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Soul of the Dragons: Bad Dragons

Page 13

by Bolryder, Terry

  “I think I can be with you tonight, dragon heart. I feel well enough. And I want to bond with you. And I know you love the others and you might not choose me… but you’re the woman I love, and I’d like to be with you. Even just for a night.”

  I swallow because despite the odd surroundings, despite everything going on, my body is ready.

  It’s ready because I love him. Because I do want to be with him. Have wanted to share this with him but couldn’t because he was sick.

  With each of the dragons, I had encounters that were more about being sensual and then encounters that were more about expressing love.

  But with Seth, we’re skipping right to the ending. To the kind of lovemaking that only comes when two hearts reach out and hold on to one another.

  I pull my hands away from his and reach up around his neck to pull his lips down onto mine, warm and soft and comforting.

  But then he opens his mouth, swiping in tentatively, and immediately, there’s heat.

  Seth seems to notice because he smiles against me triumphantly but then goes back to kissing me, and within minutes, he has me melting beneath him, desperate to never let the kiss end.

  But finally he pulls back, smirking slightly as he runs his thumb against his lower lip, back and forth.

  His green eyes sparkle as they roam over me, and his hand moves to the hem of my robe. “Let’s get you naked, dragon heart. Because I have so much more I want to do than kiss you.”

  Chapter 20


  Seth couldn’t believe it was happening. Anna beneath him, willing and wanting. Anna looking up at him like he could be loved.

  He’d only ever hoped for relief of his poison one day, even at the best of times.

  He’d never expected anyone to care.

  He’d still been very young when he realized no one wanted to be around him and that if anyone did want to be around him, it was only to abuse him.

  After he’d hurt Lee, after he’d come to the Blur, things hadn’t changed that much. People still feared him, still avoided him, but they couldn’t lock him up again.

  At least he’d been free. He’d even enjoyed it sometimes, using the fear and dread he caused to make others give him what he wanted or run away in fear.

  But Anna hadn’t.

  Neither had any of the dragons once he’d come to see them in the Blur. Even Rainier had helped him with serum.

  So he felt a little guilty right now, having Anna to himself. Especially since he was a big part of why they were all in the Blur.

  But she seemed to think he deserved as much as anyone, and for just one night, Seth would believe her.

  Then, if it came to that in the fae fight, he would finally make things right for all the other dragons.

  “You’re so beautiful,” she said as she moved back so he could help take off her robe. The shimmery fabric was pretty, but not as beautiful as Anna.

  “That’s my line,” he said, lifting it over her head and tossing it away, leaving her in possibly the most beautiful underwear. Shimmery and light.

  He hooked a finger through the waistband of the panties and pulled them down, then helped her unhook the bra.

  He felt his heart race as she pushed it aside, leaving her totally naked on the bed in front of him.

  He hadn’t realized how hungry he was to see her like that until he saw her bared, her dark-blond hair spread over a pillow, her limbs splayed over the bed.

  Looking up at him with soft, wanting eyes. Reaching out her arms for him to come to her.

  He shrugged out of his robe, tossing it to the side, and removed his underwear.

  There didn’t need to be anything between them.

  “Beautiful,” she said, looking over him. “And I don’t mean your face or your body. I just mean you, finally healthy. Not in pain just for a moment. That’s beautiful.”

  He couldn’t even respond because he was too busy hungrily eating her up with his gaze.

  For once, he didn’t have to worry about the poison. For once, he could take what he wanted.

  She was smaller than him, and it was satisfying, as Seth was tall for a human but short for a dragon. He liked how well she fit in his arms. How protectable and petite she seemed.

  He straddled her and loved the feel of their thighs together. When he saw her eyes dip to the hard part of him that would enter her, he felt himself grow even stiffer.

  “Well, um, you’re definitely not smaller than other dragons in one regard,” she said, biting her lower lip, her hazel eyes twinkling.

