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Get Me

Page 12

by Jillian Dodd

  "And we've got to get up early tomorrow. Probably should all be getting to bed," Riley suggests, as he places his hand over Ariela's ass. You can practically feel the sexual tension in the air.

  "Yeah, we should," Damian says, dropping his fork and agreeing the second he sees Peyton wander into the kitchen in a silky bathrobe.

  Cooper stands up and starts clearing the table and stacking dishes in the sink. "How about I clean up, since Aiden cooked?" he offers.

  I smile at him. "That'd be nice. I have serious jet lag."

  "Me too," Aiden says, throwing Cooper a dishtowel. "Thanks, Cooper." Then he turns to everyone and says, "See you all bright and early."

  "Not that early," I say. "We're planning to leave at nine, right, Damian?"

  "The band is on the red eye from L.A. tonight, so let's plan on ten."

  I brush my teeth and slide into a silky black cami set that Kym gave me for Christmas.

  I make a sexy entrance, only to find Aiden completely crashed out, lying diagonally across my bed.

  I slide in next to him and go to sleep.


  Cotton candy. Ferris wheel.


  We meet the band at the video shoot location. Troy gives me a big hug, as do Ethan and Billy, and I introduce them to everyone.

  Very quickly, Riley gets down to business. He's even more prepared than I expected, with little drawings of each scene he wants to shoot.

  Lying on our stomachs in front of the beach backdrop, facing each other.

  "You'll need beach towels," Ariela chimes in. "And sand."

  "Sand is being delivered shortly. Can you make a list of what we still need?" he asks her sweetly.

  Running through the sand, laughing and holding hands.

  "What are you going to wear?" Peyton asks me.

  "I brought a couple of bikinis and some little dresses, but I wasn't sure what you wanted, Riley."

  "We'll look at the costumes later. Let's make sure the scenes are what the band wants, first."

  He continues showing more boards.

  On surfboards, in front of the ocean backdrop. Big, corrugated cardboard waves in front.

  Eating ice cream together.

  Riding on the back of a scooter, my hair blowing behind me.

  The band, all in Ray-Bans.

  In front of the amusement park backdrop, me feeding Damian cotton candy.

  Riding a Ferris wheel.

  "That's going to be a tough one," Riley admits. "I don't know how we can recreate a Ferris wheel."

  "You don't need the whole wheel, just a seat from one," Aiden says. "Surely, we could find one somewhere."

  "I'll put you in charge of that," Riley tells him.

  Sitting around a bonfire, Damian and the rest of the band performing the song.

  In the moonlight on the shore. The big moon backdrop behind us.


  Looking in love.

  "So those are the date scenes that we'll intersperse into the video. We'll also shoot the band playing the song in front of all the backdrops," Riley says. "I thought we'd start with those shots while the girls get together the other props and wardrobe. What do you think?"

  Troy slaps Riley on the back. "I think it looks like a whole hell of a lot more fun than the video they wanted us to shoot."

  "I agree," Ethan says, grabbing his guitar case. "I'm ready to get started."

  The band gets set up on the sound stage. A few of the crew members from the Retribution set show up, ready to get going, and I take Ariela, Aiden, and Peyton to my dressing room.

  "So, we need two beach towels, cotton candy, a big sparkly heart, five pairs of Ray-Bans, and clothes for Damian and Keatyn," Ariela says.

  "And a Ferris wheel seat," Aiden adds.

  "Let's split up. Peyton, you make the heart. Aiden, you find the Ferris wheel seat. I'll get cotton candy, sunglasses, and beach towels. Let's see what you brought for clothes, Keatyn."

  I try on the bikinis I threw in my bag this morning and model them.

  When I'm in the last one, Aiden says enthusiastically, "That one. Definitely."

  "Are you sure? I thought I looked better in the blue one."

  He cocks an eyebrow at me. "Why don't you show those two to Riley and the band and see what they think?"

  "Uh, okay." I put the blue one back on and sneak into the sound stage.

  When Riley says "Cut," at the end of the song, I run up, model this selection, and ask them to wait for me to try the other one on.

