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Nova Terra- Greymane

Page 28

by Seth Ring

  Gasps rose from the crowd as the Wolfkin sensed that something was off. Near the statue of Hati, Elder Havva sighed, his head drooping even further. Inside the cage streams of bloody energy poured into Gelish causing him to scream in pain. His body writhed as the energy remolded him, causing sharp black spikes to grow from his spine and forearms. His form grew, quickly reaching Thorn’s height as his muscles swelled.

  Impassively, Thorn watched as Gelish struggled and grew in the crimson cage. The Wolfkin warrior had lost almost any semblance of his former self by this point. Gone was the self-controlled monk that Thorn had faced initially. In his place was a corrupted monster from a nightmare. As Gelish’s twisted form reached completion, the cage warped again, sinking into Gelish’s body. The crimson brand gave off the stench of blood, sickening and weakening those that smelled it.

  Many among the tightly packed Wolfkin around the ring fell to their knees as the smell hit them, gagging and retching. The remaining Wolfkin shivered, their eyes turning bloodshot and their forms starting to twist and swell. Cursing, Thorn looked around, unsure what to do. All around the ring Wolfkin were either being consumed by rage or falling to the ground in pain.

  As if in response to the spreading corruption, the silver moon in the sky pulsed again, sending down a wave of silver energy to land on Thorn. With a ringing sound it spread from him, purifying the bloody smell as it washed over the crowd. The Wolfkin who were being corrupted suddenly froze, their bloodshot eyes locking onto Thorn’s shining figure.

  “Well, this devolved quickly.” Thorn muttered under his breath. Double checking that Captain Del’har was not turning into a corrupted monster, Thorn flexed his fingers.

  The newly corrupted Wolfkin from the crowd had their eyes fixed on him and Thorn instinctively knew what was going to happen next. Sure enough, the moment the ringing sound faded the corrupted Wolfkin lunged forward, teeth bared and claws out.

  Since the trial by combat was already ruined, Thorn did not hesitate to draw a weapon. Reaching for his tetsubo, Thorn only remembered that it had never been fixed when the massive metal spike he had ripped from the floor of Greymane Keep appeared in his hand. Dried blood and rust flaked from the spike’s pitted surface as his gauntleted hand tightened around it. With no time to exchange it for an actual weapon, Thorn shrugged and threw back his head.

  [Wolf Lord’s Howl!]

  The stunning effect of his howl stopped most of the charging Wolfkin mid-stride and Thorn took care of the few that managed to shake off the effect with a sweeping blow of his massive metal spike. The whistle of the spike cutting through the air caused the Wolfkin to pause, but the corrupting influence of the bloodrage was too strong and soon they surged forward again.

  Near the statue of Hati, Elder Havva bowed his head, chanting a long prayer. As the words spilled from his lips they turned silver and hovered in the air, weaving together to form a semi-circular dome, covering everything within ten feet of the statue. The Wolfkin who were lucky enough to be inside the magical dome were not affected by the corrupting smell of blood and stood, waiting anxiously.

  Captain Del’har, his face locked in a furious scowl, was dragging two Wolfkin who had been curled up on the ground retching into the protected range of the statue. As soon as they entered the sphere, their symptoms vanished and they were soon able to struggle to their feet, joining the others. The captain panted for a moment, taking in large gulps of air, his body relaxing. After a couple breaths he gathered his focus and plunged through the ward, racing as fast as he could toward another set of fallen Wolfkin.

  In the center of the ring, Thorn battled waves of corrupted Wolfkin, all the while keeping an eye on Gelish, who was still releasing the bloody scent. The large corrupted Wolfkin paced at the edge of the ring, his bloodshot eyes fixed on Thorn, acidic saliva dripping from his large maw. No reason was left in his brain, but the cunning instincts of a feral wolf kept him from charging straight in. Instead, he waited, looking for that moment of weakness.

