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Soul of the Dragons: Bad Dragons

Page 6

by Bolryder, Terry

  “I think you help,” I say softly. “I think you are just the perfect contrast to each other.”

  “I like to think so,” Rainier says, his eyes warm and glowing. “Thanks for bringing us together.”

  I wave a hand. “It’s nothing. You brought yourselves together. I’m just glad I don’t have to watch you all fight.”

  “They still might fight when Van and Byron get back,” Seth says. “Or when they get back after we leave you with Van and Byron.”

  “It’s true,” Rainier says. “It remains to be seen if Griffin’s quick temper will—”

  “Don’t talk about me like I’m not here,” Griffin says irritably. “And I already told you. I’ll try not to fight.”

  “Well, that’s that, then. Should we go watch TV?”

  I bite my lower lip. “It’s only monster truck rallies. I guess that’s what Byron likes, but—”

  “Monster truck rallies?” Griffin’s head jerks up, and he glares at me with a fervor I’ve never seen before. “Oh, hell yeah.” He dries off his hands and hurries into the living room, followed by Seth and Rainier, who seem excited as well.

  They all pile onto the couch, and I pick up the remote and join them, pulled by Griffin onto his lap so that I’m between Seth and Rainier.

  Just one big pile of dragons and me, warm and cuddly, as the monster trucks begin crushing smaller cars beneath them.

  Though I never would have pictured myself doing something like this, at the moment, it’s perfect.

  * * *


  Byron was tired by the time they landed on the grass outside their small home.

  Tired from talking endlessly to a demanding fairy and tired of being away from the woman he now saw as his mate.

  A part of him was tingling, wondering if the other two dragons actually had the guts to go further with Anna than he and Van had.

  If so, they had some catching up to do.

  If not, Byron still wanted to be with her. Go all the way with her. His dick was practically aching just thinking of being sheathed deep inside.

  More than that, his heart, which he’d always thought was nonexistent, longed to be closer to her. To be fully accepted by her. To show her everything he was and let her feel everything he could give her.

  To let that protective desire that had bloomed in him when he saved her extend through all of his actions so she could feel how much he cared.

  “You’re nervous,” Van said, walking up next to him now that they were both in human form. “That’s rare for you.”

  “I know. But she’s unlike anything I could have imagined.” Byron rubbed the back of his neck. “I know she should choose us. That we’re the best option, but—”

  “But you know she has feelings for them as well,” Van said, peering up at him with those fathomless purple eyes.

  To be honest, making out with Anna alongside Van had worked better than expected, but Byron was still a bit nervous about sharing a mate.

  Especially when it came to going inside her. He didn’t know if he would be too possessive to share.

  Van cocked his head at him. “Then you watch first while I take her. Let that heat build in you. Then take her with everything you’ve got.”

  Oh yeah. Byron liked that idea. He rubbed his hands together as they walked up the steps to the front door of their house.

  Byron opened it without knocking and walked into the living room to see Anna spread across the laps of Seth, Griffin, and Rainier, who all looked very involved in watching a monster truck rally.

  Byron thought about telling them there was a way to see other shows but decided against it as a way to punish them for touching his mate.

  Not ours yet, Van reminded him in his thoughts.

  But soon, Byron replied.

  Anna turned to look up at them, and her eyes sparkled as she bit down on her lower lip and then gave them a shy smile. God, Byron loved everything about her, from those hazel eyes to that dark-blond hair to her smooth, soft skin.

  Plus the way she seemed to never hold back with her feelings, always transparent in her frown or her smile.

  And right now, while looking up at Byron, she was definitely smiling.

  It made everything in him truly feel golden for the first time.

  He wanted to use his shield. Wanted to protect those close to him. Could feel his dragon so close, excited that he was finally willing to accept his destiny.

  He was born to help and save. Anna had given that knowledge back to him.