  I change quickly and come out in Aiden's choice. A skimpy, sparkly, zigzag-printed triangle top and teeny bottoms.

  "That one," Troy says, the rest of them unanimously agreeing.

  "You don't like the blue one better? It looks like the ocean."

  "You're the eye candy, Keats."

  "Me? No. I'm just the background girl who's going to help bring the story to life."

  Riley starts laughing. He wraps an arm around me and leads me off the set. "Definitely that bikini. And, for the date scenes, I want the bikini top with a very skimpy pair of jean shorts. Then one of your flirty little short dresses and heels for the amusement park and the moonlight scenes."

  "Okay. I like how you're taking control, Riley," I tell him as I dash offstage.

  While everyone leaves to get their props, I play around with some makeup, then get bored and go in to watch the band perform the song a few hundred times.

  "Put the bikini, shorts, and some heels on," Riley instructs me a few hours later. "I want you to dance around while they're playing. Kind of like you did with me and Dallas in the video we made on the plane."

  I change quick, come back out, and have fun dancing. Shimmying against Damian and Ethan as they play their guitars. Sitting on Troy's lap playing the drums. Pretending to let Billy teach me to play the keyboard.

  "Do that thing you do, with your hair," Riley instructs, running his hand through his own hair and shaking his ass.

  I burst out laughing and dramatically cover my eyes.

  Damian says, "The way she just covered her eyes was adorable."

  "Keep singing," Riley says. "Keatyn, go."

  I close my eyes and move my body like I did for Aiden on the pool table, slow and sexy, while pushing my hair back off my face.

  "Perfect," Riley says. "Now, open your eyes and lick your lips."

  I try to lick my lips in a sexy way, but just end up laughing. I know I look like a total dork.

  "You need some motivation," Riley says. "Where's Aiden?"

  "Just got back," Aiden says from behind the cameras. "I found a Ferris wheel seat. It's being delivered later today. We may have to paint it, though. I think it's in pretty rough shape."

  "We'll worry about that later. Come stand here," Riley says, positioning him just off camera.

  "All right, Keatyn. It's just you and Aiden."

  My eyes brighten immediately and a smile plays on my face. As he smiles back at me, I break out into a broad grin. I can't help it.

  Aiden shoots me a kiss, so I kiss my fingertips and blow one back to him. Then I just stare at him and lick my lips, not even thinking that's what I'm supposed to do. I'm just reacting to how he makes me feel. Hungry.

  "Perfect," Riley says. "Okay, cut. Let's take a break. I'm starved."

  "I had craft service bring us in some food," Damian says. "Let's eat."

  After a late lunch, we film Damian and me in the scenes in front of the backdrops.

  First, the carnival scenes, with me trying to shove a large puff of pink cotton candy swirled on a stick in Damian's face.

  Peyton combined silver and hot pink glitter with bugle beads to make a heart to hang over our heads during the Crazy love is what I feel scene.

  We film all the scenes except for the Ferris wheel and the surfing scenes.

  When Riley decides he has enough takes, we quit for the day.

  "I need to upload all of today's video, see where we're at, and then we'll shoo
t more tomorrow. Great job, everyone. Let's meet back here at the same time."

  He grabs Ariela and pulls her into his arms. "Thank you for getting all the props."

  "I loved tracking things down and helping you with the details," she says sweetly. "We're a good team."

  I hear him whisper, "I love you, kitty," to her. Then he says, "We're going to L.A. when we graduate to do this together. Full time."

  "That sounds really fun," she agrees.

  We all hop in a car and head back to my loft. "So, you ready for some more acting?" I ask Damian. "Tonight's the big public date, right?"

  "Yeah, it is," he says, grabbing Peyton's hand. "My publicist set it all up with those reporters. We deleted all of Peyton's social media while we were in France and followed your advice for preparing a written statement about her. We didn't bother to include her last name. Just some basic facts, like her name--but we spelling it Payton--and how we met in Napa Valley at a party. How it's new."

  "That's perfect," I say, as the driver drops them off at Damian's dad's building. Cooper was afraid to let him come back to the loft tonight after their date, for fear he might be followed.