  Fuck, he wanted to look into those eyes forever.

  He could die for this woman and never regret a thing.

  Her hand found him and stroked lightly, and for a moment, he worried the memories would come. But all he felt was pleasure, and when he looked into her eyes, letting sensation zing through him, he knew it would be fine.

  His hand moved to the apex of her legs, playing lightly in her pretty curls. Then he dipped lower as her hand fell from him to clutch the sheets.

  When he traced over the pearl of her clit, she moaned, the best sound in the world.

  “That’s right, Anna. I want to hear you. Every little thing I make you feel.”

  He was gentle, watchful, unable to even blink as he continued to explore her, watching her writhe, watching tension build in her beautiful body.

  Her soft skin, her soft curves, everything made Seth anxious to hurry up and just be with her.

  But he was nothing if not able to hold back when needed.

  He stroked lazily, enjoying the wetness of her slit as he stroked down to test her entrance. Her legs parted slightly, and she moaned, clearly inviting him.

  Her sex was pink and glistening, so beautiful. He had to touch. He stroked along her inner lips, then up her outer ones, seeing where she was sensitive.

  When he found her clit again, her hands twisted into the sheets and she arched slightly, beautiful nipples hardened against the night air as she let out a gasp.

  Then her eyes found him. “Seth, you’re killing me.”

  “No,” he said, circling lazily, loving every little jerk of her legs. Loving the way she almost sagged in disappointment every time he left her clit to explore other parts.

  He moved up to take both of her breasts in his hands, testing the weight of them. He loved how soft they were, how his big hands could hold them. Keep them safe. Pleasure them as he rubbed his thumbs over the tips.

  She moaned again, putting her fist to her mouth as if to bite into it. He moved her hand away, pressing it into the sheets by her head. He moved the other hand up there as well.

  “Stay there,” he said.

  She nodded, but her eyes were nearly desperate as his hands continued to squeeze her breasts. He kept his eyes on her as he lowered his mouth to gently suck on one of her nipples.

  It was so fun to watch her as she cried out and bucked against him. One of his hands moved down to stroke her clit while he continued to suck one nipple until it was hard and aching, then moved to the other to do the same.

  Meanwhile, her movements grew more frantic, and she was practically dripping on his fingers from wetness.

  God she was hot. Her scent filled the air, and Seth couldn’t ever remember being as happy as when he pressed down on her clit ever so slightly and she came.

  She arched back, struggling with her hands still on either side of her head, and called Seth’s name breathlessly as her eyes met his.

  He came forward and put her arms around his neck so she could hold on to him, and she bit back a scream as wave after wave of pleasure seemed to take hold.

  It looked tiring, Seth thought, and he wondered if she wouldn’t want to go further, giving how much she was gasping, how flushed she was as she let go of his neck and fell back against the bed.

  She looked up at him, chest still heaving, nipples still beautifully pink, lips parted. Then she spoke. “More. Everything.”

  Seth didn’t think he could wait any longer. H
e’d gone slow, but who knew how much time they would have? He spread her legs, trying to decide how he wanted to take her, but then he felt her hands on his chest.

  She looked at him playfully as she rolled him over, then straddled him, sitting on top.

  He hadn’t pictured himself on the bottom, but he had to admit the view was nice. Her pretty breasts, flushed face, perfect rounded hips propped above him.

  “I like this too,” he said.

  “I couldn’t wait any longer,” she said, splaying her hands over his chest, squeezing his pecs and then moving to run over his arms reverently.

  No one had ever looked at Seth the way Anna was now. Like he was precious.

  “I love you,” he said, putting his hand up to stroke her cheek lightly. “So much I don’t know how it’s possible.”

  “I love you too,” she said. She came back down to kiss him. “Is it fine if I’m on top?”

  Seth smiled. “It’s always fine, if it is with you.”

  Anna beamed at that, still glowing from her orgasm, and slowly lifted up before settling herself over him slowly, watching his face in case he wanted to stop.