  He wanted to sweep her into his arms, hold her tight, growl possessively at the other dragons. But as he looked at each of their faces, thought about everything they had been through over the past years, he couldn’t bring himself to start a fight.

  Not when it would only hurt Anna.

  So instead, he simply put out a hand. “Can we talk to you? Upstairs?”

  Anna nodded, pushing herself off Griffin’s lap. Griffin helped her stand, and his eyes met Byron’s, ready to accuse him.

  Byron gave him a small nod, as if to reassure him. He would always treat Anna well.

  “How did things go in town?” Rainier asked. “Any trouble with Azrael?”

  Van shook his head, though he was radiating tension. “There may be trouble at some point, but it’s not going to come from that direction.” His dark hair had come out of its braid and was twisted and unruly from the wind. “I guess we’ll just have to be ready.”

  “Can we even take down a fae?” Griffin asked. “I thought they were basically immortal.”

  “So are we,” Seth quipped. “Doesn’t mean we can’t be killed.”

  “Unkillable, then,” Griffin said.

  Rainier looked pensive. “I’m not sure. All of us together? Maybe. But you know, some of them rival the oracle in their power, based on my studies.”

  “Don’t you know any?” Griffin raised an eyebrow.

  Rainier shook his head. “Not personally. That’s not my place. Sometimes they do interfere in this world, but they don’t ever reach the other one. They can’t.”

  “Which is good,” Griffin said. “Because they’re so damn greedy for power it would be a disaster if they ever did.”

  Seth frowned. “I didn’t know they were so evil. I’ve run across a couple in my day. They were nice.”

  Van raised an eyebrow. “That’s because you’re the one most likely to be able to kill them. The most powerful.”

  Seth grinned at that. “True. Though, I’m not sure all of them are aware of that.”

  Byron couldn’t believe they were all getting along for once. He was used to them fighting anytime they crossed paths.

  He supposed that was Anna’s true power. All the dragons cared for her and, as such, couldn’t hurt her by hurting each other.

  Which forced them to get along. Which forced Byron to see that maybe not all of them were so bad.

  Even though Byron still hated Griffin.

  “Thanks,” Griffin muttered, looking up at him.

  Byron smirked. “You’re welcome.”

  Okay, so not all of the dragons had to get along. Not yet.

  “I can go talk with you,” Anna said, heading for the stairs. “Have you had anything to eat yet?”

  Byron nodded. They’d eaten in town before leaving. He and Van were hungry, but for something more than food.

  As Byron walked to the stairs to follow Anna, he saw Griffin rise from the couch stiffly, followed by Rainier.

  Then a reluctant Seth.

  “You’re leaving?” Van asked, turning to face them.

  “Yes,” Griffin said. “I want to be fair to Anna. But I can’t be here right now. Not while she’s with you.”

  And for a moment, Byron shared with Griffin a moment of deep understanding. That after everything they’d been through, it was hard to share the only good thing they’d ever had.

  “I promise we’ll take care of her,” Byron said, surprised at himself for even trying to reassure the red dragon. />
  Griffin just gave them a wave, then headed out the front door, followed by Rainier and Seth.

  When the door closed, Anna glanced down at them, and Byron’s heart tightened in response to her slight sadness at seeing the others go.

  Come on, Van said in his mind. We can distract her, and she wants to see us anyway.

  Byron’s lips curved in a wicked grin. Oh yeah. He’d distract her.

  He’d distract her until she was screaming his name, lost to more pleasure than should exist in the cosmos.

  Until she chose him and Van as she should.

  Chapter 9

  I can feel the dragons following me as I head to their bedroom.

  I pause at the top of the stairs, watching Griffin head out with the others, and wonder at the weird situation I’ve found myself in.

  Watching men I have feelings for leave so I can figure out my feelings for other men.

  Then again, my body still remembers perfectly what Van and Byron did to me in the early hours of the morning, and it seems like only foreplay when I think of all the things I want now.