  "They don't need to know everything. We'll fulfill your bargain by giving them a few photos. I still don't want them to get any really clean shots of her face, though. I want to protect her for a little while longer," Damian says.

  "That's sweet. And smart," I tell him.

  A short ride later, we're at my loft.

  "I'll be working late," Riley says. "Ariela, is it okay if we order in?"

  I'm about to agree that it sounds nice when my phone buzzes with a text.

  Knox: You back in town? Should we make our first public appearance? Hit the club? Do a sloppy drunken exit? Or are you wanting a good girl image?

  Me: I am back in town. The club sounds fun. And as far as my image goes, I'd like to be somewhere between good and not-so-good.

  Knox: I can help with the not-so-good. Meet me around 11? Or should I wine and dine you first?

  Me: There's some stuff I need to tell you. Let's do dinner, privately.

  Knox: Oh, baby, I thought you'd never ask.

  Me: Very funny. I'll meet you at your hotel at 10.

  Knox: This probably goes without saying, but dress hot.

  "You're going to have dinner with Knox? Alone. In his hotel room?" Aiden asks me, reading over my shoulder.

  "Yeah, I feel like I need to tell him what's going on with Vincent before he's photographed with me. I want him to know that it could put him in danger."

  "I don't think he'll care. He's a publicity hound."

  "A very calculating publicity hound, from what I can tell. And this is just the first step of my plan. I want to be photographed. I want Vincent to start seeing pictures of me. Going clubbing with Knox practically assures that I will. And, hopefully, it will draw some of the attention away from Damian and Peyton. I'm gonna go get ready."

  "I'm not sure I like this," Aiden says as I walk away.

  I hear Cooper say to him, "Don't like what?"

  I pull on a slinky dress. I'm sitting on my chaise, putting on a pair of platform heels when both Cooper and Aiden join me in the closet.

  "What's up?" I ask them.

  "We're coming with you," Aiden says.

  "No, you're not," I reply adamantly.

  "Didn't you just tell me a few days ago that you'd listen to me?" Cooper says.

  "Yes, Cooper, I will consider letting you come with. I will not consider letting Aiden."

  Aiden taps his foot and purses his lips.

  "Aiden," I say. "You promised."

  He runs his hand through his hair, frustrated. "Yeah, I did."

  "Tell me your plan," Cooper says.

  "I'm sure Aiden already told you, but I'm meeting Knox at his hotel. While we have dinner, I will tell him the risks of being seen with me. Then, depending on his reaction, I may go to a club with him. And, hopefully, we'll be photographed together. It's all part of my plan, Cooper. Is Vincent in California right now?"


  "Then there's nothing to worry about."

  "There's a lot to worry about, but you're right that I don't think we have to worry about Vincent in this situation."

  "Awesome," I say, grabbing a Fendi baguette. "Don't wait up."

  I walk to my front door as Aiden says, "How are you getting there?"

  "His driver should be here to pick me up in a few minutes."

  Aiden pushes me against the door and kisses me hard. "You better be careful."

  "I know you worry about me, Aiden. But I'll be fine. It's not really any different than being on set together. It's just for the cameras."

  "I'm not worried about you and Knox. I'm worried about your safety. You keep talking about a showdown. About how you might not make it."

  "We're not to that point yet. This is just a little prequel. Something for him to think about while we take over his company."

  He kisses my nose. "I love you."

  "I love you too. I'll text you."

  "That would make me feel better."

  I kiss his nose. "Good."

  "Using my own tricks against me, huh?"

  I give him a smile as I walk out the door.

  Make some noise.


  Knox greets me with cheek kisses, escorts me in, and gives me the grand tour of his hotel residence. It's gorgeous. Dark wood, modern furniture, lots of glass, steel, and marble. Big, fluffy bed, dining table set with candles.

  "Champagne?" he asks.

  "I'd love some."

  "Sit," he says, gesturing to a pair of chairs set in front of an expanse of glass looking out at a beautiful view of the Manhattan skyline.

  We take a seat as a butler serves the champagne.

  "You have a gorgeous view."

  He clinks my glass. "Here's to sharing something special."

