Get Me

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Get Me Page 9

by Jillian Dodd

  "Sounds good." He nods and takes a deep breath. "Okay, I'm doing this."

  He goes onstage, slings his guitar around him, and addresses us.

  "I think we all know the story about when Tommy and Abby met. How people in the room swore they could see the sparks fly. Or, so my dad says." He laughs. "No offense, but I always kinda thought it was bullshit. A fairy tale made up to sell more movies. But then it happened to me. I've been working on this song since the moment I met her. The melody kept playing in my head. And as soon as Keats told me the French word for fate is sort, the rest of the lyrics flowed. This song is called 'Sorta like Fate.'"

  Aiden joins me on the dance floor and wraps his arms around me. "Sorta like fate? I told you that, didn't I?"

  "Yeah, you did."

  Damian gently plays a few chords on his guitar and starts singing beautifully.

  "You're my faith and inspiration,

  You're the ink in my tattoo.

  You're the water in my desert,

  All I think about is you.

  You're the sun in all my sunsets,

  You're the wind in every breeze.

  You're the moon on my horizon,

  You're the one that makes me breathe.

  It's sorta like fate that we're together,

  It's sorta like fate that we're both here,

  It's sorta like you and me forever.

  My destiny is near.

  It's sorta like you and me against everything,

  It's sorta like fate . . .

  It's sorta like fate . . .

  You're the joy in all my madness,

  You're the fire in my flame.

  You're the smile from across the room,

  You're the thought I can't erase.

  You're my happy ever after,

  You're the beating of my heart.

  You're the words that fill my pages,

  You're the light in all my dark.

  It's sorta like fate that we're together,

  It's sorta like fate that we're both here,

  It's sorta like you and me forever.

  My destiny's so clear.

  It's sorta like everything that I ever need,

  It's sorta like fate . . .

  The spark to all my passion,

  My future standing there.

  Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  You're everything I've ever wanted,

  So, baby, don't be scared.

  It's sorta like fate that we're together,

  It's sorta like fate that we're both here,

  It's sorta like you and me forever.

  I'm your destiny, my dear.

  It's sorta like you and me against everything,

  It's sorta like fate . . .

  It's sorta like fate . . .

  It's sorta like fate . . .

  It's sorta like fate.

  You pull on me like gravity,

  I wanna get down on one knee.

  The world can spin around us,

  Cuz, baby, now it's you and me."

  "Wow," I whisper. "That was beautiful."

  Aiden spins me around to face him. "Did you help him write that?"

  "Not really. I just helped with the chorus."

  "Is the song about us?"

  "No, he wrote it for your sister."

  "But you helped with the lyrics?"

  "A little, when we were in St. Croix. I couldn't sleep and heard him working on it. So I went down to the beach and we just had a conversation about love at first sight and what it feels like."

  "And you were thinking about me?"

  I don't answer his question but, rather, ask one of my own. It's something I've been wondering about. "Do you really think we're sorta like fate, Aiden? Or was that just the player in you talking?"

  Aiden takes my chin in his hand and looks deep into my eyes. "Player Aiden never talked about things like love, fate, or marriage. Just like the stars, all that is only for you. Want to know my favorite part of the song?"

  I nod.

  "The world can spin around us because, baby, now it's you and me."

  "Why is that part your favorite?"

  "Because that's what I want more than anything. To only have to worry about us."

  "And not all the stalker and Brooklyn stuff?"

  "Exactly. I love you. I wish that's all that mattered."

  I give him a kiss and say, "I love you too."

  "Damian's in love with my sister, isn't he?"

  "I think that's pretty obvious. In fact, I'd say he's wooing her."

  Aiden grins. "You really should always listen to me. I'm smart."

  "I don't know about that, but you definitely were right about the wooing. Wanna hear something funny?"

  "Of course."

  "When Dawson wanted us to get back together, I told him he'd have to woo me. He sent a text where he misspelled wooed. Forgot the e. So it just said he wanted to wood me. I got all mad at him, but it was kinda funny."

  "So can I woo you with my wood?" Aiden asks adorably.

  "I think it's the only kind of wooing you haven't done yet." I take his hand in mine. "Come on, let's go congratulate Damian on his beautiful song."

  We wander over to the stage. Damian's arm is wrapped around Peyton, whose dazzling grin is just like her brother's. Definitely song-worthy.

  "You helped me," Damian says. "I was leaning toward this before our talk. There she was, just sitting on the beach."

  He points to me, so I sing, "Singing du wa ditty ditty dumb ditty do."

  He smiles. "Flipping her hair like she didn't have a care."

  We all laugh.

  He's like, "I think maybe I should stop while I'm ahead."

  Mom and Tommy join us.

  "Damn, you must have read my mind. I think all those things about my wife," Tommy says.

  Mom gushes, "I didn't think it was a big deal we weren't married, but I'll admit: I like hearing you say that. And, Damian, you better record that song quick. You've got a hit on your hands."

  Glimpse of the future.


  Aiden pulls me off the dance floor and says, "Let's go for a walk."

  I take his hand and follow him. He seems to be wandering aimlessly, but I get the feeling I'm being led somewhere.