  I know how it felt to connect with Griffin and Rainier. I know I have strong feelings for them and that our bodies worked together perfectly.

  But I agree with Rainier that I should do all of my research. That I should compare my feelings for all of them as best as I can.

  That means experimentation.

  As I stand at the door to Van and Byron’s bedroom and watch them come up the stairs, I can barely breathe from anticipation.

  Byron’s wearing a light-blue polo that shows off his tanned skin, powerful arms, and perfect golden hair.

  Van has on his usual trench coat, and beneath it, he’s still wearing the black sweater from earlier.

  I still get a little shiver every time I see him because I never know what he’s going to do.

  “Have to keep you on your toes, right?” He smirks as he crowds me against the door, amethyst eyes sparkling.

  “Um…” I say, unable to stop as I inhale the scent of dark licorice and sin that comes with his close presence.

  His smirk deepens, and then I hear a little click as the door opens behind me, making me stumble as Van passes by.

  Before I can lose my balance, Byron’s arm is instantly around me, holding me up like I’m nothing.

  I can’t think when I look into Byron’s golden eyes, shimmering even lighter at the center. Twenty-four-karat gold.

  “Careful, dragon heart,” Byron says, his tone teasing as he slowly rights me, keeping his hand on my waist as if he’s loath to let me go.

  He smells amazing, like grass and sunshine and wind on a meadow. And he’s so tall, making he feel so safe as he leans over me like this.

  “We missed you,” he says, tilting down so his face is close.

  I can feel my cheeks burning. It’s hard to believe that just a couple days ago, I hated him and Van. So much has changed for us.

  I dodge to the side when his lips get closer because I know we need to talk, and if I kiss him, no talking will be happening.

  Because I will just melt in his arms, all the way to the ground.

  “All right,” he says softly, pulling back and urging me into the room with his hand protectively on my lower back. “We’ll talk first.”

  I walk in to see Van sitting in a chair next to the bed. I sit on the edge of the mattress, and Byron takes another chair, pulling it to face me.

  Just feeling this bed beneath me makes me nervous. This room is different from the guest room. More luxurious, darker, and… filled with dragons who might be more dangerous.

  “More dangerous?” Van raises a black eyebrow at me. He has shucked his long coat and is only in his sweater and khakis now, looking oddly civilized. “If I’m going to take my role as leader, I thought I should dress a little less… How did you say it, Byron?”

  “Homeless,” Byron says. “A little less homeless.”

  “Right,” Van says, snapping his fingers drily. “Less homeless.”

  I just gape at them from where I’m sitting, then force myself to shut my mouth. The worst part is that after being with Griffin and Rainier, I had hoped I would feel something less strong for Van and Byron. Things felt so right with the other dragons that I hoped I would feel wrong when I was alone with these two.

  But I feel so good around them as well. Like we’re connected by some invisible thread, no matter how I might try to deny it.

  “That’s romantic, dragon heart,” Van says. “But the truth is also romantic. We believe our fated mates are meant to come to us, or us to them, but that we can be with them and them only. As long as they are a dragon heart.”

  “What if I’m not one?” I ask nervously.

  “I told you,” Van says flatly. “That’s not possible.”

  I press my lips together. “I hope so.”

  Byron is watching me, and his tongue flicks out to lick his lower lip slowly. I watch the movement, trying and failing not to get aroused.

  “Don’t try to not feel anything,” Byron says, eyes narrowing. “I want you to feel everything, mate.”

  Mate. It sounds so primitive.

  “That’s because it is,” Byron says. “It’s for more than a lifetime because you will be immortal like us. As long as we all stay alive, that is.”

  I blink. “Immortal?”

  Van nods. “So be careful with your choice.”

  “Careful to choose us, you mean,” Byron says, smirking.

  Van nods at him. “True.”

  I glance between them, wondering how long they’ve gotten along this well.

  “Well, we’ve worked together almost since we got to this world, but honestly, ever since we met you, our cooperation has been different.”