  “I’m fine,” he said, taking hold of her hips and sliding her down over his hard length.

  When she was seated fully against him, it was such hot, wet heaven he almost lost it, and he was a dragon with great control.

  “So hot. So tight. So perfect, dragon heart.” He grabbed her hips and lifted her, making her gasp before he set her back over him. The friction was delicious. “So perfect, Anna.”

  His hands found her breasts, squeezing and teasing, and she leaned over him as she lifted her hips to come down over him again.

  She looked so beautiful when she did that.

  For a second, he panicked, wondering if the poison inside him could somehow reach her when she was so close to him like this.

  But his fears were alleviated as she let out a moan, looking at him with eyes that were lost to anything but pleasure.

  “So good,” she said breathlessly. “More.”

  Seth moved his hands to her hips again, moving her slowly up and then down, lifting her easily, loving the way his whole body seemed to tense when he was inside her. The way his whole soul seemed to relax.

  He loved the way she moaned, the way her sheath clenched around him. The way everything they were doing was stronger because of the feelings between them.

  The way their memories seemed to surround them the entire time.

  Seth was breathing hard now, and Anna was too, as they both began to move faster, thrusting together quickly, finding that perfect tight fit over and over as it chased them toward the edge.

  “Soon,” Seth said, moving his hands up to caress Anna. Her arms. Her breasts. Her face. Her waist. Meanwhile, his hips thrust up to meet her, and she rose to her knees to come down at the same time. It was perfect synchronicity. It was—

  “I’m coming,” Anna shouted, curving over Seth as her whole body went rigid, then arced again in a wave of pleasure.

  “Yes,” Seth breathed out, watching the woman of his dreams coming while still joined with him completely.

  Then it was too much for him, and he felt himself go over the edge as well. Like he was a piece of dust and the oncoming pleasure was a broom, sweeping him away from everything he knew.

  It was heady, his whole body reacting, his dick spasming as the rest of his body went numb and all he could feel was her warmth all around him as he climaxed harder than he ever had.

  He hadn’t known it could feel like that. And as he gasped out Anna’s name, he knew he would only love her more for introducing him to such bliss.

  She was watching him, smiling at his pleasure, while her body was still wracked with her own release, spasming around him.

  It was transcendent, and when they both came down, sweaty and flushed, they stared into each other’s eyes knowingly.

  “That was good,” he said, bringing his hands up to cup her hips, feeling shaky. Feeling tired. Feeling exhausted but, for once, for a good reason.

  She gently lifted off of him, and he helped her fall down next to him on the mattress, pulling her in against him, keeping both arms around her so she felt safe.

  He kissed her earlobe and felt her shudder and couldn’t help but whisper, “I’m never leaving you, dragon heart. Not unless I die.”

  “You won’t die,” she murmured, tired but insistent as her hand cupped his arm. “Not if I can help it.”

  Seth smiled as he kissed the top of her head and lay back against the mattress. Anna had done a lot of things for him, but even she might not be able to stop what was coming.

  But as Seth held the woman he loved until she was soundly sleeping, well pleasured and relaxed, he knew if he did die, he would die happy.

  That was more than he’d ever hoped for and more than enough.

  He curled around Anna, promising himself that no matter what, she would get out of this safely.

  As the most powerful black dragon in the world, he would guarantee it.

  Chapter 21

  The next morning as I’m changing after my shower, Seth is watching pensively.

  I can still feel my skin buzz every time I think of what we did last night, and a part of me feels complete now that he and I have bonded like that.

  It was pleasurable, it was wonderful, and it brought me closer to someone I have loved very much.

  But today is a new day, and we’re still captured. I’m sure Lee is going to show up any minute now to bother us.

  “You could try to make nice with him,” Seth says. “Didn’t you know him before this? I swear I heard that in his thoughts.”

  I nod. “I was stalking him in a library for days before he made the offer to bring me here.”