  I lean toward Knox, knowing full well the butler will hear my whining. "Knox, baby, I thought we were going to be alone tonight."

  Knox touches my face and stares into my eyes, much like he did the other day when we ran through some new lines. "Your wish is my command."

  He waves a finger at his bodyguard. "Make yourselves scarce."

  The bodyguard nods and leaves, taking the butler with him.

  I'm about to spill my guts when the doorbell rings.

  Knox rolls his eyes and goes to the door.

  "Our food is here," he says, looking irritated at the waiter for intruding. "Just set it up on the dining room table."

  The food is set up painstakingly slowly; Knox signs the bill and puts the Do Not Disturb sign on the door.

  "No more interruptions," he says, politely holding my chair out for me.

  "That's good. Shall we eat first? The food looks amazing."

  "It is. One of the reasons I'm staying here. So, what's the deal with you and Aiden? I noticed your new ring."

  I glance at the beautiful ring Aiden gave me in the gazebo. "He just gave it to me."

  "Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?"

  "No. I wanted you to know about my situation before we're seen together."

  "Your situation?"

  "I have a stalker."

  "Don't we all? The one here almost had someone at the front desk convinced she was my sister, that I was in danger, and she needed to check on me. I think she's pitched a tent outside, so she'll know if I leave."

  "Mine is a little more than that. His name is Vincent Sharpe."

  "I know that name. He does, um--movie futures, right? And, oh, I know, he was doing that nationwide search for the next Abby Johnston." He pauses and stares at me. "That's a weird coincidence."

  I take a big drink of champagne. "Knox, I don't know you very well yet. And I want to trust you. Can I trust you?"

  "I'm not my image. You know that."

  I nod and keep going. "Vincent is a long-time fan of my mom's, although Mom never knew who he was. He was just someone who sent her sweet stuff
over the years, starting not long after A Day at the Lake released. He had a rough childhood, but was taken in as a young teen by his grandmother, a former film star, and sent to the finest schools. He inherited money when his mom and her--I think--sixth husband were killed. He took that money and invested it in a small production company. One that owned the rights to A Day at the Lake. Since then, he's built up the company and become known as a movie futures golden boy. This past spring, we believe, he got into my mom's trailer on set and left her a gift. We also believe he took a photo of me and Mom from a Hawaiian vacation. We were on the beach, both in bikinis. The theory is that he saw the Abby he fell in love with in that photo. Me. After that, I met him. He told me he wanted to make a movie with me. We became friends, sort of. I had dinner with him. Invited him to my birthday party. Where he tried to kidnap me."

  "Kidnap you? Why isn't he in jail?"

  "It was my birthday party. I'd been drinking. He's rich and good-looking. He said it was just a mistake. That he'd been trying to help me. The police didn't have enough evidence to charge him. But he had a van out back with drugs and restraints. He told me we were going to make the movie together. Even after it all happened, part of me still didn't believe it. Like, did I make a mistake? Mom had just finished filming To Maddie, with Love, and we think those sex scenes set him off. He started calling her a whore. He put a threatening note in my little sister's backpack. And his grandmother, who he idolized, passed away. Hell, I even helped him spread her ashes on the beach. But that same night--the night of my party--after I was back home, he broke into my boyfriend's house, took one of my bikinis, and left a packet of pictures for my mom."

  "Your mom was smoking hot in that film. I loved it. So, what were the pictures of?"

  "Me. He'd been following me and taking photos for months. I had no idea. Everyone freaked out. They thought about putting me in a witness protection program but ended up sending me to boarding school. They made me leave my friends without telling them a word. Set me up with a different name. I had to lie about who I was. They said he'd forget about me. But he hasn't. He broke into rehabs trying to find me. He messaged me on my old Facebook page. He showed up at my ex's surf tournament. He followed my mom shopping in New York City and accidentally found me. I was lucky to have gotten away. He almost got me in Miami when I saw Damian. He sent photoshopped pictures to my mom where Tommy's head gets blown off. After my ex won his first pro surf tournament and dedicated it to me, he got the same type of photo. And the nationwide search . . ."


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