  Try as he might, Thorn could not help but hurt the attacking Wolfkin as he battered them back. Despite the cracking of their bones as they were thrown away, the Madness of the Moon made them all but immune to pain and they were soon charging back into the fray. Claws flashed and teeth snapped as Thorn was nearly drowned in furry bodies.

  His mind working furiously, Thorn tried to figure out a solution that did not involve killing the attacking Wolfkin. While it would be easy for him to slaughter them wholesale, Thorn did his best to inflict as little damage as possible. The whole reason he had come was to bring the Wolfkin back as his subjects and killing their warriors was contrary to that goal.

  Yet, it was apparent that without some means of cleansing them of the corrupting influence of the Madness of the Moon, Thorn had no way to beat them while keeping them alive. With a grimace, Thorn ripped a Wolfkin who had managed to bite into his shoulder from his back, swinging his massive metal spike in a circle to try and gain some space. His temper growing shorter, Thorn was about to activate his [Wolf’s Rage] ability and crush the offending Wolfkin in his hand to pulp when a flash of light caught his eye.

  Looking toward the end of the ring, Thorn saw Captain Del’har pull a pair of Wolfkin into the ward that Elder Havva had erected. As the two Wolfkin relaxed, no longer vomiting, a lightbulb went off in Thorn’s head and without any further hesitation, he threw the corrupted Wolfkin in his hand at the silvery circle of protection.

  The throw was strong and no matter how much the corrupted Wolfkin flailed he could not stop himself from flying through the air. Arms and legs waving the poor native drew a neat parabola toward the statue of Hati, dropping into the silvery circle. As soon as he got within ten feet of the praying elder, the eyes of the statue of Hati flashed with a silver light.

  The corrupted Wolfkin let out a sudden scream and a boiling sound erupted from his body as a dark red liquid evaporated from his fur. The pain did not last long and the Wolfkin fell to the ground in a heap, unconscious.


  Cleanse the Corruption

  The Madness of the Moon has taken hold of many of the Temple of the Moon disciples. As the Avatar of Hati, it is your job to cleanse the corruption, removing the influence of the Betrayer from the Wolfkin. You have chosen to remove the corruption instead of killing the corrupted.

  Corrupted Wolfkin Cleansed: 1/35

  Source of Corruption Cleansed: 0/1

  Hardly glancing at the notification, Thorn was ecstatic at the effect of throwing the corrupted Wolfkin near the statue of Hati. Putting away his weapon, Thorn lunged forward, grabbing two more of the corrupted attackers, tossing them toward the statue.

  For the next few minutes a constant stream of flailing Wolfkin flew from the ring toward the statue, piling up into a heap of unconscious bodies. Captain Del’har watched in utter astonishment as the pile grew higher and higher, bodies falling out of the sky.

  Across the ring, Gelish was still pacing. Growing more frantic by the minute, the source of the corruption could instinctively tell that his window was growing smaller. Thorn’s reach and strength made it simple for him to grab and throw the attackers to the statue. Each throw reduced the number of attackers, making it even easier for Thorn to grab the next one.

  Furious, the corrupted Head Disciple threw the last threads of caution to the wind and charged forward, howling out a challenge. The waves of sound washed over the ring, causing the few corrupted Wolfkin left to fall into a daze. As the howl reached him, Thorn could feel the sound trying to invade his mind and shake his spirit. The sound wave grew louder and louder, threatening to become the only thing in Thorn’s world.

  Shaking his head forcefully, Thorn broke away from the sound. He had only been shaken for the briefest of moments, but that was enough for Gelish to cross the ring. Despite the madness that had overtaken him, the Head Disciple of the Moon Temple had not forgotten his martial arts and he unleashed a furious flurry of kicks.

  Six consecutive kicks smashed
into Thorn, each stronger than the next. Grimacing in pain, Thorn could only raise his arms and legs to try and block the attacks. Gelish had not only grown bigger but stronger as well and while his attacks were not quite enough to force Thorn back, each hit left him shaken.