  “Maybe he likes you,” Seth says. “Maybe you could leverage that, try to help us. Or at least yourself. Make him see reason.”

  I told Seth earlier about Lee going along with Nerrenth’s plans to invade the world. It only added to his worry about what will happen when the dragons show up.

  “I don’t know if I could,” I say. “Besides, how long do we have?”

  “The other dragons will be another day at least,” Seth says. “They’re still healing, as much as they want to come here. That gives you one whole day to reach Lee’s heart. If he was on our side during the fight, even if he wasn’t a dragon…”

  I sigh, trying to remember a time when I looked at Lee with admiration. I thought he was beautiful and that behind those big blue eyes, there must surely be a large, warm heart.

  But I was wrong.

  “I’ll try,” I say.

  Just then, someone knocks on the door.

  “Speak of the devil,” Seth says drily.

  Lee appears through the doors, poking his head in before coming in all the way. He’s wearing a robe again, though I think I can see human clothes peeking out at the bottom. Jeans maybe. And shoes.

  Lee folds his arms, looking gorgeous in the morning light shining through the shimmering curtains. “How’d you sleep?”

  When he looks around the room, I wonder if he can sense what went on between Seth and me. Then again, it’s none of his business.

  But he only strides forward, pinning his eyes on Seth, his mouth pressed into a line as he comes to study him. “How are you feeling today?”

  Seth looks up. “Why do you care? Aren’t you just going to let a fairy kill me and the others and then enter the human world?”

  Lee is quiet as he picks up Seth’s hand and checks his wrist, eyeing the veins. Then he drops it. “I was going to be nice and give you more of my blood, but if you’re going to be like that—”

  “I’m fine,” Seth says stubbornly. “I’ve had enough.” And to be fair, he still looks stronger than I’ve ever seen him. He squares his jaw as he faces Lee. “For what it’s worth, I’m so sorry for what I did to you that day. For taking your dragon. I didn’t mean to, and I regret it every day. I’m sorry for not telling you before. I c
ouldn’t face you. Couldn’t face what I’d done to you. You were a good dragon, Lee. The best of us. If anyone, you should have been the one to keep your dragon.”

  Lee is quiet through all of this, his brows lowered, his jaw taut. When Seth finishes, Lee turns away, back rigid. “I appreciate the apology, but it’s too late. Not that it could have done anything had it come earlier.” He glances over his shoulder at me. “Anna, did you need anything before I go?”

  I walk toward him. “Wait. I want to go with you.”

  Lee turns around, blue robe whirling. “What?”

  “To spend the day with you,” I say. “I’ve gotten to know everyone else in the Blur. Why not you?”

  Lee just blinks at me with those long lashes. He’s a tall man and as muscled as the others, but sometimes there is a softness to his expression, especially when he’s taken off guard. “It won’t change anything. I hope you know that.”

  I nod. “Remember, I wanted to stalk you at the library. I wanted to know all about you from the start. I was already drawn to you.”

  Lee runs a hand through his hair, making the dark locks stand on end. He narrows his eyes on me, sparkling blue, and then shakes his head. “Fine,” he says, striding back to the door. “Follow me, then.”

  As the door closes behind us, I look down at the iridescent robe I’m wearing and then over to Lee’s blue one.

  “What determines the colors?”

  “I just picked that for you,” Lee says. “It’s customary for guests.”

  “It’s beautiful,” I say. “This whole place is.”

  “Yes, but empty,” Lee says. “I don’t really want to stay here. I’ll show you to my apartment if you want, though I really don’t know why you’d want to spend time with me.”

  “I like all of the other dragons. I might end up liking you too.”

  He scowls. “I doubt it.”

  Our feet echo on the marble beneath us as we walk in a different direction than yesterday, across a large courtyard filled with exotic flowers in pastel shades, past a glimmering pool of rainbow water, and out large doors that seem to lead into the backyard.


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