  “Different how?” I ask.

  Byron glances at Van.

  Van gives me a dark smile. “Now we want to fuck together.”

  I clench my legs because, as always, Van is so dominant and hot.

  “Not just fuck together,” Byron says languidly, throwing a long leg over the arm of his chair. “Work together. Live together. Protect Anna together.”

  “Pleasure Anna together,” Van says, eyeing me hungrily.

  I writhe slightly on the bed, feeling their predatory gazes on me. Like they are going to move in at any moment.

  “We can go all the way without mating,” Byron says.

  “She already knows,” Van says.

  “What?” I squeak.

  Van’s amethyst eyes are so intense. “I can see everything in your mind. I told you that.”

  I swallow. So can they see what I did with Griffin and Rainier?

  “I don’t want to,” Van says, standing slowly and walking to the foot of the bed. “But I don’t have to see you with other dragons to know I can do better.”

  “Oh,” I say, almost shaking as he puts a hand on either side of me on the bed, pushing me back so I’m forced to look up at him. Trapped.

  “Yes,” Van says, cupping my neck and then running his hand into my hair, winding his fingers to trap the silky strands until his hold on me is absolute and I can do nothing but helplessly wait for his kiss. “I’m going to show you what it would be like if you were mine.”

  Then he uses his hand in my hair to force my lips up against his, and I writhe as pleasure rushes through me and his tongue pushes inside my mouth, staking his claim.

  I let out a low moan as the kiss gentles, as his lips caress mine, pulling away only to come in again, his tongue playing at the seam of my mouth, licking along my lower lip.

  Finally, he takes my lower lip in his and bites down in a way that is just on the edge of pain but still pleasure.

  When I moan, he lets out a feral grunt and releases my hair.

  I have only a second to realize what’s happening before I feel him grab me by the shoulders and toss me back on the bed.

  I catch myself on my elbows, but he’s there in an instant, crawling over me and pushing my shoulder to roll me over
so I’m lying on my stomach and he’s straddling my back.

  He reaches into my hair and pulls it up, forcing my head back as he brings his lips close to my ear.

  The position is slightly uncomfortable, but I’m so turned on by the way he takes control. The way I feel helpless.

  I struggle slightly against the bed just because it feels good, and Van’s lips bite down lightly on my ear.

  I hear a sharp intake of breath from Byron. “Hey, Van, are you—”

  “Your safe word is dragon,” Van says in a low, syrupy voice against my sensitive earlobe, making me jerk. “You say that at any point, and I’ll stop. But until then, you’re mine.”

  I gasp at that, and though his hand stays in my hair, he remains silent, as if waiting to give me a chance to get out of this.

  Hell no. I want Van just as he is. I trust him not to hurt me. Having a safe word only helps.

  “Good,” he says. Then his mouth comes down on the back of my neck, and there’s nowhere for me to go as pleasurable shocks shoot through me, making me writhe under his heavy body.

  “Ah,” I moan as he releases my hair and his hands grab my tee shirt instead. I’m letting my face rest against the covers when I feel his hands on my shoulders, digging into my shirt.

  I gasp as he pulls down, ripping it so my back is totally exposed to him. I squirm, trying to turn over, but his hand runs up my bare spine, making me moan as I flop back down on the bed.

  I’ve never been touched like this, in such vulnerable ways while trapped, and I never thought it could turn me on so hard.

  “Van,” I murmur because I’m already wet and aching.

  His finger is perfectly calm as it trails down my spine, stopping at the waistband of my jeans, right at the top of my ass.

  His hand moves down to squeeze one cheek lightly, then a little harder. I gasp, lifting my head, and he pushes me back down against the mattress, leaving me to squirm as his hand palms my ass possessively.

  “You’ll stay there until I’m done feeling you,” he says lightly, and oh God, it turns me on. I flush when I get an even hotter, more embarrassing thought.

  Is Byron watching?


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