  "Isn't it a gorgeous night?" he asks.

  "It's been the perfect night. Mom was so surprised he proposed, and everyone was so surprised by the wedding." I spin around in the grass. "I'm so happy I got to be here with my family. And be with you."

  "I like your family. Your grandpa is a character."

  "Yeah, he is. I love him. So, where are we going?"

  "For a walk," he says cryptically.

  A few minutes later, we're standing in the gazebo where Mom and Tommy got married. Aiden flicks a switch and the ceiling lights up with hundreds of twinkle lights.

  "Did you do this? The lights? They weren't on here this afternoon."

  "I thought we could dance in private. It's a lot prettier than my dorm."

  "I love your room. And the twinkle lights."

  "Before we dance, I have a present for you. Do you want it now?"

  "I do."

  He stops and grins at me.


  "You just said I do. In a wedding gazebo. It gave me a glimpse of the future. Of our wedding."

  "Does the future ever scare you?" I ask him.

  "Not as long as you're in it with me."

  Knowing my future is uncertain, I don't reply, but rather focus on the present, untying the ribbon and letting him open the lid.

  Nestled in a little black velvet box is a beautiful ring. In the center is a green stone, surrounded by teeny diamonds. Radiating out from it are four silver filigree hearts forming a four-leaf clover, each leaf set with a marquis-shaped green stone. Around the edges of the hearts are more of the little diamonds and behind the clover is more silver, making it look like two clovers sitting on top of each other.

  "It's gorgeous," I manage to mutter, overwhe
lmed by its delicate beauty. "I've never seen anything like it before."

  "It's vintage," he says, grinning.

  "I love it," I say as he slides it on my left ring finger.

  "This isn't your Christmas present. It's a ring from me to you. I love you, Keatyn. I know the future scares you. I know that you can't commit to anything, so I'm not asking you to. I just want you to always know, wherever you are, wherever we are, that I love you. And I want you to carry our luck with you."

  My eyes dart above me.

  "What are you looking for?"

  "I'm waiting for fireworks to go off, doves to flutter around us, or a romantic score to start playing."


  "Because this seems too perfect to be real."

  "Dance with me?"

  "There's no music," I tease.

  He pulls me into his arms. "There doesn't have to be."

  I look into his eyes. "I love you, Aiden."

  "I love you too," he says, as our lips meet.

  We share a sweet kiss, then he says, "Did you really think I wouldn't bring music?"

  I laugh as he pulls his phone from his suit pocket. Kym hit the swag closet and dressed Aiden to perfection. He's wearing a beautiful tan suit with a light brown pinstripe. A chocolate brown shirt. No tie. His own deep brown Armani lace-up dress shoes.

  The song that plays from his phone is a dance remix of my current favorite sexy love song.

  He pulls me back into his arms, moves his leg between mine, and kisses me.

  Our kissing starts out slow, sexy, and sweet, mimicking our dancing.

  But as the song's beat picks up, so do we.

  Our kissing changes from sweet to passionate, then to almost frantic.

  I feel volatile, like I could explode, combust, or ignite.

  His hands are in my hair, my tongue is swirling against his, and my head totally filled with cotton candy. I can't think.

  I can only feel.

  The fire that is Aiden.

  When his lips touch my neck with hard, sucking kisses, I can't help it, I push my hips into his.

  Which must have been all he could take, because he picks me up, wraps my legs around his waist, and pushes me against the gazebo's ledge.

  My hands immediately move to his pants. Unzipping them.

  My mind is spinning.

  His love potion is stronger than ever, seeping into my every pore and filling me with uncontrollable desire.

  Very quickly, he pushes my skirt up, slides my panties over, and fills me completely. Like he was made to fit me.

  And I'm pretty sure he was.

  He rocks my body against the gazebo.

  It's rough.



  I don't know how long it lasts. Whether it's three minutes or three hours.

  Doesn't matter.

  It's all it took.

  It's like he's the wind and I'm the ocean.

  My body moves like a tidal wave in response to every thrust and motion.

  It's the most intense, hot, crazy experience of my life.

  The Titan owns me, proving it knows what my body wants more than I know myself.

  I really thought when we finally did it, I'd be describing it with words like a joining of the mind, body, and soul.

  But this is pure godly need.

  Pent up desire--filling me up, hard and hot.

  It's like when he pushed me on his desk and kissed me with his tongue.

  I thought then that a god's full power was unleashed on me.

  I was very wrong.

  This is when he's most powerful.

  When he's on the brink of losing control.

  It's like all his godly powers--that are usually used so well-honed--are in their purest and rawest form.

  I think of my scripts.

  Making love on a bed of rose petals in a meadow under a rainbow.

  Just like the script I wadded up and threw in the trash before I kicked the soccer ball at him, Aiden just took my first-time script and burnt it.

  Probably with his hotness.

  No more fairy tale bullshit.

  Fuck that.

  I rewrite every script I've ever written to this.

  This exact, crazy moment.

  White heat and electricity sizzling in the air.

  Lightning ready to strike inside of me.

  Then it's bolts of pleasure, flashes of desire, and burning heat.