  Having blocked the six kicks, Thorn threw out a palm strike, forcing Gelish to dodge backward. The corrupted Wolfkin jumped out of reach, taking his distance from Thorn’s attack. Seizing the moment of reprieve Thorn grabbed two of the stunned Wolfkin and threw them onto the pile by the statue.

  Like the others, they landed with a thud, agonizing cries spilling from their lips as the corruption in their bodies boiled out of them. Furious that his opponent was taking time to deal with the other Wolfkin, Gelish howled and rushed forward again. This time, Thorn was ready for him and lashed out with a kick of his own, barely missing the charging Wolfkin as he ducked.

  Using the momentum of the kick, Thorn planted his foot and snapped out another kick, catching Gelish off-guard. Thorn’s massive foot connected solidly, visibly compressing the Wolfkin’s chest. Amid the snap and crackle of ribs shattering, Gelish went tumbling backward. Earning some breathing room, Thorn used it to throw the last few corrupted Wolfkin into the ward of purification.

  Just as he reached the last one, the corrupted Wolfkin woke from his dazed state and attempted to bite Thorn’s hand as it reached for him. Annoyed, Thorn’s grab turned into a slap, sending the recovered Wolfkin right back into a stunned state. Hoisting him up, Thorn tossed him onto the pile.


  Cleanse the Corruption

  The Madness of the Moon has taken hold of many of the Temple of the Moon disciples. As the Avatar of Hati, it is your job to cleanse the corruption, removing the influence of the Betrayer from the Wolfkin. You have chosen to remove the corruption instead of killing the corrupted.

  Corrupted Wolfkin Cleansed: 35/35

  Source of Corruption Cleansed: 0/1

  Reading the notification, Thorn smiled in satisfaction. There was something really pleasing about completing quests. A quick glance around showed that all the affected Wolfkin had been dealt with, so his full attention settled on the source of the corruption. Thorn’s eyes locked on Gelish who was still trying to regain his feet after taking the bone-breaking kick.

  Unhurried, Thorn walked across the ring, his massive figure shining under the moonlight. His silver armor was scratched and dented and his body was wounded in multiple places, yet somehow the damage simply made him look more heroic.

  Sensing his imposing presence approaching, the wounded Wolfkin looked up in alarm. He had barely made it to his feet when a massive hand reached out, gripping him by the neck and lifting him bodily from the cracked stone ring. Choking, Gelish’s crazed eyes stared at the giant who held him up.


  The world fell still and Thorn felt as if he was frozen in a picture. Above the worn stone ring, the bright silver moon hung low in the dark, star-dotted sky. A light breeze kicked up a bit of dust, blowing past Thorn’s silver clad figure. Held in his outstretched arm, a hulking, brutish monster wriggled with the last vestiges of his strength, unable to withstand Thorn’s might.

  Behind him, the statue of Hati stood atop the black stone altar, shining eyes fixed on Thorn. At its feet, countless Wolfkin warriors lay, groaning and cursing, their forms without strength. Next to them stood a tough looking Wolfkin in dusty armor, his hand resting on his sheathed sword, protecting an elderly Wolfkin mumbling prayers.

  In the sudden stillness, Thorn heard the wind most clearly. It slid around the ring and wrapped around him, climbing from his feet to his head. With the wind a faint voice rose in Thorn’s heart, whispering quietly in his ear.

  ‘Kill him. If you don’t he’ll recover and challenge your rule. Leading the Wolfkin is your right, ruling them is your destiny. You must crush anything that stands in the way of that. Otherwise those around you will make use of your weakness. You must rule them tightly or they will turn their backs on you.’

  The whisper grew in volume, causing Thorn’s hand to twitch, squeezing Gelish’s neck until the bones in his spine creaked.

  ‘That’s right. One simple movement to smash out dissention before it grows. If you leave him alive he will not thank you. He’ll lead his race to fight your rule. Kill Him. KILL HIM!’

