the doorjamb and stepped inside, his back now turned toward her. Blood trickled from the open wounds. Without his beautiful, majestic wings, Seth seemed so defeated.

  Her heart ached for him and all he’d endured. He was a good soul and didn’t deserve any of this.

  “Belief in yourself and belief in others can accomplish great things…” Sasha’s earlier comment echoed inside her head.

  Determination to do something burned in Hannah’s gut. She refused to let Seth suffer on her behalf.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she peered at Marco. Mere inches from him, she got a good look at his features. Tension lines around his eyes displayed his unease. What did he fear?


  She’d noted the panic at the mention of his god not long ago.

  “Gwawl is heartless. He likes things his way. As Rhiannon found out, don’t ever cross him for his revenge is legendary.” Seth’s comments from the other night raced through her mind.

  A tiny root of hope sprouted in her chest. She needed to use that information to her advantage, but how?

  Memories of Uncle Frank and his abusive nature surfaced. Although she hadn’t been physically strong, she’d stood up to him and used his fear of God to protect herself and Aunt Sally. An idea grew, along with her hope.

  “Are you sure you want to anger Gwawl with this gift?” Hannah forced conviction into her voice.

  Marco stiffened. The blade under her chin nicked her skin. Pain lanced from her throat and along her jawline to her ear.

  He swiveled his head to face her and narrowed his gaze. “What do you know of Gwawl, human?”

  “Hannah, don’t.” Seth’s tight voice slid across the room.

  She swallowed and refused to give in to her fear. “I’ve heard your God might be insulted if you gave him damaged goods.”

  “Damaged goods?” Marco laughed. “If you’re referring to the gargoyle’s back, the skin will heal within the hour.”

  Doubt threatened to creep through the cracks in her mental armor, but she held on to her conviction and her hope.

  “Maybe Gwawl would’ve liked to toy with Seth’s magical wings. Think of all the torture he could’ve inflicted. Instead, you cut them off. I wonder, would Gwawl take his frustration out on you?”

  Marco’s face reddened, and his features tightened into a scowl. “Don’t push me or I’ll—”

  Hannah forced a laugh. “You’re afraid—”

  In the blink of an eye, Marco sheathed his blade and grabbed her by the neck. His sharp nails dug into her flesh.

  Pain rippled all the way to her toes.

  She pummeled her fists against his arms, his shoulders, his face, anyplace she could reach, but he only tightened his grip.

  Lack of oxygen caught up with her, and as her vision dimmed, one thought echoed in her mind—Seth had taught her about love, but she’d never had the chance to thank him.


  A s Marco clasped Hannah’s throat, Seth tightened his grip on the crate’s doorframe. His need to protect her pulled strength from deep inside and propelled him forward at lightning speed. Before Zain or Finn could react, he leapt into the air, and with arms outstretched, reached for his love.

  Marco tossed Hannah to the ground like a rag doll.

  Seth crashed into Marco, and the fae landed on the stone steps.

  A whoosh of air burst from his lungs.

  With a rush of anger-fueled determination, Seth hardened his fist to stone and slammed Marco in the ribs. A cracking of bone echoed in the space between them.

  “That’s enough.” Zain gripped Seth by the shoulder and yanked him to his feet. The fae sliced his claws down Seth’s injured back. Pain rippled along the nerve endings and burned like fire.

  Seth kicked the fae in the gut. Zain crashed into the wall and slumped to the floor.

  “Seth, stop. Ya can’t win.” Finn strode forward, fingers flexing at his sides.

  “No, you can’t.” Marco withdrew his sword from his cane, the distinct ting of metal on metal echoing in the chamber. He raised the blade over his head and aimed the tip at Hannah.

  Hunched in a ball on the floor, she didn’t move.

  Ice formed in Seth’s veins. No. Hannah couldn’t die. Not like Emily. He had to save her.

  Seth reached for his whip, but his hand clasped the empty casing on his belt. Shock rocked him to his core, stealing his breath.

  Marco’s attention turned to Seth, and he winked. “You shouldn’t trust a fae. We lie, cheat, and steal. Now, I plan to finish the job, and I’ll get a nice boost from all that goodness in Hannah’s soul.”

  He tightened his grip on the handle and brought the blade down toward Hannah.

  Seth launched himself in the air and prayed he’d get there in time.

  “No!” Finn threw himself at Seth, knocking him off balance.

  Finn landed in the blade’s path, and the tip sank into Finn’s eye.

  He collapsed next to Hannah. Blood oozed from the wound, but a smile tugged at his lip.

  A mixture of relief and sadness swept over Seth, nearly bringing him to his knees.

  “Finn, you filthy liar. I knew I couldn’t trust you.” Marco seethed and yanked the blade free.

  Seth wouldn’t give Marco a second chance to end Hannah’s life. He rushed at the evil fae, landed on the bastard, and took him down. The blade sliced across his forearm, cutting all the way to the bone.

  He didn’t feel the pain. Only the intense desire to protect Hannah registered in his mind as he slammed his fist into Marco’s face.

  Blood gushed from the fae’s nose.

  Seth rose to his feet, dragging Marco with him, and the fae’s blade clattered to the ground.

  Seth gripped the fae by the throat while Marco clawed at Seth’s arm.

  Movement to his left caught Seth’s attention. Zain bolted toward him, fire in his eyes.

  Seth threw Marco on the ground and braced for Zain’s attack.

  At the last second, Zain cut to the right and landed on Marco. A small dust storm burst to lif
e and enveloped them along with Marco’s sword.

  “No!” Seth dove toward his enemies, but Marco and Zain disappeared in the churn.

  Seth landed on empty ground, a few bits of debris pinging his skin.

  “Seth?” Hannah’s soft voice fluttered in the quiet room.

  Seth’s heart clenched. Tears stung his eyes.

  He raced to Hannah’s side, knelt on the floor, and wrapped her in his embrace.

  “Are you all right?” He drew away enough to look at her.

  She nodded and searched his features. “Are you?”


  “Thank you for saving my life, again,” she whispered.

  Seth brushed his finger along her cheek and placed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. How had he ever compared her to Emily? She was stronger than his wife had ever been.

  “Darlin’, you used your smarts and riled Marco into a right fit, saving yourself and me in the process.”

  “I guess so. I thought about Uncle Frank and how I stood up to him, just like you’d said I did.” She bit her lip.

  Seth cupped her chin and stroked his thumb along her jawline. “You did great. You’re strong. I never doubted that about you.”

  Her brow furrowed over those emerald green eyes he so adored. “I thought you had to stay in your gargoyle form for a week. How did you escape Drake’s punishment?”

  “I saw Finn carrying you through the quad and knew you were in trouble.” The tension in his shoulders eased on a slow exhale. “I contacted Rhiannon, and by the grace of the goddess, she released me.”

  “I’m glad she did,” Hannah whispered.

  “Me, too. I don’t know what I’d have done if—”

  Finn’s soft groan stopped Seth cold, and the hair on his scalp prickled.

  His old buddy lay on the ground a few feet away. He held his palm over his eye socket, and blood dribbled between his fingers. With each breath, a rattled wheeze eased from his lips.

  He grabbed his dagger from his belt, flipped the blade over in his palm, and extended the hilt to Seth. “Marco didn’t shove the blade far enough in ta kill me. I can’t stay here. It’s not right. Finish the job, mate.”


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