  Now I understand why mere mortals always succumbed to Aphrodite.

  Making love to a god is like nothing on earth.

  "Holy shit," he says, his voice deeper and sexier than I've ever heard. "That was . . ."

  "Fucking amazing," I finish.

  He gives me one more hug, whispers I love you into my ear, and then moves away from me.

  "Uh, when did you put on a condom?"

  "Sometime between when you unzipped my pants and when we did it."

  "I swear, you never took your hands off me. Are you sure you're not magical?"

  "Yes, I'm sure," he says, laughing and kissing me again. "Take me back to your room, Boots. I'm so not even close to being done with you tonight."

  When we get back to my room, we lock the door, turn on some soft music, and dim the lights.

  The night is a swirl of kissing, hotness, positions, amazingness, sexiness, and love.

  All hot, sweet, and unbelievably, perfectly unscripted.

  I never knew sex could be so utterly, breathtakingly beautiful.

  I am so in love with Aiden.

  And, more importantly, I absolutely know he loves me.

  I look at the ring he placed on my left hand and know that's all the commitment I'll ever need.

  A few months ago, when B was leaving, I needed more. I practically begged for it.

  I understand now why I needed it. I needed emotional reassurance and thought that a label could make our relationship be a relationship. I was being clingy, hoping to revive what had fallen apart while we were in Europe. What I was afraid to let go of.

  I feel bad kinda. B was right when he patted my chest and told me I should've known it in my heart.

  I should have felt it, but I know why I didn't.

  Because it wasn't flowing out of him. He hadn't given me his heart. Not in the way I deserved.

  Not in the way Aiden has. His love for me shines through his every action.

  "I still can't believe you let me lie to you."

  "Sometimes I wanted to shake you and tell you I knew. That you could trust me."

  "I trust you more than anyone I've ever known."

  "And I love you more than I even knew was possible."

  I smile at him.

  For a long time, I was convinced that love potion resided in his mouth. On his tongue.

  But I was wrong. The source of his power is the Titan.

  It's practically a godly entity of its own when it's awakened.

  Every time I think my sexual credit card is maxed out, he touches me and I'm ready to go shopping again.

  And we all know how much I love to shop.


  Cookies for Santa.


  "Kiki! Kiki! Gracie wants presents!" I wake up to the sound of Gracie screaming outside my door.

  I crack one eye open, hoping she will stop so I can go back to sleep. I look at Aiden. He's out. I smile smugly, loving the knowledge that it was me who made him so tired.

  Gracie lets out a high-pitched scream, similar to the sound I think someone would make had they just been stabbed.

  Aiden jumps up. "What's wrong?"

  I grab a robe, quickly wrap it around me, and throw open the door. "Gracie! Are you okay?"

  She's sitting calmly on the floor, staring up at me with an angelic smile. "Gracie needs presents. And cookies for Santa."

  I scoop her up and carry her into my room, noticing Aiden isn't in bed anymore. "Gracie, when you screamed like that, I thought you were hurt. You need to us
e your inside voice."

  She puts her hand on her hip. "Gracie did use her inside voice but Kiki no answer. I scream because I need Kiki now!"

  "What do you need?" I ask again, as I hear the shower running in my bathroom.

  Dang. I want to be in there with him.

  Gracie must see me looking longingly at the bathroom door because she stands on the bed and grabs my face with her chubby little hands and forces me to look at her.

  "Gracie need cookies for Santa."

  "You can't put cookies out for Santa until tonight, before you go to bed."

  Her face starts turning red, a sure sign she's ready to have a meltdown. I glance at the clock, surprised to see it's just past noon. The last time Aiden used my credit card was around six this morning.

  Is it bad that I can't wait to get him back into bed with me?

  But it's Christmas Eve and I'm here with my family, so I pull Gracie off my bed and carry her to my closet. "Why don't you pick me out something to wear, and then we'll go make some cookies. How does that sound?"

  She gives me a broad smile, wraps her arms around my neck, and lays her head on my shoulder. I automatically pat her back gently and sway with her in front of the closet. "Are you tired, Gracie?"

  "No!" she says, leaving her head on my shoulder.

  I wrap my arm around her tighter, close my eyes, and keep swaying.

  She smells so good. A mixture of baby shampoo and sweetness.

  I'm so glad I got to come here. To watch Tommy and Mom finally say I do. To hear Damian profess his love for Peyton in front of everyone. To experience what Aiden and I shared last night. To hold my sister in my arms while she falls asleep.

  I pray it's not the last time. That I get to hold her like this until she gets too big. That I'm part of her life for a long, long time. That I'll see her experience all the things she wants. That I'll give her advice about friends and boys, so she won't make all the stupid mistakes I did.

  Aiden clears his throat. When I turn around to face him, I realize I'm in tears.

  "Are you okay?" he asks softly.

  I nod.

  "You really think you might not survive this, don't you?"

  I nod again as he very slowly sits on the bed, my reality finally hitting him full force.

  He sits there for a minute, processing it. Then he stands up and wraps both Gracie and me in a hug.

  "You always know how to make me feel better," I whisper.

  "I love you, Keatyn," he says, kissing my forehead.


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