  Shivering, Thorn’s hand started to tighten again when a thread of clarity bloomed in his mind and his body froze. His eyes, which had briefly flashed blood red returned to their normal color and Thorn woke from his daze with a start. Loosening his grip, he turned and dragged the defeated Head Disciple to the ward of protection around the statue.

  As Thorn walked into the influence of the ward, a cool feeling washed over him, like a summer night’s breeze. Thorn could feel it driving away another influence which had clung to him like thick, sticky syrup without him realizing it. Feeling much better, he held Gelish until the enlarged Wolfkin had been purified and had regained his normal size. Tossing him onto the pile, Thorn was happy to hear the sound he was waiting for.


  Cleanse the Corruption - Completed

  The Madness of the Moon has taken hold of many of the Temple of the Moon disciples. As the Avatar of Hati, it is your job to cleanse the corruption, removing the influence of the Betrayer from the Wolfkin. You have chosen to remove the corruption instead of killing the corrupted.

  Corrupted Wolfkin Cleansed: 35/35

  Source of Corruption Cleansed: 1/1

  Reward: [Disciple] - Class

  Reading the last line of the quest, Thorn was taken aback. A class? Why was he getting a class? Wasn’t the point of the quest to gain the allegiance of the Wolfkin? What did getting a class have to do with it? His brow furrowed, Thorn stared at the pop up that followed his quest completion notice.

  Class - [Disciple]

  You have been chosen as a disciple of the Temple of the Moon. Unlike ordinary monastic orders, the disciples of the Temple of the Moon are warrior monks who serve Hati, the god of Night. Tasked with destroying evil and holding back those who seek to disrupt the balance of the world, they work in the shadows as the counterpart to the Paladins of Skoll, the Sun God.

  Accept [Disciple] Class?



  [Accept it, my avatar.]

  Thorn was about to hit no, turning down the class, when a majestic voice echoed in his ears. Startled, Thorn paused and looked up. The statue of Hati that had stood frozen atop the black altar shivered with a silver light. As the light ran over the well-polished statue its fur began to tremble in the night breeze.

  Warm eyes looked down on Thorn as the wolf came to life. After a few seconds, the wolf looked at Elder Havva, whose eyes were screwed tightly shut. The old Wolfkin had certainly heard the voice of Hati, but rather than look up he crouched even lower, prostrating himself in front of his deity. Next to the trembling elder, Captain Del’har fell to one knee, saluting with his fist over his chest, his head bowed. After a moment of staring blankly, Thorn snapped out of his daze and accepted the class with a shrug.

  “In for a penny, in for a pound I guess,” thought Thorn. While it was not what he had planned, everything Hati had given him thus far had served him well.


  Class - [Disciple]

  You have been chosen as a disciple of the Temple of the Moon. Unlike ordinary monastic orders, the disciples of the Temple of the Moon are warrior monks who serve Hati, the god of Night. Tasked with destroying evil and holding back those who seek to disrupt the balance of the world, they work in the shadows as the counterpart to the Paladins of Skoll, the Sun God.

  Your journey to martial mastery has begun. Disciples practice one of the four martial forms of the Temple of the Moon and can use any basic monk weapon and any basic armor.

  Disciple Abilities:

  [Martial Form: Unselected]

  [Basic Weapons Mastery]

  [Pack Travel]

  Mastery Ability:
r />   [Form Mastery (locked)]

  After Thorn accepted the class, the wolf turned its eyes back on him. Nodding its head in what Thorn could only assume was appreciation, the wolf stood still, its fur reverting to stone once again. As it changed, Hati’s voice rang out once more.

  [Thorn, Lord Greymane, Avatar of Hati, Disciple of the Moon Temple, has won the challenge. The ancient laws have been upheld and the winner of the trial has been determined. Thorn has shown wisdom, restraint, and martial skill, saving the lives of many of his fellow disciples. For this, let him take the mantle of the inheritor.]


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